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,. <br /> 1 -t� . _ .z _ . .--� ..-., ,�': s� - � .�„-... . -.-1 • l_ _. �:. .a._. . � y..:,�i . '___- <br /> _ . _�` ' j��� . .., .. _ ',"'" '_' ' ' , `r__ { "' " } \ - .. - , - <br /> �S� � i .. . .. „ { � -_�- . <br /> f ;.,s-�...,. <br /> � �.. v .,� . .� . -� — _-__ _ _� — ._ . v,�,�.� - <br /> _ _ . .. .. . ,.. ...._.. _"__.. 4 ........._.._...�._._......._._.� _— _ <br /> , �_ . . ........--.... . .-. .�'�'Sa . <br /> n. �., ... .__. <br /> , ' ._._.. . .i.......��._._ ..�._�._ ..,.'_ <br /> "....�- l� __...`a. _..__.... . .. <br /> _' 'ai�� _"_---_—"" <br /> �w� —_ <br />�,-� ��,�.,..., �.����F� �_- - _ <br /> �� �_ - <br /> • -�' 'I'U�)6'1'f�RR WITH nli thG Impruvcnunts n���v ar i�crcn(tcr��rrct�d�,n�h�pn,pc►ty.uuJ:dl c��rcmci�ts,ay.(Pi�1.S4PAq5�s• _ --- - <br /> � �r. . <br /> ���:._. <br /> —,��-� - cuid t�ixtue.s na�v ur herenlier n pnrt nf thr prupc�ly. All n�pinrrmrnls nud n�tditiuny shull nl+u he a�vcrcd!�y tPi;1.Sccurtly i_ _� <br /> _�;� .� :• h�struutcnl. All ot�tiu PurrF�0Il1�Iy��L I�fl'lI�U IIl�IIIY Sl'l'UPII)II1V111Nl11`IlI A4 Illi'. "P�uperty." _ <br /> ` NOltROSVkiEt t'i)Vt:NAN'I;S Ihnt Ilurrowrr ly Imvt'ully sriscd ut'Uir r.r1�u��I�crct+y runvcycd nnd I�,►�;d�c rigtu tu grimt �±;,�,�.-- <br /> _ � � <br /> hnd runve:y thc Frci�n�rty nnd�hm thc{'ru�kny i4 unencun�tx�iLd,eMCCpt 1'��r eu.:wubrun�c�uF rccord. f�u�ca�ver wurr�uils nnd � f .z�_ - <br /> _ •� wiA defend�;rncn+lly tha�itic;tu tha !'�'unerty aguin+t ull clnimy autd demnnds,subJecl w��ny�n�unabrunc��uP r�curd, � _� --�--- _ <br /> ��,-._� 'fHtS S�CI!RI1'Y INS'CRl1A4dN1 combines uu11'tum covrnanty fur iuulunnl usc nnd nau-unit'nrm rnvena��ts ��.i1i� �, -_ _ <br /> ` --=-.. iitttit�tf wuiuti.,�w�j Ju�l;.�l.i►:;:t ta:atts;:t::::s un4Fnrsli�•�ct�rf�y In.trumcnt cu�c�iiia a:nl Properly. � ;: �- _ <br /> : _ C. — �, - - <br /> ri�,� �-- UNIFORM C�V kiNANT5. E���rro�vcr nnd Lendc�r�wcnunt nud u�rc��+�,r• i'oltciws: � ,,.r;`" � _� <br /> , = � 1, 1'a�rneut oP Princlpnl nad I�terest;Pcepnyment und t.��te Chu��es, Fiu�YOwcr�h:ill prumptiy pi►y wl�en due th� � „ � <br /> �'`-, - �rincipail��i'nnd intcrcsi on thc dcbt evidenccd hy iho Nutu und ai�y prep��yntcnt�uld InW�ht�rges dui under INc:Note, , . � ;��;• <br /> �= � 2. I�tndA filP'I'�xcc a�tt9 Insuruncc. SubjGCt tv t�ppUcnbic luw or tu u�vrittcn wuivcr by l.cndcr.Rorn��vcr�hull puy tc� � . ,; .: <br /> �. , •,�. l.endcr on�h��,►y mrn��hly p+►ym�nt9��rc duq undar thG Nocc. unUl thc Natc ix paid In t'ull,n +uin C'�un�ts"1 fi�r: (i�l ycurly ;i , , <br /> x;`� . ti�xc:�n»a iihsessmwnts which mt�y uu+dn�riqr),ty ovar�blti Security Intiu�ument a�s:�Ilcn on thc Pr��perty;tb)y<<�rly l�a��huld <br />_� p,�ymcnt� or aruund remy un thR Pro�rt��r, II' �m�r; (c� ycs;�rly hazivd or propc�ly ii���ira�i��c E�rrmi�iiiis: (�I) ycurly �l��ci�1 , . . <br /> in5ut'1mcc premlurn�, if any; l�.')Ycnrly ronr�guga intiu�;�►�;u pmmium,, if i►ny; und (� uny xuntti puyublc by Huirowcr to ` '- <br /> ___ � Lcador,in accnrd��ncc wirJ�d�u pr�.•vihiapy uf.pur+��r+1Att.ii,in.Il��u���'ihc pay�itc�tt ut i»��rtb�ig�Insuriincc prcmiums. 1'hcsc ,... ��;• , �� . <br /> ',��` . itum;►arc callu(I"Escrow ltQm�e:' L.�iu�►7�mJly�cq un,y tlmu,c��pcct:wd huld Fundti M an umount nut to cxccrd thr.nuiximwn •�,. . <br /> s�r_ • <br />'�" . unt��unt a lapdor fur a fc►loraliV�cl�tcd mp��t�t;r: Inun mi�y rcyulrc t�ar E�on��xvcr�escrow uccount undcr ihc fcdcrul Kc.d �. --�•:- <br /> �'f, �� <br /> �.,_ _. Bxtut�S�ttivm�nt Proccdurcv Aci af 1�7A;�s nmandcd t'rcm�Umu ta timc, 12 U.S.C.#26U�c►scy.l"R6SPA"1,unless unathcr �l <br /> .�:� , lmv t6n1 a�pnlias tu�hc Fundr sets n Icsscr amount. If so.Lcndcr m�+y,�+t uny timc,collcct nnd huld Funds in un i�muunt not to � . : � -.�'z±== <br /> °=- � excced the lesser amuunt. L.eodcr muy cstim�ue thc umount �d' Ft�nds �luc an thc ha+is ut'cuRent d��ti� a�nd reusunablc ��,+�`+ : <br /> estim+ues af expendivarc�of future 3?scrow ltems ar otherwise in nccardnnce wi�h upplicaNla luw. � - � <br /> ,r'� � � _.- <br /> �-� The FUnda shnll be hcld in iu�institution �vhase deposity i�ru insurcd by u fcdcnd ligency, instrumentuUty, or entiiy � � _ <br /> ':3�:. , ' � (includin�;Lc�xicr,if Lendcr i�such un instlttniun)ar in nny Fi:�icrid Homc L.onn�nnk. l,cndcr shall upply thc Fundz tt�puy . ��� <br /> tho Gscrow Itcm+. �.endcr muy nut c hnrgc SoiYawcr far holdin g .md upplying thc Fund,, unnuully un{►lyring ihc cscru�v _ <br /> �'' accaunt, ar verifying the �scruw Itema, unless l.ender pays Borrnwcr (inrrctit �m 1he Funds und appUcc�blu luw pennits • �. <br /> ;as�? Lender to muko such u charge. Havever,Lender mi�y reyuiro Bnrrower t�� p+►y u one-time churgc for un indeprndent rei�l - <br /> ,�,�r� . estute ti►x reponing service used by l.ender in connecUon with�his luan,unless npplicublc Imv provide�otherwisa Unless+m <br /> � ,�grcement ir mndc or applicable Inw rcyuires intcretit to he paid.Lcndcr shi�ll nut tx nyuired to pay Rorrotiver iiny intcru.rt ur � <br /> ' c��rnings on tha hunds. Borrowcr und Lcndcr muy t�grcc in writii�g,huw�vcr,that intcrest shall hc puid o�i thc Flmd.. I.endcr _ . <br /> � ' shAll Aivo t�� Horrnwer,�vithout chircgc,an imnuul uccounting of the Fuuds,shou in;:crodits and debil�ta�he Funds and the '�� <br /> pprpose fo�which euch dcbit ta►he�+nLi�was m��de. The Funds arc plcdged a�addiUonal securiry for all sutns sccured by ,� <br /> ,� this Sccurity Instrumcn�. ; �� <br /> .�....• � If the Funds held by 1.enJer exce�ci thc nmounts pcnniucd to h� hcld b}� ��pplicuble I;►w, Lcnde� tihull account to <br /> Burrower for ihe excess Funds in acc��rdance wlth the requirements ul'ap�alicable Inw, It the amount��f the Fl�nds hcld hy � <br /> ... , .. <br /> I.ender nt uny dn�c is not tiuf'f'itient t�Fay the �scrow Items when duc, Lcndcr mny+o notii'y Borrower in writing,tmd, in �,� <br /> "". .�.• �uci�casa 8�rresucr -;h�!! Fa; ta Lendec 1hl� .��lnunt necesstu'4 to �lluke up Ih� dCticicney. Honc�wer shaU makc up the . - <br /> �. <br /> dpfiCicpcy in no rnorc thsm i�velvc monihly p,�yment+,nt Lcnder\si�lc discrc�ion. 7 <br /> �'',�• " Upon payment in full uf all sum�securcd by thi.r• Securlty lnstrument, Lendcr shull promptly refund to Barra�vcr uny , <br /> _ _ Funt19 held by Lendcr. lf,under pari+braph 21, Lcnder shull ucyuire ur scll the 1'roperry,Lender,prior ta�he acquisition or , <br /> �. �. ..� � .. ��n� ���' �rv�uici�iun or sulc as u ercdi� :Lk�dnst thc �ums �+ <br /> ,,� - _- sulc af Iha Nropeny. snaii +�ppiy w�y Fu�►�i:�::��i„y t,.n:l�r ., h� 1 _ _ - _ <br /> , secured by this Security Instrumcnt, � �� �� � <br /> • • � i, Appllcatlan os 1'uymentq. Unlesz ;ipplir.►ble Imv pruvidcs uthcr��ise, all paymcnts receiv�d by l.cnder under � <br /> . .; puragrAphs 1 and 2 sh��ll bc upplicd:first,to uny prepuyment chnrger due unctcr the N��tc;+econd,to umaunts payuble under , ;. <br /> . para�;raph 2; third,tu intcre�t due; f'ou�Kh,tu principi�l due;snd li�til,ti�any latc ch;ugr�due under the Note. � , <br /> � � 4. Chargest Liens. Borrower shnll ptiy all taxes, uszessments, chiv�ex, tine� and imposltians atuihutuble ta thc � <br /> � Pr�peny which rnny uttain priarity uver this Sccurit;:Instrument,and Ic:►xehold payments or graund rents,if any. Barrawer <br /> . shall pay these obUg��dans in thc rnnnner pmvided in puragruph»,ur if not paid in th.n manne�,8orr��wer shnll pay them an I <br /> • time direcUy to ehe persan awed p��yment. IlarroHer shall prumptl��futni�h to Lrnder i►11 tiutices oP i�mounts to be paid under <br /> , •� _ this purugraph, If BoROwcr maketi these p�+ymems direrUy, Aorrower shull promptly 1'umish ta Lender rcceipts evidencing , <br /> ^� . the pnyments, ' � <br /> Barrowcr�:hnll pramptly dischnrgc uny licn���hich has priariry rncr this Scruriry Imtrument unlcss Borrowcr:(i�l a�;rcc� <br /> �� � in wriling ta Ihe pnyment af the obllgution secured by the lien in u munncr uceeptuhle to Lender;lb)contests in guod faith the <br /> � lien by,or defends ugi�inst enforrement af the lien in,Iegid proceedings which in tho l.rnderti opinian operiitc ta prevent the <br /> ' enfarcemcnt of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un agreemem satitifuctory ta Lender subordinAtin�the lien <br /> ta this Sccuriry Instrument. If Lcnder detern�incs that any p�n of�he Pruperry iti,ubject to a lien which may uttuin priarity <br />- ovcr this Security Instrument,Lender muy givc Borrowcr u noticc identit'ying thc lien. Norrowcr shull satisfy the lien or takc <br /> • ` one ar maee of the uction5 set forth ubove within lU da}�s of the givins��f natice. <br /> ' S. Haznrd ar Property lnsuraoce, Borwuer shall kcep the impravcments now existing un c�renf'ter erected on thc � <br /> • ' Property insuted against lors by t'ire,h�ardti included wi�hin thr term"cxtended coveruge".►nd nny cuher hutards,including <br /> �� floods or fle�oding, for which Lc�nder reyuires insurance. Thiti insurancc ahall he ►n�intuined in thc untounts �id for the <br /> • Fo�m 302H S1;S� iputc=�Jo�ay,i�s� <br /> . 1 <br /> . t <br /> ( <br /> _ ` <br /> / 1 <br /> � • ' _� _ <br /> - <br /> r, __ _ _ _ _-- <br />