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��_.rr�" n.S . - •' . , ct.c =_�"y-,-_—. <br /> � _ .-i��. `' '._t` _. .- .�� ,t� o—}• <br /> � . <br /> •- < �_._h ,°.. .� . . . _f _ �•- <br /> . - ,� <br /> . <br /> ..; �-: ... ... t._"'� .. .�y.,__� .-,— .. .'� __ -• <br /> _ . . . �^� . .4 <br /> . . ,_ 1_ ` . , . � f . _ . . . ._ _d �, - .- T . . � . a�� . . <br /> ., , o, , <br /> - � . � < ,r - ' a - ' . � -� - � � . . <br /> �����_.. : - . C . . . ' , � ' ' '. ` ' �(.-' , ` ..� ._.' �1_:� ` c. _ _ _`... �.. .-�- .;�- .. <br /> .� � � !�l iGC�►!�t OC'R►b�"�ClbC10d�0s iI1E p[�tY.,�! f..�.'� " � <br /> � �j � <br /> , �R�M� d' �IE[+l�Ei'�f�C'Of t�'�[O�tjt.,L��CdOdMt i0� f�tbOBi 5��,!�#tt�1E COY�! �1�IK.�Q s� : <br /> � �.�Of�fp[CaQ1lg iS ICfE[tOd i0 III tb13��ttIDE�i8�IE�p10�LRy-t � ' � , <br /> . . , '�jt0�Q��A :S t�BO[l�dM^G�IS�It���►SEl�0�3�1C CST�C b!�►`OOQYEjfOF��bi5 t�1C Tl��4�� , <br /> ` coavry�the Prcperty�dl tmt tLe Y�upaty is,�berdd,�caept for epaln�arioes of�ootd.Bcuia�eer ro�mnts}nd;W�f . <br /> defend�Cally d�e tide to tbe Pc�perty�agaiast�ll dai�aod dm�s.snbje�t ra smy e�mbrsa�es of ieound_ � �� � <br /> ' . TH(g gBCi71�'1'Y II�RU�}'F oon���ifoim oove�omts far n�n�es�,�noa-tm�o�coXeaaan►iwitb li��ed . . <br /> ° variatiOns t�y joris�ioa co c�tdame a��sac�ity i�ni�t oovE7rit��p�o�rty. _ _ -. -- ;_.-- -- :_-: -- � <br /> "'�IJI�RM fAVEN°ANTS.Bonuw�and Lcnder oovau�t and�ee as fallows: � . . <br /> < �.pl�mp�t ot.PriedPtl atl Ietax�h Pr�3n�at-ad L�e C�i� �'s�P��PaY�ar�oe t6e � �� <br /> � prinap�i of and i�p�iest a�t6�cteb`t evideaxd by the Naoe and aaY�Ymau aod l�te d�iges dne under tBe Nbte_ .. <br /> Z.Fa�for'1`ans aod L�ra�oe-Sablxt ta appliabla L�v or to a��a bY I.�der-,�onnwa.s6�}F Pa�ta . . ` .-. <br /> . Laidtt an tbc d`ay mantht�t papimqrs aie doe nnder dte Note.una"I the Nate i.s p�id in f�ll,s snnR�"Fwds'}for:(a�YadY m�a. <br /> � , ao�.a�essmenta�wh`�cd msy aaain priority over tltis Saa�rity IasMmia�t as a lia�an t�P[opaty;@?Y�Y��P�Y� <br /> . u�gttwnd rents;On thE p[aperiy,if 8uy:(c)YearlY humd a`r.P�Y in�.r,�,.��(d)Ypdy Road�K�C pf�aniums, <br /> if suS,�(ej yearty mcntgage insuraaoc piemiaR�,if any:aM(fl enY�P'�Y�k�l►Borruwer w I.ei,aer,is,aooQtdaaoe w;th <br /> , dre pruvisions of paragraph S,in�liar of tb�payment of wortg�ge�SUranoe pnmiums.7'hese Items m calla�"F�cmw Items•' <br />— ,Le�der may, at aay,tiaoe.collxt aad Iwld Fmds in an auauat aot to exceed tho ma�amum ae�otmt a laxler for a federaIIy ' <br /> -- ntiated a�ttg�ge laon mtty requine for Borrowds escrow�wlder t1�e fedeial-Rc�l Fstate SCUlemart T�raoadates Act o! <br /> 19�1�as�ft�►m tiine to time, 12 b.S.C.Secdon 260t et srq.(`RESPA").nr�iess another taw tda��ptias w 16��uads <br /> -- � sets a iesser amaua. If so, l.c�,der any ame,ooilact and hotd�F�ulds in an aaronne not ro eaeee�tl,e lesser amo�t. <br /> - ` ].enaer ma}�estimate tbe aa�ouat af Fa�rdc due aa�tbe basis of cvrnnt datat aad n�sombte�irt�af acpern�iwns of futute. <br /> = Eserow Itea�s or atberwise in aoeu�aoe with appticable law. � • . <br /> ` � .:11x�Pu6ds shap be.held in an itutitution whose dq�sits a�e'insnred by a federal ages�.y. i�me�lity. oP a�itY. <br /> .s (iacindiag I.endes.if I.ender is suc1�an instiUrtton)or in any Federat Aotne Laon Banic.L,ender shall epply the Fmtds to pay the � <br /> Fscrow Items.l:�may�oc c1�ge Bocmwer for holding aad applying rhe Fm�ds.amroallY anaty�n$the escrow accottat,or� . <br /> '-� _. •- ` <br />,._.� verifying tbe Fsc�ow Ittms.wdcss I.ender pays Burmwer interest on the Funds and app�icable Taw pemu`ts L,eixJex to maTce sucb . <br /> �.', <br /> a charge..However.L,cMer may requin Borrawer to p�y a bne-time cLarge for an independeat real estate tax reporting servioe <br />- - �sod by�.ender in oonnecaon`�vlth t6is toan. uates4 a�pplicabte latv p�nvides otll��. Uniess an ag�aement is mode or . '. <br /> applicabte Iaw tequires interest w be paid,i�ender sha11 rwt be requitrd to pay Borrower arry interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> - " Bormwer ancl�dec may agree in writing,however,that interese s1�I be pai�i on thc Funds.Lender sball give to�Borrower. <br /> - ' without charge,an annual axountlmg of the Fvnds.slnvring credits aM debits w the Funds and the purposc for which eacb. <br /> , :>_ °`, debit w the Funtts aas niade.The Fwds ane pledged as addiriomi secudry for all snms secuted by this Security insdvmtn� <br /> . If the FuMs held by Lender exceed the amounu permiaed to De held by appiicabte law;IeMer shall acc�ount w Boirower , <br /> • ` - for the excess Funds ia acoanlanc�v�ith the requiremGnts of applica6le law.If the�of the Funds 6e1d by Lender at any <br /> � � � -:;� Wtrt is noi sutticient w pay the Eserow Items when dae.l.endet may so�sotify 8ncrower in writing, sach case Boirtnwer <br /> � ��=.? .., ,."... <br />- ° ' shall pay to Ixnder the amount necessary to make up the�ciency. Borrower shall maice up the deficiency in no more than <br />-- �'�f•.•±�'ti�•'�.::= '- . twelve momhly payments,at i.ender's sole discretion. <br /> .;... -. . . . . <br /> _ �.r---��-�'-�.. .-•� . <br /> . . _-,,. Upon paymeat in full of all sum.g secural by thi� Security lastrument, Ixnder shail promptly refund to Borcower any -- <br /> ��r:,_ :;x : ' Furds held by l.ender.lf,under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Praperty.l.ender.prior to the acquisitian ot sale __-- <br /> � . �, a.. :. w --- <br /> �_ �;,,�:�..:r,_`�j.:�t of the Property.shall apply at�y Fuads held by l.ender at ihe time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sum�serured by �--_ <br /> _, ;:�.i ,� ..,•'� this Security Instrument. • �-` <br />,:1 - _���,;=�... . - 3.Applkatioo o!Parments.Unt�.c applicabte faw provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �-��= <br /> _ .x_.._:^': <br /> . , , � . • ° 1 atd 2 shall be applied: fir�t,ta any prepayment charges due nndcr ihe Notc:urand,to amounis payabte w�der parngraph 2: -.�_ <br /> � interest dae:faurth.w principal due:and any late charges dae under the Nate. • 'T��,_ <br /> ': •": : <br />•r - . � �'_� � 4.ClwrgRS;l.tere. Borrowcr shall pay aU taxes.asses.cmcnt�.charges,•fines and imp�sitions attributable to the Property ' = <br /> . - � which may attain priority aver this Sccurity Instrument, and leaschold payments or g�aund ren�c. if any. Borcower shaU pay ' . �,.��` <br />- '�'. these abligaticros in[he marmer provida!in paragiapb 2,ar if�at Paid in that manncr. Hc�rrowcr�hall pay ihem on time directly ' --_�' <br /> � �''� ' W the person owed paymeat.&utawer sha11 promptty fumi�h to l.ender all notices of amnunts to be paid under this paragraph. . � -'.r-'°'; <br /> . �� .. . If Barrawer makes these payment�directly.Barrower Shail promptly furni�h to I..ender're4eipG�evidencing the paymentc. _° _ _' <br /> ^' �°` , Borrower shall prompUy discharge any lien whicb has prinrity aver thir Securitv In.titrument uMess&►rrower: (a)agrees in .. _ <br />- � •���� - • • writing to 1he payment of the abligati�n+ecured by thc licn in�mmner aCceplaNle t�i l,ender;(b)ecentests�in gond faith the lien � <br /> � �:•'��,� by, ar defends againyt enforcement o1'thc lien in. legal pr�KCecfingc a•hich in thC I.ender's ��piniun nperate to prevent the • , • , <br />:�' � ••��`�" '- � -� en forcemen t c�i i he lien;rn(c)secureti fmm 1 hc ho l der o F t hc l ic n a n ag rc e m e n t�t itif uc a�r y tu L.c�i�er wtx�rdin•rtin g the litn to - -=---• <br />.�� ,,: . � ti � ' this 5ecurity latitrument. If l.cndcr dctcnnine�that any part nf ihc Pr„perty i�tiufiject to:�lien a•hich may attain priority over ; .. <br /> � _ this Securiry lnstrumcnt. l.crxicr may givr Burrowcr u nu►icr idcntifyin�the licn. I��rruwcr shall yati+fy thc lien��r lakc cmc ar <br /> ' - � .• mare of Ifie actians tiet fi.rlh s�lu�ve within.10 Jay.ut thc giving uf n�Kice. . . . <br /> - • . . Fann 8028 8/�0 . �: <br /> _ .. . ' '-.i........ <br /> � , �...� . ' P�Yd6 , � � <br /> r:..,.Y <:.� ' ., . . � . I . . . � .. <br /> ... . <br /> r. � ' ' ' . .. . ._. _...�.. -_ ._�_...."'" '_'_ "' _ . . . <br /> . �. �.� ' '• ._ . _ . . .. . . <br /> . ..l-. , ..� . . . <br /> -�. �:_-. .,i_... . • . . . . -• _ <br /> �. .. y..ty..I�S��� - _ __.. .._ . .._.. ....._'_'___. ...--. _. _'_-_'_ ".._. ._ ..._...._'___. ..._� -._...._'"_'-_ "... .. ._ _ '"'_ _'_ ___ _"'__ � '. .... ........'______'__"....'" _-__ ._____' . <br /> _ '�CrT:c.^S . <br /> �� µ�: i�x=%�'-'=:'.� � .-_ _ " _. . . ' . . . �,. . .. .. -.. -. --. 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