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. � <br /> EXHIBIT "A" 9 9 1 0 6 3 0 9 <br /> The North Sixty (60) Feet of Lot Two Hundred Seventy Nine (279) in West Lawn in the City of <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebiaska and the North Sixty (60) Feet of a tract of land situated <br /> in a part of the Sontheast Quarter of the Southeast Qnarter (SEl/4SE1/4) of Section Eight (8), <br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska which <br /> tract is more paracuiarly described in its entirety as follows: Beginning at a point of the South <br /> line of said Section, 34 rods wrst of its Southeast coraer, running thence west on said South <br /> line, 7 rods and 9 1/2 fee� thence north 12 rods, thence east 7 rods and 9 1/2 feet, and thence <br /> south 12 rods to the place of begiaaing. <br />