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"S�curtt�►tmtnimint'►r of tAe s�iie d�ts`►.tha un�iabned,Mntnatter retoi►ed to as the"8�rawsr".to secura .. <br /> ` � � '�o�r�s l�k I�ersinatter nt�rt�d to ss ths"Npts",to titiME EEDEfUt.�SAVINtiS ANt3�.OAN RSSOCIK�40M OF �, . <br /> - liE�AND iSLAND.MeNnstter mtenad t4ss tA�N4indeP'.of the same date and cov�rin�the prc'PeRY dssc�sd in the Secarity . <br /> - ������ 1 . ! ' � � . . ' • _ ' <br /> .. �- _C_ . ._ • � .. . � '. . � _ �. . <br /> . . �. _ ' _ " . .-c. . .. -- . . _ 1_ a 4 :. . <br /> ' ; 1?3�! 1DLEUiO� LlliiS GR111iD ISI,PiI�iD, NE 68883 .• <br /> �lIILTN�TH. � ; t�V�!�e�a . � t. ' ` . ` ' � <br />':��:�. , ' WHEREA�.Bar+owar and bnder have�rasd tha�anyw+eatd and{�mftt�attrlbutatiip`to ths D�Y��b�titut'a <br /> _ additio�pit�cuKt�t to tM L�nda ia tlte pa�inertt of tbe Not« �:° - • <br /> , � . , . . �.. `t , „ <br />_- NOW.'[HEREFGRE,�l i�a0►esd th�f the Secudry fnstrument sha�i be amen�et!UerabY and daen�ed to inGude ttN toilowiap � . . <br /> - - • 01'aYlalon� �. ' � . . . <br />- _ �. �z�jpnmant ot Renla and landar Rental Collectlon Rlahis.Borrowef hefeby apaolutety and uflCO�fditMnsJly aasipns all _ <br />_�;: nnt�, tasnsa and protits of tAa propsrly to Beneticiary. Lender shali havs thC �1�ht. poMrer�nd autftorlty duriny tAe <br /> - - c4atlnuana ot ths SaCUr1t�(instrument to ColteCt the rentst iaaues and protits a�t the propsotq and of anY P���P��f► ---- <br /> - 1ocl�Ud!I»noi�witb br without takinQ pofsesaton ot the propsiiY affecte0 hereb�r.�enctsr.tiowersr,hereby cons�rtts to =____ <br /> - � � Barawr#cWlsctien and ratantian bt sucl�ieata.isauee and profits,as the�r acctue arld be�ortle tonp a0 Bomower = <br />`- b tat�at�uch�me�in dsfautt witb tlepeCt t0 palymeat oi any inde6tedness securod hsrebjr,a in ths pecFonnarpcs of any ____- <br /> _ _ �Ip�MnMnt(ISreundet. , ' ' • ` — __ <br /> - 2 A000intm�niot RscMrsr. it any eveM af defautt in reapscl to ths Securit�►Inat►ument aluU hare occurred snd be � �-- <br /> continut�,Lendar,as a milter of ripht and withdut notica3o Borrower cr anyone clatming under Borrower,snd wfttiout �. ��''�'��v= <br /> ��_ <br /> �_ �_ -� � ,_�p1ltd to ths vatue of the truat�atate ar ths inte�eat of the 9orrower therein.ahat!Aave tlis ripM to spply to any aouR hav[np �_:�r�_-� <br /> - *. �:: - -Y'-"� :JuriWiC�tlonWappoirtarec�eiv�s►oftheptoperty. � • - - ;�;�,�-==-- <br />_ ,�;� ._� �. ,.;- <br /> _ _rr;.��t �3, piaht to�osdassloa In cass of defwlt in the payment qi the aaid p�incipal Note or interest,or any paR it r'��=_ <br /> , - "- - alisl!mat�re,a!n the caas af f�tture to keeD o�pertonn any ot the�ovenanta or a�teementa contsine0�n tAs Se�curliy Instru� '.�;`°�:�*.' <br />= `':" '"� ' Ly,,f'.; msnt,thrn(he Lendar,its succeaeoro or aaatpna, shall be and is he�eby authorized and empoweced to tatoe tmmediate `•.. - _- <br /> �'=-�`+,�::•. ,..•` po�sesslon of the satd preml�es theroin de�cribed and to collect the ronta theretrom,and to apply the proceeda theroof to tfle _'-�•';�:',- <br />- ,,.. .�. , . . ��" �;�� <br /> ���,�'`�;. arm.nt a en��o�e: . �;_2.� <br /> � � ; •. . 4. Anolica� oton t Renta Issues and Protfta.AfF renta coltected by,Lender o�the receiver shatl be applled firat to payment �`!�:;�_. <br /> '= of th�costs ot ma�anent ot ths property and coltactlon ot neMs.inctudinp.but not limited to,rocaivers fes4 0���on � - <br /> . ��,r'r`%.ze;'�•: � . � -- <br /> i r q i M S i" D o n d s a n d ro a a o n a b l a a t t o r h s y a f e e a.a n d t h e n t o t A e s u m s a�.w�e d b y t h e S e c u r i t y i n a t r u m e M.t e n d e r a n d t t� . `'.�=� --._ <br />_. t.•s's�:'�s:'. . ,' '-'^. <br /> . . ::K=�,..: �_ . reoNrs►ahaN bs lia6ls to aocount only tor those reats aduatty recehr�d. • -�.-��.._�;� <br /> • 5., �onstructlon ot Provislona.Each of the provlsions contalrted In this Asstgnment of Hents Rider and the Security Inatru- ����'�� <br />- '. . ment shall.�nteas otherwlae apeciflcally requlred, be const►ue0 irt accordance with Nebraska taw,ancf fn the event any • �� <br /> . � • � . prorislon heroin or thereln contained ahall be determined by a court of competent Jurtsdiction to be unentarceabte,the same .. . <br /> • - :; eball be canatruad aa thouph such uneMotceable ptovlsion were not a part hereof or thereof. ' <br /> ' ' � � • d. ENsatof Rider.F,�tcept as apecifically modified by or inconaistent witb tht�AssiQnn►ant of Rants Rideo or by any otAer � _ "•r <br /> ;�. •.. � " , • appticabla ridsr,atl ot the terms an0 provislons contalned In the Security tnstrument ahatl contlnue in full torce attd eftect. � • � , <br /> • �,�:.�: :.'. � . - ,. ' <br />•�"' =- � IN WRNESS WHEREOF,8orrower has executed thia Asslgn ent ot Rents Rider on4the date first noted above. � - <br /> -` � • . �, . � .t,to �Q .t�.0 I-:.. _ ,�6. � <br /> � . • . . , ' Bottower f ._ <br />��,, • _ , : ' SUSAN D STUCKERT ,_. •. , <br /> � <br /> , ..:�,r_=� • • � � , 8orrower � . ,:'�'�. <br />_ �- _ _ � , . . F:..._ . . ' _a <br />_- . - ' .STATE OF NEBRASKA) ' • ' * <br /> �. � ..�� � - . <br /> ... r�� . (58: _ : <br /> � .�,�: _ _ COUNTY OF HALL ) . i . . <br />:I�: ' _ , .. , ; . <br /> ' On thls 28T_#�,day of �Y .- -19 93 ,betOre me,the underaigned,a Notary Public duly commisstoned and ; . <br /> ''"�•`�" � quaflited for ssid counry,peraonatty came SUSAN n STt1CKE T A SINGLE PFRSON -. � <br /> i� <br /> ;,� . . • � .to ba the identical persoMs)whose name(s)isfare aubscribed ; � : . ' <br /> " � to tfN tofep0inp in�trumeM,artd helshe/they acknowledge the execution thereof to be hislheillhelr votuntary act and Qeed. '• . <br /> -�'' . . � • . � . <br /> ---. - � � - • ._. - YVltneas my hand and Hotarlal Seal at ��ND ISLAND NEHRA A • . . <br /> ";:,: . . '' . . <br /> _ " in aaid co ,i te fore ' , <br /> ,,f;�:• . .. , ���� � � . . ' <br /> °_ _.:;�" . . ��E�NOOL 1�I!?5 Notary PubHc � ;. . <br /> My Commisston sxplrex , . � - <br /> _���_� _ '�:�_:-='. xr�womm - . - � - • � - - . <br />-=T'�µ ,��"�� �w . � �• . <br /> :{ :'�-�:'� . , . ; <br /> -:`4 '\ �A'.( ' , . . ! , . <br /> h <br /> _, i�• • ' � � . . . ' � � <br /> . . - i.�. .�.� . <br /> • -- -..._. ._ ... ._ . ._..... — - .. .. . . . . ... . .'- --- -' - - - ... --�� -�--- -- . .. . ---- - -- - ... .. . .._..-- �- --� - --_ . .___ <br /> � �� . . , . ' - . i . <br /> �`S . . � , �.. - , � • . <br /> r <br /> .. . i <br /> • , . . � . • . f_, , <br /> '' • . , ' ' �._ <br />