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<br /> ;_- J.ien or c�hoxc�e egain�t� the Truo� I�rapar�y� end �ht+ll pr�mpt�y �, ' .�_ , •...
<br /> • , ,:-
<br /> ---- a�ase to ba �eid �11 u�,ilit�p ��rv�aae �x�e�vidad �a th� Tru�� '
<br /> -.=--z._. _,.° _. �k��ps��Cy. OxAn�or ahc�ll tuxnieh �c� �Qnafiaiery r�,c�+l�pC� r�a �h� _ �,r
<br /> � ' ..�.-_ � pa�rmenC Ar �he Tax��, 4��t►or Ch�rg�a� �n�l eric� t�tili�y �erviaee � ._ '- -_
<br /> ., �_� . , , pxior �o �he da�e the same ehall borsomo delin9uontio �
<br /> L �
<br /> t "._.'. .. . _.. ,� .. ._..-._ ,�-`__.J„�'-___..__. .
<br /> . .� t � (la) NpCwi�h�tandirtg tha Poregoing, C��n�or ehall be ,,•
<br /> aeem�d to bn in aompliance with th� prnviai.or►a o� e�trparagraph .
<br />` � � � � a(a) hereaf, �aroviaed the�t �i) �he� Wal-I�art L�aaa ie in fu11 ,
<br /> � tora� anol eYfeat, (ii) Ton�nt ie 1n aompliam�a with the �;;.:;;';,,, • '
<br />: . • :. provieiona of eeationa 4� 5 0 8 and i2 of tha �Ja1-�Sa��� ���ae�a �n� ,.
<br /> ', ,��� � �'1 �
<br /> ' ` ��� (iii) purauan� to sut�eQa�ion 8(a) og Che k�a����3�s� E�ea�m, G��a a���, ..,,� ',�.. ,.
<br /> �� •.,��;i���.,�::�,.;;;���,,,�. aot leae Frac�uently th�n onr•� �pr ya�x. �e���a�ta frow tCena��� ,.� :: .
<br />=•;",•.,� �.;.::�'�'',;`';:-:;�, �
<br /> �,.; ,�;;:,:t;.,;:,:�.;,.,, ..,,, writaln�g, a ac��X of Tenant a �raid �r��s aeae3�a�� artd �orwarde a��id .,
<br /> '� ����_���;�'�` �`��'�"��s �o�y ta BanoPioiary upan seaoip�, providod, however, Grantor ehall
<br /> ' � Purnieh to HoneEioiaxy �vidc�nae reaeonably ez��iefactory to � ,
<br /> � BenoPiaiar� oP tho peymenL• af ail taxoe within ninety (90a daye o� ,�
<br /> • i�s xeqaQa� upon Tenant reg�rdlo�a whothar T�nant hae Aurniehed
<br /> Grantor wi�h aopies o� sunh raaeip�e.
<br /> .� 5. �ltt$�IDD.�iV�• ��) Ora�n�ar ehAll prompCly g�ve ;
<br /> BeneRiaic�ry naCioa ot the eo�uai or three►tenod aommena�ment of any i
<br /> � aond�mnetion ox �min�nt �omAin proca�4dinq nnd �hell. delivsr �o , ..
<br /> Heneiiaiery aopi�• o! Any e�d ell Pe+per� •�xvsd i�n aon�eoCion w�th ;
<br /> euoh proaaedinge. NotwiCha�enc�ing eny �r�kin� by eny public or
<br /> quaai-�ublio a�urhoriCy through eminen� damein nr o�riorwieo � :
<br />-. (inaluding but not 1l�mitad to any ��Anefer made� in lieu af or in ;. '
<br />- mntioination oP the exeraiae oP euah ta�king) , arantor ohali `
<br />- aon�inue to pay tho O�bt At tho time �nd in tha mannor providsd � '
<br /> for i�a paymen� in the No�e and in thie Dead of Truat and the Dob� f. �
<br /> , _.___ _� shall not be s�dutood until �he Debt ehall bo oatiefied and �___ _ ;;
<br /> diaahArged in Pull. Heneiiaiary enall n'vL �a 2i�3ta� ta th� ,
<br /> interee� paid on tho award by tha condemning authorftX but ehail �• .
<br /> ' be antitled to reaeive out oP th� award in�e�est at the rate or (
<br /> -----�,.__ __� ,_ .. . a.., o nve►nt. tl�a� the � ,
<br />- _- � rates �rovidea 1]e�r�siii m„� �„ ..;�a ?.a.o. Irt t.�- --- -- - - � ---= - ---
<br />- i Wal�-Mart Leaae shall aease to bo in Yull forae and pPfaat� then : ;
<br />- BenePiaiary may app"ly any �uoh award or payment �a the rsduation ' ;
<br /> . or dieoharg� of tho Debt whether or nat then due and payabbe. If �
<br /> �. �:;`..'. . • tha Trust Property is �old, thr�ugh Porealn�uro or otherwis�,
<br /> - prior to �he reaeipt by BenePlaiary af auah award nr payment,
<br /> "��' �°� " ' HenePiciary r�hall have �he right, whother or not a def iaiency .
<br /> = . �udgmont on the No�e shall have been sought� recat��red or deniod, ; .
<br /> _��,:�1`.���� ta reaeive eaid award or pa�nent, or � po�tian thareaf sufPiaiant
<br /> - to pay �ha Debt.
<br /> � (b) No�withetanciing anything to the oantrary aon�ained
<br /> � . herein, in the avent Tenant ehall deliver ta Grantor an
<br /> �� irrevaaable oPPer to �urahase arantar's in�exeat in the j�al-Mart
<br /> �; '.�t
<br /> �a, ; � Lease pursuant �o Seation 11(d) of the Wal-�Sart Leaae, Grantor
<br /> �: , shall, within ten days of tha r�aoipt oP auah of�er, aithar (i)
<br /> �� accept auah ofPer oz (i�.) provided no �vent of Dafault shall have
<br /> �,; ;' . �� . ooaurred and be aontinuing undor thio Deed o� Truet, tha Nate or
<br /> ��t�. � , —6,.
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