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1 1 \�\.��.` � � - � ��'` - `�` ._ .. . '___ . � : _l._�_�____ _�_.�.\... . .. ' .. \ �-. _ <br /> .d1� . ..� �"fI - — . � � , '_�.-_ ' . . _ e��C 1 � ��'-„r..-. <br />� . � .._ .. . . - .. . . .�.�_ .,....._._. �k__. <br /> . .. 1. . � �, ' �. .. •^�T•. . <br /> . ._ _ ' <br /> , � � � �- ._.. --__.. <br /> - _ <br /> . . • __—_'_'�.....—.._ ,_�� _ <br /> �. ._ »�:.._.�,....��...._...��._.:_ �.�. -�. . — - <br /> ..,.�.��,"l� ......_""�..._._..."__'_—'-' �� y+ '. <br /> . ��c-9R� �,O��Lf l/ � F � _ --- <br /> � -- _ _.. 1lNIFOtiA9 GiWL'NAN'iY. I�m'r�zwce��d I,ender covcnunt ond ngrcc us follow.� ��'� ��=- <br />•t , 1'rep�y�ttent 4nd I.ete Churges. klar�a�vcr Shall prump�l�� p�y�vhcu Ju�; --—, �- �- <br /> �� 1, Payoncntat Prtpclyel and[nte�est; _ ._, _�.:t,..-,��- <br /> � tbe princl�al oPund interest�m Ihe debt evidcnccd by ttte Notc und ttny prcpnymant und lute cht►e�cti duc un4ler thc Natc, ,�_ � ,_ ; <br /> t 8�►r�uw�r sh+ill pc�y . , _ <br /> �. Cunds for'�axes and Insurance� Sut+ject to npplicnblc lii�v or ta i�writtcu wuivir hy Lendcr, +���` ��� <br /> � � .. � - to Lcndcr nn thc dny monihly pnymcats nrc duc undcr Ihc Nc�tc,u�itll thc NotG is paid In flill,a��um("f'undy')cNu+i)tu . ,; 't ._ : .^ __ <br /> onc•t�vclRtt ��P: (n) ye�rly tnxcs nnd nssessmenta whicb mi�y utti�in pri��rity uver this Security Instrumcm: tn> y�a�r�� -__ <br /> - Icaschald puy�ncnts or ground rents un thc 1'raperty, ii' anv; (�) Y<<+�'ly ho.•urd in�uruncc pr�ntit►mr•: ,����� t�i� r������� . _ . . <br /> _ - --- - - m o r t g a g e i n i u n m re premiums,ii'an y.TheS�itett�s arc called"c5�t'��w itemy,°l.endrr mttp esti�nutc the F���ud�du�un thc � -- : --- --—__- <br /> ° Gasis of currcnt dat.+nnd reasnnublc estinx►tes oP i'uture cccrow i temy. �. . '� <br /> = : � - -- <br /> _,. �_.. _, Th�Fn�d�.hnil tx:L�:lu iu o������titutica th�d�Ya�i;r:or:scr,•e����•��f which nru insurcJ ur�;uuruntcrd by u fr.lrrul��r �_ ; - .. . <br /> -�- .' - stute ogency(includin� Lcndcr if'Lendcr is such nn in.r•titution), i.cnd�r tihuU .�ppiy itir I'1utd�tt��r,ty fhc euru�v►tenu. � ,• - . -- ` <br /> � I.cndcr may not chnrbe for haldinp�nd npplying the Funds,Unnlyzing the i�ccount ur vrrif�•ing�he cscruw i�emy,unles, . <br /> � Lcndcr puys t�orrowcr intcrcrt on Ihc Funds imd i�pplicnhlc law permilr I.endcr to mukc�u�h a chur�� Burr�ur�cr and , <br /> Lendcr may +�arcc in writinR thut intcr��t shnll bc puid un�he Funds. Unley��nn ugrcement ir mitdc or iippUcuhic luw . __ <br /> r c q u i r e s in teretit to be puid, I.cndcr shall no1 hc rcquircd to pay F�ornnvcr un�' intcres�or carninNs on Ihc Fund�• l.endcr • ; �_- <br /> shnll givc to kiorrawcr.�vithaut churgc,tto unnu�!accounting of t hc Funds s hnwing crc d i t z n n d d c h i t h t u I h e F u n d s u n d t h c _ <br /> purpasc Por�vhich cach dcbit to thc Funds wos mcidc�Thc Fundy nrc pledBcd iiti ndditiunul�ccuriry Por thc sum�sccured by �. <br /> . . thls Sccurity Iastrument. � mcnts uf Funds puyubli�priur n, . � <br /> �� ,`•'' IP thc amaunt of'thc Funds hcld hy Lcnder,togethc�wi�h thc futurc monthly r.y . , 9r _ <br /> ��:,, __ <br /> � thc due dAtes uPthe escm�v items,shuU excced the umouat requircd�n pay thu cscrow items wh���uc,th�excctix shull e. , ;` <br /> • ut Aorrower'���ptian,ci�her promptly rep:�id to f��r�o�ver or credited to Bnrr��wer�m manthl}• � ments��f Fund�. It'thc . �-_ <br /> " '� ' amaunt oi'thr Funds held by l.cndcr is not sufficient ta puy Ihe cscrow itcros when due,H��rrower shull pi�y tu l.cnd�r un�� ���:� <br /> {— <br /> nmoum ncti�:�.�ary to mukc up�h�deflciencY in ane or murc pay ments ns requi�cd by l.endcr. , _. <br /> ' Upon j•�ymcnt in ftill oP nll cumti�ecured by this 5ccurity ln.rirument, Lundcr shuU pmmptly refund tu Norru«�cr i <br /> . � any Fuuds liel.�oy I,end�r. l;under,•�ri�gruph 1'�thc Propert�•is srld nr ucquircd by l.endcr,Lcndcr shull upply,nu lulcr . � . , . ;'� <br /> than immediutely prior tn 1hc��Ie af thc Prapc�ty or its ucqui�iti�.�n by Lendcr,any Fund�hrid by Lcndcr ut thc timc uP , ,�_ <br /> , applic:►tirn ns i+crcdit aguin�t the sums sccured by this ticcuruy Inst rum�nt. � • <br /> � • 3. Applic�tion of l�iymenta. Unless itp{�li��ble luw provides uthcr���ise,ull pa>�ment�reccived by Lender un�trr . �. <br /> ':;::�, ,. ��� <br /> . . parugruphs 1 and ��hi�U hc i►pplied:flrst,to lute charges due under thc Nate;secrnd,ta p�epayment charges duc undcr thc ► .� F_� <br /> � " Nate;third,to imlountx p:►yublc under paragrAph 2;Pourth,to intcrcht duc;:►nd la�t,to principul duc. � � <br /> 4. CharRes�Uens. Barrawer shall pi�y i�U taxcs,asscs�ments,churges,flnes i►nd impayitions attributablr tu the 't� <br /> . Praperty which rnay �ttuin prioriry over this Security Instrument, und Icutichuld pu)'menis ��r graund renis,, � . . <br /> . Qarrotvcr rhull pay thcwc��bligutions in�hc munncr providcd in pur��Eraph«,nr if m�t paid in ihut mi►nnrr,Uorra�vrr.I�ull i i',1 <br /> ' pay t hem on timc direcd y tt�the person owed puyment.A��rn�wer tihnll prumpth'tur�ii�h to Lendcr ull n��tic��rt'amaunis <br /> ta be puid usider this pnrngrnph. If Sorrower oiuk�s thcsc pi►ymen�s dircrtl��, Borrowcr sh.�ll prom�tly furniti h to Len dar <br /> receipis evidencing Ihe puymems, � y :: <br /> Burrawur shull pn�mptly dischurge uny lien�vhich huc pri�rity uver this S¢curity �ntitrument unleti�Harrawcr.(ul <br /> ugtees in�vriting to the payment aP the obligntion secured by the lien in u mimu�r uccepti�ble to I.4nder;(hl cuntests in gr��d , <br /> � -`-- ° iaiti�ihr iie�t t�y,.�i deF�ds ag�'sttxt enfnrcement nf th�tien in,legul proeecdin�s a�hi4h in thr I.ender'�opiniun aperatr to � ; <br /> prevem the enforremenl of'thc licn or forf'eiture oP any part�,f thr Yrop�rt�;or(c).ccures from thc hoidar���the iicn nn �:-; - __-- ---� - ' <br />. agrecment wtisfiutnry to Lender suhordinating the lirn t��thi.Security ln+tr►�ment. lf Lcndcr determines thul uny pu�t of �:, <br /> � -- .._ the Prnacr�y i��uhjcct tu a licn which may attain pri�,rity�►�cr this Scr�uity lnstrum�nt. Lrndcr may gi�•r 13urm��•cr u • . <br /> -•°-°---..,_._ ..,��:.r�h nhn�•��vithin IOdaYti <br /> _. . ....... .. . . .. . . . . ... .f�l.......��.���• <br /> , ._ . . .......... . . . .._.,.._�_.._.. <br /> noticc identiPymg thc licn.Hurrowcr,h.+ll suusly uic ucn�,r r.ine�,��c�,� ut�^c„�""..`•••.••....`. ---' _ '- <br /> of thc giving c�f nuticr. , :,y' <br /> ' S. Hnxurd lnsurnnce. l3orrawer shull keep thc impruvemcnts now cxititing un c�rcaPter crectcd on the Property <br />- insured ngains�I�ns by Hrc,hazurd.r•included within the term"extended a�veruge"und uny other hurards fiu which l.cnder � <br /> . require� insurxncc. 7'his insurance shaU bc mi►int�ined in the amaunts und for the perindti tha► l.cnder rcyuires. "fhc <br /> ' insurunre carrier pn�viding thn insurance�hi►11 hc chosen by Hurro���er tiubject to�ier's appnn•al which+hall nut be <br /> unreasonably�vit hheld. � <br /> _. . Al!in+wan�e Ex�li:ie�and renc��•als �hnll he uccepti�blr 10 Lender und.hall includ�;�+tund.ud mortguge clatuse, <br />- Lender shi�ll have the right to hald the p�dicies und rene�vals. If l.ender require�. liurr�����cr���ull prumptly gitic to Lcnder , , <br /> �• all reccipt�of paid premiums;�nd rene��•i+l n��ticr..In thc even�ut'lusti. Harro��er.hull gi�e prompi nuticc to thc inruruncr � <br /> " ' curricrand l.cndcr.Londcr may mukc praof of Ir�s�f not madc prumptly hy Hurr��a•cr. <br /> • Unlesti L�ndcr and i3c�rro�vcr ather�vise agree in wriiing,insurunce pmceeds,hall he�pplied tu retitoratian or rep:.�r , <br /> • � of'the Pmper�y.iumuged, if the restormion nr rcpair is ecanumiruUy fcatiihle and l.ender'y securiry is not lessened. If'the <br /> restorntion or repuir is not crnnomically Peasible or l.ender's scrurity w��uld br fetisencd,the insurancc pmceeds�!iu11 hc <br /> = upplicd to the sumc sc�ured by �hiti Sccurity lnstrun�cut,whether or m�t thcn dur, with imy excesti puid tc�Bormwcr. lf <br /> Barrmver uband��n� the P�operty,or doe.r not answer within :��day�a m�tirr fmm l.cnder�hat thc intiurunrr rarrirr hati , <br /> ofPered to��lUr u claim,then Lcnder muy coll��:t the insurance�r��cecdti. Lender nwy u+c the pnxced+tn repair ar re�tarr <br /> �he Properry i�r �o pay tiums scrurcd by thi�ticcurit�• Inr�rumrnt,���hether i�r nin thcn duc.7'he�0-duy �xriod will be�m ` <br /> when ihc ni�ticc i�givcn. <br /> ��� Unlcsr l.�ndcr and H��rraw�r othcrwisc agrrc m w•riting,:��>>�;iFpl��au.m oP Prac�cdti tc,�nnr�pal�hull ni,t cxtend�,r <br /> pnstponc thr du�datr af'the munthly paymcniti rrfcrred Ii�in par:i�;r.�rh. 1�nd Z�,r rhangc I hr amount uP ihc pu��mrntti. lt' <br /> undCr raragraph I�)�hc Pruperty i+a�qwred hy L�ndcr. Horr����rr'�right tu an} intiuran�c p�,bcic.and pmcced�rctiulting <br /> fromdamage���thc Prc�peny prior t�•thc acqui,�uun,hall pa,•tr 1 cn�irr tn the rxtrnt��t�thr rum+,«urr�l hy ih�.ticrun��• <br /> lmtrumcm immediatrl��rnur tu ihc arqui.itum. <br /> 6, Nreserrutian nnd lfiiintcnunce ai Yraperty�;I.eascholds. Brrro��er tih:+ll nol dctitm��,dama�;e c�r�ub5tanually <br /> chun�e the Property, aUnw thc Pruperry to detcr�t�catc iu commit wa�tc. If ihiti Srcurity In+trument iti��n:i I�utichold, <br /> ! - i3orrawcr shal!cnmply with tlie pro�irirnc of thc lea,c.und if Ilorrn���rr acyuires fee titlr to Ihr Yrupert�.the Ican�htdci and <br /> Pee title shall not merFc unless l.cnder agreey tv the merger in�rntm�;. <br /> 7. Prutection oi l.ender's Riphes in the Nroperty; �tort�as;c Insurnnce. lf N��rrowrr I:�ilti u� �crtorm tho <br /> cavenunts and agrcrmcni.«,ntaincd in ihi��rrunt>• In.trumcn�.��r lhrrr i,a Irgul�rvrrcd�ng�hat ma�•ti�gmtirantly aPlrrt <br /> l.ender'�riFht� in thc Prc,perly (yuch ar a pri��eedi»F �n hanknipir)�, pr��bate. fi�r c�,ndrmnan�,n �+r to cn(�,r4e law, rr <br /> regulation�).then l.�nder may dc�and pa�for�ti hate�•er��nrcrti�ary i�,pru�cct the�:�lur��f Ih�Pmperl} and I.endrr'�right� <br /> ± in Ihe Proprrty. l.rndcr'�aruunti may includr paying any tium+tircurcd h� a hrn ��turh hati rnnn�y �,�rr tiu,yccunt� <br /> � Instrument.appear�ng in r��url,raym�nawtwblr attn�ncy�'f�eti and rntermF��n thr f'n,prrl} lu make re�ain .Althnugh <br /> I.cndcr may t;�kc;��u���,���,�i�r�n�.r�►r�Fr.�ph 7.Lendrr ducti nui ha�r tn do.u. <br /> Any amuunt�Ji.hur�rd hy Lendrr und�r thtr para�;raph 7 tihall hcru�nr a�1�iWan:�l drta ul H�,rr����rr,ccurrd h} thi� <br /> Security Imtrumcnl. Unlcyti}3iirruwcr and l.ender agieC Iu uthrr Icrm�uf pay mcnl,ihr.e:uni,unn tih:�ll hrar intcrrrl I'rnnt <br /> the date uf disbur�rmen� at thc Ni�Ir ratr and �haU hc paynble, ��uh intrmrl, u(n,n nui�.r Imm 1 rndrr t�, H�,rn,��rr <br /> requevting payment. <br /> f • <br /> � <br /> ; • • <br /> �j 1 . , . _._. _ _. .�1. <br />