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' � . - °- � - }., - _ - <br /> `;�� , . � .. . . . <br /> _ re�id�in��ar tfriin�an af�iCS At' "384 l�sth tialudt Street GranB Zaland. ��� 68801 <br /> < ' <br /> � � �� � ` ���«�� Fi�6�nk Netlonel Asaociatlqr4 Omaha.Netxaska , . �p � � _- <br /> .�,= , ° ib P[i�+cipY,d�iOS at Cknih�,N�Onat�s(t�ersin ceibd�l►s�t�riee"),. ` . • � , — <br /> - -�- -s�` , � tIMtTNIESSETH: � . ° � . , ' • .`��';�_t- <br /> ..<�. . < . � < < — ---== <br /> �. f,` � . . �y-�,;-...=�._ - ` FOEiYIILUEFiECE1VED.As�i�no�ha'ebyy�enls►trs�srssndasslgnsbths/►ssignasatldth�rl�tWbatld , —_—_ <br /> .�-r:=,°a. ::,��_, i�riereqolAsiipnorinanQb�ri�►andalilesebsandotlferbnande�twworhereatle�mAdeaeo�wIthreepectbrietad�a�� ,, _ ___ <br /> -�.,E... <br /> • �,.-� . ��.z� IoCaMd i1FF ` 1�, �Cnnatp. He#�rasim ' _��e�� l� _ <br /> ` .�"`.` ' . �` ''� �tSchedulsAhereo�iMhiChte�lesla�e�hallber�ileRedtot�eteir�a(Iaras"Piremi�es;Inclu�rg.butnotQmiledlo�ihstprWn - <br /> .` ��_ " - �;r-� ' Lelasp���o�se�erMiinLeuear►�ny.d�edinSchsdule8hereo�coreriiglttsRnemiee� w(Ih . ``' <br /> . _ - � - tll�v ana al1�cl�n�ions ar rr�ewds tt�ereo�C�an�►and aN Qt tl�s Lseee's obQ�diorx�under any o�i a`rrw _ <br /> - M. txidet a n y r n d aN e x t e n�i o r q or rsr�vBtsM s t ry i h a+s o�and dl r e n b:�u e�.O r c f i t s►teNen u e s►d e p a i h►�����f l ` . <br /> � _.. � '-., �:. � p NpMa and bsr�etiti now or her�aeAer ari,etrg iranauch leaee arM tenancies a 16r ths use and occuperrcY d ta :� , <br /> - . . P�and sny and ail exbnsions a�renewalstliereot Ssid teaaes and tenancks or a1he�use oNhe Pren�iees to�etl�sr � � = <br /> , . . . ,w��H,h,�a�n��and�d�l�uwe�rnan�aes.modilicatfons.ex�tiona,,andrenewalslhe�epfahallbesome�meshereinaAerre�eiredbastlts i <br /> ,. �. . � , <br /> _- . - '..�.�+.{�•- _ ._ _ ._iOOY a �iAiO��_ . _ . _. � '__ . , _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _' .. .. ._ . . , . __ _ �__ ,_ . __ _ . r __ .__ <br /> Z�'� � <br />' • ' . _ . FpR TNE PURPO.SE 0�SECItRWd:, . � <br /> . -� , . . . . . � ., <br /> ° � ONE: Payma�tand peAwmance ot eaCit arid every debL IlaWitry and obligation ot every type end ._ � <br /> : : ;�. <br />- .._ . ._. _ ...-. ��-----., :... , which Asai�nor msy�ow or any�ime hereat�x owe�Aaai�nee;inctuding,but not�imi�ad ta the irid�dns�af�i�;�� <br />' ` ..� � seaxedby A�t ceA�in maiDeQs a deed of ouat mads by ths llesognor to�hs Aes�nee daled - - ,t9 � . ; � <br /> , . . � a�rocandsdorbbs�cordedatorpriortotherecordinpofthiaAasi�nmeM,oranyotl�ermortQaQeordeedof�ri�att�eroaAx ' <br /> thswl�oleoranyp�rtollhsPrami�es.twheM�suchdebRl�biliry.orobligalionnawexia�arist�eroatbrcrosledvr i <br /> . . - , . -- �ro�anawt+e�t+eritisormsyaeqi�ececr+r+ai�eo�aueor�obec�meauaabaau�eoroonun�ent n�siya , . ; .� ' . <br /> _..._. .._. ._,._..:.�...._. __...� liquidats0 0►unliqutdated.or joint sererai.or joltn and aeveral,s0 auch deb�a,liabitilka and obi�ions bN���� ; • • <br /> • . . Cdfectiv0ly roleRed 10 sometlrtfes t�s tlte"Obil�Ons"k 8nd ��----�.�--- <br /> . , 7W0: Pertamence and dlscha�e ot�ch end every obfigation. covenant end �reement of Assipnor. <br /> i � �. : _� � ` - cootained herein or in any auch tnoR�e or deed ot duat o�any note or bond secured thereby.or in arry obli�ation or any � . <br /> ' seFu�ing documeM�iven In ccnr�ection with any of the Obllpations aecured hereay. <br /> ��• ' A. TO PROTECT THE SECUiifTY OF THtS ASSK3NMENT ASSiGNOR AGREE$,WITH RESPECT TO EACH � � <br /> ;. � , � LEASE: , . . . <br /> � � � <br /> - . ---.. _.. _ ._. ... .i ' t. To taitl�tully abide by.PeAorm and discharge esch and every obligation.covenant and agreement at ths Leaes ' � <br /> , .. _ byLessabbeperiormedto�ive.promptnoticebthaAasigneeotanynWiceotdetauitonthepanWAas��norwilhreapectto ; <br /> . 1hsLesaereceiMedfromLeaseeor��etherwithanaccurateandwmOtelecopyotarryauchno�lfca;atlheaoiscost ; <br /> � and expenas ot Asai�no�.to eMvrce a aecure the performanoe of each and every obli�ation,coMenant conditi�on and <br /> . a�aen�entatihstsessbyMsLes�eetobePerto►me�aottomodiyorinanywayaloerthetennsoflhsLesfeCnofbternMnsls � <br /> -: - - . . . - the Mnn ol Me I.ease and notto accept a aunender oi the renb ihereurtder or b wahre,exCUas.condone a in any manner . : <br /> ' . �elesae a dlact�ar�sthe Lesses thereunder trom the obN�ati�ons.covenaMs,condltlona and aQroemenb by the Leases w bs . . • <br /> � • - -�--�-� perlorme�ioCtuding the obU�etion to psy 1he roMal Celted tor tltereunder In ttt9 m8nner and at tlte p18Ceand Ume spsCiNsd . . <br /> . .� . theroin�and Assipna does by thess P��s expresatY retease.�ellrtquieh a�sunender uMo!he si�nee all A�fl�nors . <br /> ' _ . � riphl.pawerandauthait�rbmodli�rorinanywayalEerlhetenriaorprovia�lonsoltheLeaa�ortolermin Mthstermoracoepta <br /> � . � aunender tAereof.and any ato�empt on the part ot the Aasignor to exerciae arry auch ri�ht without tffe wri�en authairy and <br /> . -- - ; consern of tRe Aadgnee thereto being tlrat had and obmined ahatl ccnstttute a Oefauit ot the te�ms hereo�aa deHned <br /> __ herelnafter.endtling the Aaaignee to dectare atl sums aecured herebyimmediatety due ana payabt� . � <br /> ` 2 At Assisnora sole caat and expenae to eppear in and defend any actfon or proceedinp arlairq under.growirp <br /> : ' � out ot or in any manner connected wlth the Lease or the obNgaUoha.du�es ct UabiUUes of Lessor,L.eaaee or puaraMOr <br /> ; ;� th�under.and to pay ati cosb and eupenses of the Assignee�includl�g attomey's fees in s reaaonable aum,in any auch , <br /> . �'-. . BCNon vr Oroceeding�n whiCh the llssignee may eppear. , <br />'�.� � �---'- � . � .:; . 3. 7hat ahoutd Asfipnor tail to make any peym�ent ar to do any act aa herein p�ovlded.lhen 1he Assi�nne�but <br /> '-�. :' ' . . ' wlthout cbU�atbn so to do and without notice to or dert�and on Assisnor.and witl�out retee�in�Asei�nor trom anll obl�i�atlo� <br /> ,;, ob <br /> . �:.. � : . her�of.may mfke or do the a�me in such manne�and to auch exbrn es the nee may deem neoe�sery b prolect the <br /> - � ' MCUrity hereof.inctudln�apeciflcalty.wltl�put Umi�rq ils�en«powers,the�t b appear in�de1M�dany aotlon ar � <br /> � '-,-: � - 0����0 �Pa'drgtodlbctihs�curtlyheneofaKiFistishes powersoHhs/l�iyte�aitdaho riphtbuenoflf�d�!yb - _ <br /> � _ pNtorm��iachfr�s eich,ertd every obltqallon,covenant arM apreemeM of Lasaor in ths Lesee conWna�end in <br /> - , __ -. ,. .�. ���ny wcb powers b pay neceaaary costs and expenaes,emptoy counsel and incur and pay reaeon8ibis atbmeys _ . <br /> � ._ , <br /> . � TopafI im'rrfedisWyupondemandatlaumsexpendeabylheA�si�nesunde►theauM�o�ityhereM.ebetharwlth . <br /> ��• . inMn�t tl�aon al ths hiphai nteset bAh inany of fhe Obffgaatio�ssecuredhereby.and the aart�s sha11 bs d�to the <br /> . � Obiqtlions and aNrl b�s�cwed f�eby and by 1f�e said a �ia�s�s cr deed af bust . . . . .. <br /> _ � . . � 5r. Tf�t/1s�nacWi4nattranafercrconYaytatheLe�as�e�eMetesUtbfQlhederniaedPre�rtilses�►aanYP��� :. . <br /> �_ -...,� .: � :- tlfifAi�lit�Mftlilf��fltfOf�flQ�ff��fQ�3t6��bCQQC trtHCLOf�BfiCAwlMfili�lBflif�„�AVBfiffif�� ° `_ ,_- <br /> _ . . candidara of 1f��aid nor ar bond sacurad by aaid matgspe a daed��oi� , , <br /> i , ,.» . . � , � , <br /> - , . . , • . . <br /> . . �A.61u b�8� 7: ' � , • . . <br /> --'-- � ' < , ' , <br /> . . ' . . . y. . <br />