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<br />,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,�'~:� rund�muuUu��ur�+�hc�•inkinit�,Y any pnn uf�1��Ihu�k�N�•.�,r lur rumc��iu�rr In Il��u of rumlE�mnnll��u,w��hrirl,}•a,�iE!nril mtd °'•---= ' _ _
<br /> ��--�, .t�ull ba pald t��l.��ndcr. � ' ---
<br />�� � . , (n thc �vcnt ��I' u tuta�l ti�khiZt ut'U�r !'rapci���. U�r pr��re��d• ,hull N4 iip�►Uril lu �In� .um. �►�ru�r�l h� �hl, y��r�n�U�• t ��
<br /> .'�'"-�_,��-,-_ in,lrumcnl,whrthrr ur nut then�iuc.�vilh�uq� r!�rr•,paid �u Nuum��;i'. In ihc«�rn�al u�+a�Ilul i��hiu���f�h.� Ihu�x�i�y in - ,'� .,,�.,,�a =
<br /> =- -��--�� . which�hc fnic miu•ket vailuc uF ihc Pn�pcny immrdintrly h�H'u►u Ilu•tukin�t i.rqunl w�q•��irntc��Ihm��hu umuun�ul'Ihu+uui� " .;�_1.��_�'.a.. ---°-
<br /> - • sccur�d hp thi�Sccuri�y(n.trun�rnl imnu�di.uety hrilu'��d��� takin�i� unir,;�t!i►rrua��t'u►ul l.endcr ulhrr��l�r uEtr�c in ���1Uii��, ' x� _- -
<br /> - -" thC stnnx tec:ureel hy tlii�5.�curity h1�l�ume+tl xhau u���4au�4a��' the:utt��mt vt�thr pru�rcd.niul�l��llc:d by �hu li�lluwiu�; f -.. '"'� _
<br /> `�� ^ •� fr.«Nun: (a1 thc tuitd t+n�uuitt uf t{t�`st�nt��re'UR'4I Ilililil`i�IUICI}�ly fi�ns thr tnbin�!,dividctl by(h!Ihc I'iiir�1u�r1��1 vulu��ut'dw � � �
<br /> Pr�4xnv IRllill'IIIUICIy nCfllfC {I14 U�kii��;. riny bala�a•c tihaill I�i pai�1 tu N�u�ruwer. In lho rvent ut'u purtiul lu{�ing ul'IU�� �-- _ — -�,r�,�`_.
<br /> '°'�• ` Pro��crly in which thr t�nir mn�krt vnlue��f Uir Prop��rtv imnmah;�tuiy tn to�'�� Ih.�t��t�ing iti frs. �hcu� thu nu►aum ��i�ha .,urnr . - =,:t -
<br /> =--�_•• �_ srcurcd imntcdlutciy b�l'uru the Utkin�t, unlass l�in'rua�c:r wid l.�:n�k�e ulhc�ra•i,c nprcc fn u•ritb�� ur �ndc..i�pplicaMa luw _ ,_"
<br /> -�r`=°":;� �nhrrwixa priwidcs,thc pracecd+shiill hc applicll w Uu��uin��ccurad t�)�thi��c�:urity Ins�runwn��vh��ihar��r not ihu yumti urc . . ,
<br />- ` ,�" ,• 1�1L'0 11114. �
<br />_= _ __��4• It'thc f'�'uperty i.uhvid�mcd by Eium�•�cr.or if,cd't�i•�xati�r hp l.ritdrr tu Hi�rru�+�vr tl�nt thu rundumnur ull'ri�tu mnl�r '` �
<br /> ____ �.;,�` an i►wnrd i�r settic i�clidm ti�r�lam:igr�,Non•u��rr t;�iis tu rc�}��,nd tu L�n�lcr�vithin i0 dnys al'tcr Itw dutc tiw n�►tic4 is�:ivan. � . ; .- ; -
<br /> �`�� L.cndrr i�nuthc�ri�.ed t��caUc�t wtd a�E�plp lti���+nx��d�, at it,��ptian,rithur ti,nstar:tti�,n or rrp;iir ut'Ih�� PIYt�)L'fl)�ar lu Ihu
<br /> '� �� `� � swns xccurcd hy thl�Sc�urity lnst�vm��nt,a•!;,�her ur nut then duc. � ..:.�,.,:.,,.: .:.��"':
<br />-"-'� = -:+`�•� ' Unlcvs Landcr iuid Burru���rr u►hcrais�ug��:� in �vritin�� +mp ap��lic�itiun oC pr~xecds tu princfpnl �hnl) nut�xtend or _ _
<br /> _�`�: ' u E . �11151�10111'(I1C IIUC llillQ OP 1I10 muiuhly paynm�it�illurrcd tu in p:u•n�;ruphr I und?or rhungu Iha amnunl ui,uch payment.r•. : .. '`'°.:�;
<br />:=��:r.''., ' ll. Hurru��•ci• Not Rclet+sedi f'��t'be.arsancc Hy I.endc�' Nut �� Wuiveo l:xtcnsiun uf thu tiniu f'nr pi�ymunt ar . . �'�R� `.
<br />--+���" • m��dification ��P unu�rtiz:lllllll l)I lI1C%lllllti SCl'UI'ClI Il�+(IIIX Sl`l'U171y II1ti1PUI11L`11I�L'Ti1111L'lI I1V I-CIIlI4'f IO iI11V ti11441`ti�pl'IIl IqWI'C\1 . �`�w
<br /> MY�.�-��J
<br /> ` . , , af Uuno�ver .hall nal aperut« to ralraxc the lii►t,ilfry ui'di� ��riginul Hrrruw�r ar Iiurrowcr\ �uc�:o�uur in inlurcyl. l.�nd�r t "� " _-
<br /> .., shall not br rcquin�d ta�:�,mmm�re prur�rdinp����:uinst imy tiucrrssi�r in intcrest or refu,r tu extcnd tinm far p����mani uc . �n��'�;`,-
<br /> �i� •; utttet•wi,r m��dify aim��rlit.ati�m uf Ihe sums•ecured by ihis Srrurily Instniment by rra.un ut'cmy dcmand mudd by thu uri�inul �::. � .��*��
<br /> Liu�ruwcc or k���i7u�ver�succ�„oi•r in interest. Any forhr,irimc�hy Lcndcr in excrci�ing any ri�.lit ur renicdy �hiill nut br u 'i���;�s,�,�.� •wa.
<br /> , � 1. •-
<br /> �"�, � �e.ii��cc ot'ur pr��rludc thc��xcrcixc�,F�my right��r remcdy. '' °
<br /> ��s,, ' � 1�. Sua�ssurs��nd A�r•i�ns liound:Joint i��d Se�•crul l.ii�lrillY�:Co�si�ners. Thc co�-rn:►ntti imd aigrc�mrnts of�his �•���� �; ` ' irti��:�.,
<br /> €,�',t,;' ••�'t.,..,.:{ ,
<br /> }+,,r, . , ,'`:'\. �:"��,,.,.
<br /> : ��;�.. , • �t�,� Srcurity Insta�urr��nl sh�ill hind amd henaiit thu sucrc�snr:und u�,ign.of l,cnder amd 13�,rruw.r,.ubj�rt tu tlw pruvi,ion�rt' . '`;:.�.,,.�,�,l.,"�_
<br /> •.:R:t•�ti� �..� -
<br />::,,�,,,,x�,,, . paraga�ph 17. H�►rruwer.l• ix�venantti und aigrrrmenlx .hi►II bc,jnint iind scvri:�l. r�ny Burru�����r wh�� ar,i�;n. Ihi. Scrurit}� . �--
<br /> , ,,,< In.trument biu d�,es nut exrrute the Nute; lu�i.r��-.ignin^�his S��curi�y Inslrwnrnt rul��to mungat;�,grant�u�d ri�nvuy tluit �..:.�';.'„, '• n.
<br /> ;`•'4•'`�� � � Nrn•rnvur\intcrest in Ihr I'�npur�y uncicr�h4 tennx��t'thi,Securi�y Insu�unieiu; lb)i,n�,t�urzun�dly ublipated in�uiy thc tiums ,� . �
<br /> �'.` '`..'''
<br /> ` ' ' . �• se�umd by this S�curily Insu�tnttenl;amJ le1 iigreur thin l.cndcr und imv whcr[ii�rru�crr m;���ii�rcc to a�t�nd,ntadit'y,forhear �`
<br /> •• , ur mtil.e any arc�,mnmdaU��ns with regard to thr te�ms �f Ihis Security lnstr�nncnl ur the N�,te �viih��ut Il�al D��n•otitier� �. : _ ','� -
<br /> _": ... .. .. ;.,.,� crnt.ent. . ,e_,
<br /> ,.,;;r,�,.,,•:> . ';.:,t+. 1�. Loim Chur�es. If Ihe loan secueed hg thi� tic��urit�• lm�nnnrnt i� �uhj4��i ��� u luu• ��•hirh .r�� ntiixim�nn lonn ��. .., � .
<br /> .. , �:�
<br /> .�.�°.�.�.; �, ` ��.,. �hargrz,imd thiU law is fini�ll�•interpret4d so th;�t tha intcrest�a•uthur li�;►n char�c�r��llect�d��r u�6�raUucted in connac�i��n ,•,;;,;•:,. <
<br /> ' . �eith thc loan c����:rd thu�x�rmittrd limits,therr: la�:m}•surh I��an chnr���hi�ll hu n�ducr�i hy tlw umount nare..;�n•ta rcducu •'' '�'
<br /> ' r. ; the rh,ugr t��the Fwmiittcd Nmll;und 11,�any sumx ulrcad}�rullactnd Peum Burruwrr�vliich uxreedcil purmittcd limity wiU l�e .
<br /> , ' �
<br /> --:-_- rc!'u3tdtc!te!���t'row�•r. I.���tl�r mt�;�chuose ta�nu►ku�his nt'un�l hy reducinu thu principal uwed und4r thu Nc�tu i�r by nnil�ing u ,�
<br /> dircct pu��mcnt ti�Hrn•ra�v�r. IF a r�fimd�rducc�principul,thu rcduoticm wiU bu trcutcd u�a pirctial propiiynwiU�+�ithout any - ` � `
<br /> .. , '• prepuymun�uhurko undcr thu Nuw. . `
<br /> 14. Nutices. Any nutirc tu Rorr��«�rr prrnidud fur in �hiti Scrurity In�I�umrm �haill h��±iven hy drlivu�ing it ur by � �
<br /> • •. � .....: .....«.. ' ... ...�..�.f, th r�� th al h�n��ti�•���h�ill hi ili�tClCi�(U I�1Q�IQ l(lV �---- .
<br /> �,- T - � tniuiio�,n(�y'i�iai�i�i„mu�i i�iil�:.:aj�z�l.:�l::::l....�.:{»is'�....... .t::::..». 1_'..�.... �'._ �' ---- - --
<br /> -__:. . - . - .a.
<br /> � Addrr�� i�r any athcr uddrox. Bnrra���rr dc,i�;nntr. hy n�,�icc tn Lrud��. �1ny nuti�c uj I.cnitrr�!�aU tk;;i�•cn hy t'irrt rl:��ti � • . _
<br /> muil ti�Lendcr.l•uddr�.r,tuted hcrrin��r any ulhur n�ldr�.,l.ond�r ila+i�;ni�lc�hy nuti.�tu Hurn���•r�. Any n„�irr pr����idrd(ur
<br />. •• in this Sccuri�y In,trumcnt .hnll hc dc�mcd tu hu�•r hrrn gi��cn lu I��,rn��<<r ar I.undrr ��h��n �i��en a, pru��idcd in thiti
<br /> , pur�i�!ruph.
<br />. . IS. I:t��•crnlnp Lu«•: tic�•ct'i�billlr•. 'I'I�i, tirruri�y In.lrum�nt �huU hr ►�u�•�rnr�l 1.�� 1'rdrr,il la�� und th� luw uf �he
<br /> � Juri�dictiim in«�hirh thr Praprily i.I��c;i�ed. In thr c�•rnt th,u an)•pnwi�iun ui•rlau.c�,1��hi�tier►n•i��• In,u•umrnt ur�hr Nute
<br />' ._ . cuntlicts with nppli�;�hlr lu�v,�unc�uN7ia1 yhall ni�t;iffecl�uhrr pr�ivi�iunti��I'11iiti tirruri�y In,inunrnl ur Ihr Nulr��•hirh run
<br />_ hc given ei'tcct �vithuu� �hc runfliciing pmvi+iun. 'li,�hi, rnd �hu pn,vi�iun� ��t thi, Srrurity Inti�rumrnl un�l �hr �utv iirc
<br /> dcrlutwd li►hu sc��cnihlu.
<br />- 16. Harruµ�cr's C�►py. Biurin�rr,haU hc piv4n unc ruufurmud a�py ul Ihv N�ur;ind ul'Ihi�5c�urit}• In,trumm�l.
<br />� . 17. 'IYunsfer uf the Pr�,perty or u lienei�cli�l Intrrerl In liorro«�cr. li aU ur any pan ut'thu Pru�krt��ur any inirrc.t in . ..
<br />- it i, sold or tramfcrcrd(��r if u h�nrticiid intur�ti� in I�urru��•er i� �old ur �ran,fcrrrd and N��rri��v�r is nut a n;nur;►I per.an►
<br />�� , without Lri�dur;prior wrincn cumenl,I.cndrr mu�•,�u itti uptiun. irquirr immrdiiuc paynun� in 1'tdl of a�ll sums,ccur�d by
<br /> this Security Inr,trumcnl, Hu��•er�r,thiti optii�n�hall nut ik r�rni,rd hy Lrndcr il'r�,urri.0 i.�uuhihited by ic�lrr.d I;av ati ul'
<br />- . ' �hc dutc uF this Sccurit��In�Irumrnt. (
<br /> If L�ncicr exercitics thiti upliun, l.�ntl�r�hall�i��r Rurru��er nulirr uf:i�•c�lert�Iiun. Th��tulice�hall pl•twitle:�period ut� I
<br /> ' ni�t Icsti thnn�0 d:q's franl Ih�datc Ihr nutirr i.ilrliv�rrd ur mnilyd«ithin��hirh Hnrru��cr nui,i p;q all,um��rcurrd hy Ihi.
<br /> Srcurity Inti�rumcnt. If Burruwcr fuil. tu pa� ihr�r .um� priur �u ihr r�pir,uiun ul' �hi. �,rriud. I.rndri• mu�• invul�e :my
<br /> • • rcmedic,permiucd hy Ihi�Sccuriiy ln,trwmnl��ithu�u I�urthrr nutir<<�r dem:ind i,n Nun�i��rrr. ;
<br /> '. 18. {3arm��•er'.c Ri�;ht fo Rclnslnle. It' Rrr�u�L�r murt. ccrlain cunditiam, li�,rru��rr .hall hnvr Ihc right tu hii�•r �
<br /> _ • ent'urccment i�f thiti Srrurity In�trumrnt Ji.��,ntinu�d at .iny timu pri„r tu tlir e;ulirr ul: i;U 5 d;��,��,r.urh athcr perii�d u` � .
<br /> � tiin�il��f:nnd� •-I�,�unt�Une Frrddlc AL�c l�II�(►N�I I\ti fkC�IF:\1 •1 nd�mn l'n�rnem. 9/90 i�+.�cr�J��l ri p���rv I
<br /> �
<br /> j� '
<br /> � � � ' —
<br /> _a�: .. .
<br /> i
<br /> r 4
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<br /> 1
<br /> 1 • • � '
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