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. <br /> ti,., �, :. __ � •: � ; . , .., , l , , :�. �L .� . . . . . .� -�C � - <br /> . _._ ,:4 __��,, ti .,,. . �e:` � . , _. . - .. _ . .— . ... __. _ , � � _ _ __ _-=_ <br /> .<< �� ' . '� .�� ; ���� <br /> • .. . . �� � � . . � . � . � <br /> . _ ;��' -� - <br /> , • ! • - - <br /> ,, „ <br /> =- <br /> ... ----_... . . -- - . ...__._.._, <br /> _------- <br /> , � <br /> - ' , � � , .. , i .�,. .: _=_ <br /> . <br /> � �� �, ---- <br /> . . . -- -- <br /> ,_- — , .��_� _ _ <br /> ., . � .. <br /> �+�-: ......----._,_� ��.._._. .. . . _...... .. _ ....�..�____.__ -- -- . <br />:� �L; - ""' �1 .1.(J4�,�:� -= _- -__-__- <br /> ..--- -� .� <br /> � _ <br /> � .�__�._. . <br /> �a {�-`.-:-- ` � -- _- _ <br /> I�.�� �,..- _... <br /> ` `.�-�'��:' :-r '1'IHIF:fHF'sR�VI'i N��U thu impruvc�ucnts nuw��n c�r�t�Ptcc crcctcd��n thu prap�r�y,nnd nll ett.cntciAx,lip�u�lcnunccs, � <br /> �..r..,-;�'-: �►nd �xt►irev nu���w•hcrct�ftc�u pnr�ui'Ih�� pruperly. All rcpinccments�uid i�ddition.r• xhiiU ulsu bc cuvcrcd hy t�ds SccuritY �,.____-�— <br /> '„ 4'�';"'` Insu'untrnt. All ut'tl�u forc�nln�Is r��f«rcd to In thi�Sccurit Illtilf1u111`tll 11s thc"Ptro Gn ." -- <br /> �:,:a- b b Y P Y ���=.��------ <br /> '�",'�'� - - �- T <br /> �,y� BOIiRtO�V�tt Ct)VGNANTS Uuq tia�yti�w�r 1�lowfully seised aF il�c c�tate hereby convuyed und hi�s the ri��l�t t���runt � . .__ <br /> -- nnd�onvey tho Prn�+crty itnd tNut�tw 1'roperiy iv unencanthc:red,uxcept fur encumbrau�ce.r•of recurd. Rurr��wcr�vi�rr�uits i�+zd :� _ <br /> -- _ '..� will defend�cncr�dly Ih�tiQe tu U�c 1'rc���cr1y���uin�i A!1 cinims ond dcmi�nds,subje�ct tu ttny cncumbri+uces uf r�rord. �� _ - <br /> - - - 'T!!!J JhGt1R!'TY !hS't'!:L'.'.1L'":'t' .^�mbtacs tmifomt to�'cn;utts Cor nattantt! uxr am! n��t-�mili,rn� o�w�nfait� wi�l� � - _ _ <br /> _ - Umited v�vindons by J�rri�;diction tu�:unsUtutc��uniform sccucity Insuunicut cuvcrin��c+d propcny, � `-=- -. <br /> �;` +' ,'a UNIFORM COVEiNAN'I'S. t�urrowcr iuid L:cndc►covcn�int nnd i��;rcc ns fuUuws: `��e �sar� =- <br /> ,��r •_ 1. Pnymenl uf Principa)ond Interesh 1'repayment and I,ute Chi�rFey. 8urruwcr,r•luill pmmptly puy when duc tho '�" E���-'�- <br /> rincl al ot imd intcrast an thc deht ovidenc�d h the Nuta iu�d nn tt� u m�:nt�u�d late char,�ti du�under thu Natu. . " ����'�� <br /> j k ,1 p 2 h�nds Por 91Uxcs and Inwt►ra�ace. �SuhJcct to iipplicnblo Itav ar to u writ¢en wuivcr by l.end�:r,Horrowcr tihnll p+�y ta • r' `, s� <br /> r.s.u: ,- . . � _ .. <br /> ; r l,cndar on tho duy mnnihly p��ymcn�y cu•c duc�undcr the Natc,until d►c Natu Is patd!n t'ull, u sum t"Fund�')Fur: (a)Ycurly • '�,�- ;tiF. <br /> tuxeti und�is,essments�vhich may tutnin��ric�riry nvcr this Secu�iry In�t�umci�t nti u licn on thc Prupcny; lb)yeurly latitichc�l�l ' � , <br /> � pnymunts or ground rents on thc Nroperty, if itny; lc) ycarly ht�r.nrd ��r property insur�in��u pramium�: (d? yc:uly Iload ��. 1 �,�., •_. <br /> �,���� inxur:�n�c romiutns, if im , o) ycnrl mun�n�a insurnncc romiums, ii' im , and (� iin tiums �u uble b l�ar�awcr ta , ��`�';: �� ' �` <br /> . p y' ( Y b � P Y" Y • 1 Y Y � • ...:.,�... <br /> „�,..t' l.end�:r, in t�ccardnnce with thu prUVl�ioiis ��f piuii�ruph S, in licu of�hv puyment of u►urtgnge insurimrc p�c�ufumh. Thesa . . .. <br />� . item�aro callatl"6ticruw Itcm�.' Lcnd��r mny,i+t nny timo,cullr,ct a��d hald Funds in un a�muunt nnt to uxcecd tha muximum ` '��" .'� � .� ti, • <br /> r,.'��:, .,-..', .. <br /> '�' ' nmaunt u icndcr far u fcdc�ally relntcd mungn�;c lonn muy roquiru i'nr Hurruwers cscrow iiccuunt undcr tha fcdcrul I�cal � ' . •, , „_��T-- <br /> �'"•` 6stnw SotUcmont P��aceduras Act of 1974:�s�unendcd f'rom�Ime ta dtnc, 12 U.S.C.§?bU I��r srr/.I"�FiSPA">,unlusr unothut � • <br /> `,#�.�,,.,>t. <br /> �.. luw thnt opplios to tha il�nds scis i� Icsscr untuunt. If s��.l.ct�dc�•muy,nt uny limc.collect�►nd h��1�1�und�in un nmaunt not to ' ' ; �:a�_;y�=.. <br /> oxcced tho lesscr nmaunt, Lcndar miry cxUm►�tc tho �m��unt ��f Flindti duc o�i thu busis oi��urr�n► dula c►nd reiisonciblu :� � , " �_• <br /> ,,1a• usdmutes af expenditu�us of future Hscrow Items or uthorwise in nccurdunce with iippll�:a�blu I�iw. `��� ;.' r���r, �- <br />;'�;;=;�`. .:; T he F 1m ds s hu l l b c hc l d 1n a n i n s t i t u t i o n �v h o�e d e p mits i►rc insurcd b y u fcdcrt►I:+gcno y, instcumuntulit�. or entity ,;: . .'.,�.�.�s�. <br /> ; ,''�.:, (includin�l.cndcr,if Lendcr is such un imUtud��N or in uny F�dcritl Hamc Loan (�iink, Lrn�icr shnl)npply thc fund+lo�.�p � �I;°' - <br /> •`:'{ �� �� tha Escru�v ltems. L�:nder muy n�t rhar�o Burrawor ti�r I�uldinu and ��pplying the FUnds, unnuully analyzin� the escrc��Y ;�t� �__ <br /> •:`-;.,`; . 1.;:�''';`� uccaunt, or verifying �hc 6scrow Itents, unlass Lender puyti Harnavrr ii�tsitist an the Flin�l. wid upplicuble Inw pcn»it,y. . :-�° <br /> �;�i:;; � � Lcnder to mnke such i�chnrbe. Howrver, l.endcr may r�quire 8urrower tu pe�� u une-timc chnrge fi�r un independent real , 'f;,�,-' <br /> ��:���� cstate tux reporting scrvicc used by l.end��r In connerUon with Ihi�loan,unl��h�ipplicublc In�v provides athcrwisc. Unlass un - <br /> ,;....: . <br /> • ugreement is mudc or uppNcubic luw rc��ui�es intcrust to bc pidd,I..cndar shull not 6c required w p�iy Aurruwu�����y liitcrast c�r � •° - <br /> � . � carningx on�h�Flinds. Eiorrowcr und Lcndor muy��grcc in wridng,howevcr,thm intorost shall hu puid on thc Fundti. L,cndcr <br /> ' � . shaU givc to Oarrower,wllhaul ch.�r�;c,;in imnual uca�unting oi�the Funds,tihowinb creditti �nd deMis tu ih�Fun�ic und the '� �•: '".�_,' <br /> • purpose for which e�ch dehit to tha Funds wiir mndo, The Fund.r•i�ru pledged ns lidditionid sccuriiy fi�r i�ll+ums tiecured by �:N <br /> :.;�,� °'�• thi�Sccurity Instrumcnt. ' <br /> � � If tho Funds heid by l.ender cxrccd Ihe umuwus permined t� be held hy uppllcablc lnw, Lendcr shull uccount tn ' . ' t` <br />� ;:`;`�,� Borco�ver fo�the oxees� Funds in :tccordance �vith the requirements uT upplicnhla li�w, li the umuunl uf the Funds held by ��'° <br /> • • , . ,, <br /> , _ Lendcr at any timc i� :�ut xuf'lieie::s s:=}x�y thc �scrntY !lems whcn�l�:, l.cnder may ,c,n����';� I���rrpwpr in wridn�,und, in � --- '".�� 1__ <br /> such casu Hurrrnver shull puy tc� I.cndrr thu amuunt ncccssury tu miiku up Ihc drficicncy. Burr.�wor shall makc up Ihc �.; <br /> , '�. deticicncy in no more th+ia iwplvu monthly p�iyments,iu Lrndcr.l•sole diser�tion. `� , �. <br /> U pon pu yment in full of all sums sccurcd b y thi, Security Instruntunt. l.e�zdur,yhall promptly rufund ta �orrawer a�y � ;• <br /> ` ' - ____ _�__ _ __ - <br /> ____ runas ncia by l.cnqcr. II,unqpr paragraipi�.:j, i.ontiur+iiuii atcquirr or YL•it tI1C ClV�JG��'.�.a:��uc�,�ii��P a.��1�ii��iii:,�ii:lr v^: � S <br /> � � salc uf tho Property, shull iipply any Funds hcid hy Lcndcr i�t ihc tima �►i'ucquisition ur salc us ii crcd{t nguinst thu sums <br /> �ccured by this Sccurity Instrumunt. I , <br /> � :i. ApplicnUan �►f Po�ymenty, Unlu�s ;►pplicaihlu li►w pruvides uihcrwi,c, ull puymcnls reccivcd by Lendcr under f . <br /> piirugraphs I lind 2�hull bu a�pplicd;first, ta uny prcp;iynlo»t t;hm'�!c.r duo undcr ihc N��t4;st`�u�td,tu��mounts payuhle undcr E <br /> piac+gruph 2;third,to intu�'ast duu;founh,tu principt�l duu;und lii�t,lu iiny li►te chi�r�;c�duc�undcr thc Notc. � <br /> 4. (:hargev; Licnt+�. Horr��wcr �hull p��y »II tuxus, ��,scswments, chargcs, fincs and impositions attrihutab►c to thc <br />. Propony which m�iy uuuin priuriry ovar ihiy Security lntiuument,and lei�schold paymcn�s nr pmund mnts,if imy. Bu�ra�:•er j � <br /> rhall pay�hcsc abli�;atiuns in tho mannur pr�wlci�d in puragruph 2, ��r if not pnicl in thu�manncr,13nrnnvcr shall pay�hem on � . <br /> timc direcUy to the person o�ved puymcat. Hrnsow�r yhull prompUy fur��l�h w l.endor uU no�icns of umounts tn hc piild under <br /> • . thi.r• paragruph. If 8c�nowur mukcti these piiymentr direcUy, Aorrrnvor tihall promplly furnizh to l.cndcr recrlpts cvidcncing � � : � . <br /> tho puymcnts. <br /> HaRawer shi►ll prc�mptly dischnrge any Ilen which hus prioriry n�•er Ihi.Security In.r•trument unless Haaower: (n)ugrees <br /> in wrlting ta the payment af tho c�bligutiun secured hy Ihc lien in u miuincr ucceptahle ta l.ender;(h)contests in gaexl fiii�h the ' <br /> � Um by,ar detends��gninst etiforccmem ai'Ihe lien in,Icg�d pr��ceedings which in the Lenderti opinion��perute ta p�event the � <br /> ' cnfarcement af the licn;or(c)sccums flnm thc holder of'thc licn un ugrcemcni tiatisfiuiury tc+l�endcr�uharclinuting thc licn � <br /> '. tc�this Securily Instn�mpnt. Tf Lendor detemiincs�hi►t any pan��f the Propeny i.�uh�ect to a lien which may attain prlarity , � ` <br /> � ovcr this Securiry In:+uumant,l.cndo�muy givo Ha�7'��wcr it naticc idcntifying thc lien. Aorn�wrr shall sutitify ihc licn or takc � , <br /> ' ono or more of the uctians�et forth ubavo�vithin 10 duys of the�iving nt'naticc, � <br /> � �.. S. HAZn�d or Praperty Insurunce. Borrc�wur shuU kccp thc improvemrnts nuw existing ur hemai'ter erectcd an the <br /> Ptaperty insured ngainst lass by fire.ha•r,ards includcd wilhin thr tem�"�•xtend�d rovcrugc"and z�ny athcr hnzards, including � <br /> _ ' flcx�ds or flaading, far which I.endar rcyuircs in�uranca Thi� insurance �haU he mi�imained in the umuunts und for the <br />__ • Furo�i02li 9i90 rpAgC 1��(.pu,� <br />, <br /> I <br /> i <br /> _ � <br /> 1 <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> � - <br />