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v. :- — --.... .. .;...�...._ .. :. s.. �....-._ __. _ . . ... �-n�,. ...__�..___..'_ ...,.._ = _ _ _. <br /> � - - _ _.. <br /> � ' a �3� ����� —� <br /> -: - A8:3tGINM�N���F���1�'�RItt�R <br /> _._ .- ---.._ .... .._:.__. �.._.-_ ._.__� _.. <br /> PNIS�1E�l�HA9�NY aF�7ENT9 NI�ER lo mado�nd axanutoc�thl� �xd dey of su�� .1� ���i le <br /> = - �fnoorpareted Inta nnd ehoil be tJee�►►��i tu tautoi�a Un[!nuW�sl�tu�ortt!ho R�loEl�a�t+or Cs�►c1 nt T�uat,hur�Ino�ter��tarr6d tu ua th5 -_- °"`'�-- ` <br />_._ :_ � <br /> , � .. <br /> "SoauNty Inatrument". of ltse eeme dato given by Iho unclaraiqnad, ha�alnattor re(e�rdd to aa tho "�1c�rrowoe", t� t�ecurc� 0=��_- - <br /> �� .Hor�awar's Indebtedneee,Nerelnatter retorr4d to ao the��Noto",to HOM�F�D�RAL BAVINQ8 AND l.OA(V A83d01ATIQN OF _ <br /> ' �-°y�,�-=�"-' QRAN�18WI�1],herelnelter reterred ta as the"!.onder",ol thc�eame dat�and obverinti tho propeMy deeoribod In tha 8aaurily =-------- <br /> . .t-N�l:�e-��—�r' �.. <br /> . -•---��� Inetrument and looated 6�f: ,�� <br /> ��,, - <br /> • � :t�ICa�tMr�wc._n__ -,.sT . _,- .-- <br /> _ �.��. �F --_ - � 25�3 Mill Riv�� Rd., Grand Island, N� 688A9 _ `_ , - .__�._-- .T�_ -_ <br /> �"�'" •=�• (P�opnrlY Addrnae) r= � <br /> ;_:�=�_.� `" _�' WITNE89ETH: �`'.`���., - <br /> �~'��� . ° WHEREA9,Borrowor and Lender havo aprec+d that a�y rante and prafite att�ibutablo to tho praparty should aor�atltuto - .�_y a ��- �:_ <br /> • ; �'`r ., addltlonnl seourity to tha I.ontiee tor tho paymen!oi tho Nato; ?,•.:�.�='E�"--=ti-':` <br /> �` <br /> � � # � � •� NOW,TWEREFOFiF,lt lo nqreod that tho SoourNy inslrumun!ehall ba omendod her�,by and doemad to Inolude tha followinp . � �� ��_'.' <br /> ..,�� . . � provtelane: � . �'�`;�.�,F <br /> �f . •, . ,. ,� �„.,'-_- <br /> � ° t• d�elM�naa�nt�LPsnl�.flnd.6�nd41 R11t�1 Qalloot '' � :. <br /> ,. 1 �,pn Rlah_t@,Borrow�r hereby aboolutaly And uncondltlonally Agalgne all <br /> • � � ' r:' ronte, It�auas and proflte ot tho p�operty to Beneflclary. Lendor ehall ht�ve tho rlght, powor and a►�thorlty �uring the � •'-•�`_t'� <br /> ", „ oontinuanao ot tho Suourity InstrumeM to oolleot the rants,taeuea and protlta af the property and u',, ; pernanai pn>Nar1Y . � . <br /> ,. �. •_ Iooated thereon with ar wltnout taking pnsaasalon of ihe propoNy affoatod horaby. Londor, howovor, horoby �onsents io � • � . <br /> . � � Borrowor'e aol►ootlon and retdnflon o1 auoh rente,Is�ueo and proilto as thc�y aoorue and become peyable,so lang as Borrower . �� •��f <br /> „ Is not,at suah Ume,in detauit with�espoct to pAymen!of any Indebtodnoas ssourod hereby,or In the porfarmanc4 of any � ^ '` �—,._. <br /> •r'• �, <br /> � � agreement hereundor. �" '� t�•` .- <br /> . •t�, <br /> � " 2. ADDQIfltIIiQM Oi RaGQ��Of. I�A11y OVQf11 0�d01AUl! 10 f88pQCt iV ih9 S80UNly If181fU11'16flf Ohtll) haVB pOOUPfAd Q�d bB � t' h ' ' __� <br /> 1� • ` � , COD11flt�1t18, (,0fid8►. as a maUer of r1�M fa�d wlthout notloa to Borrower or anyone alalming u�dor 8ormwe�, a�d without � , „ _ <br /> :;' n-�.�.-._ <br /> �1; � _ „ retiard to tha value of tho truat uatAto or the Intereat of tho Oorrowor thoroln,ohall have tho right to apply to uny co�r!havl�g • �� <br /> � � � Jurl�diollan to uppalat a roaelver of tha property. .. � � °-� <br /> � .. ., . .�._ <br /> , ,_ 9. fllaht t Paseeafllan.ln oaoo of defAUlt in tho paymen!of the e41d prinolpal Note or interoat,or A�y part thereof,As it ' . ,.. ,� <br /> ' • ' ehatl mature,or In the aaeo of foliure ta koop or perform any of tho oovonants or agraemonta aontalnod 1�tho 9ecurity Instru• . - •• <br /> mont, thon thu Los�dor, Ite euooeaeore ar aselgns, ahall be and le heraby authorized and empowered to take Immediato ' , • _ <br /> " " �" poaeossion of the sald prAmiseo thereln desortbed and to oolleot the rents therefrom,and to appty tho proaeeda thereof to the '� ��� �y <br /> paymont of tho Noto. . "� � <br /> ,, . ��.�� <br /> � ` ��� 4. Aaallaation af RAnts.jg��{�8.� d� Praf itfl.AU rante aolleoted by L.ender or the reaelver ahall bo applled tirat to payment ; � � ` <br /> . of the coste o}management ol the property And colinotlon nf rente.Inoluding,bu!�ot Ilmited to,�eaelver'a feeo,promluma on <br /> ' � � ' he '�., <br /> , recelver a bonds and reaeonablo sttomey e feea,and then to the aums aeourod by tha 3eou�lty Inalrument. Lender a�d t <br /> � �eceiver sha�t he 1labte to aaoount oniy for those�anto actualty reoelved. � � <br /> - • ' �• ^a�afrur.tlon a!Prcy3�lona.Each o!!hs pso�lslons oantslnes!!n stsls Aasl�rsmers!ct Ranls Rlder sns!!hs 8acur!!y lnet:u- `- — --=� �. <br /> `,� , � ment �rtail, unl�a� othenwaa apealfloalty requlred, ba conetrued 1n accordance wNh Nebraska la«, and in ihe�evn��t any . <br />- �rovia�on nerel�or thsroin oontalned shail be dete�mined by a oourt oi competont Jurladlctlon to be uneniorneable,the eame ° <br /> ' '__ ' ehult bo oanstrued ao though suoh unenforcesbla provislon ware not a part hereot or thereoL _ <br /> --�-- 8. Eftaat of Aldar.Exaopt o��paclficaily moditiod by or tncon�iotont►vith thia Aa�ignmont of Ronla Ridor or by�ny ather f f�- <br /> .' � applicAblo ridor,Ail of the torme and provislona aantained In the Securlty inetrument ohaii oontinue in fu�l torce and etfoat. � <br /> :_; ( <br /> IM WITNE9S WHEREOF, Borrawer hae executed thia Asal nt oi Ider on the dato firat nated above. � , <br /> . , , . ---- - �--._ _ ... .•-- --.__. ---____.-- � <br /> , � Ro e A. Ries ' i � <br /> , . . �-���t_-�i.--- ._- ---___.___ � . <br /> . Paula S. Ries4�f�� � ` � . <br /> i <br /> • � STATE OF NEBRASKA) ; <br /> • ' . (ss: I . .. <br /> GOUNTY OF HALL ) � <br /> ! �;., , • <br /> On thia �ra day of____. June _,�e.93_,betore me, the underalgnod,a Notary Pub11a du�y commlasloned and � . <br /> � qualifiod for enid oounty,pereo�aily oama��4�e�_��..R��t�b��g .3nd..Pau1�S�.Ries.harg..__—___�. � <br /> - (husband and wi fe) _ ,to ba iha Identical paraon(s)whose nams(s)tslare aubscribod <br /> �, � to the toragoing insirumont,and helahelthey aoknowtedge tho exeautlon thoreof to bo hIslhorltheir voluntary act and deed, � <br /> • . Wltnesa my hand and Notartat Seal at Grand__I s�anc�� .Nobra�ka. ' <br /> r'" , � ___._..�.__.�.._____.. in id county,tho d e a resa d. <br /> ' _ _._ �, _ - - — -- <br /> ' �� � tary Pub1i0 <br /> _ -- '—LL-- ----..;__ — ��/{11��1���i� • . <br /> . a ;#' � _ � My Commisolon expire � ���-�1�--� _.._.�.____ <br /> 3 ' MP�030 pN2) <br /> ''��, :.. ... � <br /> `i �' <br /> � <br /> ..�; ,1 � <br /> ! <br /> � � , <br /> f � <br /> � �� � , <br /> �� . <br /> � . <br /> . <br /> . � � <br /> � . <br />