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U tM �rat tM �nM�t?� ir �y q*t tMere�i, �ti k tata y wiMit 1�f#, t1t le�fiai�r� i: eRtit,lN b ° <br /> � -- _� .. <- � . <br /> all�et �i reeeir�tl l �apt�t� �iiei a�y i� /�ii t�� �J lflMctT fi�kM �t i�t �yR ti rnM�hr�:t��. �M �` <br /> Ii�efici�rL�Il �ly ad�wlaaEiM, it it� NtfiK, eitber ts a ttlrctfN �f tie iM�ilei�s �rN Nny, �► b '- <br /> ., '� - -- �—_,�__ - — -- -- <br /> - repir��raGrs-i�ie jniert�a taia.- - , `-. � - . -- - - - - <br /> _� i. 1M�N�etioiar�Ny�Mt si�ll IKr�Ra o1liNtiw t�, A N�aet'rid T�wrs IKVe,yteel wt fii1N t�N..Mi t1t Q �.�� <br /> � le�etteiiq���fM M��r.+e#it i�Met�s+rl► ti�nteet tMe �ea Mrat. T�t�n arte b r�lh MM �, +�l �` _____ <br /> �-`� � �� �a a�wi�i i7 tie iaiefici�� t�r tM �ins Nft+�a. Mi �! iw a �y�N1.�+Il k d�ed G tk i�t�INe��.ac�rd : =--_ <br /> ;-��-=� " ierehr�1 ieare surn�iy tJK liM ieraf. . iMc le�fici�rr�Mli M i�wr r� li�iilit�t iee�ae �f Mytkiy i# My 1� �r �'r--.�:`_ <br /> , � � s ,� °, r Nft b d�1enw�er. ` <br /> �, -�_ �F _ <br /> ��-��-_:.. . 1. Tk t�ifoitR�bsll A�re tie si�i►t; �wer�N �tbrit��ri�� tM eMti�u�ce�i tlri=aeel �t Tn�t t,�cNleet tMc � . � N_ _'_- <br /> ; i �.{ '� ;�� re�t�� is� � �ntib ef tMe OnMrty a� ef a�r �e�d /n�erty 1a�tti lM�nM rif�M �T ritJ�t Gtiiy NtteuiM �f ��� �_, <br /> �� _� � � A �� : tl�elnMrt� �ifietd 1�, �i Trwt�rs Meny�kobtety �1 Ma�iitiM�iir u:i�'�ii s�cM rab, iswe�.�fnfit= f,� �� <br /> u <br /> ° _:• �;� <br />- ��;:-�.�''��`: � ,, t�e6ewtieiaq. 1M .Mctici�n►, Mwever, Meniy cM�t� t� Tnsun' a�llectiM a� ntatiM �f weM reet�, isae� MI - ��:��f.= <br /> �`f � �r�tib� a !w! as inswn�n Mt,�t�� ti�e. is.aet�lt iriib «qee.t to p��of us� i�ieUteieu,tec�rd i�en1l. �r� �"::'��'�_�;=.- <br /> �`�;.--` ¢� =� is tiK �er[inMes d u�y nnw�t i�e�ier. It�r ere�t�f d�talt i�serik�liere�itev iw reWect te �Mi� pu� �t �n�t <br /> . ,�-i�..._,-_ ui <br /> _ : - -- ���1) �w aarnl�iN k iMtiiaiiy,t�e M�efiei�q, u�wtter �f rillit�1 rNMwt Mtiee te Tr�:wn a�e cl�idiy . <br /> � . u��; . ' ����;F �_�t Tnatars, MM�itM�t npN G tMe rilw et tMe tra�t awte er tlie ieterat �i tMe Tn�n lMeni�, �Il I�re tbe <br /> - .�°`�_:- �_=:s:.: _�-ci�����_���_��_I�vl�.�riWiotiM w �i�t�re�ei�ir_of tM Rn�1• - - ' <br /> '`:- ` , � �. TMe M�efici�r�►,�r it���Mb, are wtMeriied'b�ter�t a��r re��ble ti�e�pM or i�u�y prt of f,Me OraM�r for - � . . <br /> . � ` . tl�e.N�e e1 i�s�eeti'y tlie swe�1 for tAe p�rpeie �t Nrt�niiy a!of tbe�cto t6e��u� attHrizet b peirfo»�ter tM <br /> �.. -, y _ �_._ � - �' .� <br /> _ - t�et�t�Y IoM .i��trweatc exee�ted b�Tn�tors. , - . - � . <br /> � � . � " !. Ii�11�r My Nrt �i tMe Ir�ry �r �y i�tern!�i Tn�bn is ald, trM:terrN�r iMrtlier e�ewierN wit,�wt tIM , <br /> , � � �itteM e�t�i tlie �eticiar�� t1e Ie�efici�ry Nr declue �ll sw�sewnd 6Y tfii�Tn�t Iee1 te ie i�NittelY �e �d . �E � � . . <br /> . � � . � . My�i te M I/rK e e 1 t e t M e �/ia ar�i l�le to i t��d er t M e d e f a�t 1 r w i:i o�s c M w i�e/U e r e i n. ; , <br />- � . N. IM�► �t tA�bllwiiy tre�ti sbll ie reeud�ere�t�f d�farli Mertr�dtr: • <br /> � . � ` � a. Tn�t�n�si�)1 I�re fai1N t�Mte p�t �f �� i��t�ll�t of ori�ciwl or i�krat or�r �tJier w��ee�nd Mtre1� =_ <br /> , . ��� . . <br /> � ht; - <br /> � • . , . . , k T1ere M�s «c�rn/�6re�ei �t er 1�t�lt Mder �y kr� c�re�t, Nnw�i. oMditfo�, �rorisia, Tq►ae�tttiM �r ` <br /> .. . � wrra�tr eMtai� i� lMi:Oeed of Tnat, the eote or��y otlier•!an I�ttn�e+�t see�re�AerebY; : � '.. .' . : <br /> - � e. 1Mere Mts New� Miwlt Ir tMe Tr��t�n i� ti�a /i�t ei� �tt�r er�t He� �r e�eriraia is repee# t� F .. . <br /> � . � �Il �r u�y prt�f �e prMerty; � �� . <br />� ` i. Tn:t�rt slNll iile� v�l�bA �elitiM i�b�trioky �r sM�ll k�jriiatel i�krNt or i�alrMl, or sMNI Nke �� t � <br /> �� . . . . �s:i�Mtst ftr t�s k�efit oi c�editors in retpect Eo t6e ptopettr; or �� utio�to Mtoree �ey liM or e�ewln�ce er f <br /> � '.. ��to Maiut tMe pro�ertlr is e�ced. ; . � <br /> � � 11. 1� tM ew�� ot u�y kfwlt. tlM I�efici�ry Mr decl�re•11 i�Mlttl�es� sec�rN bereln► w be ���I Ny�le iN tAe <br /> � t�slNll tMtw/M MeNt Irt ad pr�bit �it�Mwi �y oretent�e�t, Iua�� oroteit or �otice of u�y IiN. TMn�fter� ll�e . . <br /> �' � : � � le�efiei�ry�y: ' � ' � � .� <br /> ' . - �. �itM�r i� M�� or 1y yest, �itli �r viti�t briyi�� ��r �eti� or procee�ie�, ar by radv�r�vooiRtea 6r � cwrt � � . <br /> ;�� . � . Md MitMwt re�rd te t1e N�w�tfr o1 �fr :ec�rftY, e�kr�� �d t�te ��e::ia o1!h��n/erty, or Mr prt t1u�f, � '' � <br /> . � i� iti nM iw�r i� tMe�ae �f tMe Tnske, a/ do �y �cls �MioM i!dea� �ecesary �d 1e�iT�llt u/rearr� t1N : <br /> • � ' � � Y��Y�� YrtetaNlity or �e�tabillty ot the property, or ptrt thereof, qr inlereat�thereie, lncreut tM� i�coM tMnfr» ` � <br /> " ' •� �� .• �r ���t�et tAe uc�ritY herNf ut, MitMwt te�i� /aseuiM �f tMe P�M��tf, tre'1or er otMerMi�e e��lect tM rats, �� . , � . <br /> � �- � isw�s �ad proflts thereof, iaelydin� tho5e paat dae ene unp�id� and applr t�e oac.. leu co�ls �ad ex�e�=ts oi � . . . . � <br /> .,,. "� �. Mtr�tiM �d eellatie�, i�clydie� �tur�eY tees, upoe �ey indebkM�:s ue�re0 M�rebr� ill i� tticM order u tli� : �� <br /> � . � . � I�ticiitr My Nb�i�e. TM� e�leri�� �N���d wli�� po�seuion ot the�tr�zt at�te� tMe oollectto� ot�cM �e�ts, ' <br /> ' � � 1u� M/ v»lits MI yrliw�iM t�erai �� �foreuil �M�11 M! c�re or wiw �y M/�1t �r Mtiae �f 1efwlt ` <br /> � . � , � M�rew�kr or i�valid�te �ny ut �nd i� re�s� to s�cM d�f��l! o� pn���! to srel MEic� of kfwl! MI � <br /> . . � • � . � . net�itltt�elie� the eMtiiw�ce in pessessio� ot the Oroperly or tAe colleclion, ►ecei0t �n1 lplie�tien ot reeb, <br /> �; . iswes or orofit�, Tw�tie or the 8eeefici�r�r wlr 6e entitle0 lu.exercise every ri'ht Orori�ed for in �� the lou� ; � <br /> ��, , � �, i��trwentt or !� lw�p�oec�rtenee of anr erent of def�ult� incf�lie�ihe ri'At to exercise tMo poV¢o at��le; � <br /> ," �� _ . . �. core�ce.a�astio� to foreelose tMie Oeed of Tr�s!�s e�orq��e� WOoin!�reeeirer, or specitic�lly eeforce ��y ot �A� <br /> ` ' � corMals M�reof; � � <br /> -- ' �----- , . c. dsiirer to Tru�tse e yrittee declaration ot det�ult ind dewed for s�1s, �nd Kitten eotice at �ef�rlt�1 electiM to <br /> _ �:.. <br /> _�:;--- �------� ---- - -- c�uae Trwtors'.interea! in the property !o be.sold, �►icb noli�e Tru�t�e sl��ll ewse to b�a�ir tiled for record ie tlie . , � <br /> '� � ' � . of�ici�l rKOr�of the co�si� in�Aicb the Oroper6y i� loc�ted. � <br /> '� 'f 1t. Shori� iAe Qenefieiaryr elscl to fo►eclo�e Ey eaerciae ot the porer of s�le A�rein conf�iee/, t1e /eeefiei�Ty �M�11 <br /> `�� � - �otify irr�tu �ed sMal) �l�Oilt M�� TT�atEt tA�� DEl4 Ot Ttl18t iAd tME IIOtQ llld 5YCI1 i!Cl�pti �Ild EY�dt�C! 0� 11l�tllO�I�Tli • <br /> ,�-..�-� � � � MN �1 Ne�rN Mereby ts irustee My rewire, �nd �`a� requeat af tM� 8en�fici�ry, !Ae Tnslae ��I1 e��se te be rkorkl, <br /> �;� ; . <br /> _ � : �1 /r1{i�M�l�1 M1i�nrN to Tro�t�r s�eM letice uf Oef��lt �ed N�tie�ot S�l� �� tli�� rewirN br 1�r �d by thio MN�t Tr��t. <br /> r °=-`_ � Tr��la��ll ril�t aeMad oo Trastor, �fler snch ti�e�� rr lMe� be re�ired Oy l�v Ma dter neek�tiee of areR No�ice ef . � <br /> �� - - - - �'- " Nfwlt��it�s Ntice ot S�le b�vt�� bte� 9ivta�o reqrirel6y 1�v, se11 !he oroocrty it�Ae tiie iM dlue-o!ule tiYed by <br /> �= - - � � -_ - � ..� It i� �eU wEiee ot S�le, eitler a� �Mote� or in sep�r�te tot� er Nrceb er ite� � 1r�ste� �A�ll dee� �zpait�l� MO ie � . <br /> '��� � . � � �1 �tMr a it rY Mteni�e, �t pr�lic, wetia t� tMe Ai�Mist 6i�� tor e�� ud ��ll Mliru to wcl prreAu�r or : ' <br /> �. : , . � wrd�a�n t�Mn�t�M�I t�tM� �reqrty setd, een�i:tt�t �if�M !It 1�M llreu i�dfeet. teeit�ls i� !Me in�t�e's le�/��Il 1� <br /> !- �riN tKi�arile�a�t tl��lrrtii�t tAa abl�ts�1t t,hereiw. tr�st�e��N1 �ly the vrK�of tbe pl� i�tAe tolla+iiw� . <br /> `i • : .. �rler: W b it l ms�l�oKf��1�x�� �i tM�:�b, i�elydie�Mt ee! to Tri�t��� t�a �t Mt Mr� t�M 4! of � . <br /> L--�=-'- -��.`� :�-- _ � . t�e!���le lrta: �NMMMb �Zt1rM�leet�i eats*1 tftle a��fe�e�: l/� t�.Nl:�teersN i�► t�#s kN�t ir��l; �1 _ �__..___.._,_ <br /> � ' ie)the txeeu� it uf� to tMs/ena or�er:a: le��lly M!illd tM�reb. My�erso�, i�el�liiy!M lMtliciiry, riy,/rrcM��e . <br /> _�; � .. . f.=. . iail or�rEy�! Nil.alc. Tristt�My iR t�M r�►r or�vikd 4y la, iK�ul�ot�ll �r�y NrtiM�f ti�or�rly. ` <br /> �J ' . .,. ... . . . <br /> . . �.�. . . . , � • . <br /> _ - _ .•i ' � <br /> ..., . . .. . . � . � <br />