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� : .: . � <br /> �».. a -' � ' '�C:,v�`.i+rc L .. : F t �,`� __ <br /> _.'u i� - - ., -. ;��f .�. t <br /> t.l � • k <br /> � . <br /> _- ; .. • o_ <br /> .., . .... - i.'-.-... ._, .. . .��.....�.5..- . s __ <br /> . Z!G C_ -• �tii;_`� � . .. . _ � . �! c .....,_- '-1----... a e . ' ` �� ' <br /> `.�,�I�`t r �.: .�._k` � . � . - ' � __ _ ' _ _'_ .t--. _ . __ .. .�f. - �..�, '' _...' _. _ .._ . '. � ._ i :.�.. � <br /> ,�.u' c [ � ' c . ' `c� . . c �� �.' t ' . � - <br /> . - c` . . . . . � , . � ._ l . ' 4 . � � - ��-� � <br /> F << � -_ :� . : , . . � , . , t� ,'1� , ,. „ , <br /> � n , � � c'o <br /> .. . . � . . . . . - . . s i` • � . . � <br /> . c ` <br /> ' • i .t r.�,c��c���o��n�r.�a���c���aa��. . <br /> �eieaa,c`�eae�r�aod�oec�ao�,oaelrt6er�o�.: . . . < <br /> . ` Z �MJ�!�+�7�;bwraoe ar�i t1Mer Ci�=Bortr�wer sb�icN�de ia eade ato�o�lY '. , <br /> � ,. p�r�tl�e Prenc!pd, w�as set i��tbe Niwe aod 1�cl�es.`aa n�allment 4��►h)� . <br /> �ecad�levKd or be �tbe�Y.trt>�P��oc�arid�ts an the�opeity►,ad�, <br /> _ ;. -{c���'orins�nce�dd�grl'�pl►'�. . � ..`: <br /> Efcb,moa�ly�aih�nt far i�ans(i),!b)�(�?�if a�co�cf tbe�rslaai.amoa�.as te� <br /> : �by }�eader,_plas an ainunot��t►`�wun�e ad�iood�da�oe of oa.moc�e�aaa�siaqir die . <br /> �ed amoams. 7Lt falt amaal snount far t�itai�ai�l be aa�mnbled 6y i.eoda�rit�in�period eadin�coe <br /> awaW 6eto�c an inm�uuW 6eeaeoe delinqaeat. I�ader sbtD�oW d�aano�ts eoDected ia tmst w pry ite�N�.{a),�pd ' <br /> �ybetort�oy6i�camedeloq�� - . - � • <br /> .. � ff at�,r 6me tBe loeal of tbepayt��:Id by'LendQ for iiems(s),(b)�ad(c):�r w�tbe fmme <br />._ paymeats fa soch bems pyabk b- �.eader prioc'w�tbe dlte d�es ot aad� bems,a�oaeds by mooe tb�aoie � <br /> ' : , �ed a�moant af pYa�enec zequued w snd�t��rben due.aod if pay�r�aa the No�e fxe cnn�M.B�ea I.mder: . <br /> � s6sU eilher tefuod t4e eacess anrer eae-�Y�the�im�ood psyma�ts os aiedit tbe e�es3 oirer aae4sbcth of 16e�od , <br /> - ���P�Yi�����dre aptiae of Ba� If the wW a�d�e pRymaxs�mda 19►Hwtvi�es <br /> �ty.N�;�a(a}�s��pay tbe imn�hea da�tbai Bon�awer ab�il pay to Lader aaX ama�mt aeasstry`�o ' <br /> , ` uiate ap die deficimcy ea or befrae the d�te tbe ttenl ba�oaies dae. ` <br /> As taal m dns Secor�ty I�maM."Sec�ry"meaas tbe Sec�et�y.of Ho�ng aod Uibim Devdopa��t ar�is or bet • <br />— ` in aa�r year irt.which t6e Lendu a�ust pay a martgage owuaooe piematm to t6e Sa�naary.e�cb moerhlY PY� � <br /> - � ` � atso ip¢Iude eitir�: (7 w ids�mt af tb�anaaal moitg�e �P!'a�m 6e i�bY Iaaderw ibe <br /> -= Sa�y�ar('n'�a ma�thty c6�cge in`s0ead of a mortgage in�uanoe perminm'if t6is 5aa�ccty Iasenuna t is Ueld�y 1be <br />___ :.�eaet�r. Er�h maathiy�I1tnaR of t6e n��e"ms�oee p�a�rium shi�I be in an aroouat a��cient oo a�a Poe <br /> - �fnit�rmwt moct�e'i�Qe Pt�raum with I.ender me utooth pdpr ta 'the dale tbe fpll siriwl �rar�oe • <br /> _ �emium is aue w u�e sec�eta�r:or if a�is rr�m,�is bed tbe so�,et�ry.eacn mondily�be m�aa . <br /> - �rwimE equsi to ane-t�dith of one-bslf peiioent�o the oua�ng p�ro�al balarce due an ehe Noie. <br /> U Barnv�rer oendets w I.ender d�e fultp�y�nt of aU swas sexucad by this Security U�tnnnea�Botrower�►A000unt <br />" s6aU 6�cno�ted witb.the T�aisurx remaining- fa�all instalGaaits for items(a�(b)aad(c)and any aartgs�e c�aioe <br />-:. , pt+eraa�n�lEmept tmt��ender�ees naE beoomaabliga�ed to pay ta the Sa�et�cy,aad La�dei shall pmmptly s�eEuad auy - <br /> �f:. ' exasg fimds to Borruwer. �ately prior w a faaclos�me sak of tfie f�ope�ty or its acqaisitian by I�endex.Bormwer�a <br /> - acrnunt shaD 6e crodited with any 6�lanoe nemaiaing for ap i�tslimeats far it+ems(a),�)apd(a). . <br /> - � A dPl�y�neats. Ap payments w�ler Ptuagrnphs i and 2 s1�a116e appliod by I.eader a�foIlows: ' - <br /> ' �:,>-:';::I; . to tbe matgage in.aurance pcemlum to be pa�d by l.ender to the Sec�tazy or w tbe monthty cbarge hy tl�e� . <br /> � �`��'-'� Seccetacy ir44uead of the maatBily mortgage i�anoe prem�um; � <br /> - ��to�ny�taxes.special assessments.leaseboid payments or gm�td�d fm,flood aud othet dazacd <br /> ` --. �p, ip1M t e.ct due r the Note; • <br /> _ � ��w amottir.ation of the principai of the Not� � , <br /> ,:;�,�:::.,� �W late charges due�tha Nate. <br /> -.,��; . 4. l�lood s�Otber Haa�N Insur�nce. Bormwer shall insiae all improveawmts on the Property.wl�ethOr now , <br /> ��,, , A,y,.;;:_ r, h,e�cistence or��sequemly enctod,against anY hazazds•cas�ataes,and contingencies.i,�tluding fuie.for which Lender = <br />° t".:�:-�-- - requins insivanc�. Tbis ins�ttanc�sdaU 6e maintained in the aznauMS and fvr the pertods that l.ender nequires. Borroiva <br /> •:T•�`:.•..,; shaU also ia4tm all im veaients on the Property.whetlxr now in eaistena or subsequenUy erected.agaiast loss by flaods - <br /> '':'-'i�}'.:�;r�_..,��~ pro <br /> .:;�:'; - - . to the exum�eqaired by d�e Secretary. All insurance.skall be carried with companies approve,d by t.mder. The iasuran�e - <br /> - �, ;,;��,�r pulieies.and m�y renewals ghap be held by Lertder and shall include loss payable cla�ses in favor of. and in a fonn = <br /> -'�,,•;.'��;:.r aooepta5b w.L.ender. - <br /> f ��`;,' ��'� . , ln ihe eve�rt of bss,Horrower shall give l.ender immediate natice 6y mail. 1RCider may matc proaf of loss if rat ._ <br /> �- ;����"�� �P� Y by Barower. F.ach insura�xe com y coacemed is lcereby authorized and dimC�ed w maice pay�rxnt for = <br />��, T���; . p�► - <br /> ._=r;,. �_• such loss tv l.ender.instead of to Bortawer and to i.ender,pintly. AU or any part af the iasuranct pnooeeds may be <br />�` • -7t•:�:•,a "-. •. � app Uod by .at ita option.either(a)to the reduction of the indeMedness under the Note and tlus Socurity?nsawnent, � � <br /> t�. i:a-�,:f�.,,, � <br /> ��.._... . fust w arry de amouats applied in the order in Faragraph 3.and tiren w PrePaY�ent of principal.or tb)w tue _ <br />'' :r=�n= ..� : , tesWration or tepa�i of ihe damaged pmperty. My application af�he prorcedg ro the prmc;pal shap na�eacend or posepone �' <br /> L�:... . . �. <br /> _ :. �; �� : the due date of the momhlY P�Yments which are refer�+ed ta in Faragraph 2.or ch�Se the amount of such paynxms. .Any _ <br /> ��-•: - <br /> " ': ,.!=' .._:�. �:,:, •, euass insurance proard.c over an amount required to pay aU ou�standing�ndebtedness under the Note and thu 5ocurity �- <br /> . •���,,..„:��,.;;: <br /> ' Instrument shap bo paid to the enuty legally entttled the�eto. �. <br /> ln the evart af f6reclosun of this Security Insuument or other tran.cfer of title to thc Praperty that exdnguishes the !�• <br /> ���:� „.._ . _ � <br /> .�•._. indebte�,all rig�n.dtle and intercst of Boavwer in and to imurance policies in forre shall pasx to the prrchaser. ` <br />- " " ;, '� . . S. Occupaecy,P�eaerVallon. Malatena��nd Peatectioa ot t6e Property; BoKrowe�a l.oae Appiicatlua; - <br /> . ��. .oa <br />-- - � I,weholds. Bo�owcr aha11 y,establish:and use the Property av Horrower's principal residence withln sixty days � <br /> � _..`:'•�,; ::"'f� afta the pca�lion of thls Sec�lnstrumem and sfiaU cantinuc te occupy the PropeAy as Aonawer's principal residence - <br /> for at kast one year after the date of actupancy.unless the Secretary determincw this requirement will cause undue hardship <br /> ,, ••;� - _ _ fot Borrower.ot'unless e�tenuating circunistences exist ahich suc'beyortd Borrower�s control. Borrower shall natify � <br /> � •.,� � � Lende�s of any extenvating circumstances. Borr6wer shall not commit wa�te or destray.damage ar suhstamially change <br /> F . �_.' .,�jr :• y • the Property or allow thq Propetty to deterioiate.rea4anable wear and tear excepted. Ixnder may incpect the Property N the L <br /> �'' ' �:�...;-. Pt�eperty is vapnt or abvtdot�eA ar the toar�ic in deiault. Lender may taice,reasa�uble action to protect and preserve such � <br /> • • . • vauurt a abandoned Property. Boriower shaU also bc tn defauR if Borrowcr.during the loan application proass.gave = <br />- � nwtedally false a Inaccurau information or statements to L�rnder (ot ts�ited to prnvide Lender with any matenal F <br />- -=• ` `� '-� infom�ation)in connection with the loea evidehced by We Note.including.bat nat limited to.r�eprexentatia�.a eakem�g ° <br />- ~'n;.,, ,�- . <br /> -- .,+:.:,: •� Homawuk occuptitcy of tlie Property as a ipal msidenoc. li'thi.ti Sc�cunty lnstn�ment is on a teasehold.Borrowet shafl _ <br /> ° '�'`::�?::'�.� �ly���y�rj�ons ot the leave. 1�Hrrawer acquires fee title to the Property.the Iratiehold and tee Ntle shat�rwt � <br /> _ j"�W, bc merged�unkss Lettder agroes to the rtiergcr in wrlting. , . . � : <br /> ��''*F`''' fa C to Bor�+ower and Protectbn at I.enda's Rights ia tLe 1'roperty. Bnrro�ver shnll pay aq gavemmemal � <br /> _. I'r'' . Qai }�tes attd imp�isit}ons that are tiat inciuded in P�ragmph 2. Horrower shall pay tt�ese obligations on <br /> _ ' ;��-*�:. or munic� c , . � <br /> dme�Lectly to entity.whioh ia owa!tlr:payotient. It failute tn pay would udvetsely�ffect lrnder's interest in the _ <br /> - _ plrope�ty,upon i,ender�s roquest Bomower sl,ati prnmpiy fumish to l.edder recei evidencing thesc payments. _ <br /> r cepts <br /> � - If Bo�rower t:ils w make these.payments ar tGe paymrnts nquhed by P�ragraph 2.vr fails to perfonn any od�cc _ <br /> �:,�,;y. cvrea�nb and• cortmined in this Socutity 1ns�rumeM.or the�e i�a legal praceeding thatm�y signiticmtdy affect � <br /> - - " La�der's rlghta n tha P�vpedY(sucH aa a prac�eding in 8ankruptcy.for candenm�ion or to enface lsurs or regnlations). � <br /> �t thet�l.endet nuy do aed pay whatever is ne�ces�ary to protect the value of the Pbpert�and Lender�rights in the Plropeey. � <br /> ��S P�Y�►adtues,halard insurauce and o4�er items mentior�eilln h [. <br /> 'g Any anoimts disbursed by�der und5r tlds Faragraph shall become�tioaal det�t of Burrawer and be sccutrd <br /> -..�, by dils 5ecariry L�strwnen� �t�ese smounts shal]�.inunest from the dgta otdisbursement,at the Note rru.azed at the � <br /> - optiun otl�ender.ahall be iiraaadLtely due and paya - ` t <br /> 7. Ca�de�Ne�. The preoeed�ot any�watd or cla�n for damage�.direct os cau�oclion wit6 any � <br />--- -. -� - c��afhertatr�agQE��tofBieP�+ope�ty.oefcxanm in.piwc�.a+ndeauaui�n,arel�e�hY <br /> Qh <br /> md aha11 be piid w Lrender W tAe exttnt ot tbe full amount n!the i�de�edness that remains unpaid under the Nate� this -- -- <br /> - , Secudty I�ent. LaWu shatl aPp{y.such pmceeds to the trducdon a!the indebtednesas under tht Note and this 5ecn4lty � <br />�;,;�., lasmm�an..firat to any delingueal artaunts applied in tM cader provided in Haragrnph 3. and then tu p�ropayrt�em ot ` <br />--_ - princ�al. A�►.iPPlia�dea af tha pn000eds ro the princlpnt ahell nnt e�tend or postpoi►e the due date of he,monthlY � <br /> • ' • • _ • • . , . . � <br /> _ � - � �p��eZ�14PeAe�l • ! <br /> -._. . . . . . . ` . . , . , . . <br />