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<br /> , _ �...za�� 'I'O(i!'il'NCR 6VI7'tl ull �i�c Impr�rventcnis nnw un c�rcallcr crcctcil un tl�e pruperry,.m�l til) cov�m�uiur,nppurlrniinrcr, � _ _-
<br /> �t ...-- mt�l flxtures nuw cir hercaRer n p,n1��t�tw prupc��y. All rcpin��cmemr and uddi�lonr shnll �dr,u h►�euv�iti�l hy �hlv tierurUy , , s•-Y--_-=
<br /> 1 t�..: ,. ' -s�-.�-�_
<br /> . �, . IusirumcnG All ul'�hu t'urc�tuin�;is rafrmd tu In�h l,Secw�lly Inrinunrn�+�ti�Nc"I h'�q x r i y,,' +��
<br /> ` °�= . HQItKUWE12(.'OVRNAN'I'ti thiu Ilnrr��wcr Ir lu�vl'uily�ci�rd o1'1hr rstutc hcroby �unvuy��l nn�l Iw,U�c rl�tht tu Etr+u» . _ �
<br /> � und convey Ihc f'n�pertY and th�►t tha I'�'u��c�iy Ir uneucumhciti�d,exccpt 1'ur rueumhrun���r��I'ivcunl, Nurrti�wrr wnrriau+m►d - -
<br /> �= r =� will dcCcn�l Fcncrully thc tiUa t�►Ihc 1'rapeny oki�inrt id)cluimY,►nd dcros�nds.,uhJr��i ta+u�y cn�umhr,mcr�uf rc�rr�L � - _
<br /> t y !
<br /> --_ — --:-_, 'I't!!,°, St:r'l!�f'!'�' !!�S'!'!tI�MFN'1' �•omhin��� un1l��rm r�w�,n,miti lin• �ti;��tun�►1 ux� und nuu•uuilbr�q cuvcu;►nts �vilh E .. :. - .
<br /> ° ' flntped vnrinUuns hy Juri�dictiim to cuu,Utute n unii'�nn necurity in.tn�mrn�rave�i�i�i�nl prc►�kr�y. ° -
<br /> '� � UNIFOltM('OV[iNANTti. H��ri'��wcr und Lundcr cuvcmutl nnd a��cc i►�faili�w.r•: `
<br /> -�' ...� .. l. Pi�yment��P Principid nnd Interesli Prepiiymeat and t.i�te(.hnr�cy� Rurruwur yhnll rrumplly puy�vh�n duc Ihe , - `-'. .
<br /> _ = princ ipu l n f nn d Interest nn thu dcl�t evidenced hy ihc Nute i►nd uny prcpayntent iutd Intu�hnr�ur d►w undur Ihe Nuta ,
<br /> 2. Flmds far'q�xes and Insu�Ancc. SubJcct to appllcnblo Inw ur to i�wrUwn�vadvur hy l.cadar,Borcuwer+hull puy�o
<br /> ...� • ` ,, '� l.ender�n the dny monthly pi�yments urc duc uuder thu Nutc,unUl thc Notc is pi�id In 11�11,n sum l"t•lmds")1'ur.t:t!��e:+rly , ^ . ,
<br /> taxes and ussessments wtdch muy u►tuin prioriry ovcr ihis S�curlty bislrununt iis u Uen un thu I�}pet�y;lb)ycurly Iea��ehold t.
<br /> paymcnts ��r �rou�d ranu on thc Propcny, ii' uny: (c1 ycurly ha�ard ur property inxuruncc pren�iums; ld) yenrly fluuci �. r .
<br /> � ,�i � __ �' insur.tncc premium�, if nm�: lcl yea�ly martgagu Insurancc prcmiums. if an�; und ltl any �ums p�►yiihlc by Horruwrr to . • ,. .
<br /> '�.,::
<br /> ...-�;��:�;;�±!;�. Lcnder,in accardnnco with thr a,m�•isions of pnri�gruph t1, in Ilcu of�hc En+ymm�t of mwt�,zii�� insurc►nce premiums. These
<br /> . •..}A:,.;,,:::.
<br /> ,•.•,,,..:,., , . item� urC ralled"Escrow ltems.' l.endcr nr,iy,.0:uty Nmc,a�llcct and hold hlmds iu im amuwit nut tu cxwccd ihr mi�xinium
<br /> � "'i;+:'•, nmounti a Icnci�r far i� fcdcrally sclatcd martgi�gc loan muy rcquirc fur Burriiwcr�cscrow acrvunt undrr thc fr�i��ri�l Rral � , ` .
<br /> � Estat�5cltlement F'rixcdiues Act at'I�)74 as umendcd from dmc to timc, 12 U.S.C.§2G111 �•r.��rq.("�t�SPA"),unlc��imothcr
<br /> r, �`' .�,��,.;.� : laa�thi�t i�pplics to thc hlmds sets i�lesxcr anunmt. If so,l.endcr may,nt any dme,cuUcct;md hi�lcl 1=�mJti iq an:miount not to • . .
<br /> � :.i,�, .'� ' exrecd thc Icsscr umaunt. Lcnder m.�y estimatc Ihe amot+nt at' Fundti dtw an thc hasis ��i ru»rent dnta and reauunablc
<br /> �;�; .,1,1'
<br /> ,;�,:�;,�� csUmatcs at'cxpcndUuroti of futurc Escrow Itcros��r mh��rwise in uccord;�nrc�vith upplic��blu li�w. ' ,
<br /> 7'he Ftmds shull be {�cld l�i an instit�+tian ��•hose ctrpa�its i►rc in,urcd by u fedcra) ugency, in�u•uincntality, ur entity � ' . .,
<br /> . . ,� (including Lendcr,if l.endrr is surh im institutiun)ar in uny�vdcral Homr l.onn Bank. L.endur yhnll:�pply thc 1•lmds to pay ' , , ` :
<br /> � � the Escraw Items. l.ender may nol Chtvgc B��TUw�� for holding .uid applying ihc Funds, i►nnuully .�nulXxinR thc rscmw _
<br /> - " ` . . n��oun6 or vcrifying the �scrow hem�, unless Lender i � t3orr�,��rr intcrest un the� Funds und applirablr li�w prrniits � ` � ;�;,=
<br /> , ;..
<br /> Lenilcr to mukc such c►chargc. H��wevcr, l.ender miry r��uirc Borru�rer tu puy u onu-timu churgc for an indcpcmlent mul � � . � ' '
<br />-: ' � esanc tnx reporling scrvirr u�ad b�•l.ender in connection«�ith this I aan,unless nppUci�hlu luw provides uthcrwi�e, Unless an � ����•� • ,
<br /> �1,,�...
<br />_ � iigrcenunt is madc ur applicabie inw requires inccre,l lu br paid,l.endcr.hall not be reyui�•cd tu pny Rornnvrr uny imcrest or r ' ... ., ; . . �'.,�
<br /> • earnin�!s on thc F1�nds. Dorrowcr�md l.cnder ma�y i��ree in writing.howe��e�,Ihat interesl shi�U hu puiJ on Ihc Flands. Lcnder ��,��• . • .:.
<br /> shi�0 give ta t3arrawer,without charge,an an�tuul accounting ol'Ihe Fl��ds,shn��•inc cscdits;md dehit,w the Hlmds and the � ��,�;' . ' `..: :;,;�':;;A
<br /> .� •; purpose for which ciich dehit to the Funds�va�s miidr. The Flmd.are pledged ns uddition:il sweurety for all sums secured hy �.:�r;'..��' •��;:��%�",,:.;:
<br /> '. _ .,..,..�.�:.:,;;,<<;t,.,,,.
<br /> this Security Instrument. � ' �
<br /> � If the Flmds heid by Lrnder exceed the amc�untx permiltcd tu he held b�• applicitt+le lu�v. L.cnder tihi�ll i�ccount ti� '� •',�, ,` ��t�`;,t�` .`-
<br /> Borrawer fnr the ex�ess Funds in�iccurdance�vith ihe rcyuirements ai'a►pplicnble Im��. 11�hc+�mount��P the flmds held b } .., .` . • �'-..•�
<br /> ' -- L�nd::r at any tline i� :Zt�t r:ufi':ciFnt�o�n��he E4cr��w �(e����when due. Lender illilY ti��I�utify Borea��'er in wriling,und, i° L• .`� � .�� :. t, ' '
<br /> i --- — .-•
<br /> tiuch case H��rrawer shidl pay a� l.�ndor �he amoun� nucessi►ry to nwkc up the deticioncy. Burrower xhull mnkc up the , . .
<br />— deficiency in no mom thi�n twelrc munthly piiymenls,iu Lendcrk tiule discretion. �
<br /> `" Upon�:►yment in full uf;ill,umti+ccured hy this Scrurity In�trumcnt. Lrndcr shtdl prumpUy rofund to Horruwrr.my
<br /> • ---_.._. „ �. � �r �nr tn tlte ��c ui�ilion or
<br /> _ _ hunAs hetq by Lcndcr. ii,unucr purubr,�pi�Zi. Lai�ci��.i��i�l.�c:�u�r�:::;,;,!! ih. P::��r.;. l.��l.d�..�+r--- - 4 .._...._ __--- -
<br /> • sulo uf ihc Prapeny, yhiiU upply any Funds licid by Lcndcr at thc tnnc of acqui.i�iun ur ,alu ur ii crcdit against thc tiums , -
<br /> secured by thiti Sccurity Imtrument. '
<br /> i. ApplicuUan oP 1't�yme�ts. Unlur� upplici�hlc la��• pmvid�+ uthcrwixc, nll p;rymun�s reccived by l.cndcr undcr
<br /> pa�ugruph.r• 1 und''�hall hc.ipplicd:first,tu uny prup��yment rtuir�cti duc�mdcr thc Ncuu; second,tn nmountti payuhlc under .
<br />_ ' pnrn��aph'.'.;third,ta interest duc:tourth,to princip�d duc;nnd last,tu any Isuc ch;ages due undur thu Nutc.
<br /> • . � 4. Chnrges; l.ieny. Bi��r��wcr tihull puy nll taxc., usticstimcnt�, charges, finc� and imp�+sidc�ns nttrihutublc u� thc
<br /> ° Praperty which may uqnin priarity��vcr this Scrurity Insu•umcnt,and Icuschi�ld p��ymcn�ti ur gruund ron��;,if nny. H��rrowcr
<br /> tihull pny these obllg�Uians in the mimncr provided in purabraph 2,ur ii'nW paid in�h;u m;�nnur,Rnrcowcr shull p��y them on
<br /> . time directly tn the person��wed puymcm. Bonower shall promplly furnish tu l.rndcr uU m�iicus c�f amounts t��hc paid under
<br /> . this paragrnph. If Bc��7uwe�make.�hesc p.rvmcnts direcUy, Horruwer �haU ptomptly fumir.h ta I.ender reccipts evideneing `
<br /> , thc payntents. !
<br /> _ Hottawcr shull pramptl�•iaischargc;my lien which hus priurity��vrr Ihis Securily In�ttUntenl unlu.r•s Hurrower. (i�)agrces
<br /> i�wridng ta the puyment of thc ohli�ation secured hy Ihe lien in a mannrr acreptahle�u L�nder;(b1 contectti in good 1'nith the , :
<br /> lian hy,or dvfends iiFainst cnf��rremcnt af ihe licn in,lugul p�occeding,«•hi:h in Ihc l.cndcr's opiniun oper�ue ta prcvcnt thc ,
<br /> �! cnforcemcm of the lien;��r(cl secures from thc hc�lder of Ihc licn.►n a�,rcrn�:m tiatisfactury to Lrnder tiuburdinnting Ihe licn , . ;
<br /> � to this 5ecurlty Intitrument. If Lcnder determines that uny pi�rt ot'thc Eh•op�rty i��ablzct to a licn��•hich muy inti►in priority ,
<br /> -- avcr�his Security Ins�rumrnt,Lrnder muy givc Ho�YOwer a noticc iden�ifying�hr lien. B��nu��•er�hull sati.r•fy the lien��r takc {
<br /> ono or morc uf'thc uctions set fonh ub��vc within 10 duys of thc giving��f noticc. �
<br /> s; 5, Hnzard or Property Insursmce. B��rruwcr.htdl kccp thc impmvcmrnt�no�v csititinp ar h�ni�ftcr crccted on Ihe
<br /> 4 Property insund:��:ainst lass by fire,huzard>included within the�cnn "e�cea�d�d cu�crag�"and uny ocher hiizards, including I '
<br /> floods ar floocf.i::,�.far �vhich Lender requi�t� insurancc. This insur.icti �hap h� maint:iined in �hc amaunts and for �he
<br /> � I •
<br /> Form JU2H 9�9U r����ge'�y n pu�;i��1 i
<br /> i
<br /> !
<br /> '� ,
<br /> �
<br /> �(,
<br /> �i '�
<br /> � ' '
<br /> , �
<br /> z � __
<br />