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` .. . � _ <br />��� _ II �: i� _ <br /> �:���.• ; `�` �_. _.._ �-� <br /> 4 <br /> — . � _ � –•_9.n�-�,�l`Y .–_ .. . .(.. . __. <br /> _ '' "[ � .'" ' ' _ ' ' � � ' ' <br /> �'�.`ri.�'.�'� � .. . ;'` _ ' ' ' " '�'` ' :. " 'C: – ( t.4' . .� �.._. __ . ' " '( ' c.���_:`—_ -. <br /> el • t a - l ._ _�–_– —.__ ^�'__-_--_–.—_— —_ –' C' ._-- – <br /> , E � ^''__— -. - _c_", '--'—"____-_--"�� -_ ' ' , �- ����� . � � � <br /> . ,pp�icabre ta�r apaifg for Ee;�a�ea�)b�e6oc�e saie a�tbe P���Y P����;a�this . � <br /> � Saasity I�cr ibj aWY of a.jad8+ne�c�tms 5����. Ibusc condiaons�ne th�c Bonow�: ts} .. <br /> . f � pr}rs Laider�II s�s iifiicH theq aout�br:due uadet�{���nt aod`B�e Nate zt if�tr .a��ao� ` <br /> • ' 'opccurre�(b3��dtf�ug�aay odki oovenants a c)PiYs}I�espmses i�t�+ed 1n eafi�wg ` <br /> � k�t.�e�ng.bnt.not inQite�i w.,nasa�b3e amarneys'feex aod(d}�ic�s auch act�an as Iandet may�ombYy � . <br /> �e��c t�t�Lclim�tha�S��+tm�ent,�I�.riEbs�n the�up�e�tg�nd Bomarrsr8 d�ga�im�u ptyr ih�- `-- <br /> su�s aaa�d h�►,6is seeorit�r r�s�an concaue ooc�ea., upa,•� hy Eon�awer, mis sew�► <br /> ,°I�mmt aod tbe�sec�ed haeby st�lt t�dnain fully�ffa�fi►e as if n�aocekradon had oocu�red.�-However,�in4 <br /> • riaht to relps�le shtll mt apQiy ia We case of sooekr�ion under pd�grap617• ` `, � . < ° <br /> • . . 11, 5ve�f N�le;CiM�e at I.ara Serrioe� 1'he Noie ot`a p�lrti�i iabaest in tbe IQoce(ioget6er with this Sa�ritj! . <br /> insamndi)a�y�fii�sold me ac mo�daies�tdourt P�ormoct to Hoaower. A s�le msy resnit in s ehaa�e i�r tbe eatity . <br /> . . (imcnrn�s dra"L�oat�Str�Od'?�coilec�s aeoad�l�i pa�raleats due m�der d�e Na�a�d diis Sequity I�mt. �ete also` . � , <br /> ` mty tie oae a mone�S of die Lowf�rricer uo�efatod to s a�e of tAe Npte. �f tba�e is a cha�ge vf t6e Lon Servioer: <br /> , Baaower w�t be giveo�criaai notioe of tbe c6�c m�aoorBmoe�rit6 p�apti 14 above a�id`ap�plica6le�aw, '!�.na[ict • <br /> ' � �nU swe t6t maoe aod ddeess of die neNr La�n Ser+riar aod ihe addcrss w wltich,piyiitaUS aboald bean�de. 1Ue,notia w�l <br /> ' alsa��uy ot6er infa�aq�tian tequrcod by applicabk taw. " , •� ` � <br /> • �. Hasr�loi�Sibela�oes. Banower sUalt not cause or.pem�it t6e p�ssenx.use,di�sat+storaSe,ar e�ekue of any <br /> - � ` Hazandoas Sabstances an or�the-Pmpeicy. Bormwer sh�U noetb,nor aflow auyrrone eise to da,anydim8,aft'ccbng tbe � <br /> ptoppty shat w m violation d aay�vrt�t�d�Law T6e pmceding two sa�oences sbaD not apply to t6e p�use,or <br />_ , storage at the Fnopaty of s�mil qu�titie�of Ha�rAous�Substat�oas dutt ate gmeta}lq r�d to be appropriatc to norrn�t • <br /> - l�il USlS�W IA�III[d18OCC of IdC�OQE[t�t. ' � � <br /> - $OQOW�5��plOf�plTjl$IYt�.�CIIdCt RRI��lA 11aI0G Of A4y IR11G4ti$�b��(l�f�.�iWSWI Of���1/1Y • <br /> . � �r�p�Ot t�p�COCSI Of p(fltafC p0[lyt 1n1101VID$1bC�lC1pEftJ1�1tld Allj�}�79[d01J1 SU�YICC a�dY� <br /> . I.iW Of Wf11C�1 HOENWQ �1'i44 8CQl3� �WjCd$C. �BOt[�WEi k9IlLS. OF 1S AOII�IOd�.� $��Q���� <br /> � aothaity.ttat any nmov3l ar att�er:emodtaaoa of aap Ha�cdot�s Sabstaace a�'ecting tbe Ytopetty is necxssary,Bamawes . <br /> ' sh�U promptly talte a11 aecess�y tie�tiedial actions ia accordanoe with Enviiomnental _--=- <br /> "- As used in t6is p�sgaph Z0,"Ha�ardous Substatices"a�ehose su�es deFniod a�to�cic or hxrardous subst�noes by .. ° <br /> _._ Fnrimnmental Law and tl�e�o7to • sabstances; ' t�tmdE team tozit � <br />- i , . wm8 gasotine.icec�te,ot6et'Q�ma�abt P'� P�• _ ` <br /> - pesticldes and he�bicides,volatils so.lvents,materials containiag a46estos or fortnaldehjrtt�and rrdioactive materials. As <br /> �, uaed'm Wis porag�aph 2(1."F�vimnmental Law"mearu federaf laws and laws of the j�tion whero the Ptoperty is lacatad <br /> d�at iela0e to or mvirorunental prneaxion. , . . <br /> — � NON-UNtFQRM COVENANTS. Bemawer attd Lxnderfimhercavenant and a�ee as foUows:. � <br />- �l. AceeferaiZoai'Qeasedies. I�der sl���tlteto;Borraweli�prTor Bo�ra�er's <br /> � brra�i d sq careaaN ar�t i�tYts Sec�rity la�tnek�t(bot wot prior to aooelayKio�uder p�npb 17 • . <br /> �Ips appNpble Irnv�provldes afLeewi�e). 7'he aotkt ahaU specify: (a1 t6e defaWt;(b)tbe acNoa reqdirod to cmrt6e <br />-- de[�Ih(c1 a ddG iot kas tM�a�3�dsys iran tre dite-tre�otioe b�tres to BarsQFe�6y w1�icY tLe defi�lt a�mt be <br /> ctlred;snd td1 Uat lsi4ire W c�r�e t6e defauk os or betore tke date apaificd is tLe aotiotaa�e+es�It ia soeeter�tio�ot <br /> s <br /> the�saaired by tkh Secarky Ieste�m�nt aed s�le d the PraQMy. The natioe ah�R tiut6a idonn Harrower d <br /> t6e�6t to rei�ate alter accderatioa and tbe rls6t to ering a oouA sction to atsert tUe uoetxistenee of a ddaatt oc <br />- � ssy atlKr defd�te d BosroWer to aa�eieratia�and a� It tbe defwtt is mt cared os or 6etoe�tbe dste s�►ecUitd M <br /> t6e eot�LnMer a4 its optbn nwy nqaire iwnnEdiate pa'matt in tnq daq s�ua�seeuned by tbis Securtty Iastrument <br /> -��,�: ;: w�thai/'turther demae(1 sto� uwy iavoke tbe po�rer o!'sak and any ot6e�remedks permittM by appncabk b�v. <br /> � Lendet shall be entitkd to oWlccl sdl expe�es iacurned in piusuiag tbe esrnkdks provided in fhls para�apb 2l, <br /> indadi�,b�t aa�11mitM ca reasonabk Attorness'tas ned.00eb of tiNe evidencG <br /> ` It ibe pmrer d sak is invotccd.7tastee sha0 reoord a nMke o�defao�t in eacb oounty in w6icb any pirt d tbe <br /> . Praperty is bcated aad s6�11 mnil c�upies otsacb edtoe in t6e maener prescribed by applicabk bR to Borrower aed w� <br />- tbe afMer pe�som Prescribed by appliwbk ta� ARer the time required by applica6k Iavv.7lrostee s6a8=ive p�blic <br /> _ ��:.=• sMk+e d ssk to the persoas smd ln the manner prrscribcd by applicabk lavw 'lYost�e.withoat demand aa Borrawer. <br /> r'` abnU sdl t6e Pmperty at pablk avctioa to tde highat bWder ut the Nme and plaa and under tbe krn�d�nated ia <br /> : s'�=�'�: tbe ndice of sale in one or more P�cels aad in any order 7instce determiaes. 7lrustce nu�y postpone sale of aU or any •� <br />- r'� parctl d 16e Propeety by pub!!c announam�mt At the time and place of any prevtaasty schedukd sak. Lender or its <br /> � �-� ��!Pnrchmse ihe Praperty at aay s�le ' <br /> �f7; ' Upoo receiq ot pAymeat at the prke bid,Trustee shall deliver tv the purc6aser 7Yustee's dced caeveying the <br /> ' .� peeperly, The ncritats 1n ihe Trnstee's dced s6aU be prim�Pxie eWdeoce of tl+e trut�ot ihe sts�temenb made tLerein. <br /> `t,��`f.� . 7Yasta s6all apply ihe pruceeds oi the sak ie the toUoWi�order. (�)to all msts aed e�cpenses ot exeecWn�tbe powee <br />_ :,� � <br /> ..� <br /> �.�. :- <br /> x,u,. . , <br /> srr.:. . _ <br /> � . � <br /> ���'• � _ <br /> - �• <br /> -_-.��,-,�, . <br /> (�?; . <br />., Y'�'�� ' • ' i'a�3�ffi !!!S.f��c�njh pagts) = <br /> ::+�' � � ' . <br /> , . ` <br /> -• -- -- - -_..... �,.o�...�-. — - --- - — <br /> ��--•- � _ <br /> _ _ ..., - - <br /> �_�� _ -r.w-z.ra.-. ti <br /> - -- -.-�f�t .---- l-' - - . � . ��. .._� .... - � �...,......�....�.. .�..c....�a.� ___. <br /> - _�s��n:c. .. . . _._ . - .__ . ! . . ..__ . . _.. �. ... . 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