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A�,SiQnment of Rent� � <br /> �. - � t �;:� _—, <br /> __ .;.: . , , - - <br /> � �-�- �� TNlS 1-41'AMlIIY!!!!]Nfi ia mnde thiy 1Bt dny oF July� 1J91 , �- , ,� <br /> ..-` � ! • w��;,Ineo,�;at:�in,�w�i oi�uii iw�Iccmcd w mnend and Fuppleoient�ho Monl;u�;c,�it'C�ui�}hln(OT SCCp�t� ��:`C••1 t�,1�N 6_..: t <br /> _ �_+ . . :-r— a,�c. �_- <br /> ___ . r "Sccurity instrument")uf thu numc dula glven by Ihe undcrslgncil�ti�u"Horraver"1 to�c�:um 8on�owcrH IYuw tu - . ,- :- <br /> - - � :..: <br /> =.�3 - <br /> - = � ' Thq EquiCoblo Building and Loan Asa�oci�Lian of Grand Isl�nd� NabrAOkA ��hc"�endcr") � - <br /> ��:��� ��. of chc�nmc duto und covcring thu Pro4xrty desc�ibcd iu�ho Sccuriiy Inrin►mcnt�md lacn�cd ui: <br /> ��_ . . .. �� --� . , -. . - - <br />�=�; , <br /> " � 939 S. Pino Gr�nd Isl�nq, NE 68001 • � " � _; <br /> ;::,� . <br /> _;� �Hv�xny Addrese) � , � <br /> i,�- . <br /> ,��`'° , 1-4 GAM11.V CO'VFNANTS. In uddition tu the covenunts und��groemenls madc in the Sccurity Intiuument,l3orrowcr , � <br /> '�Y . , nnd l.�ncicr further wvennnt and agn:c us fullows: • . •• <br /> 7��.� < .. : • <br /> `� �` -`� A. ADDITIONAL. PROPCR'TY SUNJECT TO '1'NC SECURITY INS7'RUMIsNT. !n uddillon t�� thc ProEx:rty , �- <br /> r".. ,�;�;;�:, _'��"�� <br /> : , ;�.�.,. dcscrit�cd in thu Securi�y lnstrumcnt,lhc follmvinE itcros n�c addcd tn�hc Property dcscripUon,imd shall nlso constitutc Q�c • <br /> �•� Praperty ravcrcd by thc Sccurity Instrumcnu buildin�matc�iiils, uppliances and goods ot cvcry ni�tura whatecx:vcr naw ur -• ` <br /> heiraftcr I�cnteQ in,an,ar used,or intended ta be used in connecdan�vith thc Prop�.rly,including,but nut Umited to,those . E•.__ <br /> � �.. , far the purpases of supplying ur dist�ibuting he:ttins, cuoling. electricity, g,��, �vutrr, nir und li�;ht, fire preventiot� imd �:.' <br /> ` . Gxtinguishing apparntus, secu�ity and ucccss cunuul i+pparatus. plumbing, b:ith tubs, �vatcn c�nt�rs, wntcr clos•�ts, sinks. st_. <br /> a�n�;cs,stc�ves.refrigerators,dishwashers,ciispc�sals, wushcrs,dry•�rs,uwnings,storm��•inda+vs.�torm d��urs,ticrcens,blindc. � _�° <br /> ' shadcs,curtains iind curtain rods,a�ttiichcd mirrc*rs.cabincts,pasiclling und cUtarhed tlaar covcrings i��nv.�in c��ctiRcr auached ��- <br /> � ' �o thc Property,ull af which,including repla�r�nents nnd ndditions thcrero,�hall ba dcemed to bc iuid remai�u purt oi the ` <br /> Prape.ty c�wcred by the Securitp (nstrumenL �111 of the foregoing w�:ether with the F'rc�perty dcrcnbcd in the Security ! �T <br /> � Instrumcnt(ar�ha lensch�ld est�te if'thc Sccuritv instrumcm is un u leaschald)i{rc rcfemd t��in this I-4 I�amily Rider and - <br /> the Secariry Instrument as thc"Propeny." � � , ��� <br /> � � � B.USE OI�PROPCRTY;COMPI,IANGE�1TH I.A�Y. Borrowcr shull not scck,i+grcc ta or ma l cc u c hangc in t hc � <br /> • � use ot ihc Property or ith zoninb classiGct+tion. unlcss l.endcr hu+ugrccd in w�iting�u ihe change. Hormwcr shall comply i:� �" <br /> -- _ - �. - ' `' <br /> •� witi�t�ll laws,ardinunces,regulutions and r4quirements ol`�u�y tovemmentai bociy appiicnbie to tite Pmpc►iy. r�- --- -- ' ° <br /> ' � , C.SUBORDDNATE LIk.NS. �xccpt ns permittcd by fctitcrnl Inw. R��rrowcr shull.nqt t�llaw tmy licn infcrior to �he � � j <br /> '��1.�' S�aritv Inswment to ba ocrt'ectcd��uinsl lhe Pmperty without l.ender�prior writtcn p^.tmi+}�on, ,__ : <br /> s,_ _ _.: :;� ' ' _ === <br /> D.RENT I.OSS INSURANCF, Bnrcawcr yhull muintain in+ur��qcc i�gnin�t rcnt lass in tt�,diti4n��the ather hazards i'ar � T <br /> � <br /> � which insuruncc is rcc�uircd by Unifc�rm C�venunt 5, I . <br /> � E."80RROWGR'S R1l;H'T TO RN INSTA'TR"DI:G�TF.11. Unit'nrm Covenanc l,tl is dcictcci. ; ' <br /> ' f <br /> ' - F BORROWER'S UC(:UIPANCY. Unlctiy I.endcr and Hnrruwer �rihcrwisc agrec in writing, the first semencc b � <br /> Uniform Cavenunt 6 canccmiag Horrower�a:cup.�ncy of thu Propc�ty iti dcietcd. All rcmaining cuvenants und u�recments <br /> „ set fanh in Uniinrm Cavenant 6 shull romuin in effer�. <br /> (:.ASSIGNMENT OF 1.FASF.S. Upan Lendcr�; reyucst. ���na���r shull i►sxit;n to Lender all Ieases oi'thc Property � <br /> • and:►ll sccurity doposits mude in conncctiun with Ieascs of the Pcoperly. llpon thc us�i�nment,I.ender shall hnve the ri�ht to � ' <br /> modify, excend ar terminute the existing Ieiises and ta execute new Ica+es, in Lender's �ole discretion. As used in this . <br /> • � ' paragruph(l,thc word"Icusc"shall mean"xublcasc" if thc Sccuriry Ins�rumcnt i.on u Ict�sohald. '.. <br /> H. ASSII:NMEN7' OF K�NTS; APPOINTMF.NT OF RF:CF.IY�Ei: 1.ENDER !N FOSS(:SSION. Oorrawcr <br />. ; nbsulutely and uneonditlonully i►rsi�;ns und tri�nsfers to Lender all�he rentti tind revcnuex("Ren�s")nf Ihe Property,regardless � <br /> �'n af'to whom the Rents of tho F'rape��ty arc paynblc, Barrowrr autharizes l.cnder ar Lcnder�agents t��callect thc Rcnts,smd <br /> � agrces thut cach tenunt of thc Properiy tihall pay the Rents�a l.endcr or Lcndcr',agcnts. H��wcver,Horrower shuU reccivc the <br /> MUGfISTATH:l•4 FAMII.Y RIURK•Fannle 111nell�rnldie NAC U�Iform Inrtrumcnt Farm 31�ll 9l40 (puge/nJ3 pugrs� <br />- ITEM 1�D0181p31 frca{Int�a Fo�ms.Inc S � � <br /> � Tu Ottlts Call:180P53�9393 O VA7�B�E791•1131 <br /> .....-_-...----:...-_..� . .. . . <br />�� � <br /> � <br /> = i <br /> '. <br /> _ � __ _ __ _ <br />