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<br /> r.��--y �,��, fL\r'(i�:��13
<br /> ` �_'T-°- ;-�;.:._ ! �� (1�ti�ltt;�.�41:vll1Q� —_-__-_-----
<br />; - r: - z;_• —
<br /> ���-_...4� � Mny•U��n unt���w�+runN��.I1nrr��wrr�nct I.endcr ft�rther cuvonnnt nnd nyrce ns l'olluws: q'�'1'N:ILO J.GOGAN -. - -- -
<br /> .
<br /> =���� � 1q. Act�tert�llc►nt �imxdl�e. [,cndcr eh�li givo nntIce ta lii��•ruwcr prtur t�+ accelcreNon follnwir�K f3nrc�i�cr�s � ,� _
<br /> ' p��ac���twny cavcnxnt�ur n rceme�tt iu lhiy Sec�erie �nslruntont tt+at hut prior to accilcrat[on ondcr pura}��ephs 13�nit 17 �-- r _
<br />''��'�"�'"= untrY�p�pticnb lo IKw.prav l dea n t hcrw tee).T h 0 RQ Z C U BIIAW 9(lLCf��:li�)tho dePaulh,ll►>tho acttuu rcQutrcd to curc thu �` ° � -
<br /> �
<br /> - -��;..'�"�� detwulq(cl w dMte�not Ie��fNe�t�3D d�Ye hom the dato the u+�tico i9 given t��l�ovrow�►��'hy�vhlch tho detnult muyt bo c►�rcd; t�� � �.,,;:;
<br /> � �nd ld)th��i fwli�ire to¢ure tha defpult on ur beiu�e tho S�+tu spocif�ed in tho naliea miiy result in ncccleralian nP the sums � - �,y� _
<br /> ��'`�.� securcd t►y thl��ccurity Inetrvn►cnt artd dale ut tha Prope�ty,'1'hu n�tiee ehull Ii+rtAer iniorm Itorrower ot Ohe righ;tt► _ _ A _ ___
<br /> �� rglatl�te�40cr a�ccelerRtlau aad tha ci�ht t��iring a cou��t�tcdnn ta t3sscrt tha noa•ex�tence ot a detnuit or any other ._, � - ._
<br /> ,; � d���nwt at liorrawK�tn acrelesutlnn and eale.it tha dvfsult is nnt cured m�or beforr 1ho dmtc sprcltied in thc nc�ilee�I.ender �_ �
<br /> _ .:..� ai i�e�i�il��a nay s.vat:c tmr.a:wlal• ^,ayr.!«n� a� �ll�nF q�l 91111�a c�ru�Y�d Gy thix 5ccuritv lnet�umcnt withot�t tUFihc�' � - - - _-
<br /> ,�,� ;w 1 dcmanA And m�y Invuko lha paNe�ol�to and aay other�c�c�iiea permittcd i,y uti►�jltcabfe la�.l,cnd.r sh�tl ke entttl�d t�► �_."'� _ _
<br /> �' t: � c�llcct �11 eapenr�9 Incurred In pu�nuing tho romcdtcs paovided in tMs para�;�eph 19. includi�g, nut nnt IUnitcd to. �� _
<br />_y=�- eeasanabla nttornoya'fees end cos��ol'titla ovidence. � �.�-_-=
<br /> °= � It tha power af nato le Invoked,'Trustec shall rccard a nutice oi'def9ulf in cuch county In whlch any part ot tha ;�,�,
<br /> �.. . : Pruperty 1�locatcd And ehnll m�l)topic�at such notice in cRer mannor prc�crji�cd b��applict�blc law to liarrnwcr nnd fo Itte , „
<br /> r�r;'� ' �� • othee(a:rsans prescribed by pppliCablp larv.Atter tho time rcqufred by npplicndQe law,Trustae shnll pive public notica oP • , -
<br /> =�� ' � eala ta thc�crsony nnd I�tho manne�pecscribcd by applicAblm I��v,7f�ustee.withoiie demnnd un llorrawer,shall ecil thc ''�,�^, ^
<br />=�``• � • . Property ut pubUc Wuctia�to tho hlghest btddor at tho tl�no aflc�place aad undor thc tcrmy dcsignutcd In tho notl�c c►P onlc lo •
<br />:��,` one ur marn parcely end In pny ortle�'Trusteo determines.Trustee mny poatpuno sale of�iU nr any paccel of tho Pro�►crty by '�'i."��.
<br /> . r. ,�„�'_°==
<br /> y�;-- � puBllc an�au�semcnt pt thc timo and placo ot sny previuu�ly scheduted sa1c.H.Of1i�EY Of�19(ICSIgpCC tliNy Pttl'ChAY(�the ,.,„._:_ '
<br /> , �= Pm�ertY at any�alc, . ''�� �-.-=
<br />.,;�y�„ � Upan recelpt ai payment at the price b9d,Trustee shAlE deli�er to the pur�9i:isc�Trustee's deed canvcytop the �� ,�
<br /> ' � Property.The recltAls In thc Trustco's dced shall be prima faaie eviclmnre of t�e truth at the stHtemente mndc thc�ein. €T _Ji_
<br /> �'`�= T�ustco shall u{►ply tho pracceda of the salo in tho follawinp ardor:(n?c�m�!��expe�nses ot the a�le,includinp,6ut not Niiiltcd
<br /> � to�Trustee'e teiA ae permitted hy opplicablo law and re�.�onablc attor�ncys'�ices:(b1 Qo all sum9 secu�ed by this Secueity . , �i��
<br /> �-l` Instrumeat;and fcl aoy exce�tp the poreaa ar persorts leqally entiticd Qo it, '� . ° ,
<br /> � • 20. I.e�der �n Possesaian. Up�n accclerution under p�rugra�h 1�� or at+andonm�n� uP Ihe F'mpeny, Lendcr(in
<br /> ���� rsan,by ugcnt or h judiciull u aintcd receiver)shull be cntitlec�to r.nter upon, take pa�scssiun aP and manugc the �
<br /> . pc Y Y PP 1
<br /> 1'raperty nad to coUcct the�enty oP thc Property including thosc pust due, .�n}•rents rnllertcd hy l.ender or thc recei�•er �
<br /> � � shnll be npplied Orst to puyment oP the costs aP mnnngement ot'the Froperty and callection oP rent�. including,but nnt
<br /> limitcd ta,rcccivcr's fi�e.r•, p�cmiums on reccive�'s honds and reASUnAble ntta�ncys'f��s,�nd then to thr.i�m�xc�ured by ! ;
<br /> �� ' • thir5ccurityln�irument. I '�
<br /> 21.Recunveyancc.Upon paymcnt af ula xumr secured by thio Securit�lnsuumcnt, Lcndcr shall requ�wt Trustcc tc� ; �
<br />: �. - recunvey�he!'roperty and sh�ll surrcnder thix Serurity Instrumcm�md nll notes e��idencieig debt�ecured bp thi�Securi�y �
<br /> lnstrument to'fr►i�tee.'frustee shnU rccamvey the Pmperty withuut���c+rrant�und���ithi�ut ch�rge tr�he perti��n ur person� E ��
<br /> � �''�
<br /> . .�; , Iegolly entitled l��it.Such per�on or perrons shall puy aoy rccordatian co�ts. ,
<br /> I�,;�,'.;s',;;;:�� � . 22,Substltutc Trustec.l.cndcr,at its option,muy from time ta time remc�vc Trustee and appoint a.ucccssor trustce ; ��
<br /> ..,..
<br /> ��•'��•" to aoy Trustee nppainted hereund�r b nn inst�ument rccarded in the county in�vhich thi�Securin•inctn�ment ix recorded.
<br /> .,.•�..)c.: � Y
<br /> '�`'`� �•� Without conv�yance of Ihe Property,the successor�rustce shuii,ucc�i ta as�tfi:•.itl.��'ti�es s�+�c!a!ie��•c�!�ferrecl upon — _ #�F�
<br /> ,.�r: . # ^
<br /> .��� Trustce hcrcin nnd by appUcable luw. � • �•a�
<br /> :.,.�_ .. ,
<br />-:','{;,;'�'•�� Z3, Request tor NotleeA, Horra�ver request.r• Ihat rc�piez uf the notices af default and �ale l��ent tc� Barr��a•ar'9 . � ;�,
<br /> �=;���.�7j�—___---' au�3rcii wl�ic�t i�i tic Fiz�ri:iiy A:'.�i�;;.
<br /> l�_.._�_._� � ' '
<br /> 24.Riders to this Sccurity Instrument,iP��ne or mc�rc ride�s urc rxecut�d b��.�sfou�er and recorded logethrr with ��--��-
<br /> this Seeurity lnstrument,the eovenants und agreementti aP ench such rider shnit be inc�rporated intu and shall c►mend nnd i ;� •�
<br />° supplement the covennnls pnd �greements uP thiy Security In�trument as iP the rider�xa were a part c�f'this 5erurity ( ,. -,_
<br /> Instrument.(Check Applicable b�x(es)J � �
<br /> [� Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider � 2-4 Family Rider �
<br /> [] (3radunted Payment Rider [] 1'lnnned Unit Uevelopment Rider ' . • ; -
<br />? . [xJ Other(s) (specit�) Acic.nt7wle�gem�nt I
<br /> i
<br /> . ,
<br /> ,�..
<br /> `.; ,`��;_?' BY SI(7N1NG BEGOw, Aorrrnver uccepts amd iiF�eeti t� �he rms und co�•enants contai • this Security � .__
<br /> -. ;,; ,,:�,:. Instrument und In nny rider(s)executed hy E�arrnwer und�ecarded�•' t• �
<br /> ,,�. ,• � �..�____� .
<br /> �,, .c.. � ��eaq �
<br /> ,. �.. � �'. Gau ; /�-ao�,o,.�.
<br /> . �.,��`.;� ' ..G��'�r.d�.��.�".'..-�..(5eal)
<br /> .X... ...�y�i�• _aa��oWP�
<br /> �,,::� anice L.
<br /> ..,,;,'.:::�
<br /> _ — �9paee Delow Thn 4ine AchnowledgmaM) �
<br /> ..j•.._, . .
<br /> , , ...
<br /> STATH OF .... Nebrasl�t................ I
<br />- ' ' 1'. �� ..�..� 9. �
<br /> S �
<br />._-. -�--�:---=...:...� CBUNTY QF . 1 i
<br /> ....�?-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<br /> . ;, .
<br /> -` , Tho PoreBaing instrument a•��ackno�vledncd hcfnrr m���hia.........�ttne 21,..1991...............................
<br />" c I, (;authier (dlce) �
<br />``.�.� � . by ....�lin.J•..Gauthier and ,7anic .. '... ....................... ... .......................... �
<br /> .....
<br /> ..� (PcrFCm(s) ncknowlcd�tine)
<br /> �
<br /> . �MET�A1fSiW N I�A�r�
<br /> My Commission expires: �'����N
<br /> ' . .. ...,....�.✓... ..............� .
<br /> . �. . ...
<br /> � � • Natury I'ubNc �
<br /> �' � • Thls9nstrumcnt was prcp�rcd by.,.......,,�...�.,...�,..�.......................�...,,....�..�...................
<br /> - . . .
<br /> . �
<br /> . �
<br /> ,
<br /> � , ,
<br /> � ___. _ _. _ __ __
<br /> ,. -- --- �....__..
<br />