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�, : <br /> �a�_ . . . .. . _ _ . . . . ... . _.� . <br /> u... . ., . . , . <br /> 93= �oa�ss <br /> TOGCTHFR W:TIi all tM1e imCrovcmwa ri6w.or herea(Ri em:md rn tl.: ':openy,and all eaumenlx,ep0��henanc:s. <br /> en�6awma mw o�nenaner�P`^'+I me propenY. Mt ieybcemenu end ssW'a:mw eFa11 alw te co�ned�Y��s Sttunty _ <br /> Ins�rtmrn�. All o(�he foregoing is referted m m this Securit�Inswmrne az�M1e'Propeny." <br /> RORROWER. COVENAN!'S�hat Bortowcr�s Iawhiliy xised of tAecstaa hemby mnveyed and M1ne the right m grnnt <br /> anA corve� �he Property and�ha�the Propen)'is unen:umbertd,excegt for encunSrzrces of record. Horrower wartan��and <br /> will�fe'<nd general ly the�itle w�he Prcpertq agairis�aIl tlaims and de:vands,suF.rcno any ercumbeantts of rmerd. <br /> TH15 SENRItY INSTRUMENT combines unifo�m covenams for nnunnal me and non-uniFonn covenan¢ witM1 '? <br /> liin�ed var ano�s by juvsdmuon w constim�e a nnifoem securiry inswment mcerin;mal pmpttty. <br /> UtiiPORhI W VEYA�S. Borto«cr and Lcnder:cvenant ami agree u follows. <br /> L Paymmt of Yrincipai and Inleres[;Prepa�ment and Late Charges. Bormwer shall pmmptly pay when due the <br /> pnncipxl ot end interest on�he deb�rvidenced bv the No�e and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. _, <br /> ?. 6unds for Tases ar�d fnrurance. Subjwt�o applicabie law orm a«ncen waivn by Lender,Pnrtower shall pay�o _, <br /> � I rnAcr on thc dny moutUly payments are doe under�he No�e,umil the Nmc i� oaid in fuil,a sum("Fnnds")for.(x)yearly <br /> uses aid nssessment=.which map auain pnori�y over this Securiro Ins[ro'�Mm. :�fi<n on the Pmpercy:(b)�'early leauhold _, <br /> paymems or eround rtnts on ih^ Hoperty, if any: (c) yeariy Favrd or p zerry insurence prcmiums; (d) yearly Ooa1 <br /> insurance prem ums, i(any: (e) yearly mongagc insur�nce premiums, if an�. and (p any sums payable by �ortvwer w __ <br /> Lrnder in �ccordance w ih ihe F^"�siort of paragreph R, in Iicu of!he paymem o(mongage insurance prtmmma. These <br /> iienu zre calleA Esemw I�emc. Lender may.a[any[ime.roilect and hold Funds in an amount not�o etteed the mawmum __ <br /> m�onn: a Iecdcr Ior o tedenlly related monqage loan may require (m Bortowert escrow attount under the fcderal Real =_ <br /> Ls�are Se�tler�ent ProceAUres Ac�of 19]4 ns nmended from timew[ime.12 O.S.0§2601 ee¢cq.('RESPA").unless aro�her <br /> law thm applir_;to the W nds sets a Ic.scr amowt If so.Lender may,at any time,cullat y�d hoid Funds in an amoum no�lo =, <br /> excrcd ihe lessc: amnunt. Lender may cstimam @e amount o( Ponds due on rhe basis of cmrznt Data and reuonabie <br /> es�imm;s ol expcnd cures of Nmm Eecrow Immz or otM1erw�sc�n accordance wrth apP���able law. <br /> il�e �unJS shal, be hcld m an instimtion whou dep�sik are inmrzd by a iedenl agenry, imwmemality, or enei�y __ <br /> (indudin;Lendeq i(I.ender is wch mi instim�ion)or in any FeAenl Hom_Leun Bank. Lenaer shzll ap01y the Funds�o pay =_ <br /> the Fsaow I�ems. Lrnder may no� clarge Eonowa for holAing and app:ving �he Wnds,annually analyzm6-hV acmw <br /> acmu t or verifyinE thc [v row Icems, unlcss 6ender pays Bormwer mtnes� on the Fum1s znd apC�mz" permhs <br /> I_enAcr ro maF:e such n chu_e. Noweva,L:nder may require Bortower m pa}'a oce-time eharge for an inaependem real , __ <br /> :na:c:ae rcponine servia used by LenCer in ronnection wi�A�his loan,u^�ess applicable law pmviJes o�herwiu. Unless an <br /> aerecn�en[is made ar apPlicnbic law requires intr.ese m�paid,Lender�hail ro�bc required m pay Bortow^r any interest or _, <br /> ear�inpscvthcFnnAc BertowcrandLendcrmayagreeinwriting,howevee�hatmtcres�shaiibepaidontheFunds. LeWer <br /> shal! g ce�o Bortoweq e thout arinml attounhng of Ne Ponds,showmg crtdi�s and tlebits ro ihe Funes and the <br /> purpose for which each deb��m the Fm�ds was made The Funds'are pledged az aCdifio�ul security for all sums securea by <br /> ihis Ss�n�� I2vvmen�. <br /> if tne Funds t�eld by Lender es<ttd the amounts peemiued ro be held Ay applicable law, Lrn�der shall accouv w <br /> 3ortoxer for the exass Funds m xecordan<e wiM�he requirtments of appliable law. I(Ihe amount of @e Funds Mid by <br /> l,enter ae any time �a not suf�s�ent ro pay�he Ea+ou Imms when due,Cender may w m�ti(y Borrower in wnbng,and in _ <br /> soch casc Bortower shall ,ay m Lender�he amaunt necesmry m make up the dcficirncy. Bocmwcr shxll make up �hc =, <br /> defiurnc� m vo more than nvehe monthiy paymens,at Lendc�'s wie dure[ion. <br /> Um�r,paymem m �ul�n(all sum�sxumd hy this Secunry' Inswment Lender sFall pronp�iy rctund to Bo�rower any __ <br /> Fonds held bv lendec If,under paagraph 21,�nder shaii azquire or ull the Ropeny,Lmtleq Fnor m the acquisition or _, <br /> salc uf the Propercy. shall apply xny Funds heid by Lender at the ume o(acqufsilion or sale as a credi� agains� the sum5 <br /> scc md b tti. Sccurity Inswmcm. <br /> � \pplicalion nf Pn7meots. Uniess opplicable Uw pnvides mheru'ise, all paymrn�s ¢ceircA Fy Lender under <br /> paraeraph� I and 2 shall Ac appLeJ:firsL w nny prepaymmt c�arEcs due und<r�he Note:ucond.�o amoums payvble unucr <br /> paroEraph 2;�hird,to ir!rrcsi Cue,founh.�o p�incipal due:and last,w any la�e charges dot under�he Noie. __ <br /> d. Charges; Liens. Bormwer thall pay all mes, a•xssmrns. charge, finet and imposaions altribu�able In �he <br /> Prope ty which may avain pnonty wer this Security Inswrt�en4 and Icashold paymena or ground rcms,if any. Bortower <br /> shtll pay these oblibations in�he manner proridcd in par.erep.5 2,or if noe paid in Nat manneq Bonower shall O�Y�hem on <br /> iime directly w the person owed naymenL Bortower sha11 7mmp0y Pomish to Lender all no�ices of amoums m be paid under __ <br /> �his paraemph. if Bormwcr makes�heu o+:^�cr.a directly.Hertowcr shall promptiy fumish m Lender receip�s cidencing <br /> the pavmcni=. <br /> ISOna..�er sh�ll pmmp[ly discharge any lirn whicM1 has priari�y ovrr iM1is Secun�y Insttumrnt uNess Bortowee(a)agrees <br /> n a�nung to�he payment of�he obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner accep�sble ro Lender,(67 conmsts in good(aith ihe _, <br /> licn by,or dcfenAS against enforcement of�hc lien in,legal V:oc^ed'"gs'++hich in eM1e LenLerY opi^ion opcn¢�o prtvenl the <br /> rn[o;ecmem o[me:irn:or(c)smures fmm the holder of the tim an agreemeot satistacmry w Lender subordinating the lien _ <br /> m mis Securiry Insmmcnt. 1(Lcnder detr�mmcs tha�any part of�hc Pmpeny is subjmt�o a lien whmh may a�tain pnoriry <br /> �vcr�his Sccnriry Ins�rt�mcnL Lender may gne Bortower a mtice idemifying�he licn. Bortewcr shall sahsfy the lien or take _, <br /> ane er more of tbc actions cet fatlh abov:v thin 10 da)s of the givinG of notic.. <br /> 5. Havrd or Property Insurance. Bortoxer shall kecp tAe improvemems now existinS or hereaFter erected on�he _ <br /> Pmpeny insnred agains�Inss bv frr,hvards included within the term"extended rnveage"and any other hvards.including " <br /> Oooels or tleoding, for which Leodcr requires insuran<e. This insumnre shall be mamtai`rcd in the amounts and (or ihe <br /> � rm,ewzr vso r�.,¢.:ofa�x�:i -_ <br /> � : <br /> i : <br /> : <br /> : <br /> : <br /> , <br /> � : <br /> �j: <br /> !,�._ : <br />