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f�., _' . ..f ' . ' _-- �`4=���. � • ` N'� �� .�vtr��-. ___— <br /> .��� . _ �- .. <br /> • E - <br /> _. _ <br /> .� . � - � - <br /> " � ' � ����' �� <br /> -: , .. =, . . -- <br /> �;, ... , -.—� . . �"�_ <br /> ... . ... .�_.� �._.._ � <br /> "- ,�..k._:_-°.� � •._ w�w.,+«xw+M�i, R.paer��vdc,..ct�inaMx - . — <br /> ��,r � � ; Muftlb: ' '�. ' <br /> . <br /> -- -- ' ' {/�r ���� <br /> V <br /> _..� _ ._._. \ - <br /> _ � <br /> =-6ea�r <br /> _s:.wF <br /> __,_�_�� �oan Na. s�3o5-1-��8 R1�ED�F�'lECONVEYANC� No.,..,,,��,,,,,,,_, <br />-�,_..�',�'= KNOW ALL MEN BY TI1E8B PRESENI'8; - - <br />`�.t TFIAT WHEREAB,�II of the Indebt�dnes�eecured by th�True!peed exeouted by <br /> �' William Ce Culliae and Kuren M. Ca111ee. hueband and wifo <br /> .:;�._ <br /> _- to dQ��F�H k. 8',�DANt, pT40:N�Y AT I.iiW a� Ttuniea tur i��n Genefit nf Fir'�&T Fi�O�ftAL 3AVt�� A�lD tOAl: �-- <br />=_ - A830CIATION OF LINCOLN,the BeneAciary named therein,dated .1une 8 1983 and��qu��the omr,�of ths Ru�istet of <br /> � -- -- Deod�oi Kal1 County, Nebxaaka ,In Book 7t7C le9 �i NQ• R9_n �Aa� J - - <br /> �� � on Mlnrofllm Roll No. XX ,Peee XX ,has�een paid,and aold Beneflctery hae requasted In wrltin�that this <br />'" 3 --.� Deed of Reconveyance bo oxeQUted and dolivored as conflrmed by Ite ondorsument belaw; <br />. . '1"�i.. . j_'.,' }. <br /> _ � -�• ��=�•� `; NOW TtiEREFORE,in conalderatlon of euoh payment and in accordance with the roquest o!the Beneticlary nemed theroln,the undereipned ss <br /> �'�� `''` `�"Y'�'��' Trustee does by theee prasonts,grant,remise,��eleaao end reconvey to tha pereon or persons entitled thereto all the I�terest ot�d eatate derived _____ <br /> �.. � . ., ,. � <br />, . � �°:=�,r..;;,�. , ;� to eaid Truatee by or through aeid Truat Deed in the following deaoribed premisea but anly ae to such premisea: _ __._ <br />- .. .,:. , _ ---- <br /> ��•;-=:��=�- ��--�-'; Lot Four (A), in H1ock Four (4). in Kay-Aa� Subd�v�.Aian, Xacakod an part of tho Southweat _ <br /> •�•�•---�'•��• -�•- Qu�rtor of the Southmest Quarter (SW�SW}) af Section �aenty-Ono (21)• in Townohip Eloven � <br /> , f113:��1�f�2.Y',i (11) North� Rai►ge Nino (9) Weat oP tho 6th P.M. in Hall County. Nqbraeka. <br /> .��+i11�14r�. ___.__. ._.... ...__ <br /> �.iutr�. - , . ' <br /> ,r« <br /> r�..]�� . <br />- � ..�). . . � __-_ _ - <br /> _. �._..�lltl� "YYlD._ .-........ .......-___.- .- ,. <br />.-_. ::" . . � J.«i(�M"�__ <br /> _ .L�t. . -... .. rNi•E',.� <br /> -._ , i"� . .. ._ <br /> ,f:. '.�- ., DATEQ: 73�tdQ 2. 1993 TRUBTE�:, ' .• 1^-;�--- <br /> . � �. Joseph H. 8adami � y� n_� <br /> 8TATE OF NEBRASKA ��--- <br /> . � � . COUNTY OF NC S1'ER j B8• On thie 2n� day ot Juns , 18,93 ,before the �::.� �l,",�'�'-- <br /> . , , understgned,a Notary Publlo duty commleeioned and quatifled tor ald • ��;�'�r''s.� <br /> 4 ,e_ <br /> ' County,personaltyoame ,Tos�}�H._ sadami esTrusteo,tomeknowntobetheidenticalpereonwhoae � Q° „'-�=�-,--_ <br /> name la subsarlbed to the toregatng Inutrument end acknowledged tho executlon thereof to be hle valuntary act and deed ae suah Trustee. ; �.��;�, <br /> .. , ' k:�•��:. <br /> ",;';�+'. My commlasion expires__�,psi1 1 ,,19 �f, . . ���" <br /> h� w <br /> � <br /> � � � ' � ` .Notary Publlo , . � , <br /> �� �'' . . . <br /> . . �:.�,�:� <br /> � �GENEMI NOiMI'•Stst1 ot N:Dra�ka ` . <br /> � JUDITNA.KLINKMAN <br />,;i � � ' ' ..a1u�.-�:F.xp.Ap� <br /> � � �. This ta to ceRliy that the above nemed Truetee hae been requested in writlnp <br />� '+ . ��'. • ' to execute the toregoing Daed ot Reconveyance end hia acqon in doing eo Is <br /> � � � , retltied and confirmed in ali respects. � � <br />` , ` . . <br /> .,� <br /> _�. . ,,: <br /> � FlR6T F�aERAL 6RVlNOS RWQ L AP!A880ClATlO�!OF L!PlC�R �---= <br /> _ _ _ -. ; , . . , , - ------- <br />_�, , ; ,;,. ' , - - <br /> : �, , . .. sy: . � � . . <br /> BTATE OF NE8RA8KA ) I <br /> � � ; � . COUNTY OF LRNCAS"i'ER ) 88' On this 2nd day ot � ,19 93 betore mo, i <br /> Y '. ' " the understgned,a Notary Pubilo In and tor eald County personatly <br />, �. •.f�� �; �ame� I,. F._Roscher�aki of Flrst Fedoral 8avinga and Loan Asooaiatlon of Uncoln,to me • <br /> � ersonatt known to be the I'reaident � <br /> P !I and identloal person whose nemo ie afflxed to the abovo foregotng � <br /> � „ � Inatrument end ecknowledgod the executlon thoreof to be hio voluntery oot ond deod as auoh oNicer, end the voluntary act and deed of the ! <br /> satd Firot Federal Savinge end Loan Aseociatlon oi Ltncoln. ' <br /> � � � � � My commleslon expirea Aurii 1 ,1896 _. Gl��� ,Notery Pubilo � • <br /> n� , :`:. . <br /> .. i,;au�....._•�arrm.•' <br /> - {• � 6EMFRpt NOIAAP•S�ata o!tl:brayR�� f <br /> � JUpITHA.KLINI:MAN ` <br /> ,,,� �,! <br /> . ~�t'��' ''_'.Y�' M}!C�o�mm Exp.Aprl�l,l596 <br /> . . � �tua-mc..;:n � <br /> .. iOrtnbS1Q <br /> 7 �� <br /> ' ' M�es^�—- -----v. <br /> ...- :.�. . ; - .. .-.�-...�. ....- �------ -- -. <br /> ���., . _. .. ...__-- ---- �--__.... - - . .. . . - -- "—��'--' <br /> . . _._ _� ._ �..._ .. __ _.... ..__. ...�. .. <br />