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<br /> Ywae.u�3�.o:o:.L.:�. ._ .__._..._..._�.'_'.._.�.._,_......._..� .._,_r��.....^`'-- ..�.e:lli-..,.r....__.. � .->��:.r._�._' .:.�....�...�.....�..._.._.,
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<br /> frr:._. # . . �} ��� �
<br /> +���' TiHit�TH��t WITH al)tfto imptuven�nts n«�«r has�aRer et�er[cv.1 sm t�o pn�}x�rly�t!(1![I A�!f7,°,€`itl°f1�9�nppatten+�y,cr�i _�_
<br />;;���.�
<br /> �`.� Fir►wres now nn c�reaRcr n pmt of the pro�n,a�, All nplaren�nte and u+ididuns ehnll nisn bc ��wc��l by thle Secudty _____
<br /> h°'""`" ""_ lnst►unxnt. All of tha furcgaing is rot'crrcd tu in this Security It�stn�n�cnt ns tiiu "I'mlxrty."
<br /> `:�''-Y'y [t0l1RC)1VE3R COV[3NANTS dmt 13urn.�vcr Is Inwlldly n�iscil��f Iteu csti�te hcn�l�y canvuycil��nd hus 11►c ri�ht to Nran1 a�x!
<br /> ; �... ..�_
<br /> �R'`""*' � �-- �� amvoy thc {�eo�orty i�nd Ihn1 1ho �'m�r9y ly unencumikr�il, cx�r�rt fi►r enri�mhimt►rr r►�'�c�v►nl. Ilurniwcr warrnts and wlll
<br /> �,�:"_.:. _,,, dcfcnd Hcncn�lly tha titlu tu thu 1'�ti�perty eg+dn.r•1 uli rinlmy tui�!tt4mantl�.Rut�J�ct ta u►ry��ru•t�mt�ranccs ui'rccanl.
<br />=—— . --- T�l(S Sh�URITY lNS7'RiJMRtJT c�inibincy anifi�nn r�►venan�v li�r n���tim�!u�e wul ikm,unli'c�rm c�winanls wi►h(huitc+.t ----
<br /> vurl��U�ms b��u�icdlction t��ca��tltuta n unifi,rn�s�.����rlty InStru�uciti�►v►v��do��iral�►ru�krty.
<br /> T - - -
<br /> _._.___ _
<br /> �; _ . �'-::'�� U�':1t':l,21�S CU�'u�Ay'i"o.�v��uwu� und t,�ndcr cuvrn;int iotd ay��c�n�: ioiiawx; - ,
<br /> _._----
<br /> " --- _- 1. t'eyment uY Prtnclnal xnd Interesli Prepaymrnt and I.t�te ('ha�t!i. porm�vcr Kht�ll prumplly puy whcn duo tho °.. -.
<br />�� _
<br />-:.��._ '� p�incipul of und interest on tha debt avldcnced by thc Nuto nnJ uny prapt�yntcnt nnd lute chi�rges duu 1�ndar Iho Nota .--_—`°�'__.__....
<br /> ''�;�_ ° 2. Fl�nd9 `or'�'axeg nnd Invur+�nce. SubJect ta aippNcublu I�ow or to u writtcn wniver hy I.a;nder, parmwcr Nhnll piry ta �=_--_.
<br /> k;< Lendcr nn thc duy monthly puymcnts nrc duc undcr thc Natc,un1U lhc Nnto i�pnid in tlill,a�c;um("Fund�")fi�e: (0)yC.Ifly lt1EC9 ����°- -
<br />�,c,—:� � und ussr:ssments which mUy uttuin prlorlty�wur this Srcurity InstNmem us n iian on the P�apeny;(b)ycuri��Icaschnld pnymenta ����+���'-
<br /> ��-'�` or ground rents nn thc Nroperty,If nny;(cl yct►rly hn•r.un1��r property insumnar pn:miums;(d)ycurly ila�d imumncc pn;miums, ' �� - --- -
<br /> ' if uny; (c)ycurly mortgage insurance pn:ntiums, iF uny; i►nd (1) uny sums payublu hy 8ormwCr w Londur, in ciccarcinnw with �' ��'�.k.. - ___�1
<br /> �,; th�pravisions uf parusrnph 8, in Ueu af Ihe paymunt uP munbngo insun�nce pmmiums. Thesc items i�ro cailled "bscraw Itams." Y�` �,�, �
<br /> . , L.cndcr muy, ut nny time, c��llect nnd hold Funds in un un�aunt nut tu excecd thc muximum amnunt n Icndcr fi�r u fcdenilly �� .- _ __ --
<br />'����'`� relntcd mort�a c loun nw rc uirc far Bnrrawor'y escmw uccotmt undcr ihe fcdcral Rcul Bstntc Scttlement Pmcec�uira Act of •�� .'.� , _`""�--
<br /> b S Y N ;,.���.;
<br /> � t� 1474 as nmended from Nme ta dmc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 e�t se�. ("R6SPA"),unlesy unother Inw thut applies tu tho Funds � '
<br /> '''�•� ' sets a lesser umount. if so, Lender may, nt any time, calic.ct und hold Funds in nn umaunt nol t� exrced tho Iesscr iimount. � � ._--
<br /> �;�, , :' Lender may estimnto the �mount of Funds duc on the busis of currcnt dutn and reus�nublc cstimatcs iif expcnditums nf tLture � � ' .
<br /> Estraw Itcros ar othcrwisc in accordunrc with u licablc li�w. �a-='
<br /> . pp ' . ',�:,:,,e,;��.>::.
<br />'��'��, � `�� �' �. Thc Funds shnU bc hel�l in an insdtutinn whos� dcpnsits nrc insurcd by u federal iigency, instrumcntaHty. or entiry ' ' ''''?:�'''�`'�--
<br /> ' • '';��,;.'. (Including l.cndcr,if l.cndcr is tiuch tm �nstituUon)or in uny Fcdcrad Homc I�inn eunk. Lcndcr shitll iippiy thc Funds to pa�tlho � . . �'•:i<;�j1`:;%;_
<br /> , . '.�'�� Bscrow Itcros.�ndcr muy not char6o Bnanwcr far halding nnd applylnb the Funds,unnunlly t►�nalyr.ing thc cscrow accaurat,or ���:�''�"��'•
<br /> '�:��' verifying the Escro�v Items,unless I.ender�ays Borrawer interest on the Funds nnd i�pplicable law permits Lender to mnke su�t► • '
<br /> , a chargc. Howovcr,Lender mAy rcyuin;Burmwcr ta pay u��nc-timc chiuge fnr nn independent rcul esti�te ti�x reporting scrvicc
<br />_ . � usrAi by Lcnder in cannu:tion witl� tliis loan, uule,a uppllcubic luw providcs otQa�nvisa Unlcsa un ugrcement is made ar
<br /> . upplicablc In�v ccquires intcrest ta bo p;iid, Lender shull ni�t be �cqui�cd tc�pay B��rtn�ti•e�any intcnst ar curningr�m tha Fnnd,r•.
<br /> Barm��•er nn►i l.endcr mny ti�rce in«riti�R, however, that intcresi shall bo Faid on the Funds. i.enier tih�ll give tu Harro�cer, -
<br /> • •'•�=.,��, without chargc, an nnnual t�c�,runting ai'tho Tunds, showing crcdits:md dci+its to thc Funcls tind ths purposc ti�r which cach • •
<br /> �. . � �` s�. debit to thc Funds wus mfide. The Funds�u�e pledged ur uddiUonal seri�r�ty fiu a11 siims secd�reti h�•this Serurii� lnstrument. ,;�.;;. , • �
<br />'�,:-�:�,' � lf thc Funcis hcld b�� Lcndcr excccd the umaunts permittcd to t►c held by EI(1F1IICi1�IC IA\��,Lc.nde� shull aca�ant tc�Bi�rm���cr
<br /> �" ; for the exccss Funds in ncwrdance a�ith the rcquirements c�f uppUcable law. U Ihe amount of the�unds hold by l.ender at a�y L�'�"� �
<br /> � �. .:. .
<br /> -� :"" timc is u�t sufficicnt to pAy thc�isrrow It�ms when duc,L,endcr may so rn�tify Burrowcr in writing,and, in tiuch casc BorroK•;r f
<br /> - - -
<br />,
<br /> shull pay ta l.ender the umount necessury ta rnake up the deficiency. B��rrower tihall muke up tho deficiency in no more thun ; '
<br /> r• twclvo manthly paymcnts, nt L.cndcr's snlc discrcti�n.
<br /> �.._ . _ _. . -
<br /> _�.._ .. . . . . . _ . . _ .. - :_
<br /> -____ � tipcm puymcni �n tu a u sum� ,ccunci ny rhiy accunty mstnimcnt. i.cnacr si�atl prompuy n:tunq tu [inr�awCr u»y r:—
<br /> Fundy hcld by Lendcr. If', undcr pu�ug�aph 21, l�;ndc�shuU aryuirc or scll thc Pmperty, I.cndcr, prior ta thc ucquisition a�sulc I
<br /> af the Praperty, shall upply un��Funds hcld hy lAn�lcr ut thc timc uf arquisition or xalc us u crcdit oguinst thc sum.r• sccurcd by '.
<br />' this Sccurity lnstnamcnt. I
<br /> 3.Applicnllan nf Puymentq. Unles.r•iipplicuhlc I.av prnvidcs uthcrwisc, all payments rcccived by l.cndcr undcr parug�uph� �
<br /> 1 �and 2 shull bc upplied: fint, to uny prepuynunt charges duc undcr the Note;sccand, ta amnunts pay�blc undcr parugraph 3; �
<br /> third, tc�lnterest duc; ti�urth, t�priocipal duc:.►nd last,to:iny latc char�es duc undcr thc Nntc.
<br /> 4. Cha��.w; I.Ien.q, purro�ve�shall puy all taxes,utizcssmenis, charbcs, fines a►nd impositiims utiributublc t�Ihe Pn�perty
<br /> t ,,,.. , which may �attain priariry c+vcr Ihis Security lnstrument, und Icasehald puyment.r• ��r g�c�und rents, ii'nny. sar�owcr shall pay �
<br /> , � these abligateons in the manner providcd in par.iFraph 2,ur if nul puid in thut manncr, Dorrawcr shidl puy thom an time dirccUy , �
<br /> . • ta the pcnun mvcd puymcnt. Barmwcr shull pmmptly fumish t��l.cndcr<ill noticcs of umounts t��bc paid undcr this purusraph. . ' ."
<br /> '�. • If Borrower makes thesc paymcnts directly, Rorrowcr shuU pramptly fura�i�h to L�rz,?cr r�ccipts evidencing the payments. ' ' ,
<br />- � Bonawcr s4�atl pramptly discharge any licn which has pri��rity o�•er chis Securit� lnstru�nn�onles.r•Borrowes:(a?agntea in •
<br />- . wrltins to the pa��mcnt af'the obligution c�YUred hy thc lien in a man�er:ecceptablc tu l.rader:(�*1�vntests in goud faith dtc ti<n �
<br /> by, or dcfends ugainst cnfor�emcnt of chc lien in. Icgul pmccedings �vhich in t�:� Lcndcr's ��pinion operatc tu prev�nt i�,; �_ •
<br /> , enfarcement ai the licn;vr�c) secures t'rom tho halder of the licn i�n agrecmcn�satistart��ry to I..�nder sub�ttJinating the licn tv � ,
<br /> this Security Instrument. If l.cnder detc:rn�iaes thiil any part of'the Prupcny is subjcct tu;� licn �ti�hich muy Attain priority u►ea :
<br /> this Security Instrumcm. Lcnde�may gi�e t3�xrower a noticc identil'y�ing thc 1 ien. Hiin•owrr�h:r[L>atitify tho licn ��r tuke une vr .
<br /> mare of the actians set fonh abave µid�i�t l�Jays�,f�he giving of nutirc. �
<br /> Form 3028 819A
<br />— vape z ol 6 �
<br /> _ _ _________._._l .
<br /> ■
<br /> �
<br /> l
<br /> 3
<br /> �
<br /> �f
<br /> i
<br /> ; �
<br />