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<br /> � �, �� � NFk�lfllA9IIA nF�p OF TRU�T �c:� ' ,
<br />. ��l (�ditt�3'ow�r at 8t�1�) ` c:
<br />_ , \
<br /> � Anraunr.oP F`i�L Inatnlmont�-��.�--- Amatmt o!'bthor laetalmente aQ�.�} � •
<br /> • 7btnl af Pt�ymcnte S�-t�z�•�--- Firee lnet�lmont puo 1)ato�1Si.�-.—.,1�-�• . ,
<br />.;.t'�-;.� , ' Numd��r ol'Monthly Inst�imonte_._._.�Fl-.---• Finnl lnstnimont 1)ao Dato aAll�l_.�--�10-�1•
<br />: 7'}ti9 Dh:FD Or T�tl1.R'1'� mndo thie �—daY oi _ �,A..�rw ._._�_.._.. _ � 19-Q�--� '
<br /> � uoe�Yenn.�—..�11m_I2._El�clle��_arxl�t�E._Flcril�r_�u�sstaand.and.�ife _. — � .
<br /> " ,`. whoco mniling nddmsa in 2�11_1�l:StS1(1e.�tc7)YUSlc1[Y,l,-DlB.-58f�3 - ' '
<br />' � aa 1Yuatore, � �t2�lil�llt�i'�ic'�tl-3L� --.--- — ; � '`.-
<br /> , • � '��_��dC-C.n...� r���.,,� nJp FiRfYlt ' �
<br /> ' whoso maiilnt; �ddms.a le _.___ ' • .
<br /> • ae Truatr.o, und Nonveat Finnncial NoMtaeka,lnc.,whouo mniling add�oes le — � •�
<br /> `•�},:. ��.K���al:°dil�-�51d[Kl}NE' Fif�3(1� T..�r.. � ae Bonoticiury�
<br /> al
<br /> • �"':i:��'�- WiTN£69ETH,Tiuetarc+homby ir��vocnbly,grnne, borguin, soll,and mnvoy ta Trueteo In truet, �vith powor oP anlo,tha Pollowinp da I �.;,•'
<br /> i;:;� .�. County, Nobrneka: ' �•
<br /> ecribed property in _- . Hall ._ — ..-- ;;� : �., .�
<br /> 11ie tJest 8 feet of Lot 5 and tl� East 49 feet of l.ot a, Black 2, «ste►^lioff's f • �� ,�� ;
<br /> 1st. Subdivision in the City of Q^and lsland� Hall Courrty, Nebt'aska ;- �
<br /> , • , �
<br />_ ( , ,
<br /> � . ' i � ;ti;;
<br /> � .:,
<br /> _.----�=---- � L ,:4
<br /> ,-- ----� - - �--- -
<br /> - _,�L�
<br /> - -- - :�,,,
<br /> . ;•
<br />- , _�.;:�. : �'
<br /> ' • .., � 7bgeLho�with tenomenta,hc�rrditsimc�nte, nnd appurtenoncce therauato bolonpinp ar in nny�vien flpportt�infng and tho ronW,iaeuoa and l.
<br />-- ,_.,_-.,;�:.:,:•.:_ .
<br /> proflta tnerooi. � - -- � _ ;
<br /> � � Thie e�anveyaaco ie intonded for tho purpose af secuMng eho pnymone to BonofiMary ot"I`nieta�a'promiseory noW oi evan dats in tho �
<br /> amount etntad�bovo ne"Totnl oP}'aymantr�".Suid'"I'otal of Pflymonte" is�opayablo in tho m�mho�nf monthly inetnlmvnta etAted nbove. ,
<br /> ' Tho nmount of the Instalmont p�ymonta duc+on enid lonn Is etnted nbovo.The Oret nnd finnl Inatalment due datee on eaid lonn nro etuted i
<br />- andVwithout notico or do nnnd�r ndor thu enNronlnpn d�hnl�mco of en d lo n�nt onco duo nnd pnyableylese ony requir d rehnto of ch ges��on �
<br /> _ 7b pmtect tha uecuriLy of thia Aeed of Truet,Tnietor covonnntn and apreos: i r
<br /> 1. To keop tho proporty in�ood conditian nnd ropoir,to pertnit no wneto tho�eoP; to camplotc+nny building,et�ucturo or impravomont ;�';,;
<br /> -, boing 6uilt ar about to ho built eherean;to restorv promptly aay buildinF,xtnutu�o o� improvomont the�ean which may be damAged or
<br /> ' : dvetroyed;and W comply witr all lnwe,ardinc�ncea,rofntlutlone,covananta,conditionn n�d roatrictiore afTecting the proporty.
<br /> _ 'a�,,,. d.To pny boforo dolinquent flll lnwful taxea and a�.vesamente upon tho pro{wvty;to kcop tho property freo nnd clear of ull other chnraes, , .
<br /> - • lione or oncumbrances impai�inR tho Aecurity of thie need of Truet. , ,
<br />�" 9. To keep all duildinge now or hereafter erected un the proporty deacribed horoin contlnuoualy ineured npninet loas by lire or ather
<br /> hoxarde in an amount not less thnn tho total do6t Nocured by thia 1)eed of Truxt. Allpo Uciee ehall be held by tho fleneflciary. and bo
<br />'�'r'� in euch campunies ne tho Boneflciary mny npprovo nnd havo lasa paynblo Iiret to the Aeneficiary ne it� intprest muy appear nnd then
<br /> �=� to tho'l4uawr. Tha nmount collected under nny inauranco policy mny bE+appNed upon eny indebtedneas hereby secu�ed 1n euch ardor ne ,
<br /> ��� tho Ac+nollclnry shall detormino. 3uch opplicotio�by tho Aenoficinry ahnll �ot cauao dlacantinui�nca of nny proceedinge to foreclose thie
<br /> �,�. ..
<br /> •,,�. I)eed af 7'ruet nr cure or w�ive aov defflult or notica af dofault ar invnNdate ony nct done purxunnt to such notice.In tho BvenC of foreclosure,
<br /> �:`:-��, �� aU�iqhw of tho Trustor in insurance paliciea thon in farco Ahnll pnaa tn the purchuwor nt the forocloAUro enlo.
<br />'"��' �' A. To o6taln the wrz::an con.=cn�of AenpPicjnpy.blffqroaollinK,acOnVoy�n o�othonviso trnnxfor�ing the pmpony or any pan thercof ond •
<br />��;�'' � nny euch ealo,convey�n��e o�ua�v;'er wiehrnst tba•�o���dQjYd�����ton can�,ent ahnll cnnxtltutv n dofnult undor the torme hereof.
<br /> �� 5.To dofond any ncU.n or p-rcerd.:.�ptuportitifl W'�mlttitltid�eCUTlty hereof o�tho righta c-gowcr:+of Aeneficinry or Trueteo. ;
<br /> '� � 6. 3hould Truator fai2 t.s��'�vhe��3uoyuay taxee,nesosamontx, ineurnnco promiums. [cnr.s.�encuni6rnncaA or other cha�pea nRuinet tho
<br />''�' � property harelnaboti•c �cscri2�ci. &.nr:iciary mny pny tho xnmo, nnd the nmount sa �a:w.�v_;h �merest ut tho rnto xet farth in tho note
<br /> =��� °ccured hemby,sha11 P>r a�3dad t:.an�l+.�come o u:�ct oitho de6t eccured in thix 11Prd os'?}uyt a�•.,:z�rmitted 6v In�v.
<br /> ,,g�{ �� r
<br /> `.:;�tt;,!, IT 19 MUTUAL4ti.��,�F..ED SH:�T
<br /> 3. •�' � 1. In tho ovent an� �ortion c°t'.��• �mn~> �e ta�an or damnged In nn emir.rn: dnm�» p'rceedinF, Q�� entire amount ef t[�e awur� ,
<br /> :?�',;�_'�.�' �: m euch partlon thereof as m�ti h: necec5�'� tn ia'.':} �a:�9fy the�bligetion aecuced Trr�D��. v'�t.:t bo pnid to I3eneficiary• tv is•e��Rlied W
<br /> - :::,.,:,
<br /> , anid obllgntlon.
<br /> -+�
<br /> 2. Hy accepting p��.-.:e�t of a::� �ur:sec::n�c:°e�rb� a''?e��:��dae�ate.Rene:i�a:i�'�c+��F �:: ���<<'o its nent:o reqwrd prom�t payment
<br /> � whon duo of all o2ller:�:.e�s sn sec::crd or s�t:c�.�'�c d^.`au:�fur fadure to ao pa}�
<br /> �� 3. Tho Truntee G6;.Ii rscunvr} a;l cr any part s; The prnprrty covered h} th�s DL�rd uf Tru�t to the person entlded thereto,on wrueen
<br /> � request of the Yruscor and the Re.�.•;::iary, or upnn N�tiNfartwn •�P the obli�;ation serurad and wntten rryuest for reconvc�pnnce made bp
<br /> i
<br /> tho BanaTiciery o�the peeson ent�t[�:s chereto.
<br /> 901 C91(NE1
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