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�al' .-.. :.:d:..��. p .r� _ , ,:=3[7. <br /> _ . .. �. . . � _ <br /> , -� -� _.,'-c� , .� .. 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Nur���nver��ai�raitih m�d �-� -- <br /> '�" .� will def�nd gc►tcrally t1�4 liUc 1u!h�1'roprnY;��!i►inst ull clnints iutd demnnda,su{�Jec11u�nY cncumbrwiccs�+i'rcc+�rd. - _ --_ <br /> _ ` --.—.y Ti31S 5CCLSr1T1 t�:;t't:L':SG":'t' cam6ittcy t+nif"rn+ �•��vunauux �or nutiunal u�c nnd m�n•unifirr��� cav�ttunt� wl�h - �z � <br /> - ' ' flmited varinUons hy Jurisdicdun t��cunstUutc+�uniFarn�s�cu�ity Intiuutitimzit cuvcrin�c�al prnpeny. - .;_, -_ <br /> '- - UNIrOttM C'QV�NAN'1'S. Bun�o�vc�•und Lcndcr c��vcnunt nnd a�gr�c us Follo�vs: , <br /> - 1. Payment oP Princlpul i�nci lntere!�t;P�epi�yment artd l.ute Chur�c!i. Dorruw�e shull pramptly puy wh�n duc thc • , <br /> ��F`,. •. principul oi'nnd i�iterest un thc dcht uvidenccd t►y Uic Nota und uny prep��yment und Into ch+�r�es due►�nder thc Nutu. <br />��.' Z. I�tmds iar 7bxcs amd Insurimcc. Subjcct t��appUci�bl�li►w i�r tu u wriuen wniv�r by L.endcr.Qunuwcr shull p►►y lu <br /> =;;� „ ' Lcn�le� un thc dsy munthly puymcnts iuc duc undcr thc N��Ic, until th� Notc i•paid in 1'ull,u ,um l"Ilinds")iiir: li►1 y�:urly . , <br /> '�'�': ti�xes i�nd iisr�ss�»�ii�s which rnuy uuuin priority uvcr this 5ccurlty Inytrumcnt ns u lion im th� F'ropcny;lb1 y�i�rly Icns�lwld . <br /> -s`��; u mcnts ur �rounci rentti on ihc Pru�crt�, it� un : trl cu�•1 huzurd ��r rrc����ny liist�r��n�e {�r��»iiii»s: (dl yci�rly tliwd ., . <br /> � . <br /> u=.� . , insuruncc prcmiums, if imy; (c) Yc�►rly mari�!ug�insuciu,cr prcmlums, if nny; .�nd l� :►»y ����»Y Pi►y��hlc by Fiurr��wcr tu .. <br /> ```�.� Lcndcr. in uccorduncc�vlth th;'P�.Lcndcr mut�:itia y i ng,cullc 1 iuid'lu�id Flinds in i n umoint�not tu cxc�icd�U�•�n�uxTnum <br /> - . ., items uro cu11eQ"E�c�i�w Item Y �� <br /> `, amount t� Icnder for i� fcdcr�dty reluted uiurtgugc la�m may requiru fur Rurro�v�rti escra«� accuunt undcr Ihc fcdernl Rcal , <br /> '��f�'�,. F3stutc Setticmcnt Procedures Act ot'1974 us umcnded f'rum timc tu timc. 12 U.S.C.�26U1��r s��y,C'�H�PA"),unless nno�h�:r <br /> - � Inw thut npplics to thc FUnds suls u Icsscr.tmuunt. If su.Lcndor nury,ut any timc,cuUcct und huld F1�nds fn an umuunt�tut ta , . <br /> � excecd Ihc Icyscr umount. L.cndcr mny rti�inu►to thc i�mount af Flmds due ��n thc hnsiz uf curr�nt diui� nnd r4�isunnble :•�.. <br /> cstintutes of cxpendiuires of futurc Escrow ltoms or uthrrwisc in uccurdu�tcc with i�ppliciible li�w. <br /> �� „ "... . The Funds shi►II bc held In un instiUUian �vhosc dcp��sits urc insured by :► frdcral �►guncy, Instrumenti+lity, ar untiry :�� ,. <br /> ;;� � (includinb Lcndcr,ii'Lendcr iti such nn institution)or in uny Federi�l Humo I.uan k3:u�k. Lendcr sGull npply U�r Fund.r•to puy . <br /> _� Ihc Escr��w Iwmy. Lcndcr muy mn ch�u��;c Hun'o�vcr f�r hulding und uppl}�in� th� FUnds. unnunllY pP uly�int� the�cr��w t ';,, .;, <br />. . nccount, ��r veriPying the G�c��H�"�``er�� Icr muy�requir�t3ottrn�er tn�r��v utone�time�churNe far imiindupendcnt rcal ; . . <br /> Lcndcr to muke such a chi 6 p�' � <br /> • csa�te ti�x reporting servicc u�ed hy l.ender in cunnectiun wUh thiti I��i�n. unletis upplic+�ble luw pruvides othen�•isr. Unlcss un � <br /> : „ <br /> - ., ' aFrc�ment is nu�de ur uppiicul+l�1aw rcquires intcrest to hr��aid,l.ender shall nut hr reNuired ta pny Borrower any inicrost ur ,• ' __ <br /> , . camings�m thc Fundti. Rorro��•er imd Lender muy ug�'cc 1n�vritln�;.huwcvcr,tha�intcreyt shnll hc puid on thc h'unds. Lendcr �.;.�„ . <br /> . • shall givc tu 8ur►�owcr,witht�ut chi►r�;c,+i��+mnt�ul uccoundng of thc F1�nds�showing cr�dits and debitx tu thc Funds and thc � <br /> , pur��osc i'or whlch euch dchit to the Fund��viiti m«de. '1'he Funds arc pledl;ed i�5 iiddi��°na� 54�urity fur.�II sums secumd by <br /> thiti Security inztrument. t . <br /> If thc Funds ht:ld by Lender cxcced thc mnounts permiucd U� I�c held by upplicable luw, Lender shuU .ucnunt w � ,. <br /> �. <br /> „ '' Burruwcr t'or thc cxccss Funds in uccorduncc with thc rcquircmcniti c►f upplicahic li�w. If'thc umuunt uf'thc Fu�ids hcid by [ <br /> '`- -- -- - Lendcr ui�►i�y ii�ttc ��nat xufticient to�ny th� �+�ruw lt�itts whrn duc.Lcndcr may so notil'y aurrawcr in �vriting,s�nd, in - - - <br /> � ' s u c h c,i z e B u rr o w e r s hull pu y u� I.cnder the umount neccssary to m.t�e up thc deiieiency. flu��.3cvas st��i:! m:e.�,e ts�!he 3. . ., <br /> de ficic n c y i n n o morc thnn twclvc monthly pn>�niunts,itt I.cndcr�so ly discrc tiim. � �� <br /> ..__.. �� Upon payment in full ut'all ,ums sr`u^cd by this 5ec�rlty lnst�um`II the f'ruvcrt1Y lGvnder,Ipriar toithe��iCquisi ianUCn _ .. _�_ <br /> - - ' .� <br /> FY�nds hcld by LenQCr. ii.�mdcr puu�gu,p����. •-��••,�• :.tal. ...�_.s,• �- _. - <br /> _ sale af the Propeity. ,hnll npplv uny hUnd,hcld hy Lrndor ut thc timc ot'ac�l�dsiUnn or �nlc us u credu ugai�st thc sum+ � <br /> . secured by this Security Intitrumcnt. � . . <br /> • 3. Appllcatian oP Naymenty. Unlcxti ��rr„�l`hli�cnt churYC+�diw�un tcn c�N��pc;Yncc�md rto n�oumy p.y'hlc undcr f � <br /> . paragruphs I und 2 shull bc upplicd: tir+1.tu nnY{ p'Y b • � ;; <br /> parngrt�ph 2;�hird,to intcrest duc:founh,tu principal duc;�utd latit,tu any lutc churgc�duc undc�the Nate. <br /> I :. �„.• .. <br /> 4. Churges: 41ens. Bo�rnwcr shull puy :�11 tuxcs, us,es,ments, chur����, fines imd imp���idons utt�ihuti+hle ta thc <br /> • Propcity which may uttnin pric�rity ovcr this Securiry Instrununt.and Ic+�schold pnymc�ts ur Fr�und rents,if any�.`�armtivcr � , <br /> . shull pay thesc obligtUiuns in thc munncr pmvidcd in piirag�uph 2,i�r if n��t pnid in that manacr,B�n�w4��hall � thcm on <br /> � time directly a�ihe pers�m uwed pi►yment. Runower shi+ll promptly furni,h tc�Lender all nuticey uf'��mc�unty to he puid under <br />, • this parugruph. lf BoROwer mukcti thesc payment+dirccdy. 8orrow•cr shul) prumpUy 1'urnish u�Lendc�rcccipts ovldoncing ;.:;, <br /> • thc puyments. . <br /> . aarrowcr yhull promptly disch.ugc uny licn which has prioriry ovc�this Sccurily Instrumcnt unlesti�urrowcr:ln)Agrecti <br /> • in writing ta the puymem ul the ohlignnon,ucured hy the licn m a manner ucceptuble to Lender;(lu c��ntests in gaad faUh the <br /> • • lien by,or defcndti aguinst enfarcement of the lien in,legul praccedin�s which in thc l.endcrti��pinicm operute to prevcnt the <br />- enfnrcement af'tho lien; or(c)�ecures from thc hulder ot'thu rt"`1`h�►���°��°�is�tiabtect w v 1kn 1whichhmuyinutiun pr o ily <br /> to this Sccuriry lnstruntent. If L,cnder detemiincs Ihat any p P Y J <br /> over this Security Instrumrnt,Lender may give Q��nowur a nulice identifying Ihe licn, Borr��wer tihull satisfy the llen��r luke <br /> onc or moro of thc acUon�sct forth nbovc within Il►day,of thc giving of noticr.. <br /> S. Huiurd ur i'r�prrlY lnsurunce. 8orrowcr shuU heep thc improvemcnts a��w existinb or hercafter erectcd un the <br /> Property insurcd against lo«by fire,huzards includcd�vithin the tem� "CXlCI1lI�lI C1�VCf1bC" and.iny other ha•r.ards,including ; <br /> floods or floading, for which Lcndcr rcNuires insuraiuc. Thiti insurancc .hull bc maintaincd in thc amaunlr i►nd f'or thc <br /> FircmJ02l1 9/90 Ipu.qe:u/npuge.0 j <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> � <br /> ' � I <br />.= t <br /> _ , . <br /> � , <br />