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99 1062�3 <br /> E�HIBiT "A" <br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (SE}SW}) of Section Twenty-seven (27) , Township Eleven (11) :iorth, Range <br /> Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br /> described as follows: <br /> First, to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southwest corner of said <br /> Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW�) ; thence northerly, along and <br /> upon the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW�) , <br /> a distance of sixty-seven and two hundredths (67.02) feet to a point on the <br /> northerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway ;Io. 34, said point beging the ACTUAL <br /> point of beginning; thence continuing northerly, along and upon the last <br /> described course, a distance of Five Hundred Eighty-nine and Seventy-eight <br /> Hundredths (589.78) feet to the southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the <br /> Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (,1G7�SE�SW�) ; thence easterly, parallel <br /> with the south line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW}) , <br /> a distance of Six Iiundred Forty-seven (6�+i.0) feet; thence deflecting right 89 <br /> degrees 53" and running northerly„ a distance of Two Hundred Eighty-one and Eight <br /> Tenths (281.8) feet to a point which is Six Hundred Forty and Eight Hundredths <br /> (640.08) feet east of the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (SE}SW}) as measured along and upon a line parallel with the south line <br /> of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW}) , said point also <br /> being the northwest corner of a tract recorded and described in Deed Book 152, <br /> page 542, Hall County Register of Deeds Office; thence southerly along and upon <br /> the west line of said tract described in Deed Book 152, page 542, a distance i <br /> of Three Hundred Fourteen and Ninety-eight Hundredths (314.98) feet to a point I <br /> on the northerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway No. 34, said point being � <br /> Sixty and Two Hundredths (60.02) feet north of the south line of said Southeast <br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE}SW}) ; thence westerly along and upon said <br /> northerly right-of-way line, a distance of Two Hundred Eleven and Nine Hundredths <br /> (211.09) feet to a point which is Fifty-six (56.0) feet north of the south line <br /> vf said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE�SW}) ; thence continuing <br /> westerly, along and upon said northerly right-of-�ay line, a distance of Four <br /> Hundred Thirty and Two Tenths (430.2) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning. <br />