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<br /> �,b
<br /> � - the Propany Is eo takfln or damapad,Londar ohNl hnvo Iho optlon,In He eolo anc9 flbaoluto dlscrotlpn,to apply all ouch Procsede, ! _---
<br /> attar deaucting thmnTrom a!i r.oate and oxpanaea tnmirrod by Il in aunnaotlon wlth euol�Procasds,�ipon any Indobtodnoea eaaured �_____
<br /> • horaby e�nd I�nuoh ordar ne LGndnr may datormino,or to apply A11 nucl�Proceada fl�tar suoh d9duatlone,ta thn reat�ratlon ollhe _ � �
<br /> _'���_.� Nro�terty upon su�h condltiona aa I.nndor may c�etermlrio.Any spplfoatlon of Procoode to Indahtednoee ehc+ll nnt extond or pnetpona _ ._ -_._
<br /> - the due ciAto at any paymante unda►the Natef,or nuro Any dofauit thoroundo�or Neraundar.Any��napplied tunds eflaH Ga paki to : �
<br /> --''�`�:_� Truator. �� _ --
<br /> ��.��',' vomn�nos�whloh m�terinlly�N ote L ndor'e Intaravt In the Proporty,Lendor moy In Its own dlso otlon,bulkwithnut oblipaton toldo �_ � °���
<br /> ---` °°_'°; - so,and without notic�to or domnnd upon Truator end without�olonalnp T�ustor lrom�ny abligntion,do any�ot whlah 1'ruator hua s�' �'.�:.=•-,
<br /> �:-
<br /> �#3�`„F nflroad but lalis ta da and moy nlso do any othor no1 It doams nucossAry to protc�ot tht�oocurity horaot.Yruator shall,Irnmodtntely � �_
<br /> �, , •= . upon domAnd therotor by Londar,pAy to L�nder all coete and oxppneea Inourrod and eump oxppndod by Londur In conneotlon with F = -
<br /> tho oxorcleo by Lender ol tho forepolnp rlghte,tagothor with Intoroat tharoon at tho dutnult roto provldad In the Noto,whlch eh�ll be ,.,� ��""`
<br /> � . . _
<br /> S=� nddod to tho Intlebtedno�a soaurod horeby. Lvnder ahnll not Inour any IIaplUty becauso oi anythln� It may da or omlt to dd ,,_ _
<br /> �-~ ' horoundor. ;� --
<br /> - >` B. Ha=erdou�Mat�tlata.7ruetor ahAll kovp the Prop�rty In compllanco with nll appltcablo Iawa,ordinancas end ropulullons � 4 �=�
<br /> -� rolnting to InduetNal hyglene or anvironmentnl protoctlon(collectivoly rotorrod to hproin as"Envtronmental Lowa").Truotor ahall �,� :
<br /> � koeptho Propnrty tree fram all aubstanaos deemod to bo ha.�rdous o�toxic under any Environmental Lewe(colloctiv0ly retarred to �;�,
<br /> '�• horaln as"HAZardous Matorinls"►.Trustor hereby�varrants�nd�apresants ta Lendar thet thore aro no Ha:ardous MAtorlals�n c+r ' � ,,�-'
<br />�,� ; _ t� '. ��#.� -
<br /> �� j . , under the Proporty.Truator horeby Agreos to Indamnity and hold harmloss lander.Its dir�ctors,oNicFrs,emptoyoas nnd epsnts,a�d �t••
<br />'���•� any succpssore to londer's Intorost,trom and agflinst any and all clttlme,dnmages,lossvs and Ut�bilitiea arisinp In connootlon with ;,,, �`• , �t��";
<br />�� the prpsence,use,dlaposel or trnnsport�t any NAZardo�+s Materlals on,under,trom or about t�o Property. THE FORHtiOINQ s-_ , � � _
<br /> �,�.-� � ,;`;�.',, . �.�_
<br />_��� � •'• SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TNIS qEEO OF TF1US7. ;,�,<,'';, :
<br /> :=�°� � '�'`'� 10. AalqnmeM ot Renb.Truator hereby 2selpns to lender tho rents,Issuoa and pratits of the Proparty;prpvlded thA1 T�ustor . �.,�.. . �__
<br /> �•_
<br /> ^��; , :' � BhAll,umll tho occurrenco ol an Bvent of Detauii herounder,hpve the Nght io oollect and rotaln suCh�e�ts,lasues and protite as thay , `"�y
<br />�•�°., become due nnd pay�ble.Upan the oCCUrronce oi An Evont o f Do iaul6 Lender ma y,vilhpr In persen pr by agent,with or w{thout ; ,' �. ,�-
<br /> a,.., -
<br /> :�,��;�• � brinfling flny aotion or procePdlnp,or by a recoivor appoinivd by a courl And without regard ta tha aciequQay at Ite secutlty,enter
<br /> ��Y�' upon and tako posse�slon ol tha ProPerty,or any pArt thorppt,In 119 own name or In the nama ot ihe Trustee,and do any acte whlah It -
<br /> �-���;�� �I�flms neoessary or doslrable to preserve tho vAlue,cnarkotability or remabillty ot the Proparty,or Any parllhereal or I�teresl thoroln, .�
<br /> '�� inoroase the InGOme therolrom Or protect Ihe seCUrity horool ant1,with or without taking possession ol the Proporty,sue lor or ���
<br /> �"`��-� '` 1�1 Othonvi�e calleCt the rents,Issuos and protits theroaf,Includinp thosa D�s1 due c+nd unpaid,�nd 2pP►Y 1he 8ame,les9 coats and .. _
<br /> .;t;;;,�.,,. _ �' •••• e�:pensos of operatlon and collecllon includinc�attorn�yq'tees,u{�ot1 Any indobtedne9�98CUred h0�pby,all in such ordnr as Ld������' � o
<br /> `�"°�'.` may detarmino.The ente�ing upon ctnd taking po9session o1 tha Property,the colleetlon o�such�oNS,lasuos and protHa and the ±,
<br /> ��tl���;`?j;•: � ' flppllcatlon thereof as aforesald,shall not oure or w�ive any default or notlae ot del3ult herpundFr ar Invalldato any act done in ��
<br /> �•t�`i�":� � � rosponse to euch dafauit or purauant to such noiico at detaull and,n�twithetanding tho contMu:►nce in poasosslon o}the Property or �. .'� .
<br /> t"�'' %�+ .• the colloctton,recelpt and applicatlon ol rents,isaues or p►olits,and Truatee and Lender shali be Fntitied to oxorcise every rlght � :�
<br /> ���'.`:j;"'`•� �°��•+� provided for In�ny o1 thp Loan Insirumonts or by IAw upon occurronce of any Evom of Ooiault,�ncluding without Ilmitetlon the right 'i;
<br /> � ...
<br /> � ' _-
<br /> � :�, --- - - ° tv ake�cts��`+a�ss��r o!ssle.�ufther,l.a��pr's rlghts and remedlea undPr thls paragraph�hal!be cumulative with,and In no way a � _
<br /> IimitAtion on,Lender's rlghte and remodies under any a9signment o1 leaeos and renis rpcorded against tne Froperiy.Lancie��.=�usiv�+ I -- - . �
<br /> r4i`\• and the rocelvor ehall be Ilable to account only ipr thosa ranls actually received. • •
<br /> ,�;t`� -� 1 t. Evenb ot 0etault.The lollowing shall constituto an Event ot Qvlault under thia Deed ol Truot: �`
<br /> �� �.,e ;;..ah��� i��inai nr�nterest ot anv other aum securod hereb when due; ��_
<br /> x�n_,: _ ioi �a�i:+;a ta p�,ar.;..,.ls!._ ._ �r =—_—
<br /> x
<br /> - - - (b) A breach of or dc�faull un�ier any prdvlslon contalned In tho Note,this�ead o1 Trust,any ot tho l.oan Instrumanis,vr any j�� _ _-,�,
<br /> ;���,,: , other Ilon or encumbronce upan the Prope►ry; ( �,
<br /> "'��, (c) A writ o1 execution or attAChment or Hny simflar proCess ahall be entered againat TruatOr which ahall become a lien on � .
<br /> ��;�;:.,;,, r
<br /> �.:?, the Property or any poriion thereol or Interest thereln; t
<br /> •��;`;� • (d) Thare shall be tilod by or aflAlnat Truator or Borrowor an actlan unde��ny preaent or futura lederal,atate or other i.
<br /> stAtute,law or�egulatlon rolating to bankruptcy,insolvenay or othor relief for dabtora;or thare shall be appolnted any trustae, ,
<br /> ' . recelver or Iiquidator ol Truator or Borrower or oi all or any part o1 the Properry,o►the rents,issuea or prpiits thoreol,or Trustor
<br /> or Borrower shall make any general 2s91gnment for the benalit o1 creditors;
<br /> (e� The sale,tranato�,loase,ass�gnmont,conveyance or further encumbrance o1 al►or 2ny part o1 or any Interest In the ,
<br />- ` ' Property, elther voluntarily or Involuntarlly, withaut tha exprass wri:ten cons�nt of Londer; provided that Trustor shall be � • .
<br /> � permitted to exeoute a loaso ot tha Praparty that does not contain an optlon to purchasa and the term o1 which does not exceed
<br /> , one year; �` '
<br /> (q Abpndonment ot the Property;or
<br /> � (fl) 11 Trustor le not an individual,the issuanco,sala,transler,as$ignmanl,conveyance or encumbrance at more than a total �
<br />� {; ,' p�_ percent o1(N a oo►poratlon)Its iasued and outstanding stock ar(t1 a partnorship)a total ol percent o1 i i
<br /> partnerahlp Interesta during the perlod Ihis Deed o1 Trust remalna a Iien on the Proparty. ,
<br />� 12. Rsmedle�;Acoateratton Upoo O�fauU.In the evam o1 any EvaM a1 Dalaull l.vnder may,wilhput nodce eMCept as required by ;
<br />" law,declare all Indebtodness eecured heraby to be due and payable and the same 9hall thereupon bacome due and payabte ,� :
<br /> ' without any presentment,demand,pratest or notice o1 any kind.Thereafter Londer may: ;
<br /> (p) Oemand ihat Trustee oxerCise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustea �hall thereafter cause Truytor's
<br /> interest in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to bo distributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds �
<br /> Act; �
<br /> � (b) Exercise any and all rights provided 1or in any ot lhe 4oen Instruments or by law upon occurrence o1 any Event ot
<br /> Detault;and �
<br /> , (c) CammenGe an action ta iurnclo5e this Daed o}Trust as a mcrtgagc,app^iM a/ece�var,or specilically en}orce any ot the _
<br /> cavenams herAOf. �
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender is mtended to bo exclueive ot any other remedy hereln,In the
<br /> - _:- _..•�:- -- l.asn lstsirumente or by t�w p�ovided or permltted,but each shall bo cumulative,shall be In addillon ta every other remedy fliven
<br /> heieundar,In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter ox�sting at law or in equily or by statuto,And may be exdref9ei3 Concurr8ntly,
<br /> independently or succesalvely. ,
<br /> 13. Truotee.The Trustee may resign at any lime without causu,and LPnder may at any tinie and without Cau3e appolnt a
<br /> ' successor or sub8tilute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be liable to any party,�ncluding withaut Hmitatlon Lender.Borrowat,Trustar or Any
<br /> • purchaser of the Propeny,for any loss or damage unless dua ta recklesa or wilNul misconduct,and sha11 not be reqwred to take any
<br /> aCtlon In connection with the enforcoment o1 thla �eed ol Trust unless indamnified. in writing,1or all costs,compensatlon or
<br />_, � expenses whlch may be associated therewith.In add�tlon,Trustee may become a purchaser At any sale of the Property Uudiclol or
<br /> "' under the power o1 sale 4rantod horein►;postpone tne sale ot all ar any portion o1 the Property,as provided by law;or sell the
<br /> PropoRy as a whole,or in separate parr,els or lots at Truslvp's discretion.
<br />- � tA. Feea ond Euponeeo.In the ev�nt Tru9toe sollv tho Property by oxaroiso ot power ot salo,Truatea shnll be entitlpd to apply
<br /> any sole p�oceeds tirst to paymont o1 all costs and exponses ol exerolaing power at sale,including all Trustea's lees,and l.ander's
<br /> � and Trustoe's attorney's tees,aCtually incurrod to extent permitted by appllCable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor axorcises any
<br /> rlphl provlded by law to cure an Event ot Da1auH.Lender sha11 be entitled to racover Irom Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> incurred ae a result ot Truator's default, Including without Ilmitauon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to Ihe extont permitted by
<br /> appllcabto law. ,
<br /> 15. Future AdVance�. Upon requesl a1 Barrower, Lendor may,nt ils option, make additional and futuro adv&nces and re•
<br /> Advancea to Borrower.Such advancas nnd readvancos.wuh�nterest thoroon,shall be socured by this Deed ol Trust.At no tlme shall
<br /> _ � the prinCipal amount o1 the indobtednese secured by Ihis Doed ot Trust.25 mcludm eums a1dhlche er�is grga eho eeCUnry ot thie
<br /> Qopd o1 TrusL exceed ihe original princlpol Amount stated here�n, or S__,_0��•0� �v
<br /> 1
<br />