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__ . T ...� <br /> - <<. <br /> n�,��r'T� -' .c�,-' , ';� y �.�C•a.�.�`,�� .e - c� ' ` � ' _ - {` � � - <br /> . - ¢�� _ ;a.-^'..'1"{`."�"6i "c' - . ., � , _ � - <br /> - .. :.#. - _ � !� ..5�� e.�t. � _ , � � .� _� � .. ; .C` . .<e = — <br /> .. . 'z ' ,a, . - • , _`y�r.f::-.,'__. <br /> � , ' '. . ' ' 1._. `. �.�_.mi..���'_ _ '_�---�_•, - l-.—�.k.:. . _` . . . _.' _ ' -_ • s-- . `_ ,. <br /> - _ _ _�- �;_ . _ . . � . ; . . . .. - . �- . � ` . � g . ` . _ <br /> � .� . <br /> -- _ - . � - � . - . . . .. n�oF�at�r: � . Z�O� , _ .- <br /> y� <br /> - . ' . , � . � . t - <br /> - < `T�SOEIDOFTRUST.�nadsthis � 4th �y� J�e ' � - ' ts..9�-. <br /> u,� py�i� James'L Deb _Fr .. . , . , . _ <br /> : .. 1312 N Oak, • ' - <br /> Y �� _��•_ wlwrsm�iW�pa6drM��s - . • - � n•`Trustor and -_ *rnis J Creeit Attorapy_, — -- <br /> � ��--- ra <br /> < _�": �_�� . '. � . -- wtnss mpiRn9 adckM�i! �"-=_ <br /> =.� �;�� .,.; . <br /> .- - _ r�k�- .. ' � - ' - - <br /> ' _ _�,c:i: :'.4b� :'# . ' . °—.___. <br /> , c.�- �i`�?��,- (Mnin"Tiu�li�q;�nd ' .. - =�.__-.- <br /> ` _�"'�'�'v:,�,��i. wiwat nriM�p addras ia . . ; , - <br /> Y,� ,�;r. , . . . . . <br /> . -` "r� , _ , ' . , ' � �-^���^_.- <br />- - •�i- ' � Omal�► NE 68t24 . ' �°��"���7. `-"�-_ <br /> < ' .�.� - <br /> , .5 -• ~ _ ' ` toTrt�stea.IN 7RUST.YY1TH POWER OF S/1LE.!or ` �.�a�'^'- <br /> �` <br /> �� t•. •�: ` FOii VALUAHLE CONSIDERATION.Ttwtar irtevoc�Iy granb,ttanaters.conveys and�9�s . -_ <br /> . ��:"� '� ,' • '� ,' Ur brrMfit sb0 srcuritY af H�.��ar�!aubJect to tM tertns ane conditions of this Desd of Tr,uat:tA�fdbwin9 de�iDSd rsd prope►tY;bcaLW . i:, ;:,.; <br /> � . - in Counry,Ne6raska: ` . •� - <br /> ,}" � '." � ' , . .. , -- <br /> `. ' .. _ . . ' � � , <br /> 4 _ :. . . <br /> r. The Nurth�'� of Lot 1 and the North '� of the Esst.'a�of�Lqt 2, Block 4, Brett and'lohnson's . - <br /> ' additioa ta the Village of Wood River, Hall County, N� _ _ ,__. <br /> � . : <br /> � � a/k/a 1312 N Oak � <br /> :. . <br /> .. ___. - . .. ..-�_..,. _� ' ` <br /> • Wood River s�NE - - - - _. . . -°_°_°- <br /> , .. .. ... .. ....:.. .;. � <br /> �._ � � - <br /> . L�_--,. <br /> . ----- - -- - _ _ <br /> . ---- — --- - - <br /> . -- - �----- --- - --_- - -- -- -_—_-_-- - I • , <br /> � � <br /> -- . _ .. . - . -_ - - -- -- - . • �. � .. . <br /> TOdETHER VYITH.aN retHS.P��.��.incort�anC other be�ts derhrad ira�n the rsal D►apertY:all kaiss a sublMS�s ca+rsrinp ths�NN � � - <br /> PrcpMyl a anY Dation tliM� or fwrwfler sxislh�9 or arH�rsd iMO��nd sH ri�t.title a�xf irMrsst o1 Tswtor 1hK�u�dsr,aN inMrnts.�a dM► , . <br /> • cMMnr.both N1 hw and in u�uNy,which Trwta raw h�s or maY hersaReracquiro iath0 real DropedY.atl eatei�Nnts.rfyhtso{'w�Y.tensmsnb.henditm�Ms %� <br /> s ; <br />' . . � . �n0�pputM�as 1h�f�01 anQ thsr�to:aIF oil an�!y�s rightp erK!D►oliq.watet ti9hb and watM atoCkt all rigM,tids and irH�re�t ot own�d :. <br /> , , '. a tN�MRer aoquir�d,io and to any tatW Mo9 wlthin the ri9ht�oRwaY ol any atreet a highway adjWning tM rsal properly;an!►and sll buNdin�,flxfure�. .� . ... <br /> i���s.�nd�p�Nn�fCes noMr a hereafter erected thereon a babnging thsreto.(herein roferred to as'tmprovanent'•a'•Improvsments'9: � <br /> ' and any and ali awuds mad�ia ths taking by emineM domain.or bY any praceeding a purchase in Iieu thereof.01.the whob a any pw't of ths real : <br /> . . . prop�rty.Atl of the foregoi�g estate.propeRy and Interest conveyed to Trustee fierein coltecbvely rMerred to as the"Propsrty'• : . <br /> . ; <br />�Y;. � FOR THE PUHPQSE OF SECURINO: Ts,teatY fuur thousand �: . <br /> ��i•. . (a)Ths p�yn�d W Indrbtednys wkisnoed bY Truator's note at even dala hsnwith ln tM principal wm of ���4_n7g=�3** ► i � . <br /> . sgyent}� dollars and fifty three cents --------�---"-' '��(_ : <br /> .;�. . . ta�NMr wit�intrrwt at ths rats a ntes pravW�d tf�ein,or ihs princlPal and(Merest on+�nY futun�ctv�s wid�nc�d bY P►onNiw�y r�oEes�thg ( <br /> tlNy�r��aired hxsbY.O�an•'Nots"or"Notes'�and anY and all ran�wa►s:modiNcatlons and extenslnns of sucA Nots.bath DAncipal end intereq <br /> ; � � . . . q�ths Npt�bsin�p�Yabls in aCCOrdance wfth ths terma se!forth therein.roference to which is herbby made. <br /> , : (p)Ths pertormwnce of sacA ayresmsnt and covenant oi Trustor herein contained;and , <br /> � (C)TM payrtant ol eny sum a aums ol money with Interest thereon whicb may be hereaher paid or advanced under ths terma ot this Osed ol Tnat. ' <br /> 11.TO PROTECT THE SECURtTY OF THIS GEED OF THUST,TRUSTOfi HERE9Y COYENANTS AND A(iREE3 AS fOlLOW3: <br /> . . 1.Piym�nt ol DNnc�alind Inferon T�wtor shail promptly PaY when due the v►lnclpal a/and imerest on ths�ndebtedne�s evidsnced bY tM Nots. <br /> � , � +nd�1�qhK ch�rpy and fees as provided in fhe Note,and ths principal of and intereat on any Future Advances secured by thb Oesd o1 Tru�l. „ 'i•, <br /> - . 2.Winrnty al TIfN.Tn»ta is Iawh�ly sslzed anG poaees�ed ot good end inAefeasibb title and sstate to the PaopNty hereby canwyrd+uid has , ...� <br /> • q��tN tp qaM anQ canr�ytM Prop�rty;ths Property is tres and cbar of aN tlene and encumbrances ezcept liens now d reco►d;and trwtawlll wunnt <br /> • �nd d�Nnd ths Utk to ths P►opNty a�ain�1 ail ctalms and Qemand�. � <br /> i 3.M��s end CornpNa+a W1N►Lawa.Trusta ahaii keep the PropeRy in good repair and condition and ahatl not CanrMt waste a Parmil imP+�� ' <br /> � nNM or d�rloallon of fhs Prapsrty and shall compiy with the prov)sbns ol any lease�1 ihi9 Deed o}Truat is on a leasehokl.Mo imDrovertNM twM'or <br /> - � h�rNM�r K�ct�d upon th�PropMty stNll be akereA.removed w denwlished without ths p�lor w►ittsn coneent ol8enefkiary.Trustor�hail Comply wilh : <br /> t� aM Nw�.ordin�ww�ny�Aauans�cowrwrMs,condilbns and�s�Uiclbns all�ctinp ths PropKty and not commit.suffer a P�h mY act to b don�in a <br /> upon th�Prop�rtY in violMion of any taw.Otdin�ncs�re��n�M.condMion a re�trlction.Trwta sh�lt compNt�a naton promplly�nd in�ood . <br /> ' ' i ,. _-� wOAcrtNnNk�tn�Nrany improwrt�K on ths P�openy which meiY bsdamayed a d�etrayed and P�Y.rN�en dus all ctaina for I�bor PsrfartNd and mWrld� <br /> hxniMud��u�d(or�nY aMemia�thef�Df.__. ._ . <br /> -_ �-� -- ----- . 1.Nair,ra�TruMor,al iq sxP��w1N inalMain wilh insuras aPP�oved bY 8ansflciary.insunnCS wilh rMp�Ct to 1M IaprawrtMnt��nd p�nonN <br /> �° ' prap�ny.ooratxu�trg nN�ro�ertf►,ageinel loss by flro,i�g�nning.eornaao.and other periis and hazard�covered by standud sxt�nd�e evrrKapr�ndorss� . <br /> mwN,in an artauM pu�to M basl one hundred psrcent ol ths PoII rspt�cemeM vatue thereof and insur�nes apalnst sueh dhsr hatards�nd In sucM <br /> ' • ampurM�p i�ouNOmadly qrtNd by ownero and operatas ol almitar propertle�er ea Beneficiary m�y requlre tor ita prahctian.Tn»tor wilt comply with . <br /> � � � w�holMr rpulnnMnts�s 8�liciuy rr�y irom tlme to tlme requsst ta tM prohctbn by lnsuancs M 1he intersaL+ol ih�n�p�ctiw partl�s•N��raurancs <br /> f . ppy�iN tnWMain�d punuaM to this Os�d ot Trust ahall nams Truslo�and 8enalicisry as insursda,at thslr r�sp�cthie IM�rab nuy apDsu.and Wo�ids <br /> thM tlNf��h�N b�eo canc�ll�tlan a modilkMion wNhoul no Isss than 1�days Prior wriltan nofificaUon to Tru�tM�nd B�nMiciary►.tn th�w�M any poticY <br /> -- - � .- �- h�indu i�no�nr�d'on a bMon 15 G�y�P�IOr to Ns expirat(on dat�.Tru�tM a H�neUeluY�Y V�un wch iMUrina in acoor�tiMth ttf� . <br /> � q�IMoey d pr�Onpff A.d h�no1.7rwW►shW dMiwr to B�nNk1�rY th�aiyinN Polieie�of inw��nd r�n�wab tMaof a.m�na�opN�of sueh • <br /> � ,paN�IwandneNwUs thaaol.Failurstofurnishsuch tnaurance by 7rustor,or renewata ae required hereunMr shall,at lheoptlon MBsnetielarY�oar�huts <br /> '-� tr��, - - ��allk' .- - . - . <br /> - C�� - 5.Ta�N A�aManNnb�ndCA�T�unor sh�ll AaY all taue�.aseessmantb an0 otiNr chugsq�Includin9:witlfout IimitaUOn.tnes and Impa�iflans . . <br /> � . ' aqr�wbbloth�Prop�AY.andiNNNWdPaYm�fba9►ow�dnrKs.ifany.belorethes�nMbrcarrdNnqu�rM-TruMarih�Yprampty/wniN�bB�IteWY � - <br /> ���a��du�ur�rlhiep�r�pr�tr,an0 in 1Mewnt Trustar ahNl makspryrtNnf dtncthl,lrwtor�hW pramphrlunMshto 8�He1�►r�esipb <br /> ' ` �vldu�degwch p�fl��.7rWta ehaN p�iy all tsxe�and astr�eirMntswhkh may W iwud upon EI�nMiclrY'!itdNeq hKNn or upon thb OMd P�Trwl <br /> .. , tiKlho�A rpMd to�n11 I�w thtl ma�r f��c1ed imOosln9 P�Y�M ot ths whots w any P�rt thueot upon th�WnNklary. , � . <br /> --._. -�'�`�--- - EOle7tNeh�aeks ._. ' ' _ . .. _-. �. . ._ . � - _ ' -- - =-- - <br /> -�-. . , -- <br /> r� ' �' .. '_ � -- -- � . , • . .. , <br /> •� • . , �I���F���� , , . ', ' <br />_ . E ' f1'�W� 1�f1n . t <br /> � _ . . �i�� ��!Y��� . . .t _f . • . <br />