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t� .i�;dC r ._" +�� _ `.. . � ,....r .. _t._ . „_._ _. .. , . �. :�;.:.•.;��4 , <br /> _ 1 - .. '11� �-�e , kL, 1�C 1 1: t':"4'-,� {�! -1 t I` - tl�� �sa ... . , i _ <br /> � {� ; — <br />.�._�...'_ '_'"'___ _"" ���.:��... Y_b ...:.._ ,!.. '._ -..�.: .._.. . .. l� ' '_—.._' l-.�'y ' ' `` ..—� <br /> : <br /> . � y _ <br /> r . ' ;�.. - - .._. . `� ._ �� '-- -. �, 1 . . � <br /> _.� . _ :_ . _ .. R�.__�.... ,., __ - <br /> -- +. _,� ' � � �• �'i�_�•`_�,,,�,-�::��.. i..-.;•:.�x�.::,e,.�.e.-�.�...--�----_--- ,._._ `— -- <br /> � ' `' �! -::;�i"�-��:�+�o-s=� <br /> . »�s-:,.��:n�- ..._.�_.,.—_..' <br /> :��'I~�,'�, . <br /> _� - , ��� ,�,\�i���� _ _ _- <br /> '� -- • npplicnblo Inw mt�y y{x�ity Wr ttiVnstoir�nentl bcfurc nnlv of tl�o t'►upc�ty pur5unnt tu amy po�rcr uf Salu containcd in this _ -------- <br /> ` `"^+�± SCCUi'ity Inslru�nCnl;or lb)catry��F i�Judgmcnt rnf'��rcing thls Sccuriry Gt+UUn�cnt. 'fho�c cu»dl�lun.r•ero thut Elurn��vtir: la) _— <br /> .�;�. `- pays l.cndor ull eun�s �rhich then wuuld bc Jue ►aider tBis 5�t119!`C1111`Nl1IItl`R`i+:ns�:s�inCinrod�incrt�lintlnZ�tltl�tSccuhil} _ <br /> - �;• . ��c�umd;(b1 cur4s w�y dcFuult of nny othcr envcnnnts c�r n�r�cai�� .O1 Y I _ _ _ <br /> � �� Inslrtmteni, including,but nut limitcd ta, rensonahte ntturiieyy'Peey; ��nd (d1 I��kes such aclion :ev�lcr niuy rcusonably � _-- <br /> _ - �' �c�µ�ieo ta assure th�t titr flei���'lhiw Sicueit}I�t-+�untcnt.Lrn trr�ri�h�x In Ihu{'ru�u;ny c�ul Rurru�vcr�uhlibntiun tu p�►y ihr. - - - - --— <br /> �t,t� sr��ni�y <br /> r�. 3_ �: � runiy n�curci hy Ihiz Secutity tn�tt'umrnt �tu►11 l'LHIIIIIItC llllClttStla�ll, U�xin rcia�tutrnreut hy llucn�w�.�, _ -` <br /> . _ t��,t�u;,t,:;,;;tz;!:ha�s►�+.f��!lc•,�x e•b,����vi h�,rnt►y Kl�nil ramulu NIIY efl'cctivc nv if m�ncccl�n�tlun h+ui�xeiaitcd. i 1nwt;v:r.�1hi: ' — <br /> ��; '�",: � righ�lu n:in�Uitr•hhidl not app�y in INe citse uf ucculeratlun uocter pnrug�:i{�i� 17. __ <br /> -- -- 19. Sale uf Natei Ch�ngd ut i.o�m Servlcen Th� Notr nr u pi�rtiid intrnyt in thc Nutc l���b�►hcr�vith thls SecurUy ,-�'—" <br /> ` Inwtrumcntl nu�y bc s�ld unu ur m��rv iimcs wllhout prlur nutir�tu I�i�R+�wcr. A.ule mi�y result in i�chnn�tc ln ttio en�l►y ��_`�._ <br /> '� (Rnown ns�hc"Lnnn°rerviccr")thot collccts momhly pi►ymcnts duc under tlic Notc nnd thiy Sc�urity In�irument. 7'Nere tdsu , 4 �� <br />=`�"a``�_ _ mny U�:anc or rnorc clutngcy of thc La.►n Scrvlcce unrclna�d w i�sulu oP Ihc Notc, IP�hen:Iv a ch+mgc nY thu I���an Scrviccr. ', �- <br /> �"'_'�'��. Bmi�uwcr wlll be given�vrittcn notice uf thc chnngc in nc���r.ianra�vi�h p;vagri�ph 14 nhuve ttnd t�ppli�nblc lu�v. Tho nuUcc •.'';;�;;;:_:_ . <br /> =;�� wlll stntc thc n�mc cuul address af thc nuw Loan Scrvicc�tt��d the uddresy to�vhirh puymcniti+hould bc rundc. Thc nnUcc wi11 4.=� <br />-°3�'y idso comain uny oQicr infom�ution rcquircd by nppItcnblu luw. � ;, <br /> ."�—°_'f 20. Nnaurdouy Substanccs. Banowrr shi�ll not causc��r pc�mit thc pmscncc,u�e,dirpusnl,storuFc,or rcicas�ut'imy . , <br /> 4 � Nn•r.ardous Substnnccs on or in thc Prapc�y. Bmrowcr shnll not do,aor allow unynnc clsu ta dc�,imythins uffccNn�; the . ' ',-�. <br /> ����. ' . FruEx;riy that i!:in violntion af any�nvironmcnti�l Lnw. Tl:o pn�cediug t�vo�cntences rhall nut apply tu thc prescnco,use,ar ' <br /> ..,. . , ,. ��,�= <br /> '` ' ° stori�go on thc Property af small qunntilie+of Hnrurdouti Substcinccs thut iu�c generally rcco�nizcd w txt uppropriutc t�nonniil .{ , ,.,„�o, <br /> �� restdcntinl uscs nnd to mnintcnnnsc oF�h�Property. . , `- _ <br /> - � 8orcower shnll pramptly give Lender written nutice us nny invesdgutii�n,clidm,dem:�nd,li�wsuit ar uther aclion hy any 'r. •- ; <br /> ��• � govemmentnl or reguliirory +�bency ar priviuc party inv�lving tho Property nnd ctny Hnziirduus Subtitance�r Envimnmcm,il :.�,,�_� <br /> ovcrromentnl or �cgulutory .:•= <br /> = l.u�v of �vhich i3c�rro�vcr hus nctu�l knowlcdgc. lf Barr���vcr Icurns, ar iy nutificd by nny g __ <br /> � � . uuttwrity,thut iiny romoval ar other remediiuian of any Harurdous Substunce uffecting the Property is ncrc+�:uy, Bnrrawer , , � ..+_d_ <br /> �.;,,-; � shall promptiy tuke all necessury remedii�l actions in necordnnco with Envir�nmentnl Lnw. __ <br /> - As used in this parugr�ph 20,"Hi�ivdous Substunceti'ure those substances defined i�s t��xic or hiwurduuti yubstnncc�by <br /> ��+ ' Environmental L��w ond the foltawin�,:substances: gasoline, krrusene,other flnmmuble vr taxic petruleum products, toxic <br /> • � pesticidcs ++nd herbicideti, vc�lutile salvents, matcrials conu�inin�; a�hestos ar Pornirildchydc, und radioac:tive matcriids. A. . <br /> used in this parugrnph 2U,"F.nvironmental Lu�v"means fedcrul Inws nnd laws oP the juris�lictian wherc the!'roperty is lacuted <br /> thnt relnte to heutth,sttfety or enviruamental pr�tcction. - -_ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and l.cnder funher covenant und ugrea i�ti ti�llow.r•: •, <br /> - � Zl. AcceferAtlon; R�medles. I.ender shnll give nutice to Rorrnwer prlor tu ucce�erutiun PoQo�tiin}�Burrower's � _ <br /> ° � breuch uf any covenimt ar n�reement io this Securlty Instrument(but not priar to;61 the uctlo�re�ulred�to cupe the . <br /> � unles.9 app�tcnble Inw pruvldes otherwlse). The natice shnll ypecli�: lu)the deFuulh, y r , <br /> � . � defAUlh,(cl u dute,not Ie�.9 thun 30 di�ys Prom the dnte the notice Is�I��en to Bur�o� whtch the desnult must be _ <br /> cured;and(d)l huf Pu i lure to cure t he d e f u u l t on or before the dute spcclf7ed In the nutice mi�y result in�i�eleri�tion os , _ <br /> :, � <br /> - -- ° ;�ie s����se.,ur�s!!sy!!�!:Secttr!!y lQStst►m�nt nnd�le of'the Praperty. The nutire shull fLrthe�infurm Bo�ro��•er a f <br /> r� - -�-- _ <br /> the right tu relnstute ane��ucceleration und the�I�ht ta b�inF u caurt action tn a�.sert the nan•exisience u�A ac►�t'c's�•v. _ <br /> ' uny other defense af Borrower ta Ac�elerntiun und sAle. If the deQ�uit Is not cured un or before the d��te spcci�ed in <br /> ' � the noticE,l.ender at its uptlnn may reqtdre Immedlate puyme�un�fl��l���f he�um�tl1e�eu bm��ted hy npp icn6le�l�wt <br /> � ' �:i �vithout furmcr aemuna and may inv�ti� ..�r r�••�• of "»..� ....- .-.-, - - <br />. � Lender shnll be enNtled ro collect all expemes incurred iu pursulnF thc remediev pruvided in tbi.r• pAruAraph 2i. t-� �- - <br />� Including.but nut limited ta.reusonnble i�ttor�e��o'fees and custs af title eWdence. <br /> ' ' � If the power oP salc Is i�voked.71�ustee shull recurd u nutice of dePault in cach c��u�1y in�vhlch nny�pnrt of th� <br /> Praperty is locuted und shull muil cupieti��f�ach naUce In the manner prercrlbed hy upplicublo Inw tu lfarrower and ta <br />� � the other persons prescrl6ed by uppNcu6le lu«: AfYer the time required by i�ppUcuule luw,"IYustee qhall�ive public <br /> � nodce uP sale ta the�crsony u�d in thc manncr prexcribed by nppllcnble Iti�r. 'Ilrustee.wlthoul dcmand�m Harru�ver, <br /> shnll sell the Praperty t�t public stuction ta tlic higheat bidder i�t tho lime und pl�ue und unde�the tesms desi�nuted in � <br /> the�otice of sale in one ur mure purcels and in uo�y c�rder'IYaytee determinev. 'Irutitee mi�y paslpane sale aP itll ur any � <br /> (���. �_; ". parcel 01 the PrapeMy by pubUc announcement ut the Ume and pluce��P s�ny previousl.scheduted s�le. Lender or its <br /> „ , deslgnee muy purchaso the Propert�•nt nny sale. <br /> - Upon recelpt oP puymeat oP the pricc bid.'[1'ustce shnll deliver ti�the purchuser 71�ustcc's deed cumcyin€the <br /> Property. 7'he recNuls In the'IY�ustcr'�dced�hull be prlma Pucic evidence uf thc Irulh uf the titutements mnde therein, <br /> ' � 'Ihustee yhull i�pply the pruceeds i�P th�e u�le i�th+e foUowing order: li�)t��ull costs s�nd expenses uP exercltiin�the pawer I <br /> � : <br /> . . i <br /> , � . <br /> f <br /> _ i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> _ i <br /> i <br /> Forro t02N v 90 ipnqr S�4 nl���ti.,� <br />� ._.____ --- _ -� .. <br /> � <br /> t � <br /> 3 <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> � � ' <br /> � � <br /> �� � ' <br /> - <br /> r - <br />