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� - "bi���� . <•. •� .� . � ` _— <br /> . <� y -s .t, - .. _ . <br /> ��` �� - - ` ; tic . . . ._ F <br /> . . . ' t� . ' ,t J - _ <br /> .. ... ..'C.�-. i. �...-: .L'.� ... . .� .. . _'."____' . _ '_-___ _.___ <br /> _ . ....-_. _... :i • ...�..+�-.��.�..t _ ::, <br /> _ ���� � . � < - - . � . ' . ` f` ,-- --- - -- -:— � —' <br /> • � ._ � <br /> � a � S� r , • � '� . ` . - � - - � � _ - _ <br /> - __ - -= •JI� � - . ...� - �. -. - . - . . ,_ . .. .- '�. . , � -� � �`� `' --� - - '.f - ---- � � ' •"�.= - _-�', - . - �-�-¢• <br /> _._. ^,�,y 'Y—�------�"��( �, . `' � � . � - �t,' _ �-� � . ' ` , i ` ` � c. � <br /> 'IM&�iMEf1TOF fl�NTSflMOER k mrde an�l�7c�tbd�it � �ot. K � 1�:.�3�^.a�d Is . ` <br /> .. fnooipaeaMt3"intqa�id�bedria�idtoare�edan¢suPPMMMn1��t�aaCO�Cf� 7n�t,iM[Miptthr�hd�oas,t�M � <br /> � �o�1t�i wWCttumu+t�.t,e u+�s.n�.e.ts�t�n.�r��he�ds�d.�n.tres nre�xo ss���orra��:ec�� � <br /> . � _�pnp�s 1�,IfMNnat�t nhrtW toss tM"Notr;to NOME FEOERALSAVINOS l�1}!D tOAN ASS�O(311kTlON.QF . �.' <br /> ' iiHANDffitAt�Q.t�i�i�i1l�ntwr+s�dtaaithe"L�i�ndw'.afthtapr�Atd�taandco+ralrglAeptopertlyd�ctibsdieth�5�tr . <br /> - ��nd Iuc�p��t-'. .__ ._ .. __ . ..z.. _. w- - ' � _. _ . . --{ <br /> � , � • <br /> � , • � 210 BAE�TELT, O�liP�1ANs 11E8RASKA 6883� � ` ' � _ ' ' <br /> . � , ° .• (PropaitY Add►ass) ` . . , . <br /> s �I�YIi�C ' ' ..< . � ' ' . _ .. <br /> ��, � . . <br /> 1lYIiEi�JIS,eai�er ana�.«�dsr liare.ateea niat anS►nents ana proua riMOutabie to me'P�o�Y.showa conamd. � . <br /> 'allditioMt�saMfi�!b th�L��dlr fa the Qeynisnt of�he�. ' ' � ' �` . <br /> i�l0�W.1'� is apr�ed th[t ths S�e�Aty InstrunMnt sha116re ampn�led hasbY an4d[an�sd to inctude tfie folfowirp, ' <br /> - � • - f <br /> _=- �. �. �orrowe�Nsrebf►aDsotuteiy►attd unCOndiNoealiy issipns ail, �. . <br /> _ � nnN.�iswes snd OroNis of the pop�rty tn 8sneficia�f►. Lendet stWl hsMe the ri4ht p��snd luthocity QurtnD th�� <br />=- — � r�a►tinrax�os af a�s s.c�ity�nnrwna►t to ca�ece ene ra++ts.faaues-ana aro�ta of t6e p►� ot sny vsroon�i piops�tjr <br /> locat�d tl�ian wrih or witfiout taldnp �for+of ihs p�opMy aitacted t+ere�bjR. Lendar,ho�ew►.•Mr�►con�nts ta , , <br />- - � BoetoMr�'1�e�INctiort and rstu�ttoa d sach rortts.issnss and P�Df(ts as tha�t aocrue��nd bs��btR aa ipq�8onaw�► ` . <br /> _- �N no�at�ttnN,in dNault with rosp�ct to paymsnt of inry IndW�ed�secubd hrreb;►..ct 1n tHs PKtortm�of an�r <br /> - apiwnf�n h�nun0� . . ` .` <br />� ' 2 /i000lntnNnt of R�cairer.if ury aYent of detwit in�respect to t11e Sscu►ity tnstiufient shi11 trave 0rxurrbd artd bs <br /> �onNnuinp,Lendar.�s.a 4nttt�r of tCpttt and w[thout natica�to 8onower ot�nyone ciaimin�unds►8orrowsr,and w[thout , <br /> � ' � npad to the vatus of ths trust�stifeo'r`ths Tnfeiest oTi sre�ower tt�6r�rr,s`I�alt tia�the�rl�htto�ppqtaanY���0 � <br /> jnrNdiction to appolnt a rocNwr of the propeAy. ' . <br />� 3. � tn qss ot dsf�qlt tn ths payment ot!i►s safd prineipat Note a Utensst,o►�n�r put tt. � <br /> - -- sha11 enatur+�.a[n tAe case of hiture to kaeP ar Oerto►m arry of tAe covensMS or a�reementa conh[ned(n the Secu►i!Y Insfir <br />- . msnt�i1Nn!ht LaMer,-tts succeaaors a aasigna,ah�tl be and is hecsby authori�d and empOweTeQ fa take Immediate <br />- , pow�ssion ot ths�atd premtaes thsrsirt describsd and to coliect the reots therstrom,and to appiy the proceeds tl�sof to�tM � <br /> p.yn�c a tn.No�e. . <br /> - �4. �batloa ot AMts�lssuss and Proflts.All rants coltsctad by Ltnde�oi the recsirar shatt bs appll�d fitst W psynbnt ' . <br /> `of tM corb otmanq�n+ent o#ths�property a�coileation oi raMs,[nctuding�but rwt timiteQtR recei�'s hes,O�lunis at <br /> � r�e.yi+�:bonds and roason�bte�ttaney's fees.and then to tM sums ascured by ths Seaudty imstrumant Landar uid the <br /> - .:> ,. ncefwr shstl bs liable to account onry for thoae ronts aatusity roceivsd. <br /> :�t <br /> S, Const►uatbn of Praristons.F_acA of the proviaiona contained in thia Aasipnment oi Rents RiAer and ihe 3ecur1ly Instnr <br /> ..'���� msdt siqll,unless othprwise apeaNically requirqd,De construsd In accordance w(tf�Nsbroaka law,and in ths e�rsni any , <br /> "'�x=���'�` ' pr�viaion Nsrafn or thereirt cantatned shalt be detennined by a court of aompetent jurtadtction to be uneoforceabts,the sams _ <br /> �f� ��" shrll�canstwsd as thou9h such unenfcrceahle prartaion were not s pad hsreot or dNereaf. � . ° <br /> � �� 8, Eiteat of Ridar.Excspt as spectitqfly moaiffed by or inconaFatent w1tA�this Assipnment of ReM�Rldsr or by any other . -. <br />- -;.. �, .. � � appilca�ts rider.alf of the tenna an0 provisions contairted In the 8ecurity lnstroment sl�atl'coMinue In fu8 force and etfect _ <br /> - - :..,,_` , � <br /> - �4..__.:�.._. � <br /> - -�:.;'� ••'• • tN�WiTN�S WHEiifOF,Borrower Aas executed thta Asslgnm t of Rents Rider on the date first noted aho� ° <br /> . '� .:�I��;-;r��. , � � �ts� � �G=�r�__ �_. <br /> ,x; ;�l .:}_;• Borrower __ <br /> - - �x C�LES E. LUKE - <br /> ;:A-• '��_ , � �/r�l�r»o On i�p p� . � <br /> 5'. � eorror�rer ` <br /> - . - � � � �ama�a a. �uic� � <br /> . . �. <br /> - ' STATE OF NEBRASKA) • , , � . '_ <br /> �, - 1 COUNTY OF HALL j�: • ` <br /> . � <br /> On tht��dQ_d�y of JUNE 1g�3_,�elore me,ihe underaiQned,a Notary Publtc duiy commissbris0�nd ' <br />_ '��,�t� . : , 4ualtt�dtorsatdaounri.Pe��ItyCeme rH RIES � iK AA1t� PA A A A_ iKF�,y�ggAiun nn�n i�rt : <br /> '' ' . .to be ttie Identi�al peraon(s)whase name(s)idue subecr(bed � <br /> _.�=-���`:��- to tM farpoinp tnat►umeM.and helahelthey acknawledge the.execution theroof to be hi�lhertthelr 4otuntary�act snd desd. t <br /> • ;;�.��...r: ;: . • . . • • <br /> = :�.:ri.�.�:'.- Witnps my hand and Notarl�l Se�l at GttA11i0 ISLAND. NfBRASKA , f <br /> ;� : t <br /> ' •1 uMy,the date atare 1 ' <br /> _ , � . ( <br /> — , . <� ��� t��PubUe . . • � <br /> � <br /> �OM!!L�/ ' s <br /> — � MY Commtssb�ekpi , � <br />—_ _ erNrt�b , . . ' ' F.. <br /> -�ti �. ,. _ ' . . • , , _ <br /> .'� ' , ' <br /> • i <br /> _ , ' i <br /> �;;, . • • ' . ' � - . <br /> "E�� . . ' ' � <br />