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<br /> , .: ", � '1'Ut7[:TIIIiR 1V1'f N ali Iho impruv�mcniti aow ur hrr��allcr errrted on th.�prnpr�iy,nnd �dl eu�entrms,appurtcannris� : e --
<br /> •p
<br /> . i�nd tixtur�:s nuw nn c�nni'�cr u parl�N'�tic propr�ty. AII f1:�)IAC4'llll'lll\;md uttdlilum shull nl+u hr awrred i�y Ihiy S«urily ;- _ ,
<br /> ' . . • ;, 1»stnmicnl. All af�I�c fur����►ing is n:l'rnrd�u h�thk Sccu�iry 6i,uumrnt uti tiir "Pru��rny.,� --`-��-
<br /> -.. ..,�l' HQI3ltOtVl:R CY)VkiNAN7'S tltap Hurn���'r�ir lutvl�ully Yri+ed i�l�Il�c r�lutc lieneb}�Cum'rycd nn�t hm Ih�rii�hl tu E�raid .
<br /> � _. - �nct canvc y�Uw F'ropzt'ty+ind thut ihe Pruprr�y 1+wicncmutx:rcd,cxccpt fur rncu►nhra�nrc�of ecrur�L Nurra�rcr wummtr and •. -�-'-'
<br /> -. will dcfcnd�cnrrally Il�c�iQe tu ti�c Piu�khy►��;��fm1 uli cl;►im�nnd demnndy.�uN}ret t„n��y e�»��ml�r�+��e.«I�recur4l. �r_ c - `�
<br /> '-
<br /> _ -_•--� :
<br /> -- �) THiS SFCLiRIT� iiv5 i�i�ivli:ivT ��nuLiuc� �cc�if.��ati ��l�:R;tRi:; Far r,:itian:tE tr.:: at�� t:t�:r.��������mi c:i�•���r.mts +�ith =__ -
<br /> " ' � UudtcJ vur�u�ion.r•hy jurisdicticm tn�un�titut�u uu{f�u��se���rity in�lrumr��t�u�cria�rcal prs�prnv. � .. _ -- - -.
<br /> � � UNIFOItM COVBNAN'1'S, flunu�v�r nnd l.endcr ci,vcnnnt�md u�;+rc+��t'oil�nvs; ,� ,
<br /> ��- � ' 1, P'nyment oP P�locipnl und Intcre9t;Prepaymenl�►nd l.ute Churgry. Ni�rru�vrr�h��ll pnm�ptl�•pny�vhcn duc the
<br /> � . ` principal aP und inicrest�m the debt uvldcnccd by thr Natc nnd nny pirp,iyment amd hur rhi►rttr.duc�uider the Notr. . .
<br /> •:.:,c,. 1„ f�'unds for 71�xcs und Insoe��nce. Suhjrrt Ic�npplirnhlr Ima nr to n w�iticn�vuiver hy Lendcr,{lurruwrr�hnll pay lo
<br /> ' �`;,;};; '� l.cndcr nn thc duy mimthly paymcn!�atc duc undcr thc Nutc,until�he Notc is puid in 11i11,u �unt l"t�und�'1 fo�; l+�)y�arly . , '
<br /> . . � tuxas und nsscstimcnls whlrh may ats:+6n ptlu��ity�,�•rr Ihis Sccurity In�tnimm�t as a lirn an Ihr 1'rupcny;lhl y�+�rly Iciurhuld
<br /> •�.;;,` .. ' puymcnts or gr��und rcnts an thc f'roperty, i/ an�; (c) y��iuly hu�urd ��r pruprny insurancr prcmiwns: Id) ycarly Ituud �
<br /> .. . insurnncc promiums. if uny: l�) ycurly mun�,a�:t insur�tncc pr�miums, iF �my; and lf) ►►ny ,um. puyahic by Hurn+wec �o
<br /> , I.endcr, in ciccorduncc with ih�� pruvitiiims ut paragraph 8. in licu ul'�ha paynicm„1'mantii��;�insuranrr prc�nlum�, 7'h�'so • ,.
<br /> .. , itetn�nrr.cnlled"Eiscraw Itemti." Lender may,tu any Ume,rullect nnd huld hlmds in lin uou�unt iiut a�cxce�d ih�� maximum
<br /> �. �' ' um��unt n le�der fi,r u fed�:rally rcluted mungage luun m;ry requim fur Hattuwcrti cscrow ucc��unt intdcr tlq� fcdcral Rcal . ,
<br /> . • Fstn:c Sctdemcnt Procedures Act�,f 1974 as;arnrndc�l I'rum tirnc t�►tittt�, 12 U.S.C.� Nbtll rt sc��. („R�SYA"l. unlr�s.uautl�cr �; ,
<br /> '� li►w th�u upplics ta th�Funds sc�s li Ictiscr i�ntccanE. If so,Lcnde�miiy,at imy timc.c��Ucct and huld t�u�ids in un antovrrt nrt ti� .
<br /> rxcecd thu lesser umount. [.ender muy estina.at�: �he unmunt ��f Funds due un the haxis ut'curnnt diun :�nd rr:�s��nable .
<br /> ��.:;��'���'°•::': , ��': estimiUcx oF expenditures nf f'uturc I:scrnw I�a nry c,r�uhcnvitic in uccurdancc with i�pplirable luw,
<br /> :�-�'ii�'L�.'?`�"��•� � Th� fUnds shidl ho huld in +�n insUtutiun wh��::c drposits arc insured hy u fcdcral :�_ciuy, inxtrumentuliiy. ar retity , .
<br /> i,�.,:,.:„��:. .�� � pP Y F Y �'
<br /> ' �, �li�.:;,,`i , lincludinb Lender,If L.cndar is tiuch un insdtuNnn)�,r in uny Fedrrul Hnmc Loan Si�nk, l.rmi��.hall u 1 thr t�w�d.ta �a '' ,
<br /> ' .t�}�'..,. the �scrow ltom.r•, I,c:ndor muy not chnrgc (iorrowcr fi�r hnldin� nnd applyin� thc Fw�ds, annu+dly unulyxing thc cscr��w � :;`:;'�.�
<br /> f .
<br /> . uccount. ur varifyin� thu t?tie�ow Itemti, u�ilc�� L.cndcr puys B��rr��wcr intcr�sl an thc tlinds and upplicnhlc It�w porntit�
<br /> l.ender to mukr surli n chiuga Howcver, I�:nc�cr tnay requir� Bun<�wcr tr E•ay i�one•timc rhi�rge t'c�r un iiidependcnt rcul .
<br /> � ' axuue tux rep��nin�ticrvice used by Lcndcr in c�rynectiun with 1hi,Ic�un,unk s.npplicaMc lii�v pru�id�s�+ther�vi�e. Unle+�an ,;
<br /> . . " i�grc�ment is mada ur upplicublu law requ�rc.r• intcn�t to h�puid.i.rn�lcr,lu�ll nut tx:r�quircd tu puy Burec��ver uny in!rn����r -:
<br /> . . , � � • ► in crexl xhall bc ai�l��n thc Fund>. S�rt�dcr � ��°
<br /> c:n•ning.��n tho Funds. porniwcr and l.�ndvr muy„grcc in wriNn�„h��►cv�.r,th►t t p
<br /> , tihiill give to Borm«�er,wilh��ut cha��;�,nn unnuul xccownin���f the Flinds,showing credit�und dehit�tu thr Fw�d.and thc _ . -
<br /> purposo tar which uuch deblt to the Funds wus n��ude. The F•lmds are plcdgrd a.r•,�dditiani�l xecurity t'or all sumx�ecuR�i hy ,;
<br /> ,s' this Seruriry insmiment.
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender excced iha umoums perntitted tu he held hy npplirablr law, l.�ndcr shall .t�cuunt to , + •
<br /> ;��::`f"�'�� • Prrrrnti•er fnr the oxcesx Fu��d� in nccordunco�vith thc requircments ��f applicablc luw. If thc lut�ount of U�c Funds hc3��hy�
<br /> '�`'+ :L -- L@IIC�Cf ill illlY tI!llr �c��nt ,ut'ficinni to pay thc fiscrow Itcm�whcn dur, l.cnder ntay s�*mvify Borruwcr in writing,an3.ia ' `
<br /> :�:�s;��,'�— -------
<br /> , . ,. , such cuse Horc����er shall p:�y a�Luncicr �hr nmount neccssary tu makc up thc Qefiricnry. t3urrnwer rhnii maR� a� i e , -:
<br /> deficicncy in n��mor�thain twulve monthly paymcnts,iU Lrndcr�x��lc di�cr�;;i,,n.
<br />' , • Upan payment In full c�P i�ll�ums .ecurod hy this Srcurity Instrum�nt.Lender shull promptly�irtUnd ti� B��n�u��er:�m• '
<br /> �_....�._�_ r.... �.. _ .. �� .. 1. 11 .. n .hul i�r�ntir�� ni cell IhC NI'OOM�Y.l.l`I11�C1'.Df1t�C l��1�1►ill't�1U�1411�(10I' -----
<br /> ---._.. - _ _ -. ruu�f,i��::l� ..r i..:���r. ��.uncl�r par:er:�p.._..l..n�l.r.......! ..._,..._
<br /> ` • zulo a1 the 1'rapeny, yhi�ll apply nny Fundti held I+y L�nd�r iu the titn�� ��f acquisiiii�n ar�ule us u cmdit i��i�in�1 the�um. � - --�----... - . -..
<br /> � secured by this Se�uri�y Instrumrnt. � .
<br /> • 3. AppUcnNi�n of Puyments. Unlea, applirablc lu�e pria•ides ulh�rwitie. .�II puyntont� rcccivcd by l.rnder uiidcr � •
<br /> pur.igruphs 1 imd 2 shull hc applicd: lii:,t,tu an>' prcpayment rhargr�dur undrr�hc Na�c;,cc�m�l.�i� amvtmts piryahlr undcr i
<br /> . �:;,,.'; puragruph 2:third,to intarost�luu:fuunh,to prinripi►I duc:and lux�,tu any I��tc rhnrgcs duc undcr Ihc N��tc. i
<br /> ,r,�. , q. Chnr�es: l.iens. Horro�vrr shull pay ull taxe+, a„cssmrnt�, chc�rges. 1'inr, und imp�,�itions unrib�uahle Io the
<br />' �,.:����;:+';•' Propeny which mny auain pric�riry c�vcr thiti Sccuriry Inytrument.and Icuseh��ld paym�nts c�r ground r��niti.if uny. t3urrower ,
<br /> ,��,,:�;,;.���: shall pay thesc ohligaQon.in thc manncr pruvidcd in para�!raph 2.ur if nal puid in thui munncr. Ri�rroa•rr�h:dl p.�y thcm on ;
<br /> '':,�•;;;�' time directly to tho pe:rson uwed paymcnt. 13orruwer,hall pnmtptly I'urnitih to l.ender all nuticcs uf anu�unts tu he p�ud under i
<br /> ' � thir pnrngruph, lf Aorrc��vcr mukes thcsc p.rymcmti dircrtly, flarrower xhi��l�mmptly 1'umish ti� Lcndcr rcccipts cvidcnrinb � •
<br /> thc payments. i
<br /> t�t�ttawcr.r•h��ll promptly dischurgc uny lien which h.�s prioritv ovue this 5ecurity lns�rument un14�s BuROwcr:l.t►i+�rres
<br /> in«�riting to ihc payment of'the ubliguticm�ecurrd hy Ihc licn in u manncr.irccptublr tc�l.endur;lb)crntestti in goud t;�ith thc �
<br /> , � lien by.�r defendy aguinsl enfarcement of Ihr li�n in,lrgal pr�cvedinbs which in Ihr t.rnder'+opinion operine a�pm��nt the i
<br /> �� � rnf��reement of ihe lien;or(cl tieeures fmm the hul�lrr uf th�{ien un agreemrnt suti�factor}•tu Lrndcr cutmrdinAtnRe the lien
<br /> to thi�Security Inytrument. If Lender deterniine+that any part ��f ihc Property i�subjrct tu a licn whirh nwy attain priority
<br /> uver thi.r•Security Instrumtnt,l.endct may�!ive Hi�rmwrr+�nolice idemit'ying the licn. Borr��wer shaU sutisfy �he lien i�r take .
<br /> ' onc or marc of thc+�c�i�ms yct forih ubovc within lll d:►ys ot'thc�iving af'noticc. i
<br /> . � . 5. Hnr�trd or Propet'ty Insu�nnce. t3��rro«�cr tihuU kecp Ihc impruvrmrniti now exisling or hereat'ter erccted on the �
<br /> property insurcd aguinst lass hy firc,h;►znrdx inrludcd within�hc tcm�"rxtcndrd cuvcragr"and an)�alher h�•r.ards.including �
<br /> , Ilnods ��r iloodin�, t'n�which Lendcr reyuire� insuranc�. Thiti insuractcc shall hc maio�ainrd in thc amuimt. und t'nr thc ;
<br /> FurmJll.B 7�V0 �puye_'�,jnpci.�rn �
<br />.,(.
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> { _-_
<br />