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'� . <br /> , ; �A�Of��OfCaO��b7II���aSlbC�OQdlj4� • .: " -. �'.�' L -- <br /> � ��VQQI����BO[[OIN�C!�S��9l330d G�I�IC�t�C�E[���,�di diC��j� • <br /> . �t���j�Q�IY�$t 1��kOQl,tL9 75�Q�,, fOt tl�i0�O�lE00[d. B�,���5�I �� . :�� <br /> _ ��i�!lM���C1!l�RiOibC����C�i��,��� .����1�QOQl�t - ' '� -- <br /> ' . . 'j�'$�]�jj'Y j�f�COQ� �Q�1!1D'VC���t9C�1iG0-Y�COMl1��. . <br /> , . ������s�lEC���MC�O0�4���Y- . . • r : <br /> . , � jj�j�(��Q11A�S. BQN'wli�Ld1{�[C�VlJI�i���S{O��OIYx � . <br /> . . .L �����.���s�ab�ta�iL�feCi�t�e�. �sM�1��7►Py�'hadreie ' . <br /> • �i�cipiaEadi�aa�Ycdebtav�ie�oed �6eNn�e�od�'poep�y�mt�di�es�eSdoeqndert6eTU'o�: . . <br /> ` . 2. �I�is�'IInKS�i1I�s�+a S�bjatbapRY'x�bfFla+rawaan�rlea�vptb7'T�eade�.Ban�a's1�4�aj€iv <br /> Is+�der a�iie tiy�a�ly pn'�oents a+e de�undes�e NFc�e.�p'��6e I�is�id ia fi�li.�son tT�s"��C��Y � <br /> ' 1�es ad�ts�fi+cb msY'a�t�P�Y ovxar das SecatitY i�amdt as a limaa tbe Ptupe�ty:tb)Y�'�Y�� ' <br /> p�ot�toYnd iats an d�e �m�pa:y.if sry* yradY 1�r�ru a. ,asa�ece pea�.(�1 ri�9�: <br /> . �c�r�paiawn�.d any: �e)�'�Y�P�:,(�°°a.(�ms.d�tfl'a°S's�s P�Ya�eA�mu� <br /> � �,ead�,t'in a000�d�ooe�die p�ovis�s d'p�r�p�b 8ti in.1i�.a�f tbe papatait af�� � ' <br /> i�aas�calkd"�sc�o�v I�aas." Leader�'•at ary tin�coUert�ad 6oid Fads ia aa aeoo�at not w excbod B�e u�ue�em <br /> _- ,_ �o�[s ieader fat s�ednally sd�a�t�1an�Y�for�o�rv�tri�acca+r acoo�t aii�det the tede�d Real <br />-_-= r�seNaea�[Arocoaraes Ace o�147s as smar�ed fian.iane a�e.12 v.s�i,2501 ns�q.("I�SR'!"j.umiess aeo�6er <br /> ---- • y�,dqt�ppiies iet�e Eimds sds s ksser�rnn�t.'if so.i.ander�oay.a[a►Y wne.cdiett aid 1�oid�s im an amount not to- . - <br />--- ` ��atceed drc fe��amo�nt. I.a�ndet msY,estiantte tbe aaoant af Ebods aue,m d�e bssis sf tmr+eet d�iq and teasoe�bie <br /> -- ' e�es a[expeadi�es af[�te Fsc�o�*-fia�a atlia�vise in acoont�noe svidt appTic+bit ta�v. : . <br /> - 1�e Ei�Ms si�ll be bdd ia io i�wpoR wd�as�depcsits�e i�ed by a fodnd a�i.Y.�tY•q�!t=:--- .--- - <br /> . C�Len�kr,if l�Wer is a�h�u�aon)a in my Fdttaal Home Lao�►6�nt. i.,en�es rJ�aU�ppIy tbe F�Ws w pa9. <br /> - tbe Esanw[tems. L,rnda may nd cla�ge Boirowra fur daiding a�d applying the li�ds.��silY a�tY�E��'O�' <br /> , • �60�,A�d1C�!Cl01Y"�E�S.YIIkSS 1,t�lt pi)tfi BOR�tll•�OtGCSt-Qll�C FWlds�i�tC�C��L�'_ <br /> •'. $O[IOWQ�D�a OQ�-[tIDC C�I�i$G fOf iA�t!#� <br /> I.e�drr to wke such a chage. HaMeva.l:eMer mry nequi�e_ <br /> '" �ate tu�po�tieg 3arvixused 6Y Leodra in eoroioctiaa wttd dns loan.m►{ess apprica6{e law povides atharwise. Unless aa .. <br /> � �u tu�de er ap�licaMe Ww eeqahes�test to be Q�id,L4ndar s1oI1 not be n+quiied wpry Ba�mw�aoy�a�u or <br /> tu <br /> • e�ai�gs oa the Fnnds. Bamaa�er aM[.ender msy ag�ed in wriait!8•howevtr.that itrcenst sb�U be p�ad oa tbe Fnnds. l.adef . <br /> _ slpdi aive ta Bamwir.witho�it cluuge.m��al aornumin8 of the�.�°as adgd�'o�nd soaaity'for secu�l by <br />_ p�apnse far wfiicD esch deb¢to the Eimds wac mode. 7t�e liiolts aie.pledgsd <br /> 'his��ne]d by cea�u ex«ed the u�mu pertn►tted to ex neW byy applicaeio law, l.«�aer shali acooiva,w <br /> _�., �s, Banv�u�et far ehe sacsss Punds in aa�danae with t6e tacryitemnus of appT'icaLle law If IUe attlount of the Fvnds bdd by <br /> � . l�de�at aay 6me is oat snfficiau t�pay the Esccow[temg wt��loe.Irenda may so na�fy Bormwa ia writmg.�d.iA <br /> - such case Boeuwea s6aU pray w Lender dre s�c�o+mt naoessuy to m�t�t op tbe deficiencY. Ha�uwer shaU�t�e ap the . <br /> . ' � ;�,_��` def'xKacy in no moce d�an twdve monttily paymart.�.at l.enda's sok disa+eoia�. <br /> - `' _ :� UP�P�Y�t in full of aU sums sowced by tWs SeamtY G�dwna�t,l�a�der sfiall panpdY tefuM w Basrowa�y <br /> :�. .• -.. <br /> _ �"`.. .�"`. wMs bela py I�a. If un�er parasrapt►2�.T.enaer seall acquire or seil the Pivpe�cy,c�enaer,prior w d�e acquisition or , — <br /> •._-:''' ' stral�apply any gurds held by�Lender at the time of acqeiisiBoa a�safe as a urdit aga3nst the sams <br /> _ ' sak of the Roperry, tm <br /> ��`=�-��='•" : sociaad by this Scauiry lnsmnaent. reaeived I.ender ander <br /> `�. so aad <br /> ,. � ay 3 Applicatio�d l�ywe�is Untess applicabk.taw pmvides otherwise.stll paymeus bY <br /> � ��`�`°� _ p�phs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�,w anY PnPaY��t charges due andet t1�e Nate:se� unoairts payabfe undrr <br /> tl ` .�. a=-' � p�grapl�2:tha+d.W intttesi due:fauti4 to piitrcipal due:and t�t,to atty late charges due under the Note. <br /> _���-, �. . �' � - <br /> - -=-r__ _ A. t7�es:l.kt�. Borrower shati pay aU�uaues.assessmenu.char�es,fines and imP��oas amdbutabk to the = <br /> � - , . �� •'� ' � ' pfropr�ty which may aRtin piiority over this Secunty Inshvmen�,and leasehoid payma�u�gou►rd rents.if any.�Bortower = <br /> ' ' � �. . ' shall pay tt�ese obligauions in the mmner pnovided in para�apl�2.or if rat paid'm drat manner.Boirowu shatl pay tlxm� �: <br /> -' � time direcdy to the pe�sa�n owod payrt�►�. Bo�rower shall promptty famisb w l.e�der all notices of amouaia w be paid a�der � <br /> • _�..`_�:. � .•'. this pzn�aph. If Bomowu matces these paymeats directty.Botrowet shall p�amptly fumish to Lender nceipts evidencittg [ <br /> R���;,�- , • � �Bo�s�all ptrnnptty dischuge a�ry lien which ha.c priority over this Securily t�►strument unless Sotmwer:(a)agrc+es _ <br /> . ��=,- � in writ�n8[o the payment of thc ob]igation�oc�red by the liea in a mannet aoceptable w Leader:.tb)oortt�sts in good faith the ; � <br /> _ " . - Ik�by.or defmds against enfaoement af ttie licrt pnncee�GnBs whlch in the Lender�i vpinion openu to prevrnt tlre <br /> � . enforoanent of Ne lirn:or(c)secun�from the ho}der of the lien an agtoe�nent satisfactory to L�nder suboNinating the lien E <br /> ``' ` '. to Qiis Socuriry instn�mmt Ii l:rnder detetmines that any part of the PtopertY n wbject w a lien wUich mag ariain prtotity <br /> - ,, over this Secunty[nauu�l.ender may give Bmrower a rotice identefying the lien. Borrower sha11 satisfy the lieo or take - <br /> `�.•�� . , . . ane or moi�e of the actions sei forth above w�thin t0 day9 of the giving of nouce. <br /> 3 }�ro p�prop��r�rsxe. Botrvaer shatl keep tfie improvemenu now esistins or hereafter ecected on the - <br />,,' ' . : Ptnpeny insurcd Against loss by fire.hazards incWded within the tetm"extended coverage"artd any other hazatds.including _ <br /> , ' ttaods a flooding.for wtich t�et�der n�quites insuraace. 7his insurance shall be mairnained in the smount9 aod for the _ <br /> _ ._ . ', ' .'. _.___' � � ' �. lYf�3l1� sPM lp�ge z ofbpaget► - <br /> . ���-:5� � � � � . . _ <br /> - . ��f ' _ ��._�-;.,.. _.._. ._. ._ _ .. . . :. .- -- --- . ._ .-,.�, - -- . •-�,r.a�:::.�u-3,r_-•ti,�=�� <br /> — .�l��'�'�f' �� � . � . , . ',. . . , . . _ _ <br /> -- - ��,•.�:�...--�. �. - --_.�.. ._ _�,:. . . . . _ ._.._ _. . ,. ,_ _ � �. , <br /> _ � , _ _. _ . _ _. . . � •_ _ .. ._ .. ' _ , . . _ _ - •- - ' <br /> - - ----- - - - <br /> _, ,-...,_ ..,. . . . . . . <br /> . ... . <br /> �!- :a� • . ' � ' <br />,.,, . <br /> � , - -- -• <br />�r :{.,':.._. .. - . _ _._. __ . .. ' ' . . . . , ' - . . . . _—. _ • •- -.__. . ._. - _. .._. . " ... , _ __. -. <br /> ... _ � �� Ti� ::,- ' . . . • • : . . " , .� � - . . .. . .. . _ <br /> . :4�z! ,'L.'`,.. . . ' , . � . . ' �. , „ � � �.. - . <br /> ' ;�f 'y{��s�T t:1- . . �• ' ' . ' . . . . . . . ' ' 'n .., • • , . . <br /> � ., . .. '" ' � � . . . . , . . .. . . ' ' . . . .. . . <br /> . <br /> •, , • , <br /> - • ... _. . , . <br /> _ - —. '_. . � . . . . • , r. . � �. <br /> —._-__�.�� . .._ .� _ , . .. � _ . .. _____._. <br /> � '. <br /> .. <br /> �-- ��� - ,—�- ,�— �—, -- —_ -- .— _ . _ —_ , —. _-- — _ —. <br /> _ ' ' �'K:� . . . ' , . , . . . . , s . .. , . . - ' . • . , � <br /> _' ' . . � � . . . � . . . � ��- , . . 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