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<br /> _. '•-:,_ r�n� Gr�n�car eha�11 have rapmma��ec� C� ���e ���h a�eP�ul.� �, .
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<br /> l inoludinq aausing wal-M2�rt Storoe, Ino. to di.ligently (� � `� � �
<br /> ' � and Q�padi�iouely aure �ha ae�m� pureuant ta th� t4rma ! • ' �
<br /> o� the Wal-�Ma�rt Leaso wheace appliaablo, euoh thirty (30)
<br /> , ; day Periad eha].l lae ex�andad Por eo lang ae i� �hmll � � .� '�' ' �
<br /> raq�aire Gr�ntor in Che �xar.aiaa oP duo dil�g�nGe �o � .
<br /> aurA suoh dePa�i7l�.; i .
<br /> �p. � Q� Q��en�,sni�arv. Upon the oacurrc�naa oP .
<br /> any Event oP DePault, eonePicsiary ohnll hAVe the right to nxoroiea �,
<br /> Any and All rights and ramddies avmilable a� law and in e�tti�y.
<br /> (
<br /> . � 2�. Sala g��ruaC, Pragc�rt . IP �hia Adod of T�eua� ia �. I ' .
<br /> � Poz�eclos4d, tho Truet Prop�rty, o� any intereet �horein, may a� ; , �
<br /> th� diearotion of BenePiaiary, be sold !.n one or maxe paroals or ��
<br /> � � in �everal �nterest� or portiona and in anX ordex ox mannex. !°'� . '���" �
<br /> ,
<br />_ . � . .. .
<br /> ' 22. R�la��tc, Cu�� De�au��a. Upon the occurzen�� o� i�';� � � .
<br /> �,,`�°�, any �vent oS Dofault or if Grantar faile to make any payme�nt or `�
<br /> , ta do an�r ac� as herein provided, een�giaf�sy may, but without ��
<br /> any obligation to do eo and wi�ho�ut notice to ar d�mancl on
<br /> � Grantor and without releaeaing arante�r from any obl3g�tion < <
<br /> � horeunder, makA or do �he same i� suah ma»nar and to euch exten� ;
<br /> - ' ae BenePioiary may deem necessary to proteat the secuxi�y hereoP. �
<br /> � � Bencafiaiary ia authprized to enter �pon fihe Trust Px��p�x�y fnr '
<br /> ' �. such purpoees, or a�apear in, daP�rao�, or bring any action or �
<br /> - -__--- __..-_- pr�ceading to pro�ec� its intereet �ln �he Truo� P�dpoax�y or �o ' --_ - . _
<br /> foreo].ose this Deed oP Trus� oz aolleat tho Dobt, and the coo:. anc� �:�-- -
<br /> .� ' expense thoreof (inaludirag reascnable attn��as�y�� feee to thh '�;�
<br /> ' •• ex�er�� ermitted b law with intexAet ae rovidad in thi� ` ' �
<br /> �,.,4....__ .. .. . . P Y � . . _p _ . t.;; .
<br /> � �a�agrapla 22, enaaa Fon����uxe a pos�ion or tne nodt and ehai3. ba ����� - '
<br /> � due and payable to BenePiaiary upon de�nand. Al1 suah coete and ;
<br /> � expens�s incurred by Henefiaiary in remady�ng auoh Evc�nt oP
<br />- Default or in appoaring in, daRanding, or bringing any auch "
<br /> sotion ox preaeeding eha�.� boc�x int�rest at �he� Applioable
<br />- Interest Rate (ae defined in the Note) from tha date suoh aoet or
<br /> expense is incurred by S�neYiaiary to the date of pa�aaont to �
<br /> Benefiaiary. All auah coota and expenses incurred by HeneP�oiary �
<br />- . � together wath int�raat th�roon aalculated at tho Ap�l.iaab?.e
<br />- I intoreat RatQ ahal]. be deamad �o aanstitute a portion of �he Debt
<br />_�.'•.�'. I and be secured by this Deed of Truat and the Other Seaurity
<br /> • Decuments and shall be immodiately due and payablo upon demand by
<br /> IBene�iaiary therePor.
<br /> 23. �re�avm�n�. �P�,g,� �Yent of Defaul�. I� �ollowing
<br />- , the occurrence oY any Ev�ent of Dei�ault, Grantor shall tender
<br /> �„ paym�nt oP an amo�a�t auf�iaient t� satisPy the De�,t in whole at
<br /> any time prior �o � �oreclosuro sala oP the Trus� Property, suah
<br /> - -18-
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