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, _ ' . _ ` . sF.` . 'c.,;_. _ <br /> =_ ,��-.F� .•.�`�C �C .' }r•c, - .` . ' . ' ' .. `,`�� _- <br /> � . , � , <br /> -'� : • . o. �rJ' .. . . t s�. <br /> ���. .�i._-.� ._ ._......_--�___ ' - . ... �. - _� .� .�. �. . . .. __... ; _.. _. <br /> -_� � ' " � ' . .= . . . _ '- ' -.` -.( - ` ` -,C. <br /> --! . .'i �'T `_.-, .g`. .- - _ • - '. . .� --. ` . . �. ; - . -. � . /J�' G . ,�° ��. . � . . . ..i _ . ., .� - -- - <br /> .�_..,_ _._..'�..�.�r� • • ' ' • , � � . . , , t <br /> . � • � .. . . . . . . . . _ ` . . . _ . < < . . . . - . <br /> .. i .. _ ` 4 ' �c; <br /> � . coad�4ao or ntha�t�icing'at�ny put of dje Ptopeity.or foccqnveyanca in�ien of a�i���'ae�,s��issig�od ad, ` � <br /> : sbtH be ppd�LeAde�r ; , � � � .� , . <br /> � Ia�e evect�.a tnlal talcing stif the Pl�opeity.ti�e piooeods.shall be apptied ta the.sw�s stdurod by this Sec�uiry . _ .. <br /> 00 0 <br /> � {nstnm�.wsnber cr not then du�aith any exorss paid to Borrower.• In sh4 even4 of`a p�rtial taldrig of t�e�ioperty tn' . <br /> • Mbich thc fair ai�rta vaTue of the Propeny�i�iatety before tbe taking is oqu�l tQ or gre�ter than thc amouot Qf tbe�tis <br /> �by t�C gec�qf�y'I�m�t mm�iauty 6eRnce thrtaicing,urtk�ss Barro�ver m�d Lende�r odKrwue egc+x ia arrit�n$. ` <br /> __ - .:tne sw�c sa.�aied•by tiri�Sxvrity�s�aaii bt zeduc�d byt tbe amarmu of tbe p�oae�rts�d bY Uic foRo�v`p�g - � - <br /> - � � `fssc[io�n::t�tbe`tont amouot of thc sarm sec�uM�{ befoie tt�talcia�divIded by tb)tbe faf�markst valne of dx . <br /> � � � r�ny nmr,o��ay�efae ax aeag. �iuy��u�,��co a��� Ia tbe eveat of a.partia!taking a�tLe � <br /> ptoQettjr in whiCh t6e f�ir mvl�et vxiue of the Pfopeity i�,+++P,��s*sly hefore tbe talting is less thau the amamt of iGt sssms <br /> aawed�mapediioely�befone dMS ta�$,a�kss Borsower�¢i�eader od�ervvise aga in,writing a wtirss�pl�xMe!aw <br />__ , ; �� P�*�P���i be applud to tQe su�nc sewrcd by this Secmity Iasumria�t vvliether o�no�tbt su�s anc ` <br /> • . If thc Prnpetty is abs�ndoned by Bormwer.or,+�afrer noace try Lender w Borrowcr tliat thc caeaem�or offc�s w make , , <br /> - — — an awud ur seuia a clainr for da�pages;&xrower fa�s toiespoud ru Le�er witlrin 3Qdays after tbe date�he notiee is givea. � <br /> _- � I�der`is aud�otizad to colkct and apply thc pceooects;at its aptia�l,either to c+estmation�npair of the Propc�{y or to the ` <br /> � ` � smns saq�ed by�t6'�s Securiay Ia�t.whethei ot not t1�en due. � ' ` <br />�..• . Ualess Imda aad Bol�ower�agrre in writirtg,any`appiication of pnoeods w principal shall unt e�end.or <br /> � pa�pooe the due date of the monthly paymeqts referred to in paragraphc I and�or change the amamt of suc�i payirieats. <br />::.�-. 1L �nrrower NQt ltdqseA:_Forbe�rance Bg f.enaee Not.A Wiitvei Exte�on of the wne far payment or , . <br /> = nadiftcatioo of amo�6�m of ilx sans secur�ad by this Secrsrigr iamument�by Lendet to any se�essor in inte�est <br />-__ of Barower sha�!t�ot,op�eratc to ietesse fh4�iabilitY of the origuml Bomawer or Botmwerk suc�e.csars�interesc t,e�ier <br />=`;�, sinit nof be requirat co canmena pmceed"u�gs.againsc�any successar�n uueresc or s+efnse w eztend wne for payment or � <br /> - ' ' otherwis�modify aaa�tizasio�►of tLe sums seCw�ed b3►this Security Insfim�ent by ceasoi�of any demand maide by d�e origmat <br /> a� <br /> Bormwer or 6amwer�sucaessois sn�exest. Atry f�by I.��der in exetcising any tiglit or`nemedy shai!not 6e a . - <br />- � waiver of or pioclude the eseceise of any iigM or nemedy. . <br /> . I2. Suooe�oes aed A�s Baund;Joint nnd Sera�al IJabi[tty,Co�igners. The covena�and agc+�ueius of this °_ -- <br /> ,�; � .Soc�ty InsoromeatsdalL b'ind mtd 6euefit dlG sucoessms and assigas of Lender aad Botrower,subje,ct to the provisions of - �_-- <br /> � ., - pa�agraph I�.Hornower's oovemanis and ag�aem�r�is shall be ioiat and severs�.Arry Borroarer who co�signs this Security. <br /> �-_- <br /> • ' Iasondrunt but does not execute t h e Note: (a)is co-signing t his S a v{ity Iasuument only to mortgage.grant and carvey that • — <br /> .;- � Sartower�s inurest in�e P�operty under tde tentis of this Serurity Instrume� (b)is noi persunally obI'igated to pay the sums ��� <br /> . ,:`r..- �. �by this Secwity Insuumen�and(c)aSrees that Lender and any other Bomawer may agree w extend,modfy.forbear � ����=_,�__ <br /> ' _ -.r�'�="�:-'.�� or malcc aay accamncodations with tegacd ta the terms of,this Secarity Insuument ar the Note without t6at Borrower's =-:_-- <br /> t- �'r.' ' pp�SCl11, � ' �-- -- <br />-', ' „� • 13, Lo�s CA�Itges. If the loan secured by thic Security tnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan — <br /> ' chnrrges.and drat law is finaUy intcrpreted so that tl�e interest ar�ther lam chargas wtlected or to be collected in came,ction �;�i�.z�== <br /> �. _ wIt1�the loaa exaed the pennitted limits.then: (a)am such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount aecessary to reduce —_.-- <br /> :�= . '�`.. tt�e c to the tted limix and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded ued limitc will 6e �-°`_-_ <br /> � ,�a�.*.u;-,.:.:-,,;� huSe Petmi Pe�ni�-;=� <br /> �.�.��r,�.�r �to Botriower. Lertder may choasc to malce ti�is reFurtd by reducing the pri;xepal o.ved under the Note or by making a __�---- <br /> :G�'��`• `. ..�' _ direct psymrnt to Bomnwer. If a refund redaces prirnipal.the reduction w�ll be treated ac a partial Prepayment without any `�''�::� <br />. -:�., - � , p�epayment charge undcrthe Note. . , i �:"�s: <br /> :a:;. `' � _�:;�:6r:., <br /> ,, °•- -: � 14. Nofkes. Any aotice to Bomnwer provided for in this Security Instrument zhatl be given by delivering it or by - -_ <br /> - � �.y.'� , , mailing it by Cirst class mail unless applicable law reqoires use af anather methad.The aotice shall be diiected to the Prnpeuy . . _ <br /> . m � <br /> � ��=-�;�< :��-T=� � Address or aa utl�er addnes.e Barrower desi tev b natire ta Lender. An natice to Lender shall be ven ftcst class . .�.;�;_f_ <br /> `;;��;'; ,_ ��`: -;::_ � Y b'� Y Y � bY . . . � <br /> ;;� ., ,:,_f-�= mail to l.ender�address stated hemin ar any ather addre�.y L,endcr detiignates by notice to Barrower. Any notice pt+qvided fot = <br />:� `�' -�` .-:�.:,�, in this Secvrity Insuurnent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given av provided in this , - ; <br />_ .'�:]�'s_ .. '.�,�,, . . � , '.. A"-. <br /> - �'�i.• .- ;� ..`' ��1.S�Governing Law:Severstbillt�. This 5ecurity Inurument shall bc gavemed by federa!luw and the law of the � ' ,:�' <br /> ' ; " ' � °' �: jutisdiction in which the Property is located. ln,the evcnt that any provicia�t ar clause nf this Security Instrument or ihe Note f.- � _ <br /> - . � �� � conflicfs with appticable law.such caiflic�shall not uffc�:t other prov�scons oP thi�Secudty lotitrument or the Nute wtuch can "- -- <br /> ,. 'i�� . be given effect without the conflic�ing provisian. Ta this end the provisioay of this 5ecurity Insuument and the Nate are ' . " ;. <br /> : � .. • declared to be severable. � � , . <br /> � �- . • 16�. Horrorver's Copy. Botr�wer shatl be given one confcmned capy af the Nate and of this Security In�trumem,. - , <br /> .;:��-�' ' , I7. 7�ansfer o[the Property oe a&neticlal latereqt ln Borrower. If ail ar any part of the Property or any interest in <br /> :,�,.' .�• ,, !' it is sotd or transfemd(or if a beneficial interest in Bcnrowrr i�sotd ar trnnzferred and 8arrawer is not a naturai penon) - <br /> - ' ?' "`-� ' '. ��� without Lender's prior written consenl.Lender may,at itc optian.reyuire immcdiate p�yment in full of nll sums secured by �" ° <br /> � - � • " ihis Secttrity Ittsttument. However.this opii�n shal!not be exerciticd by l.ender if execcise i.�:prohibited isy federal!aw ac of ' � : - <br /> • �:=�,_.;�;� .�: the dau of this S�urity Insuumen� � - <br /> �•° ' � 1f l.ender exercise.s this option.l.ender+hall give Borrawer notice af accelerntion. The norice+hall provide a period of • . _ _ <br /> - - ����'°" � "" net fess ihan 30 days fram the date the natice is deli4ered or maited within which Bnrrawer muxt pay ult�ums secur�by thiw ,`:.�-- � - <br /> '�'�' '� � Security Instniment. 1P Borrower fails w pay th�wc�umc prior to the expiration af this periad.l.ender may imoke any t� � _ • � � <br /> ; ; ,'�" '�'•' � romedie�permitted by this 5ecurity fnwrument withaut furlher nrnire ar ctemi�nd on Borruwcr. i _ • . <br />. :�' • ls. Horm�rer's Aight to Rtitaiata lf Borrower taeel�cert:tin cuttditians. Horrawer rh:�l have the dght to have '� <br /> , %�'. . enfo�ement of this Security lnstrument discontinuecl at iu►y time prior ta thc earller af: (a)5 duyx Inr wch other periad av <br /> _ ?*��.:.. �l..,�. 4,, ' - ' . � <br /> } <br />_ , . Singto Famity-�iaenb�taelf'rcddie�1ac Uy1FU1tN 1�i.tiTRl:HF.tiT••Unitrnm Covomnb 919p Ip�ugt 4�Jb prtkr.rt � <br />. sik.'.i�;-t ' : � . . � • �, . i . ...---- <br /> . ,�__'�'. ! , <br /> -re;:.-;.�• �.1e <br /> . Y~ 1 <br /> _ ..S':'. ' ' ,f � ' I <br /> � . • " . <br /> _�' �.f. .�.. <br /> . . . . <br /> ; ..: :. � . . . . � <br /> - '-�Ar� ��}� ,�yne�•-w.s+aw-�-..-.,-e.--. —..._-. ____.�...."'_' '""" _' _ '"'"" "'"""_ ' ....." ' ' ' ' . . <br /> . -.... <br /> •. '' <br /> -_.-f • " " � " "_'_' "' ' ....._'_""_'"""'..__..�._'_"" _"__• .. ..._ .."__ ..."-__"_'__".._..__�... . ._' ""__'..."_'"'___"""_..__ ...__"_, _'_' _""__,._'_'....._._ . <br /> = A = . ., ` � . . . . ' l. . . , .. - . . . . • ' . <br /> -'!'� �`'W.�.: . .-...:. _._ .. " . . .. _ . ._ ' � . ' -. , • �-. . . . , � .. - . . , . <br /> � 'y' !:riGi44. .- � • _ - ' _ '_ "' ',; ' ' ' _. . .. . ' _'_ ".� ' ' , .- . ' ': . _' . -... - . , . .. 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