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<br /> ��r �h� onx�, protocsCion �nnc� �r�eaxv�ation o! khe� Coliatnral. U�on . .
<br />!'_ ` ��ques�t �r dp�aand o! �arte�iaimry ar True►�C�,e, �rr��►�ar �h�►�l e�� +��d . .,
<br /> ___._'_ .�: ... � ax�en�e �eeanable �t:tt� 4olie�oral end make iC avai�Ablo ta • '
<br /> ..,..� ��nafinia�:y �r�d Tru��e� a� �ha Trti�� Pra�e��y. arAn�pr ehc��i pA� �
<br /> ---- .:... �:. ��r.a�aM�Y,� �:t:� s��:at�� �n de�n�c? fl�y w�r� ali �x�oaea�, '
<br /> _ _
<br />: - :-- � inaluciing lagal o��a�iaae ar�d a��a�n�7�r�' ����, inourrec� c�r �0��8 b�r ! - ... . _ .
<br /> Ben�tia��r� in roCaa�ing ite intei•aet in tha Colla�teseal a��e� in
<br /> � , , enl�rci.ng ite r�gh�e hureunc�er wi�h raepeo� to tho Co1laCer�al.
<br /> ,; . Any nati�e aP oele, diepoei�lan or athor in�ended ec�ian by
<br /> : nenePioiary or TxuaCee with rae�aQat ta tihe Colla�aral sent �n
<br /> � Gr�ntur in aaaordenne wi�h tha �rnvi�iond �araot at leeet Pir►c� (S)
<br /> dA�s �arios �a �uah aa�ion. eha�l aonatirutc� aommoralAlly .
<br /> raaeon+�ble n�tiae to �rantor. The �x000pcis ot any di,epoeition aP �
<br /> the Collatoral, or �ny parf� �hereoP, m�y bo appl�ed by Hen�tiai.ary �
<br /> " �o the aym�n� o� the Debt in �uoh prioxity and propor�3ona A� �
<br /> � . HAnefiti�ary in ite ciincre�ian sha11 deem proper.
<br /> � 28. 8ati�ns and �roa�eol�.r�ae. AenePioiary or Truetee � •
<br /> rias the right to appear im m�d defend any �a��.on or proceedinq '
<br /> �� brought with respea� �o the Truet Property anc� �o bring any aation � ,
<br /> �, or proceeding, in �he name �nd on behalP of Grantor, whioh i .
<br /> � � BenePiaiary, in it�a diecretion, dec3dee should be brought to � :
<br /> . •� protea� tAeir �nC�sr�st in the Trust Propc�rty. HeneYiciary ehall, :
<br /> � � at ita option, ba e�brogated ta �E�e lien of any deed oP truet, ;
<br /> � ' mortgagc �� othar oeaur��y �.n�trumare� aiecharged in whole or in
<br />- part by t�aae Dabt, and an�r suoh subxc�gat:lon rights ehal]. aonat�tute i -
<br /> addit�lonal seaurity �or t3be paymeaet af the Dob�. �
<br /> 2g. w�,�Ar p� CQU �Qrc�a.�m. Gran�or he+reby waives tho � -
<br /> ;;, , , r3.ght i:o as��rt a couflterola�im in any aation or proaeedinq
<br /> '•'` ' brough� againat it by BenePioiary, other than a mandatory oar i
<br /> '��`�� .._� : o e v sar�hv �i `
<br />_ . . .. �-'°5` aompulsory coUn�Crc3ldiIi. G�a;�tar �nd B..n_�3c3arf h____j w�_ye � -_-- _—
<br />_ � • txial by jury in a�e� aatien �r proaoedine� brought by ei�her par�y � �
<br /> i�
<br />- � • herato against tho oth�r or in any countexalaim asaer�ed by ,
<br /> - -----•- - aailviyt'.iw�r °t3��.^.°t ��.°.Yl�'.^Y'� ^r �t� anv mr�tters L1$1CmOAV01 arieiny (_ . -
<br />- � out oP or in any way aonnected wf�H 4:hi� Deed of Truat, th� Note, � -
<br /> , � any oP the Other Seaurity Doouments or tha Devt. �
<br /> � �p. eoovary � Sum� R��aui�ad To He Paic1. Henefioiary �
<br />' shall have the right from tiwe to �ime �a take aotion to recovor � �
<br /> any sum or sums which aon�titute a part oP Che Debt as tihe► same
<br /> beaome due, without regard to whether or not the balanee of the
<br /> Deb� ehall be due� and without pr�ajudice to the right of � �
<br /> BenePiaiary ar Trus�ee therea�ter to bring an action of ,
<br /> _ � �,� � forealosure, or any other aotion, Por a dePault or dePaulta by '
<br /> Gx�antor exieting at the time euah earliar aation was com�ea�ced. �
<br /> ` 31. �arsha��a a and O�k�ex a�te �. Grantor hereby
<br /> � waives, to the axten� permitted by ].aw. tho bonefi� of all
<br /> = appraieement, valuation, etay, exte�naion, reinetatement �nd
<br /> = redemption lawe now or hereaPtor in Porce and all rights aP
<br /> �� marAhalling in the event oY any eale hereunder oP the Trust
<br /> . -20�
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