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<br /> i =•�— �-r. ..---__.�.._...���.�_._._ .. ���+, -._ -, .. . ......��.�.�.�..,_--...,--....��—...-._ . . . _—.. . ., � _
<br /> . ��qe.p a� __ ____
<br />�`.i��ia�_�: - • �.!.���r e�F.� �
<br /> ��_: � — -
<br />, � - .:.,�• - runilcmm�Uun ur all�cr Inking uY uny��uU uf Ilw I'r.�pcny.ur 1„r run��ey�mirr In Uru��f run�lemna�i�,n.;ur hrrchy nti.{NnrJ iind � _ _-___
<br /> _ �� = �:hull ha p�ud h�I.cn�lcr. ;w� .'�°
<br /> - � ht IhC �vcnl ul�u lult►I It�{�IuEt uf thc 1'iapi�l�'. 11��� ptarriil•. �hul) h� up��lir�) N+ ih� �um+ �c�u�►J b)� Ihls tir�urily � ,� --
<br /> ���±. . In.UUmrn1,�nc�lhr�•or nut II�Eu duc,��ith iu�)c�ce�+p,dd tu Honu��cr. lo Iliv e��riu ul a p.ulliQ IuF,iu1:u�'�hr Ih�upcity� in _ �rz
<br /> . T =" . . � �vhirh�hr hdr n►ink���vuhw nt'�hc Ptuprn��innu�dlutrly hclbn��hc Iul�iu�t i,r��u;�l 1u nr p;iratrr Ihun Oic unwunl ul'�h� ,um+ �-- _.
<br /> T`; - ., .rru�td Y�y U�i�tiecurity t��,IrumriU im�iicJlutcl�• (a�ti�rc IIi4 IaF,iuZt,unlr�r• 11u�ii���c�'+m�l Lcndrr uU�r����i,c ,i�;rrc in«•rilin�, . _
<br /> - Ihr �uw��ecu��Fd hy thix Srcurily IU�If11111C111 tiI1:lU IN! r�•itu«•d h�� ihr ;imam�t�+P t{h IK�xrr�l, multi�lliad bt th� t'��ito��•in�; r__ • _ _
<br /> _ '� . � 1'ritrllun: Ipl Ihc lultll tuln�ulU ul llte tiunts�ecturti iuUnr�ilnlely h�'t'un•thr I;�I�It1E.di��tdctll�Y ll�l Ihr lidr tFtarArl valUr�+i'Ihc �. _ _�*-�'� -�� __
<br /> -- }'m�rrty i►m►rntc,,i.•ly hat:ji�� tl�e t:�kin�:. :1e►y haluucc �hal1 h� p:dd �u Rurra�►•rr. In �hr «•�n� ui���n�rlial tnt�in�! ul' INr t -
<br /> �''�a, ` 1'i'u�ic�Yy in�t•hieh Ihe 1'nlr luurkcl �'idue ut'ihc 1'ropert} 1n1nt�Umt�ly t�cf'u�r Ihr 1,d.L��; �, {.';•: itt:�t: thc s��tr!+�►��+i il�r ����»� �=�=- .
<br />==-�--� i;i`, -. �rctn'rd Unnudintr lv h�Puec I l tr t i i l�i�t F. �i i�l�" N i�r r���c�r i�i i�i l.ri�dcr ulhrra i,r u hrrr i�� ai�itin�: ��r tntlr.r, �q�plic+iblc lanv �, . -
<br />_t�� utherwitie priwidc�,th�prui�ec�k shull h�+ip�,Uc�l tu�he,unn�erur�d Nv tld.ti�eurity In.lrtune�it��hclhcr nr nut Ihr,utu,i�re • . -
<br /> ;�� . � � tl�cn duc, '
<br /> ;y`-�_-�-.__'. ' It'ih4 1'u����rty is nbunduncd hy �{un�o��vr,ur il'.;U't�r nuli��� I�y l.vnder tu(lur�'u���r Ihut Ih<<un�lemnur uff�rti Iu muV�� .
<br /> ..�`�+�: itn n�vi�rd ur,rnl�u rl�dm li,r�I�im+►�;c�, Ni�rru��•er I'nil,lu r��pumt lu l.c�tdrr��ilhln il1 di�y+utt�r Iha dauc thr no�irc i.�;ivcn,
<br /> .� l.�adcr is :lulhuriicd lu rullccl und;qtpl)'thc pr��cccd., ut it, upliun,�ilhcr lu re�lurulian ur�rp,�{r ul'Ih� 1'rupert�'or tu d1r
<br /> �`<'� �ums,ccur�d by this Secu�•iry Intin�uin�nl,whcihrr nr nut ihrn du4. '
<br /> `�`��' ' lMicsr l.ondcr and tiotti•awcr�ul�rr�ai��n�r�c in �vritinti, a�n�� upplicaillun ut'prurrcJs���princip�il .hull iiut cxtcnd ur . ' .
<br /> . .',•% p„stp��nc Ihc duc daw ut'th�munihly puymcnts e�fcrr�d tu in parn�:ruph. I wid�u�•chun�;c�hc iunuunl�,i uirh p;►ynunl,. � .
<br /> ' • 11, liornnr•cr Nat Rcici�sedi Forhri�runce liy Leitde�• Nut a Wui�•er. lixtrn,iun ut' ihc timr 1'i�r paymcnt i,r
<br /> ��+�'. modii'iratian uf umurli�,Uiun at'Ihc tituns,rcum�l hy �hi.ticrtu•ity In.�nnnrnt�:rantcd hy l.�n�lcr tu uny�u�r�•+ur in intcrr�l , � , •
<br /> ' 7i•�� � uf Hurruwc��htill m�t ��perule !o rcleai�r thc Ilnhiliry ui'Ihr uriginal Hurro«•cr��r E�t�rro�vcr.l ,urre��t�i:+ in intrrcrl, l.rnder � `` -
<br /> ,.'��=i • �hull aot t�o rcquir�d t�i canuncncu pr.ucc�iingti ngi�in.t nny surc��.+ur in inturvzt ur rrt'u�c tc, rxtcnd tinir fur payi»ci�t ur � ;
<br /> � � utl�cr�visc ntu.lily amu�tizuUan of thc sum..�rur�d liy�his S¢curity Intitrumriu by rc.a�m of any dcm,md�uiulc h}•thc uri�;iiuil �.
<br /> . - R�rr��wcr or Hi�rru���cr`.uccr,surs in intrre�t. .nay t'orlxurancc hy l.cndcr in cxcrcitiing uny r�ght iu•rcnmd��.hall nu� bc u � . =_
<br /> . , ( '; �vui��rr��I'ar prccludc the rxcrcitic of;m�•ri�;hi or nutc�l��. � �,;''
<br /> • �` 12. tiuccessc►rw nnd Azslgns B��undt Julnt imd ticvcriil LiublUt��t Cu•sl�ners. '1'hc c��v�mini,�md a�:rrcmrm.uf ihi� � ._,
<br /> • ,.;;•.,� S�curity In.trumcnt sh;dl hind und tHnri'it thc�ucccsson und +i�yignti ui l.rndcr and Hurru���r.>ubjcr� 1.►Ih�� �,ruvisi�m,u( { .,`°
<br /> . . pa�ugra�ph l7. Hurruwcr� a�veni�n�.;uul a�t,i�r:mcntti tihaiU b�,joint ;�nd ,rvrraL Any Hurrowcr ��•hu ru-aign. thix Sururity
<br /> ' Instrument but dnrs nut rxccute thr Nrt�: lul i�ru-,i�±ning Ihi.r Securi�y Instrunun�unly w murt�u�;r,grunt und runv�y thut � :�?:
<br />- • Horr��wcr's intcitist in thc Pruprny und�r ihc tcrms ui Ihiti Sccu��iq• Insh�umrnt; 11,)i�nw persunull��uhligutcd tu puy�hc.um. i
<br /> - � � �ccurcd hy this Sccurit)�ln,trumcnt;nnd lr►a��:rrrc�hut L�ndcr i�nd any�,ih�r Horro���cr may a�rcr ta rstend.mudit'y,iorNciu• .a
<br /> � , _, . or mukc auy accotnmudiuiun, wi�h rr�:ar�l tn thc tcrm+ of �hi, Scruriry Ins�rumrn� ur the Nntc \YIIIIUIU Illill HOPI'l)1MCI'� s
<br /> �'
<br />: conscnt, ,
<br /> . li, Luun Chur�;es. li' lhc lo,m scrurcd hy lhi. S�curiry Imtrumenl i, .uhj�cl �u li lu��• ��•hich uts mu�imu�u I��un .
<br /> � chiu•�cx.:atd lhut la�v i.finnlly intcrprotcd su Ih:U�Itc intcrc��ur��tlia•Ioa�n cht�rgc+rullcct�d ur tu I,c rullcc�cd in cunnccliun �„ .
<br />'" with ttu loa�cxccrd�hc Eknniucd limits,thcn; lal iiny+uch luim charce�hiiU Nr rrduccd hy tB�unwunl ncrc�>ury ti►rcducc
<br /> thc chargc t���hc pern�i�te�t limir,and Ib�uny�u�ny+�Irc+idy cullcrtrd i'rom Bunu��cr which r�rr�dcd�x�•miur�l limit� �vill bc �• �
<br /> •:� - -- -- �
<br /> refunded to I3urru��rr. i_rn�icr may chc,n}�t�,maka ii�i,rei'trnct b4 n:l.;ci::i the{•:'i:icipu!t��vct!�����le��hr Notr ur l�y ntukin�;a ,_- - - - '-
<br /> dircct paym�nl to Hu�7�i���•cr. li'u rrfun�l��r�lucr.prin�ipal,thc rcduc�iun�vill lk trc�uc�l a�a��;iriiul prcpaymrnt wilh�,ut any , � ,
<br /> prepayn�c:n�uhurgc imdcr thc Ni�tr. ` . ' ';'
<br /> � 14. Nollces. Anr nulicu u� f3nrru���cr pr��vidcd Irn• in thi. Scrurity In�trunnnt �hull hr givon h�� dcli�-rrinp iI or hy �:' • ��.
<br /> _ ____ . .• u�. �. .w�, v �.—...............�._s.
<br /> : tnailin�;i�hy tirst rlissr inail��nlc.,�►p�licuhlc li►�v rr��uirw u�c ut i�n��tlicr mcmv�i.Ti�r nuu�c,ii,�����:ti:..t.:..::tl:�4'r:.r �,
<br /> Addrosr ur tmy��ther iiddreti� Nurmwcr dc.i�!n:uc� hy nwirr U� Lrndcr. Any no[i«a� l.endcr�hull hc �i�rn hy tn-,1�lu» ;.
<br /> muil tu l.�n�lcr'�i�ddre��.tntcd hrrcin ur uny uihrr u�ldrr,.Lrndcr dc.iunatc�by ni�lic4 tu lii,rri,���rr. :1ny nu�irc pruvid<<I I'ur f
<br /> in �hiti Ceria�ity In,trununt .hiill hc �lrcnud tu harvr ixrn �i�•cn to Hurru��•cr or l.rndcr �vhcn �:iv�n a: pru��idcd in lhi, � .
<br /> . . pnru�i'nph. i .. ..
<br /> IS. liovernin}; l.u��•; tic�•cruhlUt}�. "I'hi+ Sc�urity In�iru►��em .hall hr Luvcrnrd hy t'cdcr:il la��• iu�d thc law u!'thc �
<br /> , jurisdictiim in whirh thc Pmpeny i.luratc�l. In �hr c���m Uiu�um•pr„vi+ian�,r rl�►u,e ut'dii,Seruriq•In.�rument ur the Nutr i .
<br /> . 'contlicts with upp1icuMr law..urh runflir��.Indl nnt;dl'oct wh�r��ruvitiiun,i�f thi, S�rurit��Inti�rumrni ur thr Nutc�vhich can .
<br /> ' . hu givcn �i'1'cct �vithc�ut thc cuntlicting pn•vitiiun. 'li, thi,rnd the �u'u�•i.iom �,f �hi. Scctuily In,lrument und thc Nutc ar� � .
<br /> . dcclared ti�bc�cvcri�Mc. �
<br /> • 16. Harro«•er'y l'ap�'. Hurro��•rr+hi�l)hc giv�n uur cunfurmed cop�•uf�he Nuie ani!of thi�tic�urity In.lrument. .
<br /> j � � � 17. 'll�imrfcr oP the Yropertv ur u Hencf�clnl Interext in Hurro�cc�: 11 all��r an� purt„f thr Praperir„r uny intcrc,i in I
<br /> it is si�ld ur Irun+fc�rcd lur it'a hrncticiul intrrctii in liurru��•rr i,,uld ur tran,Crrrrd :uid Burru��•cr i� n��t a»atural per,uii� , . .
<br /> � withuut t_cndor.l priur wriurn ronticn�. Lund�r muy.,it ily uptii�n,rr��uirr inm�rdialr�,aymrnt in 1'ull ui'all �ums�rcur�d hy ;. ' ,
<br />_� Ihi�Security I�lsl1'umCnl. HuN•c��rr.�hi,�q,tii,n tihall nu�hc o�crci.cd hy l.rndrr if cxcrci,c iti pri,hihi�c�l 6y t'cdera�l luw a,uti � �
<br /> _ ' �h�diu4��f�his Srcurity In�u•umcm.
<br /> � � If Len�ier rrurcitie�thi�upliun,l.�ndcr�hall�:i�r Hurm����r nulire ot'acrekrali�m. 'I'hr nulirr�hull pro��idc a��criud ui •
<br /> - nul Icati Ihi�n�Oda��•In,m thc dulr thr nuticc i.drl��rr�d ur mailcd�rilhin��hi�h Burru���r mu,t pa����u.��n,.•«►�����i ny Ihi� �
<br />__ . S�curiry In.�rumciu. If Hu�-r����•rr fiiil. lu pa�• ihr.r �unu ��riur tu Ihe ����irati�m uI thi, ��criu�l. Lrndcr nui�� im���kc any �
<br /> rcmedics permiuud h��ihi.Srcuriy In,in�mrnt ��ith��u�I'ur�hvr n��lirr ur il�m;u�d�•n l�iura�vrr. �
<br />� 18. liorro��•cr's lii�;ht tu Rcintitutc. If' Hun•u��•rr nute�• �'cr�:►in cunditi��n.. Hi�rru���r ,htill hu�r !In righl �o hirvo �
<br /> — cntorcemenl�,f thi� Scrurity In.uunu ni �li,runlinucd :u am timr��riur tu Ihr�:u•li�•r ul: i:u �da�•� I�+t�.urh n�hrr prriud a. i
<br /> \�nplel.inuh • Punnln�LieFre4dle\1+�c1\IFIIN�II\ti1lZlV6:\I'..l'mi���ml'�nrn.ml. Q90 i��dcia�4��pner.i
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