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<br /> �R4��}!A� . ._. _ ... ... ..-•-----•� . ._.,._. ._.._ ._.. _.._ .�.___--_,•---....- . .. _.....<..,.._--_ . -��
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<br /> - _ = nppUcohlc Imv muy spccii'y foi relnsintcmcnt)bufnm solc aP the Nr��peny pursunm lo miy p+��vc�•of si+lo cnntnincd in thiy � -°
<br /> ` Secui•iry tnstnimcnt:ur(b1 entry of t�Jadgmcnt unPurcin�;�his Sccurity li�titrumcn�. '1'hnso zandliiun��im Ihat Bam��vcr: (a) �x� __
<br />_ -_�s��__'".;, pAy� (,rndrr oll sums which tiim� wuulc! bc duc undcr diiy 5ccw�ity Inslrumant nnd thc Nutc ar if no iicccicrc►dim had �,:_.__ _—
<br /> , � .:� occarrcd:lb)curoy uny dcfnult af iiny olhcr covcnnnts or i�g�rcmcnty;lrl pnyy�II ax�en�c�h�rum:it in enfurciny thi.r•Sccuriry d .
<br /> ' Insttuntent, including, but nat limited ta,�rus�mi�hlc nttomcyn'fces; nnd (d) takcs sur.h nrt��»� i�y Lendrr n�ay n�nsunnbly �
<br /> � _ _
<br /> ���' ecquin:to assur�that the iict�uf tf�is Secarity In4tri��nc�u,Lcndceti�Ights in the E'caperty nnd 1���t�rnwer.L obligu�lon to pay Ilw � _-_
<br /> r _� sums secur�d Gy thls Secueiry instrument yhall conth�ue unchangcd. Upon �einswtement hy Qurrowcr, �hiw SCcuriry � -
<br /> -- lnstn�mct�t�mi 4nc ooiigu�iuns sccw�d iicn:by siiall rontuf��iutiy ctf��iiv���;ii'�ti���:cttt:.►'ath}si had a.urrt�. tlott•cti"-•,t1!!° �,�--,� -._
<br /> .,�}; ' right to rcin�tate shull nut upply in thc cnso uf arccic�iuion u�tidc�pi��+ig�uph 17. ' �--_=
<br /> . � �
<br /> 19. Sulc af Note; Chnngc o9 l.aan Scrvlccr. The Natc ��r a urtial Intcrcst in thc Nota (togclher with this Sccu�ity ` ��� � _
<br /> r � = -
<br /> ._:�,`�.`�,, instrumenq mny bo sold one or rnaro dmes withe►ut prlar notice tn eurrower. A snlo nu�y result In n chungc in the entiry + ?- ,� ;,�
<br />�_��. :;�= • (knu�vn na tho"L.oun Scrviccr")that a�liccts�nunthly paymcntti duc undcr t hc No tc und t h is 5 c c u r i l y 1 n s t�u m e n l. T h c ro n l s o -_�' -�,
<br /> �-__ +..�� __ may bc anc ar morc chanbes of thc L.aun Scr��icer unrulatcd to n s,�lc af Ihc Natr. If thcrc is n chnngc of Ihc Lnun Scrviccr, , . .
<br />---:J:l,:, �4�� • AoROwer will tw�iven written nrnice of the chnn�e in ncsardnnce w�th pnrngriiph IA nl�►�ve and npplicnble Inw. Thc nuUce �:� r : _,_
<br /> v�fll state the nume und i�ddre�s of tho new Laan Servicer iind ihc uddress to which pi►yments should be made. The notice will ' " • •� •�
<br /> � . � .
<br /> -., ���� also cont�in any othcr informiition rcquircd by applicnbic luw.
<br /> '�-.� : � 20. Huu��dou�Cubstnnces. Borrower shull n��t cause m•pern�it thc prescnce,usc,disposal,sturuge,or releiisc of nny - __
<br />___ '� Hazutdous Substnnces an or in thc Pruperty. Bonower shidl nat do,nor nllaw unyone cisu to do, i�nylhing uffectin�; the ,. - �= °+.:.�-`°'.
<br /> --- ' f�apen�thnt is in vlala�lan af uny Fnvironmcutul I.u�v, 'fhc preceding ttivu scntcnces shi+ll nat upply to thc pmsence,usc,or , =.;;:;,.
<br />_ , uurago��n the I'ropcny of smiill qu�intitics af Ha•r.iirdouw Substunces IhiU ara gencri�lly rccagnized to be lipp�upriute tu nonnal • •• • ����i
<br /> re�i�ientinl ascs nnd to muintenanco ai'the Prapeny. :
<br /> Aurrowcr shull pranptly givu l.endcr writtcn�oticc oi'any InvcsdgiUinn,dnim,demnnd,l:�a�suit or rnhcr ncdnn by any w��__
<br />�-��:, r - �avemmental or rcgulntory ngcncy ur privutc party invalving ihe t'�roperty and a�ny Hi�zurd��us Subsic�ncc��r Environmental z��`;,�
<br /> -',�: I.AW Of NI1�CI1 B(11TOWCi' IlA9 ACIUq) RIIOWICtI(�'C. If Borrowcr leurns, ar Is natihcd by an}� govemmentul or reguluh»)� � --�i_', -
<br /> :�, umhority,that uny romovnl ar ather remediatian af uny Hnznrdous Substiince ��ffecting the Pr��peny is necessnry, Aoiro«•er ,,,, �y�_
<br /> =` • shall rom tl tuke ull nxcessiu• remediul uctians in uc��urdunec with Environmema�La�v. ��' �Z '�Lµ�
<br /> p P Y Y �;,'� .. ---
<br />`:`:��� " As used in this par;L�;mrh 20,"Nuxurdou9 Substnnces' u�e thase substimccs defined ns taxic ar huzarduus substunces by Z• �,.;,r.
<br /> ��=' .;��., �nviranme�unl Luw and the follo�ving sub�tunces: gasoline, kemseae,other fl►►mmable ar tmic petruleunt p�aducix,tnxic ,��, ,�_`
<br /> '' + h.�'�,,�; pesticides und herbicldes.��ol,uilc salve»ty, mi+torinls containing n�bestos ar formuldehyde, anA riidiui�ctive m�iterinls, As , � - __-
<br /> t�' . � used in this p:uugriiph 20,"Fnvironmeninl Li�w"mcuns federi�l la�ws und luws of the Jurisdictiun���here the}'roperty is lacated • '��f��' �
<br /> „��fi' ; thnt rcla[c ta health,snf��ry ar cnvironmcnuil p�atcction. • �
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVSNANTS. Borra�ve�end l.endcr funher covenant imd ugree uy follows: ;�: " �. .
<br /> - � � �1. Accelemtian; Acmediev. l.ender shall give nodce t�R��r�awcr prior to uccelerAtlan d'allo�WinF Uarrawer's � � '�jr�,,..4�.
<br /> ° .. � breuch uf Any c�ve�anl or ngreemeat In thiti Security Insl�ument(but not prsa�tu ncceleration under p�rugruph 17 '•�.:
<br /> . ' unless uppltcuble In�v provides athrrtiYlse). The�utice shu0 ypeciPy: (a)Ihe dePuult:(b)the actlun required to cure t he '�"` '�'�
<br />' dePnult;(c)u di�te,n��t Icss thnn 30 dnyy Pron�the dc+te thc natic� is�iven to Borrower.by which the dePi�ult must br ����.;__
<br /> � cured;nnd(d)thut Pa�ilure ta cure Ihe default on or befare the dnte specl�ed in the�otice may�esull in�rceterutlun uf
<br /> . T- —- thP�u..,�ur��y!ls�.°S�curlty!asls�ment�nd�!e�P!he Propertv. T�e mutice shull Purthe�inforn�Horrower uP �',� . ' •__.;i_
<br /> c _ _ �
<br /> • • • Ihe righl tn reln!�tute after nccelerAUun and the ri�ht tu 6r1��io court acdun tv�issert the nnmexistence ai'A defuuN ur � ;
<br /> • �ny ather defe�se aP aurrower ta�ccelerAtion a�d sale. IP the defnull is na!cured un or btFare the date specified i�
<br /> the notice,l.ender ut it9 uptlnn moy requi�e immediute paymcM in Pull oP ull sumy sccurcd by this SRCUrity Insirum�n7 • � �T�-
<br /> •va�,. - _- WIthOU[ IUPi11CT QCrt1At1 I� tittq rtlily tnvu l:i utr pu i'vct i'ii&°a:. �i it'. «:ij tt:::�: ::tR��:° rnre�I�Is�LI h�, nnnUcnhle �Sl��'. � . :s='
<br /> ' ' 4ender shall be entided to callect nll expensey Incurred in pursui�g the remedicw pravided in this pA�Ag�aph 21. --��
<br /> ' Including,but not limited to,�easom�ble attorneys'feeti imd cast9 oP Utle evldence. '� �
<br /> � If the pawer oP ei�le iv invoke�i�71�ustee shi�ll record u natice uf defuuit in each c��unty in wMch eny piul of Ihe :
<br /> Property is lacuted aad shall midl a�pic�oP such nuU��e in ihe mimner prescribed by uppllcuble IAw ta Har�o�ver imd to •
<br /> � the ather person9 prescribed by c+pplici�ble luw. AiYer tlie dme requi�ed by npplicAble IAw.'IFustee shall glve public
<br /> � - � notice of si�le ta the persnn!+i�nd In the monner prescribed by npplicubie luw. Trustee.wilhoul demamd an Borrower� �
<br /> � xhall sefl the Prope�ty n1 public auctian to Ihe hi�hesl bidder at the time nnd place And under the terms desi��ated(n
<br /> �• � the notice ai'sAle i���ne ar mare pi��cely i�nd in imy ordrr'iYustee determines. 'I1�ustee muy pa.r•tpane sale oP ul)or nny ,.
<br /> ' purcel oP the Properly bv pubpc i�nnauncement ut the UmN u�d pince uf ac��•previausly scheduled sule. Lender or its ,
<br /> � desi�nee muy pur�ht►se the Properi3�At uny snlc. ° �
<br /> ' ;; ' Upon receipt oP pi�ymeM af the price bid.'IYustee shall deUver tu tE�c pu�chuser 71�ustee'v deed canveying ert�ti 1;:'�;�•
<br /> ,.,; ,:1; .
<br />;.�..,,� . Property. 7'he recitAls in the'l�ustee'!�deed yh»II be prima Pacie evidence us the truth��1'the r�tnteme�ts mAde the�eiw. ,,�::.,,
<br /> • 7hustee shnll z�pply thr praceeds i►P the snle in the Pnll�nviag urder: Inl to aS0 w9tr u�d expenscw os exe�cising the po�ver '":''�;" ,
<br /> � .:�::,.
<br />:,;,,�, ., , ,,:,,r',�E-;
<br /> • ,:;,�+�'
<br /> ,.���• . .
<br /> ' '";,
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