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� , t . . . S. . " _ .e�a• - __ <br /> ��4y�- � ~ :� �L G� . . ` �' C t , . :� t i i _—_. <br /> c:r � c <br /> . �f.. ��L- - . �.�. s '.�:t '- _. � . ..1 � —__ <br /> 4`:' =S "r ..' r y% ' ars� .0 . ' �-=�'__' -. <br /> ... _ . . . <br /> .. <br /> ..,-o "1. ..�': rt��-c.. ..: .�� . .� q .a. _ " _ '. < ' '_ '-_ , : . . - .y' .______.. . . .._. <br /> .�<. • <br /> , . ._... . ._. .< •' . ;:..�,-. <br /> . . _ . -..� � .- . .,:�,. <br /> ''' ' ` <br /> _ � ,. t:' . .- ' t ' t n• ' .. ., , . . . ' . •� .�.. .._- — ___ __ <br /> ' �_< fi , � G , ( , ` " ` i_'. , . . .. ` <br /> .,Y.''_._' (C—'_ • _� ` _ .`• ` ' Y• . � - � i ` <c .r_ : . . ' t _`. , .r, ..` _ . . _ � .,` i/�� c��� _ . ` . <br /> � < <br /> .` ' � � ` ��I'.,� ���Q•��b t�!�p�O[�RO�f�f/OC�dr�0 <br /> < PrDpOtty iMeiO�d�tQ0.Msed�i�Cl�dOi wimi�tti0 eefsr"�ierded cu��eqeb'apd as�oltier Lad�.�� - - <br /> _..� -- — � - fbodt ar�oodii�,for�ic�I.aader ieq�es i�wraoc�e-.1�is iawo�soe�ft b�a�o�ia��+�4��p�' - . <br /> �Wt Le:aer�eq�ire.�:'l�i..ot�a a�ier pwid'u�ms�iaoa-�WU 6e el�o�m irgi aor�3�x s�jeet�o-i�ea�e�s appm+�i� <br /> - i� . �li'��ll aot ba aa�a�d�6t9 w�I�eW. U Hoaa�ar fa�s b ai�iaeris oovQ�dara�ed ibove.�soda'sa7+at LeedeYs : : <br /> . epein�,obdiR aanra�e b piolect IRaAet's ri�ia tie Prbpaty ia a�c000d�oe writ�p�aph 7: � <br /> -- -- _ --- - �1►�i�nme p�eies aad ta�wb s�ba acaepelUia b�ae��lt is�s f�aod�td moeq�a sho�e.Isadec -.:- - .---_�.-_- - <br /> :�` ` �i�U Yvs�r�tio boi�ttie poticie�ad x�e�ral�.ff I.tada��e4�s.�d�P�Y f��I�e�der aIl�af <br /> _ �pi�pe�s�d raoe�r�l'ofJioe�In ia a�atof b�.Boira�er sW1 Earo p�o�P4apt�ie ta t�e ieaiaeoe c�rriet a�d I�e� . <br /> ` - I�mds l�a�a�e piaofof ioa ff oot mde pc�nmpt�b�Boaaw� ,. . � - � <br />-. - . �t�ier ad Banu�adrrris�s apas is�iti�i�ca�oe paoeeds i�ll�a appl�b:aMa�t�aa or t�ir af� <br /> �„ :� pmpe�tt d�w�/e�d.i[�ralo�Rioa ur rep�icls aooaa�ic�lly fie�d6ie�sd Ireades's qec�oty is�ot leie�ed.If tl�e zems�tioa cc ' — <br />��--� �� iePir�e aot y��c.a�aridt!fe�o�s or Ldds�ecuity`w�bs 1ew�ed.�s i�oe Pioceeds iu�U sb�s appiied b�s� <br />—_ ^ .../'.4-L .. ���Yf��������� ^��7 �����; Y Wi��� Y — _ _' <br />�'-��i��� '�-:�r'N <br /> :� , "s.,.�� �s Q�OES��IY�'�R�3Q dly!f 9CfjCa�Oe11rl�11�1�3���O�EI�ID lE�1�0 i C��1�l — -. --— <br /> ,�i - �'� '- I�dar ats Colleet iUs�plooeeds. Isades�we�e piocaed�lo t�it,a[la�oie We Ptope�ty a dD pa�welrt :. <br />;�' �``'�'-'`-.}� secrtad b'�is Se�ityr Ia�ntmemt.wb�liar or mtlLen d�7be 30�dsy paiod arID 6eain wl�ftia aotioa is�iives.., . -- <br />..y/ ��n'"'.: .�..y;� - : . . --- <br /> � � :1�.��-, ' ual..tadar a��dt am�owa�eQ�a�ri�e spee ia wrtti�, .sy+ipp�o�of rmoeed=to p�ioc�l�Ld!sot�e�1a.d� or -- <br /> i • �f *� � <br />...1. a .e.d.'r«"."_�._..`....i_5�r�: � ����Y���Y�l�*��./� �{�������fI_�iQ��'�����Y�� A _.�_..r..__. <br /> _ . . ,.: : �twww+/�Z''�.�]5��1.��HIS1VRi(s���������� . �.=_.�:.._'_.. <br /> f-";'_ `` ,-`�_°:�} ��`�'`p�ope�t�rp�r t�me aoqu�ition aW!pra b I�adar to 9ie�ttmt of t�samt se�eo�ed 6�tl�Saareit�r Ia�hwrat - - - - <br /> '*•;:� ''`��v- . � `�`=- - <br /> • ". :%:` =_.. , i�e�Mel�p�ior b tla,cq�iaa. � � -�"- <br /> `��� - _�r;,::� .�,pae��.!lRSer��li�,�a�i�r+ale�7M d flie llrap't1:�are+a�[s's I�Ap�Yali�;Le�1r1i. , -�� -- <br /> �` � Bono�er a1MU ooeaP9,aoiblu6.aal ars 1Le Pra�pe�ty as Hoi�a�er's�1�iden�a wi�in anny dgts aller the esac�aEios of ='>�--.. <br /> .t . �is Secmity I�COmeat aod�11 co�tima b oaa49���9��'s ptlacipal teside�oe for at laut c�ne yar�Aer �'�;�- <br /> ��M�." <br /> .T . • • �10�10 Of C017Y��0�7'•YO�Er1 TL'/1dOS C�fO l�[0���•W�CII 00�����Q 11��9�l��s df YO�� .. �� �-_��,�-. <br /> -- - - • � - a � `���_` <br /> � - . �od�a�c�rc�aoa ea�t w6icb me bayoM Bonaw�r's oe�nl. Aorm�rer�1! aot dahoy, d�oo�a impir ��'. ��_ <br />_ , • . .' . PeopaK7.ailorv Pon Peopeety w rnmovit wiate oa tbe A�opa�ty.Harmwr�r�11 be is de�nit it ary farl�dburo ` '���"`- <br /> action a pioapedtus.wbetbet dvll or beaan 8W ta I+eader'a=ood fai9�jod�meat aauW�satt i�farfe�ns of ie �'Y�j'*= <br /> , _ . . Sme . . . <br /> . . . .: _. . peope�ty or aB�a�vri��L11Y itap�ir t6e liea eie�ned by t�s Soatr�ify Imhua�ar Leoder's�ea�rity i�a�at Bono�ao�9 . .��, �� 'r <br /> ,. ��:<s <br />_ ' ' �-��� � ,. . � . , coro�a dda�t aad neio�Me,a�piovided�n �paa�p618.b!aaa�tbe action ar p�oveedh�b 6e di�rb�ed wi8�s:otiu� "�=— <br /> far6eitmce of t6s Bonowe�a intaat ia tbe or efLee m�leei�l �,�r <br /> � • ` � � I�edo�s sood 5i�de0eimia�tion.p�vc�odes �x <br />' � - ispdrmeat a�tlre liea ctaMed!ry t�Se�ritY io�mant a la+o�ler's iec�igl�niaeW. Harm�er�11 alto be ia dd�ott if _ _- <br /> : � � � Bmowrt.diai�,d�e Ibm applippion Pia'�.�E��9 fi�e ar ia�ocan�e iafqi�an or aht�meab 6u lresder fet fi�led ��-- <br />-- - - „- �--- . b pewlde I�eader w�'i aa9 mMerW�t'aw�tion}in eoaoeotiaa vv�b tbe lo�a�vid�oed by il�Nde.�aelad�a�.6at aoR lia�ted� . .=+�'+=:= <br /> � � . . . . to:npie�et�ons eoa�raiqE Bor�t's eocopocy of�e Prnpaty as s priacipl rai�lmoe.If tbis Sea�dty Imtivment i�oa s :���`.` � <br /> . � . � leiuetioW. Bor�ow�er�t11 oomply wi�aU tbe pruvlaions of da iwe. if B�ormw�r scrqui�s fas tlde to�e Pt�operty. tbe . ='x ��_� <br /> - - - ' ; Ia�ehoW andtha fae tlde sWU not merge adess l.eadet�ees to 9ie metga in writiqg. . � _ �, ` "=•'���;._-- <br />�• � 7.A+Nec�foa dLsdar's Ayl�ls io t6e pkopert�.If Borrnwier fdls to perfoim�e caveo�nts ad asceemeata a�ined iu .. .;� <br /> : • � . ��is Se�►1�tomaR.or d�o is a les�al pmoeedi�tmt maY�E��Y+���s rF�Lts la the Propaty f�ss a . <br /> �' <br /> .¢ , . . ' . p�eedi�ia 6�duapl�y.lx�ob�te+for�andeamuion or forfdture a to aofonro hwa or reauWlaos).tben I.mder ma7 dir aod � -; <br /> ean <br /> , ` : . . • pay for�aw�ls neoew�y b pooect tba valoe of tbe Prepai4Y aad I�ader'e r�:hts io tbe Y�opaty.I.e+oder's acNo�mty _ : .-_ <br /> �•�"�� � �P�Y�i +�► �aecaied by s liea vvbich h�s prloiiqr aver t6is Secotity ia�maeat. appevia� ia oouR. pyiae � #�' <br /> , . . � ., te�uo�ble aaon�ys'feea aad eatai�oa tbe Pmperiy Oo mrke mpits./1ltlwttg6l..e�er mry hYb adiou uoder�is prr�ph ' �� ' ��': <br /> r'... <br /> 7,L�endes doas no!6ave w do so. �'.:-_._` �- <br />( ` : ; . , ..,.. .. ; ' <br /> . . : � A�y a m o Q a t s d i�b u r e e d b y L�d e r a a t e r t 6 1 s p�g r� ? a6d1 beoome additio�l debt of Bonaw�er securod by thi.+ • ��'. <br /> �, . . seca�q tatromed. tldas Bor�awnr�ud Leader igroe w otbet ta�aa�of p�ymaat.Wesa�mc�uats�lall bar iakn�t fiom 6ie t � <br /> - . � � . . . d�te o!�ment ae the Note zate�od stu11 be payabb.wit6 interest.upan notioe fr�La�er to Boitiower eieqoada/ ! . �. � - <br /> �.: . � . - -• - - P�7meat. • 4 . -. <br /> . '�.. <br /> ' � a.Mar��e iaeurasoa 1!l.ander t�equirod mortasge inwraooe as s ooncNNon of m�kiaig tLe tan eecuced by tbis Sa�rih► ' , . •F-: <br /> hR�` ' ` <br /> - iartrumeat. Botrower s6�U py the p�+emittms teqtttnd W m�ia'f6e aaortpge imvrtece in ef�ffeel. If. for aay►iaao4 1he � �y�. <br /> . . �� y , : . mortpae imuranoe aoverage ie9vued bY l.ender I�pxs or eea9p to be ia effact.Boeower sLat1 pry t6e pnadwns eeqai�al b � ' , <br /> a6hin oove�aae wb�lly oq�dvakat to the moctgage iasurmoe PmviauslY ia afta� s oo�t aub�tly aquivaleet t�the k ' - - <br />�:. `- . , . - -� - eat to Bonowdr of tLe mortg�e iaw�noe p�eWonaly in ef�ect. fiom aa dter�te moRgsga lawt�er appmvad by � : _ , <br />�`� . • ' ' . �!►a9�'+kd mottp�e i�nce co�vverKe�S ad avaiLble.Bonower a6aU pay to l.�ader acb�oodL a sum eqwl W : . <br /> �. , co <br />-°:. ► . . �e�t�d8u ot eue yartr m�ort�r�e la,ur.00e pna��belas pNd by►Bonower w6en rhe ima�raaoe cwerase tqaed ar a�ed a �... . <br /> i:�: be in effect.Leadet wlU accept.aee and tebla theee p�ymente� a Wss t�.+ervo in lieu of n�rntgase imutinoe. Loes ia�ve � � • <br /> i .� ., , -,. • . �itm !p . . <br /> -- _ �+�: ;. ____..._ _ ��11/p ato�� ►.r a a e , �. . . <br /> — �. . - � <br /> � �. � ' ' '. <br /> _ , . . � � , . <br /> ' -_�. - _. _ .. , _ . <br /> _T,. . •�._. ... . -- - .._. . ._ . .. ._ _ .. _ . - - -- - --�-------- --- ---_ --- -- -- <br /> _ _ .,.. ----- - • -- . • � . • <br /> �� !=; , • • ' � . , ' . . . ' . <br /> - �� �� -�; � . .. � " . . ' . .. � - , �. � ., ,� ' � <br /> -._ . . . ._ <br /> -. • • . , � . . <br /> ..._ . .. . . <br /> r-=- , . .r.�.r , . .. . �. � . . , <br /> di-. - . . . �- � ---- �- ,.-' . • ' .. . , • . ' . � • . . , <br /> IM. . . ��� ' . , ' . • • . ' . ' ' . ' , <br /> - � �• .. �� ' � . ,. � . � � . • n ' . . _ . � .. .. . . ' - , t <br /> . . . . <br /> .: .: . .. ' . . . . � . . <br /> , .. , i. .Y.. . , . . , . - . � . <br /> .. . ,.��. . . . . <br /> . t. ;' . .�t fR-.c. . ' '' . . . � , . . , , � . . . , � . � , . <br /> � � tc:__ _. .. . . � . � — � _ � v . _ __ <br /> � t F . . . _-- _._-. -- _. .- . --. _- _--_ _ __-__ _ -- _ _-__ __=- -___- _.__' . . -_ . ; _. .. <br /> . � , -� � - ' ' ' . ', . • � ' , . <br /> � �i `''' . .��.�'., •n . ' , .. ' ' � '� .. . � , ` 1 1 . �. .. � . . Y , b. ' . . � � . . - � <br /> �. _ . .� . . . . . � . . . <br /> .. . . . � .. ' ' , - � . • . . ' . . . . <br /> . i :. <br /> . . . _ <br /> ,. -- . :- � . . . , <br /> .. ._�. _. . � .. , . .. ... . . _ . . . .. . . . . ._ .. . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . <br /> . . �'1: �'i.. �" . 7J . .�' ; ' . . . __ . . . . - . , . .... . . . . ' . . . _ ... ... , . . � ' , • . <br /> . . ., .i '�'_ _ . .. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . .. ' � � . <br />