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<br /> ' �'=�_i;-�. _ NO'1'SCE OF &ALF �1� RGAL ��J'X'A�`E �- --
<br /> �'�=�`-- — -
<br /> �_____-_-_� q� ` ---
<br /> - --� ::��TC: .� :1:�z3�j C3,�,,v Qa1 �r `i Mt�L'w•''P�i1 i�. G�ia:sd61�I180fl AO 9911ar� �— _ _ _
<br /> �.r ��� �'�.:� +�na Judi�h K. Poland as Huyor, 4ha� �ha �ollowing desaribad raal ; _ ---
<br /> _ `�" ' �x�oga���y h�t� boen sold undar � wri��on inetallmsnt eale aontr�at - - --
<br /> �:�M�
<br /> � �" � da�ed �ho t�da oR Sul.y, �.9�1. Tha r ,� --
<br /> '�``i . Contraa�t i.a d arimad aa follows, �o..w���roperty sold undex eaid � _ _____
<br /> �� ��.--
<br /> � • _ _-----==
<br />--- ----- --. . �- -- -- -
<br /> --.�;i....: . ' -: -':,��'-- _--__
<br /> =-.`�1 ,. -� .--�-;- - -
<br /> ;� • A traot oP �.and loauted in tk�e WeSt one�-ha1P oP �ha = ��
<br />��` • , Nos•thweat puar�or (W�NW�i) oP Seation Thirty-Paur (34) , • -:�:=�-„�_�4_�-
<br /> - �� ,
<br /> """ Toumehip Eleven Norfih (11N), Ranqe Nine (9), Weat of tha � � _ - --
<br /> ��= Gth P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, doearibed a� Pallowe: ' -
<br /> �� � � ��r.
<br /> '�� S�ar�ing at a poiMt 1390.82 Paet Jouth anci 33 feat Eaet ' �
<br /> ,t�: , , oP �he Northweet corne� of oaid Seation Thi.xty-Pour (�4): �--_-
<br /> thonce �rom fi.he patn� aP beginning East 1287' Pee� to a �=�
<br /> ���� . : . po3�t on �ha Eaet boundary line of the Wee� one-halP oP ��-=°
<br /> �� ��• ��� the Narthwe�� guaxter (W�NW�) of eaid saction Th�.xty-��Eour � , "
<br /> �c�. .�..-._ '.`; . -
<br /> (34), �henae 9outh along the Eaet botmdary lina of tha
<br /> _:.;�� ; � Weet one�half oP the Northwaet quarter (W�NW�) of said I � � .
<br /> ,_ .. , Seoti�a T�►ir�y-Pour (3h� a distanoa oP 1299.18 feet to � �
<br /> . � � the Sauthoaa� aoxnax o� �he Woet one-halP of thc�
<br /> ,_•��� � Northwoet quarter (W�NW'�) a� said Seation Thirty-Pour ' � i
<br /> � .. , _ (34� , thenae Wea� along tho 9ou�h boundary line of the ! 'y
<br /> , . • Wost one-half of the Northweet quarter (W�IJW�i) of sald � � � ;
<br /> ` Section Thirfiy-Pour (39), a dietance oF 1287 feet, tlh�nca �
<br /> ' � Nor�t� a diatance oP 1299.1A fect to the point of � �
<br /> • '� beginning, containing 3a.38 aeree, more o� lesa. ��;_._ � �
<br /> ..
<br /> . ,
<br /> ,
<br /> . i - -. �-
<br /> � � . � The Se].ler hae axecuted, aoknowledged, and delivered a deed � , �!
<br /> � _ -- ^_��ye;3r.7 �.k�� rs»Z �s�°t� r^r �n hi � �- � i.. ,._,� � �.. ' - _- - `;:,.
<br /> « .� :... � � :.• vc+ w aav.►�.s ti� covi Gid �y i==- "� �
<br /> - _ ,- - - �.he esarow agent, Grand Ysland A.batraot, Esorow and Title Campany� !� 3�i'
<br /> � �ursuant to the eale contraat, which providea that the Seller �
<br /> re�ains a �irot lien on tha real property to secure fulflillmen� oP ; =�;;
<br /> the aontraat torma by the Buyer. Th� Buyor ia entitled to . -
<br /> poasesaion af the real estate from and af�er the 5th day of JuA.y, �
<br />. 1991. Further information as to the tAx�ms and conditiona of said , �
<br /> . ins�allment sale cantract would be available to peraono with � .
<br /> ', � � , leqftima�e in9u�.ry Prom either the Huyer, Seller or the esarow r �
<br /> ' _ � agent. � � . , .
<br /> , OATFD thie � day oP July, 1991. ,
<br /> 1 � ��� l y , ' .
<br /> ��
<br /> a ' � , /��
<br /> SmEPH N K. CHR2STE SEN, Seller
<br /> , �: ' ,� _,Lt.•l C � c�z ��.._ '
<br /> �. JLt ITH K. POLANp, Huyer
<br />- _---_:_..._ ,_
<br />= i
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<br /> `R
<br /> I
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br /> � �
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