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'.t.' . � '. � ..- ` - -. ..._ ���twY1Fn ` �F!�. ` ��.�� � <`. <br /> ' ° � IRI��•L�S��71'�������� � <�. � •��. . � ` ' . �.l���R� ' "��V. <br /> ' � tt�orpot�ba u�tt,�na aun b.w«n.d w a�¢swpian�ent.�1Wor�w�s a Desd of Tnis;hereinatc.c r.r.a.a to s�th: • <br /> _� • •�g�cuiitY hi�n�nt"c a 31�san�i�w�bY.thr ur�sl�r�ed,i�ninattei rs�erred to��th`�,"8onoww",tp s�cur� . <br /> Borr�qww�Ind�btedrnss,MrNn�it�r�r�ter�eo to ss the'�Na�",to wOM�FEDERAL SAVINGS II�ID L'�liN AS50CU►TION CiF � <br /> �Gt1AHD ISLAND,A�nattK nt�i�d tois thls"Lendsi",oE the samsdsta artd ca�rs�in0 tAe DroP�Y deac�ibed G�tM S�rit�t - <br /> ,in�tu�t�lloc,aNd a� - - . ' . _ , ` <br /> __ _. . " _ . r.. " _ , i' _. __ _. . _ . . __. ._. <br /> . . , ` 9�x1S�N[R1H PR�iK, GRAl�3`7SLAND; NEBRASKA 688Q3. � . � . <br /> .` . , � � � . . � � t���,itaQ�ass) . . . � . <br /> . '1t1NtN�SSEYH: � �. . , : ; . , 4 � <br /> ` •M�AS,Roa�oMw►uid l�nde►t�ve aOrNd_that anY�6nts and Pro�attriEuta�t�to'tlfe D�����constituti ,. <br /> � �ad�!t�r ta trn t�a..ror ths p.,►m�t a:ehe Ha� , . :4 . . � <br /> NOIA[.7'HHiEFOR�,ttba�esQthatthsSsc4�tqlnstrumentstaNbeamendedfie�sDllanddssmsdtolnctud�thefolbwitp . <br /> — - � , . � „ _ - < . ' <br /> -- ' � �: . . � Bomower tiereb!►abaottttMl/and unca+ditiortalgr assl�aa s11 � <br /> - � nMS,�sw�s a�a a�a ot tbs aov�i�r to Benanc��uy. L�ear st+�uf nave.tas rtom.oowe►a�a wmorny au�in� cn. . ;� <br />;;,° continwu�c�`at tiM S�cuiitr insbument to catteat!he rents,issaes and p►otits cf the P��Y s+b���I►P��#�� <br /> -= .. toaat��non w(tft o►without takinp poasesston nf ths yioptn!►aiMcUd Ae[abf►Leed4�.Norrerar.Ne�ebY can�nv to <br /> 8arowKs colNctton ar�d cabMias of such rents,Issues and P��as tbeq accme aM bact�nits ptyaWa,s4 tar�aa Barow�er � <br /> _- N not,at suctr titn�;M dNautt wfth reapsct to paymsnt ot any tndebtedrtsss a�eured�sr`s4!►;a tn tbt psrfonnancs of an!► • . <br />- -_ . spwn�nt lur�urb�r. - , . � . <br /> � . 2 A000lntensnt d Receiv�sr.I! any eret�t of dsfault in�espect to!he Seaurity Instrument ahap hsirs occurred and be . <br /> contlnutn�.Lendst,a a matter of�dpltt and wtthout notics to Borrawer or aayone ctaimin�under Banower.and witbout _ <br /> .- n�arawtlwwvatueotn�tn�ar�nateaTte+e�ateoeacotmssorrowerthe�afe�ahallhavs�ertpnttaapptytaanxcourtha,rino . -__: <br /> , jur�sdictton to ap�wlnt$recehi+sr ot the property. �' ,. <br /> � 3. Rtane to oass of defsult In ths paYmsM of the aaid pAneipal Note ar interaat.or any part thueof,as tt <br /> _ _ ,��� � sqa11 elisture.a irt the cass of taiture to keep a P4rtortn any ef the eovertanta or sQreemeMs conUined ip the Security 1�tn� � �:___ <br /> _ i <br /> - mmt,q�sn�te taader.ib successora or aaalpns,shatl be snd is hereby authatized and empowbce0 to taka Imme0lste _ <br /> po�slqn of tbs satd premises tAersin detcrlbed an0 to cottect the ronts therairom.and to aPPlqths pmceeda thsroof to the <br />= p�ynwM of th�Notp. . ' <br /> .��� : 4. MQlkatiort of Hinis.issue�and Protita.AII ronta cottected by Lender a the rsceiver aha0 bs apPlletf#i�st io psyment-� <br /> _y>,3__, of th�costs of�r�ans�nt of tl�s Propsdf►and cottection ot renta.tncludtnp,but to.ncsivsr'a tes�Prerhiums on <br /> � :�,�-. � ne�iwr'a bonds and na�ona�le attomey'e tees,and tben to the aums securod bY the Securriy InstrumeM.Lender and�ths <br /> �* ncetMSr shatl bs Ilabls to accauM only for those r�nta aatually recelved. • <br /> � "�' . ,.-�,.r'�. S, ConstructLo�of Provlsions.Each of the provlsiona contained in this/laalpnment pf ReMa Rlder and the Security Instru- � <br /> - �' 3' 'f:..♦ <br /> ' � "�a:��"r�-�-,: � m�nt sHall,untess ctherwlae speclticapy requlred, be construed in accordance wfth Nebtaaka law.and in tNe ersM any � , <br /> _ ��; ;;�='•°.> . provfsion hsrein a ti�ereU contained ahall be determined by a court ot competeM JurFsdictlon to be uneMorceebte,the eame ��� <br />- ' tha��bs constrwd p thouph such uneMorceabte provlsion were not a part tEereot or thereof. • � �r'�t* �' <br /> :�,.�„^�y'i• . <br /> r_��_ <br /> ". ��r;• � d, �Etfeet�t RiEer.Exespt as apeeifteall�modified by or(neonaistent wlth thia Aaalpnmeni of Ree�ts fiider or by sny other _•-�-- <br />- +-_. • :����� <br /> " appllCabN rlder,atl ot the terms and provlafons contafned in the SeCUrity tnstroment stiatl continue in full force and eifect. ��.;,�:�_� <br />- _ ° :�'`:. .� - ' <br /> ,�r': �,_-,:. . <br /> . *!'tl�;,s'�:`...'•.i • ,+•«�. _�+�r, <br /> '' -- � � - IN WITNESS WHEREOF,8orrower haa executed this Assig ment of Ren�s iitder on ths date ttra� ted above. <br /> . --�t';;,�••;; � � _ <br />. ';a_:':-:,.�" '. /� , G � , , <br />_ ,r7i-�.:. �. ."-a. '• _ . ,,- � l/ "'! � . <br />. .-�� �� - � ,� , � ' . . . , ---- : _ <br /> ;����,; , LINDA . L�ODIN ON 48o rower , _ <br /> `'r• - . <br />: �" - _ , • _ <br /> '��.=�� - • Borrower ' '=,`si�v- <br /> ; _ �z__: <br /> • ,��..,_. <br /> �t:.*'�. .-_- . <br />-• J"�,'.' � STATE OF NE8RA3KA� ' <br /> - . , ' (aa: , . �r� <br /> - � x .. • ' CO[JNTY OF HALL ) . . .. <br />� . '` ,;--� .' p��hh 3R0 �ypt JUNE ��g 93 ,petore me.the undersipned,a Notary Pubtic auty commiaslorted and : <br /> �" ° ' qwilfi�d tor said county.peraonally came. LINDA J. LUDQING70N. A 5IIyGLE PER ON �_ <br /> s�v.�►'?+?�; .� ' <br /> ��k,.. =.. , . ,to be t�e identicat pe►aon(�whose neune(ay islare wtiDCtib�d : <br /> '�;� "i-�"�:��{:� �• � to th�torepoin�instrument.and he(sheKhey acknowledge!he executton theteof to be bielherltheir voluMary act and deed. <br /> , .. .._lti:.��:::-: ��. • <br /> �rt-�;'�� Wltneasmyhand�ndNotarlalSealat GRANO ISLANO, NEBRASKA , <br /> :�-•: •1- � �� .. <br /> : �.,. '. . Insa au �t f • � � �• <br /> :,; -�-��w� - . ; �e . <br /> _ .�. . < , -. <br /> -- � . • N ryl u Ic ., _ <br /> _— My COf11fM�ilO1t�7lplfl�:_____���G.G. } • ' . <br />-�r= --- N1rOfOP � • . . ' � . <br /> --� . � • <br /> _'� '.. � ,�,�My'�r� � � . . � i: . <br />--� `.�'"'��, . . . � <br />