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`F� ,. � ., i:.� <br /> � _ . _ .d . Q _ ...._._p _.4 Q��` .? - - - <br /> ,� �?,�R iL.-� ._.._ �. �. . . �_._ . : _.. _. C ` . _.. t_ � . c�t _ � - -` !' .�. . L ` , ' . ` c ` ' ` <br /> � � O F � � � , t ` ` � . . �4. � <br /> . .t,c . � ' `( ( ' __ Ck( ` ... ` ' . . - c .. . .. . ` �� `���� � � . o�': <br /> . ��iE�'f���il!`ibE�'AON.11t��CQ�IC�pfOpCCy.M�illF!#lCqll�s�` • � <br /> ` �pd fw�esu�r nr�ar�tla s pu[d�e_p�apatr.•Alt tepiaoea�aat�aad�,�ll at�o�be rcvaed b�r tius�Sec�ity , <br /> � � `y��1�j�c�lbefc�ob�g is�ed�ia t6is�Secutiry in�tromaK�s tbe`"piroPeai�r•z' .. . <br /> :. • � � �OttR�t DOYENANI'S th�t.BonoMer�lawfulty� ' d tbe'esaee he�y aR�'e�Ci.aad 6is the ri�bt to�iaut' . <br /> ' aod r+oax tbe � �ad t6at d�e Ytop�ty is �dem�ds. � � • <br /> . . . <br /> ,..' . :w�7lde�r d�t�ktalbC�Y:�� � . ��'��mY�°f _. --,- <br /> w�n�ts aed <br /> d �� � <br /> r �IS ��s�U1�QV�00111�CS 111�OQR�`1DYQ1�tS fOf 11#ty011�� YSC alld OOQ�O[!11 C61►�5�Y�1 <br /> • ba�ed vs�ons bY�w oo�m�a�farm se�rity,�oovrring nesl.�na�patY- �` . . ` ` <br /> ` �3r7l�ORM aO�►�tAl�'iS. Barowet aab I�c�der carenant aad sgcr�e as follows: . <br /> �- • t. l��e�rt�l�ri�etNl a�t Lle�n��r+eNlwe�t a�i I.a�e[�r� Baao�sh�ll P�PdJ P�J►�.�� <br /> � of�ua�int�u un dhect�bc tvid�ed hy�tr�e Pde ana aqy pi�p.ymmtaoa 1u�mtr�es dae aad�d�e r�ors: �. . � . . <br /> . . ��Tsts�tMr 71�ses si i�soa Sob�oet ta apptieabie iarr arto a wnttan w�dYer bi+Le�de�Bas+o9rtr atalt pY io��, ., �. <br /> ' t,ader�on tbe da}�moa�q Psyn�s ane dure under 1he,tiuie.�tbe Note is fa11,a swn t'�iods")for�h)�pK1Y , <br /> ` n��a�a w�,���r��awa m�s a���u s�o�w��r�,►:ro��y� �. . <br /> ' ` y m a n t s ar g,iouM t�etus aa We Piopeity. if anY: (�)Y�Y �ar prdpaty mssivanve premiu�: i� Y�Y � , <br /> p�emi� arty,(t).Y�Y mo�t�a����Y:�d tfj?m'scros Ps p a U l e b Y B m�w . <br /> I,�de�,in scoo�dmoe vinW the provisions uf.p�ragts�ph&Dt lieu of the paymenc of mortg�gt�ee Premiums- 'IMse ` <br /> ifems a�e called"Escrow It�s." I,ender may;at smy tinu.eoillect aod doW�,iuids in�an�owrt aot w acceed t6e mu� <br /> - _ mmoiatt a knder.,for a fedenUy relued matga�laaa may nquiti�for}.ionowet's esebow aocouat aoder the f�deral Rssl' <br /> — FstatQ S�tdament Pr+o�iues Act of 1974 as.�nrnded fmm time w timt.l2 U.S��Z601 et uq.t"�A°►").unless anodier <br /> -- - Iaw that applies to Eh�e Fmids sets a l�sser aatoun� If so Lend�et ,at atey tim�t�qert`and hold F�i�in an atiwunt uot w <br /> ___ � . excad Uje tes�r amount. I.erder may�stimate tha a�aouat�due an me b�sis of ceateot d� reasorobk . <br /> �flf expendiarcs ot fuwne Eqcmw Items or od�erwise m aocord�noe withapPiicxbk law. . . <br /> �Tbc FvMs s5all be heM iu an�on whose d�.posits are insorod by a foderal a�ency.ia�umart�lity.a en�r <br /> _ • . (iacludin8 I.aWer.if l.eader is sucli an institi�tie�n)or,in any Federat Home l.oan Banic. i.e,oder sh�q'q�ply tbe Fv�ds ta P�Y <br /> : — tUe��ctuw Items. Le�der may nat charge Bosower,f�bolding and applyhig tUe Funds,�nnu�dlY�Y��8 We�scrow . <br /> � ao�oant,ar vecifying tha Fscrow Items, unless I.�ter�ays Soc�awa ituaest an lhe and appiic:a6te Ia�Y pemiits _ . <br /> la v <br /> ;�3• ' L�rdcr An make satb a cl�rge. Howev�.l.ender map reqnire Bo�rower ta pay a one-a�T�arge for su�indepa���eat - <br /> :r estate tax reporting servioe used by L.eader in caonectian with this loan,onless applicable taw prov�des ot6erwtse. Unkss at� <br /> ag�ee�neiu is made ot applicabte law r�equir+es intercst W be paid.Lender sl�all not be trquaed so pay Borrowu any i�t er <br /> tamings on the Punds.�Baimwer and Lendcr may agree in writing.hat�ver.that interest shali be paid on the Fw�ds: Lender� <br /> _ shai!,give to Borrower,adthout ct�asge,an annual accounting of the Fw�ds.shawing eredits and debits to the Funds aad the <br /> . p�upose fa�which eacb debit to the Funds was made. TUe Funds are ptedged as adc�tionai secanrity for att sums so�urcd by <br /> this Sacnrity Inswtnent � • <br /> - If the Fiu�ls helif by Lender eac�ed the amounu pemdued w be appiicable law,Lender shall uccount to <br /> Bomnwe►for the excess Funds in ace�nd�t�ce with the rtquitema�ts of appliabk law. If ibe�amoune of the Funds held lry . <br /> .. Lender at any time is not suKcient to pay the Escnow Items ahen due.i.ender maY so notify Bonrower in writin��. � � <br /> -- sue6 case Bomuwer sHail pay w Lender sAe amovat�to make up tbe deficiency. Bormwer shaH make up the <br /> � , '=':`'.- deficiency in�more than twelve monti�ly payments,at i.ender s sole disrnetion. <br /> ::....: : _ ,. <br /> �+,-. '��;. ,-�..: � iTPon Payment in fu13 qf all sums secured by this Sa�uriry insuwnen�Lender sdall P�PUY refiu�d to Borrower any . <br /> �; -a��..::... <br />- ,•,q.a`s:Y��-,;��,�i. Funds heW by L.ender. If.vnder paragraph 2l.Lender-shall acywre or seU the Aroperty.Lender,Pnor to the acq�isttion or <br /> : . :• R•_�..-. •� � sale of the Pmperty,sdall apply any Pands hetd by Leuder at thc time of acquisitiort or sale as a credit agaiact the sums <br /> •::��.�.„ . .. ,w' . .. <br /> ��:,��:�.•-. saucied by this Sec,vdty Instrumen� <br /> �`•�'"�"' 3: A tioa af Plnyments. Ualess Ircable law v�des othecwise. all yments z+eceived�der under <br /> " r;�-::r - PD� app' � 'de pa bY <br /> ' ' �,a,# puagraphs 1 and 2 spall be applied:t3rst.w anY prepaymen[cAarges due vnder the amounts payabk anckr <br /> _��" ` �2;third.w iaterest principal due:and tast,w any late charges due under tl�e No�e. � <br /> . ;_ ,,..�_ .., � . <br /> _�Y����....•r 4. Cbat�ea; Lkns. Boirawer shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges. fines and impositions attribuutbk to!he <br /> • ;��'�'_%:'�=;`- : _ '' PcopeAy which may attain priarity ove►thi.s Securiey�nsm�men�and teasehold Qayments ar gcound n.mts.if mry. Bormwer � _ <br /> !'�-��� �- ' shall pay tl�ese obligations in the manncr provided in paragr�Ph Z.or if�at paid in•that manner.Botmwer shall pay them on . <br /> � �;f�'�� ;'�. time dimctly to the person awec4 paymen� Boaower shait ptomptly fumish to Lender a1l noiices af amouru.4 W be paid undcr ' <br /> << ,:.. -:... <br />- . ��;��: . • ��: this paragraph. U Borrower makes these paymeni.c directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.cnder recelpta evidencing <br /> -�.,,�._.,_:.�.: : �theP�sYments• ' . <br /> - .. �.. �. . . <br /> 's��';��.;. s Boirawer shall pr+omptly�ischargo any lien which ha.�prioriry over this Securiry Instrument uniess Borrower:(a)a�e� <br /> .. ..�;..:..�-:=.,' in writing to the yayme�u of the obligat�on secyred by tAe lien in a manner aeceptable w l�ender.(b)comests in good faith the <br /> ci <br />_ :.�.�;, tien defends against enforcement of the fien proceedings which in 1he I.ender'�opimon operate to prerent the • <br /> - �� �- e�'onxmcnt of the lien:or(c)secur�w from the fwWer ot the lien an agreement sattisfactory to l,ender subordinating the lien . <br /> � - �";`�. :=�:f . ta this Sec�uity Insmtmen� It i�ender deta�aiaes ttu�t any pazt oi.the PropeAy is subject to a lien which may attain priority . _ <br /> • _.�: :�• ovet thls 5ecurity lnstrument.l.ender may give Borrower a notice idendiying the lien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take - <br /> . ;�' . ' " one or more of the actions set forth above witfiin 10 days of the g;ving af nocice. _ <br /> ''�.�, S, Har�rd or Praperty Insurance. Borrower sha11 keep the improvements now euistin�or hereafter erected on the <br /> -�;-_-� � Ptoperty insured agatast toss by fire.hazardc irnCitMcd withia the term"eatencled wverage"and any other hs'zards,incinding <br /> : �f.#�::,:': fionds rn flooding, tor whicM Lender requires insurance. This insurance sh�lt be maintained in the amaints and for the <br /> _ ,s,} <br /> uti•�:s- '' <br />_ ;sr.-:�.� �.;.� � Far�3l28 f/!! IP�+8�2oJbpngrsl =- <br /> >�*;�.. . <br /> _ �;y . <br /> ::.�::_ . <br /> . ���;:; <br /> .,,.._r_ ..._. ._ ..,.__....._ .... __.�.�... .—,-. <br /> _- r: ��:Y .. .. -_.''"_-� ...... .._._. .. ___..-_ _•, - _ 9i"�+�"dss!�,,.� <br /> ���:_s- . .. . <br /> — – '-..�3(Y'.14"_t;'t.. . . , . • . • ' . . ,: . ',f?:.i'. . . . <br /> .. �ca�.sa° ,. . . . . • � . <br /> ---- - - ' - • . _^�_..�_ �..- _.�.i....� . �.t...-..��.. <br /> �.` �..,s'�_'�'�_.'�'m. . . . _.. . .i. _ . _ � �. • . ._. __ . _ ' . . . <br /> . <br /> -. • n� -. " . . . c. ' ' <br /> . <br /> -��t�i 6it4.�b,re - .. . . . . . , , . _ . . <br /> �� y�.�x �, ; �., . . . _ . . .._.. ` , _- .._. �� ' . , •. . � ._ • . _. . ; ,: . . _-. . <br /> _ ���`i . .� r� t .. ' � ' � . . � . • : , . �. ' . � � • <br /> _- � °�'�. :..n. v.. . _ . .. � , . . . _. . `.. . . � . . ' ' <br /> it' . . . . . . . <br /> � .. . <br /> � .� <br /> ,....� . , . � . <br /> .".,. , _ �;�-.-_ r__ '. ..._._ .._ � .. . • . � �. . .. . . . <br /> , <br /> . .. . <br /> C' <br /> .—. .�........... .. .' ,� � - -� -- - - -- --- <br /> � .� . . . -- -�� . , . ,- , <br /> .� z_ f ay . . . - ,1 � ' � � . � . � _ • '' 2 ^� � .� . �. <br /> *.< ��.� � ••� . , �a ... . , • . . .. , . . i re+ .L4'- .. ' ' ' '.. , ' <br /> � :'. �., '1. . . . 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