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.�_' . ,c�;_ �.:�. j_ .4. . ,: c _-. . <br /> _ ,so .' _ <br /> . . ... _; .. . .. .� . - <br /> a � <br /> . ._ ,.. ..µ ..c '�!• . .. , . . .[ .. <br /> ,,. <br /> � �. :_� - .��F..s. .E _ '_- _..J:.."'""_"' _' - _" _ - <br /> --`-`.�.�'.f•'�t..+_-.v.c�,}�� . . _ ..` _ _ •• c. t_. _. . t' . c -.' - . . • . , ' • `` . .r. ` . _ . .' '�. , T '' .( - <br /> 'c t`.t�`. . C. � _ � . . � (- . . .' . �� . .� � . , _ . . _t ` �..� '�� ' ' c f` <br /> : � . s .- c . . . . � - . ` . � �lV�< . ..' � <c< �..ti ' <br /> ' :'j�i�'(���!�fbE It�[bYEmd1L4 nOW Of�Gl��CLE�OQ�C Q�O����1�.� <br /> - • � aod 6xp�es iaw ar�a put,of die pnpe�ty. All�aod addidoos s�all also ba pove�ed by tlus�x�rty <br /> � � AIlo�We 5�is tefetfied�m tlris SacaEticy�t as tbc"Phopecty" . . `_ `- <br /> ` BE)R$OWF.R C�OVEE�iANlS tl��Borrower is lawfutlg seised of the estate 6e�eby conve�red aad h�the rigLt to grmt <br /> . aod canvcy the Pt'opatY aod t6u the Plropp[ty is�pc�l�ered.exc�t fa e�of necord. �tnri+nwtt watr�nts aod , <br /> _ ._ ;,,�le�efa�d ga,emug ttie ntla m u�e Properl}�a�an Ctauas aua demandt,s�ib�jax co any e�o�ta�o�a. � � <br /> � ' . THIS SECU1tiTY•INSTRUM�N�'oombiiles�'or�u�oova�ants for uational use a�xt narmifc�u coven�ots;with , . ` <br /> lnnitod vui0tiioa's 6y juii�aron to oonstitute a uioifolrm s�ec�iry aisutm�entnovetartg real piopaty. -.� <br /> ��pg��pyg�}p�, $�wer and I�nder covp�ant�d agree as follows. <br /> . �. �l�tj�est ot PeLdptl a�d Ia6�e�Pi�Jseat ad I:ste CiarEs..Ha�ower sh�l gcomptiY Pa�►wt�doe tLe ' . <br /> p�1 of and intaesE at the debt evidenced by We Not�asd anY P�PaY�►?�.�e�r$es duc under d�.Note. <br /> , ` � �iq�far'f�s ard Lwra�.Sub�ct m applicabl�b�a or w a wnden waiver try Lender,Banuv�rr�sh�il psY w <br /> 1.eader oa the�Y.�Y Pa►Y�are d�e�utdet the Nvte,wHt7 tbe Note is paid`fim fu0.a swn t"Fiads")fa�t:(a?Y�Y <br /> � taxes�d assessraatts which any anain priaity over this Sa�iry tnsRwnent as'a tien on t6e Pmperiy:tp�yE�uIY iwsehold . <br /> pAyuiennts a gmoad�ts an the Pmperty, if aaY+ (c)Ye� har.a�d or pmperty i�uvrena premwm� (�yem1Y ttoo�d <br /> ia�e Pn�ml�ms.if mY:(e)Ye�iY�S��s�ce pcemiums.if�Y:and tt�aay su�nc payable t►Y Bamwa to <br /> . I�euder.�aocor�noe with`die pmvisiaac of pangraph tieu of the payment of mott�ag�insnraace pttmiw�s. These <br />— � itans art adkd"Fscmw Items." Lendei a�ry time.callect and hoW ffunds m an a�t nat to exoeed the n�inium . <br />- � amount a iender for.s�federally nlated mortgage laaa iday nquire for Barrower§escrow aocount un�er tbe toderal Rea1' <br /> � Fst�te Seuiemet►t.PracaLais Act of 1974 as au�dai from ti�me to ntne.t�U.3��2601 et s�q:t"�PA"?,untess m�oQnr . <br />- � law d�at appliea to�he Punds se,ts a lesser aanamt If so,LaMer aay tinne collect a4d hold Funds in an amonat not to <br />-- enoeod tde tesser ar�nE. l.ender arry esti�trate the mtwuat'uf Iimds due an the bosis of p�ent d�a aad reasorwble • <br /> -- atimates of ezpen�Uues of.firtune Escrow Items or i'n aocu�noe wide applicable Iaw. � <br /> The Funds sb�U b4 held in an instiwtion whose depos�its ate ins�red by a foderal ageacy�Instru�ne�ality,or�titY - <br />- ('mclud'mg 1 cnder.if l.ender is sach an�nsdtutton)or in any Fedecal Hotrte Laan Bapk. l.ender ahaA appiy the FnMs to�Y <br />- ihe Escrow Items. lrendes may not charge Bornower for holding and apptyiug the Funds.annually�nalYwtB tGe escrow <br /> =, a�um.ot ve�►u�the Escmw Items,unless Leuder pays Borr+�wer iate�est on the P1mds and applicable law permics , <br /> '�� ;'• l.endtx to make such a charge. Howevar l.eader may�c9wie Borrower to pay a on�tirric ci�azge for au iadepend�at Tea1 ` <br /> ��nporqng senrioe.u�t by Lender in Qont�tion witb tlus loan,unless applicable law provutes otherwise. Untess an <br />- agraement is nmde or applicable laa reqwres intenst to be paifl.l�ender shatl not be required w pay Bomnwer a�ry inoa�est or : <br /> - .-. eami�gs on tl�e Funds. Bomawer and Leeder may a�ree in vrmang,howevet.that iruecest shall be paId on the Funds. Lender <br /> �� shall give to Borrower.withoot aanual accarnting of tUe Funds.showing credits and debits m the Fuuds and'the <br /> _� ` purppse for which each debit to thc Pbnds was made. The Funds are ptedged as ad�tional security for alt sums socu�ed by . <br />`_``= `this SecuRty Insu�mient • <br /> - If tt�e Pw�d.4 held by Lender eaceecf the amoums permiued w be deld by applicable 1aw. Lender shall aa;ount to <br /> � � Botmwei for the excess Funel�in accordance with the re9uic�neats of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds beW by <br /> - •--�' , l.ender ai mry time is hot su�cient to pay the Escrow Items wha►due,Lender'may so tatify Bormwer in writing, <br /> _ �r`-s�-`,�' ' spch e�se Ba�wer shail pay to[.e�der t�e amouai a�cssary to makc up tbc deficiency. Bomnwer shaU make up tlie � <br /> •• ,f�': ��?:' deficteacy in no moie than twetve monthly paymcnts,at l:e�er s sole discretion. <br /> ":� ��: UPon PaY�nt in fuU of all sums secured by�his Security In�wn��l��cr shaU pmmpdy refund w Bortiower any. <br /> ::»�:���';� Furbs hetd by l.ender. ff.under paragraph 21.Lender shaU acquine or seq tbe Pfroperry,I.ender,prior to the acquisitia�or <br /> _;,..�.::' . �`: -sale of the PropeRy.sha0 a�ply any FLnda hetd b�r I��er at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the st�ms <br /> : a.--., �,:�f� � �by this Sec�riry Instr�men� . <br /> ,-,.• ~-.. 3.. �4Pl�ieatba at•Aryments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under <br /> -- � . para�aphs l and 2 shall be anY prepayment charges dae w�r the amounts payabte under <br /> � �t �,� :..,'. P�SmPh 2;third w du� principal due:and tast,w any late charges due under the Note. <br /> ",.'- . 4. Ch�� Lieag. Borrowet sha11 pay al! taxes.asscssmeats.charges. fines and imposidons amibutable w the <br /> ;,,,, �.���_,° . '.. property,whith ma�,attain priority over ihis See�mry insm�me�st,and tea.geiroid payments or ground r�nts,if any. Borrowes . <br /> � _� '�:��.. ., shail pay obligations in the manner provtded in paragraph 2.or if�rot paid in that manner.Boirower shaq pay them on <br /> �'.` ��-�'.:�� • ' ttme dlrectly to the person owed paymen� Bomnwer shall promptiy fumigh to Lender all noGces of amounts ta be paid under <br /> ��.,._�;.. :�. ,.� <br /> �:;' this paragraph. lf Borrower makes thesc paymenis dirertly.Borrower shail promptly fumish to Lender receipts evldencing <br /> ' - �.:�'�"�= :� tl�e PaYments. . <br /> i�'� ..:,°;;__;: Hormwer shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Serurity Inswment uniess Borcower:ta)agrees <br /> �:.�.�;: . : in writing w tGe payment ot'the obiigation secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to Lxnder.(b)�ntests in gaod faith the <br /> T:;;F.;- lien by,or defends agaiast enfacement of the lien in.legai proc�ngs whtch jn the Lenderk opin�o�operate ta pn�vent the <br />-- °~� entot�cement of the tien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br /> � �1*��� ��.' to ihis Seturity lnsdument�ff Lender detennines that any part M the Pmperty is subject ta a lien which may attaio priority = <br /> �_. .8 .'• . � wer this Security Instrurtten�Lender may give Borrower a nptice identifying the llen. Botrower shall satisfy Use Ilen or take , <br /> s one or more of the actio�s set forth at�ve witfiin'10 days of the giving of notice. _ <br /> • '�''" '" g. Ha��rd or.Pnoperty lnsurattca Borrower shall keep the improve�neats now eaisting or hereafter err�cted on the <br /> _ ' � � � � Property insured against lass by fire.hazards inciuded within ihc ierm"extended coverage"and any other hazards.inctuding <br /> . <br /> r <br /> . .�.'����-�� !: floods or ftoodln�,for whieh l.ender requines insurance. This insumnce shall be maintained in the'amounts aed fa the . <br /> �„r,'-t�:. _ <br /> �:_:,:-; _ . . Forn3�2A !H� (pe8elofbpagtal <br /> ;,�. '.t,,;,.��:;.,�. � , . <br /> - �., ;,.:.�'-. <br /> - ���i- , � . . , • <br /> _ - ,,. ... ... .. c•-� :.;:..,.,--__� .. <br /> _ ----'�r7'�--" . -«....:.�"..--:t_�° -_ _ -.=..-..-- -`- - --. -._- �'�Sf�r�ll.��' �. 'AT',.'�a''a_'z.= .-�'g'i�,`_% :.- <br /> _ _.��..s.e�-- . • . . . � . . � • ' • • - . . " � ' . - . <br /> � F�r-ar.�:�-: __ �-�-_'--- - _!: _. , � . . . . . . .. � . • -�. . . _ �-_...�..a....s.-�.a-.-. .. .. ' , . . <br /> , . • �. <br /> _ _ . <br /> � .T.--... .:..-. --•='—� . - _. � ... - - ---. . .... _ . . . � � • - <br /> . .�� <br />-- : :, . .. � . � . � <br /> _ .��ry- _ , � _ .. ��. - - - - �-- � - - . .... . �.- - '� - � � - . '- - . _. .. . ,. ,... - '- .. . . _ .. . . - . . <br /> � ._ . . <br /> :. . _ <br />—.. .:.r..�. .. . . . � . . . <br /> �� �.{p�:�. ., . . . . . . <br /> .,-�e. __. . . � .._`-- � ' <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> �._ _T`-= - - - .._...--•'-•--,'�.. - - - -�- - -... - -- --�� -. :--- ,-- � ---. �- ------- --- --- - --- ------ --- -- -. ---- : � <br /> t� °e,�..-..n�:. ' . � . . , ; ' � . • :( . � • �. . ' �r : '_ . � . ' _ ' . . � . <br /> .. � <'� .� �" '.1•_' ' . . . . ' � . ' ' . - . , . . . .' •. 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