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<br /> �` �+. "`;" 1'Qitll:'1'HER WI'1'H nll tite impravemcnts uu���ar he�cuftcr er�rtcd�m the praper�y,und nll rascmen��, ;�ppu`tununccs, h k =_--
<br /> �''�-� � , nnd ff.�lurcs nuw c►n c���cuttcr u pant uf'Ilic pri�periy, All�vplocwn►enly c�nd�utditluics sliall ulsu hc cavcr►d hy thiti Sicuriiy , ; �_
<br /> in�n�um�nt. AU af tl�e turcguing Ir rct'c►rcd tn in this ticcarity ht.trum�nt ny U�c"1'ruprr�y." � "
<br /> ��--- __ H(�ttRUWF3tt C(�VhNANT�tl�a� BurrU�vcr is luwflilty xciscd oF thr rstiuo hcrahy couveycd mid hus thr right tu Nrimt ___
<br /> ' -- wtd�unvcy Ihc Pu��xrty tutd Ihut�hc 1'n�pcny ix u�i�ncumtxr�d,r�cepl far cnr.umbrancc s u l'r c r a n l, H o n�u w c r�v i�r r a n t,nu�l - _ _
<br /> -- _• - will de!'end y,�neratty the titte tn thc t'ru��ty;��;nfnst NII rlaims u��d dcu�nnds,subJeci tu w�y encumbmnrry uY r�'«nd. �- -
<br /> � �`l� TH�S S�CUNF'!'Y lNC9�RI1MGMi' cun�biinti uniti���m covcnc�nl� tor natiun;il usc ��nct nun-w�iti,�m r�wc�iun ts w i U� - -
<br /> - .� �-- • --
<br /> = _..._. . - ii��iltc�i v�►��lttt{ons by j«risdic�tinn to cu�utitutc u unlfoRn sec��riiy�n�trumeni cuvr�iu���ui k�r„�'•GRy. �_ _" ' _
<br />=«-� , UNlFU1tM COVENAN7'S. 13orruwer nnd l.endcr r��veni►nt nnd ugrcu ux iidluwti: , •
<br /> --`- 1. Poymcnt oF i'rtacipt�l nnd Interest:P�cpnyment und Lnte Chii���Ges, IZa�rowcr sht►II pnmtptly puy whcn dur Ilic -
<br /> �"'' ' principal oF�►nd intcrest on thc dcht uvidcnccd hy�hc Nutc.ind iu�y rrcpnymcnt und liur rhio•gc�duc undcr thr Nut�. � . '
<br />- 3=� Z, htinds for'll�xcs im�i ln�urunce. SubJcct tu uppllcublo In�v or to i+writtcn�viiivcr by I.rndcr,Hu�ruwrr shnll puy w
<br />==.a�.,:r I.cndcr on d�c di►y manthly pnyments i►rc duc undcr thc Nntc,until thc Nulo is puid in fidl, u sum l"fuuJr") i'nr: lu)Ycurly
<br />"-'?�" � taxes nnd i�s�essments which muy iutnin priority uvcr this Security Ins�rument us u Hcn un thu Nrup�i�ty;Ibl yt't►rly Ict�seht�ld ;
<br /> .'`;,' puymcnts or ground r�nts on thc Nropcny, if nny; lc) ycurly huuu•d or pruperty insurancc pr�ntiums: lcl) Y�urly floud .
<br /> '�� �. ' insw•nnco promiums, if amy; lc) ycialy monbagc insun►ncu pcemiums. il'uny; �md (fl nny �imn payi�hlo hy Borru�vcr tu
<br /> . _.� .; I,endcr, in nccurdi�ncc with ihc provixic�ns uP p�irugraph R.in U�u��f thc paymcm ��I'mortgugc insuruncc prcmlums. 'I'hcsc .
<br /> itcros urc ca�Ucd"Escraw Uams.' Lcndcr mny,nt any timu,c��lluct niid huld Funds in im umuunt nat t��excc��d thc muximunt
<br /> � i�mount u lendur fur u tcdoru l ly re lu ted mo r t�a gc l ua n m i�y r e quir� fur 8urruwer�rticn,w acrount undcr�hu fedr.retl Real . .'
<br /> - 8stntc Scltluntcnt i'rucedures Act uf 197A lis umcnacd i'rrnn timc tu li�iw, 12 U.S.C. 4�1�111 el siv�,l"RkSPA"),unlcs,a►n�uhcr
<br /> ' law thnt:ipplicti t�.thc EUnQs scts u Ic�scr umount. If sn,Lcndur nu�y,at i►ny timo,rullrct au��i h��ld Funds in im nmuunt nut w ;,:,� , _
<br /> ' exceed the Icsser umuunt. I.endcr muy exlimnto �hc .►m��unt �,i' Funds duc on thu busis uf' cunem dtua .►nd reus�mublc .�;,�;_;��:�-..
<br /> �� estimatc���t'cxpc»diturc�ut'futurc Excro�v Itcros ur othc��wisc In:�ccurdnncc with npplicublc law. . , ;;-.°I:
<br /> �'`�' Thc Funds shnll be hcld in an insUtuliun whosc dopasUs urc insured hy a� fcdcral c��;ency, in�trumentuNty, o� cntity '
<br /> �4.�, ;_Y,
<br /> (inrludin�Lcti�dcr,if Lcndcr is such un in�titud�m)or in nny Hcdcrnl ttomc Loun Hank. Lcndcr�ht�ll iipply Ihe f'unds tu�ay ::;.;__
<br /> thc Escrow Items. Lcndcr may nat chtugc HarrAwcr f��r hi�lding liod upplying thc F•linds, imnually nnc�l���in� thc cscrmv .�'; �__
<br /> ucc��unt, or verii'ying Iho Escrow Item.r•, unles.r• Lender pnyti Borruwcr intcrest ��n thc Fund� imd uppl�c+tblu Itt�v pcm�its _
<br /> � Len�lcr w muke such u churgc, However,Lendcr miiy require Borrawer to pny a one-time chnrgr f'or un independent rci�l =
<br /> ' cslute U�x rcporting�crvicc uscd by Lcnder in conncction with this I��►�n,unlcss nppliruhlu law psovides ixhcrwihc. Unicss un - __
<br /> � - i�grecment is mudo or i�pplic�iblo linv rrNui�eti intcretit ta bc pi►id.Lcndcr shi�ll nut hc requircd u►pay Aurruwrr iiny intcrest��r
<br /> carnin�s un thc Funds. Burrawcr i�nd Lendcr muy a�rcc ii�writing,huwcvcr,that intcrcxl+hr�U ho puid an thc Funds. Lcndcr ,
<br /> _ shall �ivc t��k3urrowcr.�vithnui churgc.an i►nnui�l nccuunting ot'ihr flind�,shi�wing credits and dchii�tu thc Funds cmd Ihc --
<br /> � purp��sc for�vhich cuch debit to thc Funds wuti made. '1'hu Il�nd.i�rc�ledged us+�ddidunal security fnr all�umx securcd by ,.. _
<br /> � thiti Security Instrumcnt. .
<br /> ' • If the Funds held by Lender excecd the �+nu�unt� Ex:rniitted ta hr held hy i�pplicublc luw, Lenete� xhull uccount to
<br /> , 8urrower fvr the exceti,Fundti in+iccurdimc�: with the reyidremcnts of:�ppliciiblc Imv. !f thu umaunt e�f ihc Fundx held hy
<br /> .
<br /> _ _ 4cndcr at anv timc is nrn+uft�icicnt to pay thc Escrow hcm�when�luc, Lcndcr muy+o nntify Harcowcr in wriling,und.in •
<br /> -— ----- - --�
<br />• � such ri�se Bonower shall pi�y to I.endor thc �unuulll nCCessnry tv maicv up itir .i�i'ieiency. Sa�rs�uer �;h::!! in��e up t e -- --- - - -
<br /> . deficicncy in eo morc thun twclvc monthly puymenls,at Lcndcr's sulc di�crctiun. _
<br /> • l�pon pi+ymenl in 1'ull ut'.ill yums sccurod by thi�Scrurily Inti�rument, Lrtxicr shull promptly refund tu Bortowcr uny
<br /> ---_-__- _-' _' �„ .ti,..i�t►.� .�o�h�r, IP. unctcr oaraeru h�l.I.endcr shi�ll iir��uiro nr u:U thc F'rapcny,l.cndcr,priar u�the acquisition ur
<br /> _. _ __ _ _ F1...s�_..._.__r L_..._. . , _ P
<br /> ..._..__ . - -
<br /> - n - .alc uf the F'roperty, yhull �ipply an�� FUnds heW by Lrn�lcr nt 1hc tinic uf ucquisitic�n ur ,utc as� crcaii agu�mi i�c+um. i- _
<br /> ' sccured by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt. "
<br /> , ' , . 1, ,lpplici�tlun uP Anymcnts. Unleti+ upplicahlc liiw pravidcs othcrwisr, aU p�iymcnt� rcccivcd by l.rndcr widcr
<br /> � • paragrnphs 1 imd 2 shiill bc applicd; first.�o any prepn}'mcnt churgc�duc undcr thc Ncuc; sccund,ta amount�pay+�blc undo�
<br /> ,'���..,. p��ragruph 2:thini,ta intcrest duG:faunh,to principal duc:and lusl,to any latc chnrgcx dua undcr thc Natc.
<br /> ' 4. Chur�;e.r•; I.iens. Rurrcnvc� shi�ll pny ull tuxc., a��cti+mcnl�, ch+�rbcs. Tinrs i�nd impmitians uttributublo to �hc ,
<br /> • Propert���vhich m�y i�ltadn pri��rity ovrr this Sccurity Instrumcnt,and Iraschuld puymcnl+or gr��imd rent�,if any. Horrowe►'
<br /> � `` shuU puy thesc ublit;utions in thc mann�r pruvidcd in purugraph �,ur if'noI paid in thut mann�r.Aurruwcr xh:tll puy them an
<br /> . ' dme direcdy to thc persim��wcd pa:yment, Burra�vcr�hull prumptly furnish tu I.rndcr ull noticcs uf amuuntti tu hc puid under
<br /> ' ,���, this paragr�ph. H'Burrower mukes Ihes�payment+dircctly. Hc�rrmvcr.r•hall promplty t'urnish ta l.eitidcr reccipts evidencinb
<br /> _���'�' thc puymcnts. •
<br /> Borrower shull promptly dischurgr uny licn which has priariry��vcr thiti Sccurity Instrumcnt unlc.ti B��rruwcr.liU agnes i
<br /> in wrUing to the ptrymcnt��f�ho uhligutiun�ecured by the lien in a munnrr iicceptuble to l.ender:(h)contests in g�xxl ii�ith the I
<br /> - Uen by.or defends ngi�inst enforcement ot thc licn in,Icgal pmcc�dings which in thc L.rndcr!+opinion aperatu u►prcvcnt thc
<br /> entorcement oP tho lien;or(c)secureti from thc hulder uf'the lien nn a�;reement��►ti�fuctory ta L.ender sub��rdin�aing the lien �
<br /> - � ta this Security Intitrument. If Lender detem�ines thnt uny part uf the Nroprrty is subject�o a lien which may�utain prlarity �
<br /> ' , e�ver this Security lnstrumen�,Lender inuy give Borrowcr a nutice idenlii'ying�he lirn. Borruwcr shull satizt'y thc lien or takc ;
<br /> . • anc ar marc of thc iictians sct farth i�bove wi�hin ll►days uf thc giving ui'n��tic�. I
<br /> • 5. Huiurd or Praperty Insur��ce, Borrower �hall kcep the impmvrmcnts nuw cxis�inb i�r hercaQcr crectcd an the I
<br /> ' ' Propeny insured aguinst luss hy firu,ha•r.ards included within thc tcrni"extended covcragr" ;md�iny other ha•r.iuds,including �
<br /> - � flaods or Iloading, fnr which L.ender requirrs insurance. This insursmce tihull be main�ained in the amountx und fur thc
<br /> Fiiin13028 4/40 Ipn,�e:��jnpu.te.��
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