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-- e . c - - '. -�� .. ` . t - <br /> - :T�. . ,. . � _- <br /> ` .` r�_� � .� _ . - - - - . _._.II.. - <br /> ,� rj•.., . � <br /> ... <br /> • ' . :1 : I <br /> _-- '�: . : . < <.� � . �. _.. <br /> . _—_" ._f:'L:__..�. .. -.-_.. ._ - �- . .-.... ... ... .:.....::_._.:,..:3:. .._ . .._. <br /> � <br /> ..� "".'_'....._ <br /> ,. • . < . i_ _ - ' <br /> '-� ._'. . �.( .., c � i� . . .� < . ..� .,� _.'. . . � < . 4 , � . t. <br /> . � <br /> � r . <br /> —— _ ` ' <br /> � . ..�� • • . , . . <br /> � .., . . .t.._ A . .., .. _.. . " '"' " t - . . ." ' "' ' _ . _ . . ._. . . " <br /> .e.k� f. . :),�. . ' � � ' . ' . ` . ' � ' .. <br /> _ . " ._ . . ' . . .. .. . .. , . c _ . C• .Y � t t `, ` � <br /> , � . . . �. , y ' . � y t , <br /> . , 'k�r� fa niostaiemait)be�e"sak�oF dr Prope�ty 4pwsoant m�►Puw"e���ia ihis, . <br /> . ,.��,���mCCy af�ertfoccing this Seaisity Insu�t. Tl�ose caodiuoos a�e dpt Barow�(a) �� <br /> p�ys t�ndix aN soms�vhid�thm be&�e�md�`�Se�m�itl►h�md tbe IQot�e�s if no ioreiar�tion had � <br /> • o�;(b)cures,a�defaolt of any dha oova�nas a agtxmans:(c?P�Ys all expa�ses i�iu e�o�mg t�s�oa�► . <br /> ` Tns�y�ent,lacl�ding,6at not timited fo;rasao�tik,�Ys'fees�_-md(dl talce�sud��ction as I.euder may,n�mbty. . <br /> _ - .. �e�as�+e.tb�t the,Tie�.of this_Sx�Y'In�turn�.I��ri�ui��F�d Bon+fiwer�s oM��w , thc , <br /> � _ s�s secored by.this Se�y In'si�aneiu slntt amtiaa��um�- Upon.�[ bY 8�.�� <br /> ` In�nt,md Poe oblig�s sec���cebY ahs11 nm�f�ll�',�'�as if t�a acxktatian h�d oraet�ed. HoweKer,thi+ . <br /> d�hc w reiasame s6att aot tbe c�e uf sc�aeleritian uaia p�ag�aph 17.• � <br /> `� I� Sak ot Ndr,C'�aE#�ovn Ss�oer.'TLe Nase et a putial intc�t io th�Naoa(tog�lrer witb thia Savricy . <br /> ��)a�be sWd oae ar more t�es�Pior�ta Bas�er. A satie eny�ult irt s t�e in th��atiry -• .. <br /> (Ynowu as tk"Losa Sm►µ�'�tl�t cottects moAthly P�Yments due imder tt�Nooc aad tdis Sa�rity In� '11Kre�Tso • <br /> may be one a marc sh�oges aE tbe Loan Savi�t w�dstod to s sal4'of WC Note. If t1Y:re is a ct�nga of tf�e I.a4r��'• � • <br /> .=Bon�a�rer vn71 be.8ivat wriaar�af tUe du�ngt in aooq�dma wim Pa�s�aPb lh abave�od applicable lavr. 71�notic�e : <br /> wID sade the�tne aad address of tli�ae�Lban ServUeer a�tbe add�ess W w(�ich Pa3mn�ats sdonld be rnade 'fin noace vin"1I� ' � <br /> . . also cdttain�rty atb�infamrtim seqw�by aPP�ble lavr. ' ` . ' . <br /> � m. H�sr+�o�s S�i�s Barm�er shall�oi wqi.s��r pem�it tlk p[iesetr.c.use.d�i.storaSe.ur zele�e of any .. <br /> - ET�doas.Sub�xs aa or in tlnc Ptuperty. Bur�awer sLalt not 60.nor albw aayaoe else tu do.anyt6iag aSaxin$th� <br />= _ - Pirope�y tlat�is i�viol�a oFany Eavimamer�l Lsw. T6e pncodiug two sentea�oes sl�ll not apply to the pseseact.use,or <br /> __- � staiage w►tbe Avlpe�ty of sm�l!quandties of H�is Substances dtat at�t generaltY�w be appropriau m�w�msil . <br />--_ . tesidential oses aAd to aiaiiueqatxe af�he PtoperiY• . � . ` <br />-= Bc�zaWer sAa�prompHy S�ve Lender written notiec of any investigation,claim.demaod�Iawsoit ar otha action by any . <br /> -_ ,� govenunaxil SX�1uorY�B�Y�Pny�P�Y��8��Y��Y�I�s Substanx a Eavimnma�tal <br /> Lstw of wbich Barower bas acival 1mPwledge. �If Bo�mwer leatas.or is �totified bY�uY 8m'ernmanal or tegat�tay , <br /> --- � atithotity,thu any r�eaaval or od�er�an of any Na�ardous Sabstaaoe sffes�mtg tbc RopeAy is necessary.Barrawer <br /> shallprompdY tahe ail�ty remedisl actiaps ut a�xordance wilh F.AVA+o�nqental Law. ` <br />- _ . �►s use�i in this parsgrapb Z0."Iiazardous Stibstanres"arC dwse subs�defined at toxic or haza[dous substances b� - <br /> - - Fmim�Ne1 l.av►�and tha fo�lawin8�-Sas�oline.-Yemseqe.atltet tlaminable or toxic petrolewn products.toxic _ , ,_ <br /> - � pesticicies and heibicides.volatile solvents�matcrials ca�ining asbestas or fotmald�hyde.mid tadioactive maA�rrals. As <br /> ;'; used in tWs pazagapt�ZO"Eriviraunentat Law"means fedeial laws and laws of the jurisdiction wdere the Ptoperty is la;ated . <br /> � that tetate tbheald� ettvironmcnta{pmte�tioa. � � ' � .- <br />�. � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bormwer and Lender fuRher coveuant and age�e as follows: <br /> �"`� 21. Ao�erattont Re�dies.� Lender shaQ give aotke to Barr+owar prtor to aodderatlon tolbwing Bareower's <br /> -t brdclt d�y covenet or a�rameat in tht�Sectirity I�trqmeat(but aot prlor to avoderatloo asder pAra�rspM 17 <br />:°�`-. • enk�applkabk Is�r provjdes atberwise?. 1Ue aofl�e s6ai11�: (s)the ddaWt;(b)tUe�actlo�roqaired to c�ore H�e <br /> defwB;(e)�d�te.iot te�s tbAe 30 daxs froo t6e date tke�odce is�ivea to Borro�ver,by W6icA tUe ddAUlt mast be <br /> = cored:and(d3 tMst fail�er W curt tMe detsuk on ar betoe+e specVied in tbe m1i�e na�y res�lt iu sooekrntia�ot ` <br /> �, tl�t a�ms secnred by this Sanrity lagtrumeat aod sn/e d tbe Prapeety. T6e notice sbs�furt6er iaforn�Batruwer of <br />.' �-.• _ . Are ri�6t to rcias�te atter aooekratia�and ttrerl�M to br�A c�odrt aetion to a$ert the aat�rishs�e uf o detauU oe <br /> _ ;�;�;,;i, - � any other dden4e ot Borrower to�celeration�ind sata lt t�default is not cured aa a�betare tAe date specitied ia <br /> _ :,�jr -y „�'., tbe notke,LenAer at ils optbn may reqnire immediatc payment in faU d WI sams secarcd by t6i�Secarity lestruiaeat <br /> _ � ;":"'�".t` �vithaut tarther�and may involce!he povrer of sate and apy dher remMies pennittcd by applicabk law <br /> - .,-�:.`�"� ;".,. �� .�� Lender slWl be entttled to cotlect alt expeoseg iacurrcA M pursuing tbe remedies provlded ta this pa*agapb 21, . <br /> - .� � .�� <br /> -°r* � � fio�,bqt not limited t0.reasonable attarneys•fees artd costs d titk evidenoa <br /> ': ,���� ,- � 1f tbe pa�rer d sa141s invoked,71rt�stee s1atU recro�d a notice of defautt In eacb caunty in which aar put ot tbe <br /> y prQperty i�topted pnd&ball mAU eopies of such notice tn the nwnaer presc�i6ed by applkabk law to Barr+owe�ad to <br /> 0 <br /> fbe ot6er yersons presc�ibed bi'apPUeable tAw. ARer ihe time required by appUca6le law.7tutita slwll give prblic • <br /> 1; :,z,_��"ra�._ r. ._: � , aM�of s�+to tl�e peiso�aad in the mannee p�by applicable law 7FustK,�Ithaut demand on Borrower, <br /> ;;���r�;::. :_�: sball se11 tbe Property at publk auctloa to tde highest 6ldder at the nme and place and under Me tern�desigoated in <br /> �y�`�-= � the notice ot sak in wie or more parcets aad in any order Trustce determines. 7irostee maY P�Pone safe ot all or any <br />- `, ��.�,:.::.?'�!� , pae+oel oI tbe'Properf9�Y Pn61ic aanouncement at the time artd pince ot any previously schednled s�le I.�nder a its <br /> ''�'. �=� _'"`�•. � desigoes rn�y pnrchace t6e Fraperty at aey sal� � <br /> � -• :�,";�`��,''.. � Upon n+ceipt of pnyrnent d ibe prke bid,11ro�actee s1w11 deliver to the purctu�ser 7�SUStee's deed conveyi�tLe <br /> . •i.1.a,,� property, The recitats in tl�e 7lrustee s deM sU�be pr��fack evldence o�the trW U of the statemrnts made tbereln. <br /> . . . �, ; 7lrustee sh�ll appty the pra�eed.g of the sWe ia th�tdk�wieg order. la)��1 cost�and expeases of exercising the power <br /> ;#.�° _,.,, ; <br /> - _ '.a.l�:� � <br /> s e' ' . <br /> . w, ., - <br /> � � - �FlY�y�' � ` . . . ' . ' _ <br /> •;.� �wv <br /> z. . <br />_' . ?�"�W.... • � ' ` ' _ <br /> _ , ;y,;.j;�_i . _, <br />— �.•`y -�`• ' iane 3D2B l/40 I1uu,q�i„)6 ppRe.s� . ; <br /> �� ..4.a_r � <br /> :�Lt'l . • <br /> - ' ��' � , i . . .. <br /> i <br /> . . . . . - ;.'. <br /> ' 111_s< .�.+�_ ' . ' "-.. ._ a -.�_ _. .."F�'%,.t.�. . ' •�'''s.--:.onc aa+v��wr�er�� <br /> •�'!r^..Jt'J��.: -, r . r� ___• ` <P, • . 'Lv , .• ' . . , '. , �.. " ��. . <br /> ,_. ' " . ... .. � ' _ - ....� +.,...r�way..�_ _ _•-..s _ . . . <br /> _ t'�'�'�- ` •. . , _ - ''. . . _ � . ' . . : � _:' _ _. <br /> •:� _ <br />-���7t " ' ' � ' ' - - -- ti � - ----- - - - -� -------- . . -- - --- <br /> '�� ' -- -- -- - <br /> .�,� � ��xs�x' ..�ai��. ' , . . 1 ' . ' ..� ' • � • , . ' . • • .` . _ ' .. . . , ' . . - .. ,. .. .. . . . ' . . <br /> � <br /> ._ . <br /> � � � . . � • . - � . 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