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<br />� � s�ndex the ttr�t�+, �he Ueed o� Tru�+� or �ho O�hor� E�eousiCy l�oaumAn�a� � .
<br /> -- � � t�nd thie Aesignman� i� made tand +aaoep��d withauC prc�jud�,�� �o Ai'Oy �
<br />�:.,�
<br /> � -;- - . o� �he �ighta a�d ramedie� �or�aaa�ed by Asslg�tee �nt��x• �l�e �et�me
<br /> _ �herc�oP. Thd �r�gt�� �P F'►►aa�gnee �� aalleat �he� Dcbti e�nd �o en��►a�a�+ i .. __ _ _
<br /> ° � a�y aeeu�i4:y Cher�Por helc� �y �i� me►y be exeraised bX Apni�n�� � ,
<br /> __ - - - - °_� ai�r.�r g��o� ��, �i�•,�+�•nA�uaig with. or eubaequent to any a�oCien �- _
<br /> � �eken by i� hereundar. The aollao�ian at Che Rar+tA ard c�a � - -
<br /> - epplica�ic�n �horeof �o �ho DabC or �e Obliga��ana aha],1 �pk I�e . ..
<br /> �� aoneidered � waiver oE any dePau].t� by A�sei�q�nor under Ch�e Na�e, �he , • .
<br /> ,. , , Deed p� Truot, tha Leaeee, thie Aeoignm�nt or the O�her aeauri�y � ,
<br /> � Doaumentca, and ia �o evant eha1J. euoh ao]�l.eatian t�n8 epplioa�ion • ,
<br /> � reloaoo AaQ3gnor rrom the obligat�an to inake any �Aymants roquirod .
<br /> �;,' � � undor �he �erms af fi.B�� Na�o, �he Apad of Tru�t, or any oP Rhe � . •
<br /> ' _`:�`;;� �ther �leauri�ty Daouments on or befora tho da�e euah pAym�ntc� nr�i
<br /> , . �,,,:.;�,, required �o be made. . ,.
<br /> � . (b) In �he event Aaeignee shall be in de�ault oP ` .
<br /> � ,� any of ��e abligations under thig Asaignmont, suoh deEAUIl: ehall ;, �
<br /> � na� 8'e11E1A9Q� modiPy� amend, waiva, oxtend, ahange, dieoharqe, ,
<br /> :�,,�,�; �exminate or af�eat the liability o� Aesignor �or the payment o� � .. ,
<br /> .�;;;,s�.; � �he Dnbt ox ant��le Aeaignor to any oPPset, ole�enae or �
<br />`;�:c;�� . � oot�nterolaim ayainet the payment oP the Dabt �nd Aaeignor sht�],1
<br />`����;1�' nat alaim ar be entitled to any aredit or oredite on aacos�nt oP ' °
<br /> �h� Debt, Aseignor hexeby expreealy waiving any righte ralating ;
<br /> t�aereto. � ' "
<br /> i :
<br /> � � (c) In �ddition ta the rightH whiah Aeeignoe may ; ; �
<br /> � h�tve herein, upon Che oocurranae of a Default� Aesig�nea, a�t i�a ; __:
<br /> op�iora, may either require Aasignor to pay monthly in advanae to ` ,
<br /> .. � . Asaignee, or any reaeivor appointed �o aollec� the Itante, the I
<br /> � fa�r and reaeonable rental value �or the use ar�d oacupa�tior► of
<br /> �����._ ��;� ��r� ef the Truet Proparty ae may lae in poesession oF L_ __
<br /> A�aignor or may require Aeaignor to vacate and aurrendor r^— —
<br /> ,} : .
<br />,:��;��•�� poes�asion oP the Truet Property to Aesignee or to suoh reaeiver !
<br /> ---::- ..____.--._
<br /> and, in defau�.t �hereaf, Aaeignar may be evicted by eummary � _ f
<br /> pracoad�.nge or atherw�se. �'-- -
<br /> . 11. No ortg,�aee in �oaseasion. Nothing hexoin ; .
<br /> aontaineol shall be aonstrued as aonati�ut•ing Aeeignee a
<br /> ��mortgagae in poaeeasion" in the abaence o� the taking of actual
<br /> possession of �he Truet Property by Aesigneo.
<br /> ,,�,`;;�. lz. �.a Paxtnersh�,p or 30 �nt VerL�u;�. The
<br /> ' � exeaution oP �hia AseignmentP the oolleotion of Rente and the
<br /> enfaraement and perfarmanae of any other rights or powe+re grantad
<br /> � or aseigned to Aseignee hereunder, is not intended to be, and ,
<br /> shall not ?ae aonetrued to be, the Pormation of a partnerehip or
<br /> , 3oint ven���re+ be�ween Aseignor and Aasignee. Assignea ie not an
<br /> agent oP Asaignar� and Aaeignee shall hav� no duty to acoount for ,
<br /> the 13enta aolloated hereunder except as set Yorth in 6eation 7(b)
<br /> nar any other Piduciary obligations to Asaignar.
<br /> � -10-
<br /> =:. ,
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