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<br /> �� . 2. �fo��.f�.r��lc� .P��.r��e. �ea) Aeoiqnr�x da�ignn�os � ..
<br /> Aonfc�nao �a r�a�+ivc�� �ar►c� ta1���A a���ha�i�a a�td dl,mn�� eaaln X.�r��Ar� .
<br /> � nemed in ���Q LaaAe� or ���3► ��:ho� ax �utur� loo��er� ox oc�c��a�ar�ti�� oK � .. ._
<br /> .._._.. .... . ._..
<br /> - - tha �xu�� P�aper�y �e� �a�t ovt�R^ tc� Ass�gnc�a, e►il Re�nts a�nd Q�h�+� -- -T --- - _ .
<br /> • ` . paymon�e xQCjll:LYlid �t� b� r��.d� by Y,ea�a�+ u:�de�; e�3c� L�n�er� ���r � . - .
<br /> ----=-- _�__� �
<br /> . Laeeee at eucB� adc3�:c�:�:� a:� A�n��4�n�e �h�s.� d��i.c��,�;�d �u� t� �.an��r�u� ;...___W_.____-----�....,
<br /> � -:�_.
<br /> to de� eo until a�h�xc��ar� ne�h��,��.ed by Ac�gign+�aj (b) An��a�neax
<br /> � deaignat�a Aee�qnc�� �c� ��aa�v�t� All no��a�s, dQm�tndc�. t�n�i���ak��q. �. .
<br /> davument� And otht�x� in��:x�u9c�P�t� or ao�n�tlt�eal�ta�ion� wt��sah lGc�t�r�eo i.� �
<br /> � required OX pAY.'ril�.�.fic►d tc� g:�v�c�, m�ke or da��.iv�a� to �ac e�x�vc� �a��r� ..
<br /> � tho leeear undex �11�a ��c���i'�►� a�d Aoe:lgn�x ehmll di.xe��� Le��o4� ��
<br /> any �u�ura lese�as ax oa:au��ant� oP �2�� True�� Px�a��x�p �p e�pX�,vAr.
<br /> to As�ign�e, a� ita �d�1r.c�sA abe�vQ, or at suc+� o�hv�x ��d�'q��i $� ,
<br /> Aseatgnee aht�ll. c��s.�q���c�� dupl3aa�e ox�g�,�n�lr� a� a1], su4�h� �no��aor�,
<br /> demande, und�ax��akf.a�.qrno d�aum�nts and o�hc�x ins�a;um���►��f (�) �o
<br /> paymen� or de�3.ver.y cef. ��y� natiao, ao�uat�d� wa�A�tr�k�,qc�� da4��ament �
<br /> - ox athc�r irn���i�ra�n� px aommuniaation by ar►y L�aa�4� r�ha].�. �a oP an� ,
<br /> foxoe or o�f�a� unJle.�t� m�de to Aseigne� a�3 �xqV�S�G���l h�X'9SAj (d) ;
<br /> � A9a�.gnea io irrAVar.aD��.y authorized, bu� �o� ak►�.�.gA�ed, to exera3ae �
<br /> z►11 righte and ramc�dl.�s �o colleat, aompaom�,r�e ar�d ��].�a�e a11 �
<br /> rent�lc� �nd othc�r. mc�nAes payab]le unoler tha Lea��a �nd ta deal with . •
<br /> �4�e Leasee in euah mt�nner and a� auch timAS as A��ignee may, in i
<br /> �Ca disoration, d��m aolviat�ble; (e) Aseignor repxasont� and !
<br /> war�a�at� that ��. ha� not�tQiod eaoh Lesaee and s2aA.11 con�inue to
<br /> not3fy and dirsafi caach now Lassea ar oocupant Sn writ3ncg, anal in a
<br /> raa»ne� �nd Ec�rm oati���c�ory to Aapignee, af the Qpx��g�xng; and -
<br /> (f) Assignax sh�l.�. ifoxw�rd to 1��signae any and �11 au�s reaei.ved ;
<br /> by Aesignox in� aannect�on w3�tn �he operation ag the Truat Property . :
<br /> at such addras�a a� A�oagatea staa�.l cdc�ignate within fiva (�)
<br /> buainaes day�a o� rc�c�ap4: o:� sucII� svs�a Ay Aseignor. !
<br /> ;
<br /> _ _- 3. eay���.r 4n �ia?��it� Liable. Aasiga�Qr 923a11 '-- - -. -----_-
<br /> remain liable� undQx the Leaees CQ pe�.rform all t2a� obl3ga�ions to �•
<br /> be performed b�► it thereunder, al� in aanordance witta an�d ;
<br /> _.__.,_ :..... � n»rana�� to th� terms alld provieiona OP the LeaS@i-3� �nd Asa�.qnee , :
<br /> r...._-.... ' --- -
<br /> � sha�.l t�ave �p obligati�n ar li�bility under the I�eas�s I�y �e�,�Qrs :
<br /> � oP or arising au� aP tPais Asaignment, nar ahall Assiqn�e be
<br /> requ�red ar ob]ligated in any minner to perParm or fulfill �ny of
<br /> tha obliga�ion� of Aseignor under or pureuant to tho I,easos, or to
<br /> � maka any paym�nt, or to make �ny inquiry ae to the nafiura or the
<br /> suffia�.ency of any payment raceived by i�, or to present or file
<br /> ' ar�y a�.a�.m, ar ta take ��np action to collect or onforae the
<br /> � paymen� oP any amounte w�►ach �a� have been aasigned to it or ta ,
<br /> wh�.ah it may ba entitled at a�x�► �ime or timea. Notwithetanding
<br /> the abav� and eubject �o th� �erma of ttais Asaignment, Aeeignee
<br /> hereby gxantc� ta Aseigrans a revocable lacenee to exeroise any and
<br /> all righ�s under the Lease� with resgect t�o the Trust Pxoperty in
<br /> order ta enablo A�eignar to take all aotions necessaxy for the
<br /> propex managomen� and Qperation of the Trust k'roperty exaept for
<br /> � (i) tha right ta make cLaim Por, rece3va, colle�t and receipt for
<br /> � any R�n��, ineurance g�oceede� oondemnation awards at�d any other
<br /> � aums payablo or xeceiv�lbAa undex the Leaaes or pursuant thereta,
<br /> i
<br /> ; - i -5-
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> . {
<br /> ; ' �
<br /> _
<br /> _ ..�_.. -•-_ _ _
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