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',u. , , ,f 93-1047H3 <br /> ' ofuost0�nemanishrll�ealvenbypublicCecleretiont�ereofDyfuM{rereonett�sllmaenQplecelaateppointeE�ort�e <br /> sele:V�ov�OeE,Ii ihe eale is postponed tor lonpef t�en ona(1)Eey bsyonE IM1e tley Casl9�elM In lhe notice ol aele,n411ce <br /> !11 W plvw�n�F�um�m�nn�r��M�uOOln�l np�le�ei p1�.TmNN�h�ll axwuU�nJ dellva!IetM pufcMee! <br /> iia DeeE convaylnp t�e ProOeny eo eo10,bct wltlaul eny covenent orwerrenly,expreee or ImO����T�e recpala In Iha CeeC <br /> o'eny mattere or ecte a�ell Ee[OnCluelve prooi ot IDe IN1NYInBee l�ereot Any peroOn,InCluding Benellclerv,may OUr <br /> C�89B Bt NB eHIB. <br /> (6) W�en Trvstee seils purauant to the powers �emin,t�e Tmslee shef! app1Y I�e Orxee�s ol t�e sele to payment of Na <br /> C09i5 EnC expBn9P9 Oi B%BlCi9ing t�e poWQrof 3818 Bntl Of I��9818,InElUdinp S�B peymBnt OI lh6 TrueUe'9 feBB eCtuelly <br /> Incurretl,whlc�Trvgtea's faea s�all not In Me epgreBate axcautl Ihe lollow!r.g amcunt bueE u0e���a amount secured <br /> �ereby anE remalning unpalQ 5 pereenW m on t�e flrot f1,OW thereof,l parcantum on t�e Ealanea thareol entl t�en to iM1e <br /> Items In sab0aragreph(C)In t�e orEer tM1ere stateE. <br /> (C) Flter paying t�e I�nms spacliled In sub0eregraph �B) If the sale le by Trusiee,or ihe proper coutl antl other costs ol <br /> �oraclosure an0 sale if t�e sale Is pursuant�o�u0lelal/orecloeure,t�e orocee�ls oi sale s�ell be ep0�letl in t�e ortlor stetea <br /> . to ine oaymant oh. <br /> (I) Jost ol any evltlence of tltle 9rocureE In connaqion wlth such sa:e entl o/eny revenue stamps; <br /> QI) All sums t�e secueetl hereby; <br /> (Ilp T�e remalntlar, If any,ta Iha parson legally entltletl ihereta. <br /> 13.Dutlee en0 OEIIBellona ol Truet�ee.(e)Thn tlullas end obllge0ons of Trvalse shali�e Qeterminetl solaly by tM1e exD�ess <br /> .-o�ASlons ol tMS�eatl o/Trvst.antl Trustee s�e11 no[Ce ileCla evicept tor[�o Derfurmanca o/eucM1 Eolles end oCliBetlona es <br /> =re spaellicalry sel lort��ereln,anC no Inpllatl eovenenis or o�llpetiona a�ell ba ImpoeeE upon Truetae;(E)No provlelons ot <br /> IDls O,etl ot Tmst e�all reQUlre Tmstee to expanC or rlsk Ite own funtla,or ot�erwise Incvr eny Ilnanclsl oCil9ellon In iha par <br /> lormance ol eny ol Ite tletiee� In IDe axamlen of eny of Ite rlghte or Oowaq I�It a�all heve prounEe lor ballaving � <br /> tnat t�e repaymen! o� sucn fontls or atlepuate IndemNry against such risk or IlaCillty !s not reasonebly aesureE to ip (c) <br /> T�astee may coisWt wllh counsal of Its own c�oosing en0 t�e aEVice of sm�counsal s�ell Se full entl complele eulhotlzetlon <br /> antl protectlor In ihe respect o1 any acUOn teken or sufteretl�y It�ereuntler in pooE felt�nnd rallanca the�eon;(tl)Tmstee <br /> s�al!no[�eliabletoranyactlontakenbyltinB�tlieithandressone0lyEelleveEbylil Oa�Yt atlon <br /> or rights antl Oowars conferretl upon It by iMS Deed o�Tvrt Nl�Mb <br /> 1E.AEtlI[IOnei 5ecurity Inelrvmente.Trusto�,al Its expgnve,w�`II axecute antl Eellrer t enG. <br /> such secutlry Insimmenis as may be reqWreC Oy Trustee,In lo�m entl suGSienee Satls� /Ne <br /> Property conveyarl by Nis Deetl o/Tmsi,whlch sewtl�y Insimmanis s�all ba etltli9onel securlty for'in.s!m's/aithful perfor� <br /> mance of all of tna terms,covanants end contli[lons ot t�:s Dee:!ol Tmst,the Loen Agreemenq eny promissory nates securea <br /> c:cby and any ot�er securiiy Ins!mmenis executed In ronnectlon wlih inia frensacllon:Such Inslmmonis shall Oe recorded <br /> or flie0,and re�recortlatl entl�nflted,a�Trustor's expense. <br /> 15.Mlscelieneoue. <br /> (4) Ic t�e evenf aoy one or mo�a OI NB provi9lons contalnetl In ihe�eeC of Truvy or iha Loen Apraemant or any O�omissory <br /> note,or any ot�er secutlty InsVUmant glvan in connectlon wit�iMS Vensection,ghall tor eny reason to be�eltl to Ee Im <br /> va!I�. Illagal or unenforcaebla In any respacq suc� Invalltllty, !!Ie9a�RY or unenforceeDllity shall, et t�e optlon ol <br /> fienfHdery,n0I 01fBCf eny 0[�af proVl910n O(ihl9 DBltl ol Tru5t,l�et i�19 Deetl Of TlUet 8�811 Ee COnehVed B9 1t SuC�io- <br /> vallO, Ilie6��orononforceebie Orovislon�aE neverDebn wntelnetl�ereln orthereln. <br /> (B) i M1is QeeC of Trust shaii be consfruetl ar^oralnp�a t�a laws o1 the State of Nebraska. <br /> (C) T�e JEEd O� TNSt SXell Ip3llle t0 eOd blpC [hB hBl(S, IBQ9IBB9, dBVi5289� eCTIOl9�lB10f9. ¢X¢Ni0l5, 3UCCE530l5 dlltl <br /> asslgns ot the parBes herero. <br /> (�) 'rusror shali pay all !axes levlatl upon ihlg peed of Tmst or ihe dobt secured�ereby,toBa:ner wlth eny olhar taxes or <br /> asssssments whlch may be levletl agalnst t�a Trustee or Beneticlery or ihe legal�oltler o/t�e Loan Apreement on ac <br /> count of the IndebteEness evlCancetl Ihereby. <br /> (E) Wh=neveruseEharaln,�he5ingularnum�era�ellincludet�eplwzl,iheplural,i�esinguler,t�eosaolanypantlarehellpe <br /> nppllcebie to ali gentlqra,antl the term"BSneflclery"s�all Include eny payee of t�a IntleEteCneas heraby eacuratl or any <br /> Vansier t�ereo�,whetha' by o0eretion of law or olherwise. <br /> 1G.Sueeeevor Truetse.Be.�elir;ary may fmm Ilme!o tlme suOstNue a successor or succassors to any Tmstae nametl�eraln <br /> or act!ng perevntler to exscute ihle Tru5t�eed.Upon suM ep0elniment end wit�out convenyence to t�a euccaseor Trvatee, <br /> [h^laper shall�e vesteC with s;!!I�Iw,powers enE tlutles conferreE upon any T�ustee�ereln neme0 0�ading�ereunEar.Eac� <br /> such appolnimen�antl subst!tWlon s�a0�e made Cy w.^.iten Insirument by Benellclary,contalning retarence to t�ls DaeC ol <br /> Trust antl Its plece of racorq whic�w�en rewrtle0 In��e ofHCe ot l�e Reglsiar of DeeAS of Ipe countv or eountles In wMC1 <br /> sald prcperty Is situa[ed,shal: be concluslva proo�of 0/oper eppolntment o�the succeasot Trustea.Tne foregoing power ol <br /> su�gtilution antl the p�ocetlure theralor ghaN not pe excluslve oi�h¢powe�antl proceEUre p+evideE tor by law lo�Ne so�sU�m <br /> Hon ot e trustae or Trustees In the place of l�a Truatoe or Truslees nametl hereln. <br /> tt. Forpearenca Cy BensllNery or Truslw Not b W�Irsr.A to�Eeeranca by Benellclery or Truetee In exarclslnp any rlg�l or <br /> rematly he!eunEer,or ot�erwlee nffordeE Oy epO�ICeEIe lew shell nof Ee a wa!ver o!or precluEe t�e axerclse af eny tlg�i or <br /> remeay hereunder.l!kowlnn,ihe wetver by Beneticlery orTms[ee ol eny EafeuH of Trvato�unEer thle UeeE of Truet e�ell not Ee <br /> aeemetl ro be e welver of eny otM1er or almllpr tle/eulls subsequenlly occwriny. <br /> 18.Te¢sMr Nol Halea�eE.E#ension ol ihe tlme lor peYment or moClfleetlon or emotlixatlun ot t�e svme aeeureE by t�a <br /> Deed of Trvet grentetl by Benallclery to any succaesor In Interest of Trueto�a�all not oparete to releflae,In eny manner,t�e <br /> IlaDlllty ol ihe otlBlnel Trastor ane Trvator'a soccesso�In Interesi.8eneticlary s�all not be reQUlretl to commence proceetllnps <br /> agalnsi sor.h successor or refuse to extenE!Ime for peyment or olharwlee motllty emortlzetlon of tha surps secvretl Ey t�e <br /> Oeed ol Trvst by reason of eny tlamantl meEe Ey Ihe oAqinel Tmstor antl Tmstor's sueceesom In Interest. <br /> 13.Opllon to Forec!oae.Upon�he occurrance oi eny aefault hereunEer,Beneflclary s�ep M1ove I�e opilon to foreclosa tMa <br /> Deed of Tms[In t�e menner proviCed Oy Inw lor�M1e/oreciosure of mortBa6es on reel proparty. <br /> 20.Tmator'a Rlghte,Apsenl DaleuN.Untll any Cefevlt In��e peyment o/InEeb�atlness�ereby secureQ or unUl�he breach oi <br /> dny COVCf1d01�Bt0111 CON91ptlQ�110 TlULIJf�1�9 90LC8980f9 911tl 0991Bp8�Bh�ll p099U99 GIIQ BIQOy�hB pIOPBlIy 804�BCBIVB�IIB <br /> re�ils antl proilts;horaiwm. Upon peyment ol nll sums sacured by thls Uaed o/Tmst, 9eneficlary s�all raqueet Truslee to <br /> rewncey t�a pro0arty antl s�ell surrende�ih!s Ooetl ot Tmst and ail notes and Loan Apreamenta evl�encinp IndaCtadness <br /> sowmG by the DaeC ot Trust to Trvstea.Tmetae s�ell reconvay t�e pwpetly wlt�out werranty enC wllhaut cnarpe to t�a per� <br /> sona 1=aell.�enOtled the�ato.T�e Qr&ntee in eny reconvayence mey Ee tlascribed ua'9�e person or Oereons entltletl iM1arato", <br /> and 6in rocltals thoroln ol eny maVOrs or iecte e�all be concluslva proof oi tha UvlM1lulneas Iporeol.Such paraon or poreon� <br /> shall poy a!I cosb oi recorCing,II eny. <br /> 21.T�ennler ot I�e Pmperty;Aesumptlon.ll al{or eny neh ot Ne Properly or an Intereel t�araln Is soltl or trenaferretl wll�avt <br /> BonoPClary's ptlo�wtlllan consent,exce0�ae ol�arwlse provltletl by law,Beneliclary mey,et Benaliciary's o0ilon,Oeclere all <br /> ;�o sums secarad by thls Daed o!Tmat to be Immetllately due antl Oaye0le.FeneOCiery spo.11 heve welvetl suc0 optlon to ee <br /> celamle il, prlor to I�e sele or�renel5q Beneflclery end ihe peraon to whom Ihe PropetlY Is to be so10 or hansferrod reac� <br /> m�zn-:- <br />