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<br />.i�:�,1�,, � h ,' , - 1i�1�lIICUIII@ Ilt\V Illlly S�C�IIy I(1�fCI11tiUlIl'111CIN){A�lll\`• ti11IC OI IIIL' 1'ropc�Yy punu►mt ta nny pu�vcr uP+i�lo cuntid�:ed in Ihis _ ---
<br /> Scr.uriq In�irumcni;ue lt�)cnlry��F u JudKmciit anfurcing Ihis ticcurlly In+�teiuncnt 'i'h�►.r•r condi�inny urc th�►t liurra�vrr; ln) . . . -
<br /> w `- �i� s I.cndcr nll rumti ��hich �hc+i wuu1Q tw duc un�ler this ScrurUy Ins�ru�9icnt iu�d U►c Nutc nti ii' nu ucrcicriUlon hi+d ' z-.
<br /> � ��` : ' `' uc�w•r�:d:(b)cures nny��cl�ault nP nny uthcr�uvrnantH��r uE+,racmc�us;(�;)payti�dl uxpens��y Incurrod 1��cnti�rcinit�his Srcuriip - , ,. �l
<br /> �=_ .. . Insutimcnl, fndudiu1,, hut nut Iimit��A t��, rcasonnhl���►u�►n�cy.r'i'rrs; nn�t (d1 t�+hes �ucl� uctia�t ;Gy l.endcr nury �cusunut�ly .�'��'�
<br /> '� = ---- requi�to nssare thnt HK Ik�n of 1h(x Security Instrument,l��mdcr�rl�;l�iw In�hc I�raparty and ll��nawcr\ahUgutiun to puy Ihc _ -_-- -
<br /> � .un�� s��c��rrci bv Ilds Sec�rrhy hititrumeni tih��ll c��n�inuu undi+►ngcd, Upon relnrti►tcment by I�a�ru�vc�•, Ihiy 5�eurUy - --
<br /> - instr►�nictd uuJ lhc ot►i{g.ii{an:,r.ur::3 lt�rc�►y�4r�!!) r���►nln fullV ui�ICCtIv<<A5 11�IlU IICI'CI171711ItU1 h�ld UGCU17Cd, Hu�vcvoe,ti�iti � � . :--_r _
<br />_ -"',` ' � right tc�rcinr�atc,hnil ni�t npply in�hc cu,�ul nc�cicrmic,o undcr pun►gn�ph 17. - ,- - ". - . -
<br /> '`� ly. Salt�uP Note; ChnnRe af Lunn 5crvleer 1'hc Nutc��r a pard�d intcrc�t in�hc Nutc liogcihcr wUh Ihis Sccuriry •
<br /> _ .� , In�trumcnq may Uu�uld��ne ar m��ru limcy withoul pri�ir nudr�� lu F��muwcr. A stdc m+�y r�suli in a�h��n�;e in thc cntity � .. _
<br /> ' (known ns ih�"Lunn Scrviccr"?ti►at caliccty mc�nthly p.rymcutr duc undcr thc Nutc imd�his Sccurity lnsuum��nl. Thcrc nls�i
<br /> , .• nu�y tw�>nc ar maro chunges ot'thc l.uun Sc�vicrr�mrclutcif ta a�nlu uP thc Nutc. If thcrc iy u chan�;u ut'thc l.nan Sc�wiccr, .
<br /> . ,.., Hurrowcr will bu bivrn wiilt�:u nuticc��f th+:chungc In accordancc wlth pi�ri�brnph 14 nixwe c+nd�ip�lii�,ihlc�liiw. '1'hc noticc ., .
<br /> will st��te thc nume nud nddresy��f'the nc�v l.ann Servlcer nnd the uddrrss t�►which payments shuuld he nrada 'I'hu nutice will ,
<br /> idsa cuntain uny uthce infarmntion rcquircii by upplicnblc luw. .
<br /> � Z0. Hniurduus substnnccs, E3oROw�r shnll mn cuuse ur perniit thc pm,cncc, u+c,disposal,.torugc,or rolci�sc uf uny
<br /> Na•r.urdaus Substitncec on t�r in ihc Prnperry. F�unawcr shull not du, n��r uUmv anyonc clsc t��do. �mything nffccting thu . •
<br /> Praperty that is in vii�lation of�my Environmentul[.ii�v. 'I'he prcccding 1�vii sentenrrs shull nut upply ta ihc presenre,use.��r
<br /> ` ' . starttgc on thu pruperty uf rmull qutindlieti at'H.uurdaus Subxtiu�res ttiut nre gcnernliy nv ugni•red to be iipprupri�uu tu nonni�l . , ,
<br /> „ ° residendnl uses nnd to mAintenimcc i�f the Prapr.rty.
<br /> 8orrowcr shal)prumptly givc l.cndcr wriucn notice of iiny invesdgatiun,cl.iim.d�m:m�l,la��•c��it ur othcr actiun by any • _
<br /> ' � �� govcrnmcnud or ngulivary ugency or privutc puhy involving thc Proprrry und uny Ha•rani��us Suh�Umcc or Envirunmcnu�l
<br /> ",.� .. I.nw af which Rarn�wcr hus actuid knawlcdgc. If autr��wcr Icarns, ar is notiticd hy am go��cmmental ur regul�u��ry .
<br /> � authariry.thal i►ny removul c�r uther remediution nt'�iny Ha�nrdous Suhstunce a►t'fectia�thr l�oF•e�ty is necestiary, Ne�rruwer , � ,
<br />. , . ' • • shall pramplly tako nll necessary remediid ucdon�in�iccardunee with Envirunmcntal Lnw. .r�': .
<br /> • As uscd in thls pnrngruph 2U,"Huzardaus Substnnces"i�ro thu�c.r•ubstaincc�dctincd z�s trxic��r hazu�dnus substnnccs hy r
<br /> �• Envimnmcntad Lnw and thc fuUmving sub`tances: �usulinc,kcroscnc,othr.r tlammablc��r ta�ir��c�n�lcum pruductx,toxic {'' .
<br /> � pesticides und hesbicidcz, vuli+tile xolvenls, muterials ccmudnin� cishestas c�r formaldehyde, :u�d radim�ctivu nu►teriul.r. As i , ' ; �
<br /> _., � used in this parugrnph 2U,"6nvironmental Lmv"ntcun�fcderal laiws und laws of thc,iurisdirtirn��h�re thc Properry is loci�ted ;. � •
<br /> - . thut rclatc ro hculth,ti��fety ar environmenu�l pratcctiun. �`' ' , ���'
<br /> :''' .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CbV6NAN1;S. Hi�rrowcr und l.ender further coveniint und a�•me a�frllrwti: � � •�"
<br /> � Zl. Accelerxtion; Remcciica. l.ender shall givc noNce ta Barrowcr priur to ue��eter�tion fallowinF Harrowcr's ; ' j �
<br /> breach af a��p covenaM or i��reeme�t I� lhiti Securlty Instrument(but not prior to ucv:elerution unQer purt��;ri�ph 17 �,.
<br /> unless u��plicable luw provides uther�vise). The nutice shull speclPy: (al the dePUUlt;(b)the actian required to cure thc !
<br /> � Is �iven ta Ht�rra�vcr.by���hich the dePi�ull mu�t be f � •t
<br /> desi9ult; lcl u dute,not Iess than 30 dnys fY'om thc date ihe nvtice �,
<br /> - � �v��ed;und ldl thnt Sailurc to cure the defuult un ar bef'ure Ihe dnte speci�7ed in the nuUce i��,�� re`ult in uccelerutlun uP ;�1�; . j:
<br /> ;;._____ sls��nas s�sar�d�►y 4�#�cecuritv Instrument i�nd uilc oP the Property. '1'hr nuticc shull furihcr inPo�m Burrawer uf �, . _
<br /> ' , :' ihe rlght to reiastnte a�f'ter t�cceleriiUan and the rl�ht tu 5rin�i+cuurt action tu a�.�ert the non•existence of n cic�ri�iii�� �- - ;
<br /> • ' i�ny olher defense uf Burrower tu iuticleri�tlun und sule. IP tl�e detiiuN is not cured on ur heFare Ihe ciate specifted in � ,�
<br /> INe nutice,Lender at its uptlun muy require immediute paym��nt in ilill aP idl sums secured br this Security lnstrumem .
<br /> :.;- ---—._ �viiituui �uriiici ticitiiti�� aiia'� i::::} :R:i=�t :h: =24wNr �f CHIP stntl stttv othei �•emedies uirmitted bY APPlicnble IA�Y. �._ ..._.,, . '
<br /> �`��` l.ende� shutl 6e enNtled to coltect ail expense, facurred in pursuin� thc remadles pru��ided In thl��aru�rAph Zl, t�'.- -- . .
<br /> ' � •� Includi��,but nat limited to.rcus�,na�hle uUurncy�'fees und rnsts oS Ntte evldence.
<br /> ,. �� IP the po�vcr oP sule Is invoked.'IFustce rhall recurd li nuti��r uP ciefuult in ca�ch cauniv in�vhich i�ny pArt nf Ihe �
<br /> Pruperty is locuted i�nd shull muil cupics�►P tiuch nutice ln the munner prescrihed by i+pplica�le In�v to Horru�ve�und ta ,
<br />- Ihu other persans prescribed by uppllct�bic It�w. ��IYer thc Unm required hy applici�ble I���•,"Irustee tihull �Give pubUc (
<br /> ni►Nce af Hs�le to the persanti nnd in the manner prescribed by appNcahle In�v, 7�ustee,«��thout dem��nd on H��rrower.
<br /> shnll sell the Pruperty ut public uuctian tu Ihe hl�hesl Uidder at the Ilme i�nd pluce und under the terms desi�;nuted in �
<br />— . the natice uP wule in one or m��re purcels und in um order'IYuster determiney. 'IYustee mi���pa.r•tpone sule of ull or�ny �
<br /> � pArcel uf the Property by public imnouncement iU Ihe time imd pluce��f any previousl��scht�fuled yide. I.ende�ur its i
<br />- • designee ma�}�purchuse the Propert�at:an�•�ule. �
<br /> Upun rccelpt uP puyment of the price hid,71rur►er shull dell�•cr to the purchnser 7t�us¢ec's deed canveyinK the ,
<br /> �� ,� � Property� '!'he recittds In Ihe'I1�usteN'ti deed shull he primii Pucie evidence uP the iruth uP the titutement�mude therein. �
<br /> 'll�uwter shall upply the p�aceeds uP the sule ln the Pollowin�order: lal to a�ll cuses nnd expeaces of exercitiin�;ihe po��er
<br /> . I _
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