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<br /> r�. � 'I'OCit�"1'Ht?R \VI'fH nll U�c hnp�'uvenr.��ns n+�w un c�rr�dlcr ci�rrt«I i,n Ihr prujut���,nnd uU�n,rmeiHv. ��ppuu��nunrrh, , ~--
<br /> �. , �' �md f'ixturry u�,w ar hereid�trr:�piu�i ul'Ilir pruper���. All �rpinccmrnls +�nd nd�liUum+h;�ll ultic�h� cuverrd hy�I►i�9rrurUy � , - -
<br /> ` � � lorlruntc�tt AU��I�Ihe ie�reF��inK i�refrmd ta in lhis 5rcurity In�u�umeiU�iy Il�e"11�u�wily," �' ..�,`�'?
<br /> i:,.
<br /> [IURROWfiFi COVC;N.1N'1'ti�hul Hutru��•c�•Ir• l;�a�fuUy�scised uf thr rtitnt�har�l�y ��unv��yrd nncl hu��h��ritih�1�►�;r,�n� ';t' - ,4=�.�
<br /> „ ntnt r�ri�Yry Ihe('r��perly anit Ih.�t 111�Pru����1y i.r•uncncuinU���d.itxrcpi 1'ur cncumbrrmcrti oF 1'(CI�tYI. Hllf POW�i\Yi1C�lllllti 1111lI ---- -:_r _:
<br /> _ --_ � +�ill defcud�;���ernlly die Ullc t��Ihr{'ro�v'ri�'r�ynlnst uU�'lulntv;�ud d�mimds,suh{¢cl tu un�4�t�untltrnt�ca`�uf r�r�►1't�, � �"•
<br /> � 'PHlS S�.CUltl'l'Y IN�'CRI�M4:NT cumhines unifrnm cuvcnunl+ fur nulianc�l u�r unil nrn�•unifurm cuvcni�tn.r wllh ( '
<br /> - -. .. . limitcd vi�ri�uians hy)urisdictinn ta cunstitutr i�unif��rnt ticcurUy in.rirument r��vrrinh nal prup�rly. . . .. - � ---
<br /> UNIFORM COVfiNANTS. Bu�Y�uwcr i�ud Lcn�ier r��vcnanl uncl n�;ncr as fullut���;
<br /> I. I'nyment of Prindpal und Intcrest:{'rcpuymcn!nnd I.oRo t'ht���cti. l�urmwcr�I�idl pr�,mptly p.ry«�hrn duu�hc • •
<br /> principnl of and Intcrest un�h�dcM cvldcnccd by Ihc Nule und uny pmpuymant ui�d liuc rhurgrr du4 un�lrr Ihr Nutc. . �
<br /> Z, H�nafs fnr'IUrey ancl Insurt�nca SuhJrct ta��pplira�hlc luw��r ta a written �vnivrr by l.cndcr.Bunuwcr+hull puy t�, �.
<br /> l.ender on ihe dny monthly paymrmx�i�c du� undcr tlic Note, until Ihc Nutc i� pni.l in 1'ull,i►xum l"F�unds") fur: lul yc.u•ly
<br />. � • ti�xcti und assrssmenis which ntuy iUtoin priarity ovcr Ihis ticrurity Inslrumrnt u�a li�n�m th4 1'�uperty; lb)ycarly Ir;is4huld .
<br /> pnymenls ar t;rnund ren�s on �hc Pn�perly, if uny: (e1 yrarly Na��tird ur pr��pcny in.urnncc pruntium�; (all yeu�ly iluud -'_�__
<br /> � insuriincc premiumr, if' imy: lrl y�:urly nmrtg+�gc imurimrc pcemium�. ii' any: nncl (Il any sum. pi�yi�hlc hy Ili�rcawcr tu �
<br /> Lcndcr, in nrcurdimcc wilh Ihc pr��vfsi��ci+��P par.��ruph N, in licu ot'�hc pi�ynt4m ut'mi�rtgugc imuruncr pretnium�. Thrsc .
<br /> . ' itcros c►rc caUcd"L�cru�v Itrms.' l,cader ntuy.iu nny Unu:,culkcl imd huld Ilmdx in an iun��unt nut tu exccrd th4 nuixintun►
<br /> amuunt u Icmicr fur u 1'edcrally rclutcd►nortgiigc luan nmy rcquiru fu� Ilurcawcrk �scru�v uccuunl undcr thc 1'�dcrul Rci�l
<br /> tisUtte Sctdcmcnt Nnxcdurcr•Act uf I�)74 iis i�mcndcd f'rorn timr to timc. 12 U.S.C. § «601��r sc�1,l"lik.iSPA"),unlesx unalhu�
<br /> liiw that upplic��a Ihe Fund+xets u Icsser i►mUUnt. IP so,l.cndrr mary.III illlY lI111C,a�llcct und hold hl�nds in un��muunt not to ; .
<br /> , • ex�ccd thu Icsscr unx�un�. l.rndcr nttq� rs�imutc th�� umaunl nf Flmd� duc on �hr basi.r• ut��utrent diUa und ���u`��nuhlu
<br /> cstimutcs af expciiditurc.r•at't'ulurc fiscrmv lirms ur��ihcr�vi.�in ircrord:uirr with appUrahlc luw.
<br /> Thr hlmd�shall bc hrld in i►n instiuuiun wh��sc depusitx arc in.ur4d b}' t�fi:dcrn) ag�ncy, in.u�mx:ntiiHty. ur cntity . ; : .
<br />` , Uncludln�;I.cridcr, it'Lendcr i�such an inslitutii�n)��r in iuiy 1"v`dri•i+l Hamr l.uiin Bunk. L.cndcr shall upply thc Fund��u piiy '
<br /> .. the Escraw Items. l.ender mny not charge Borro�vrr 1'ar Nul�ling and apph�ing th� Fundz. ,umuall�• :u�aly-r.ing the eherc�w
<br />: � urcu�mt, ��r varifying the Ercrow Uems, unlrsti l.ender par�, Ho�ru�err intcre+t un ihr flmds and�c+��plicnhle lii��� permits
<br /> Lcnder to mi�ke such ii ch►►rge. H�nvever, Lundcr muy rryuiir Borrowrr I��piiy n ��ne•time chur�c 1'ar an indeFx ndent rrul �
<br /> est.►u lax rcp��rlin��crvirc uxcd by Lcndcr in conncrtion a�ith this lum�, ►mlc.,:ipplicuhle law pra�•id:�othcrn•isr. t'nlr+,un -
<br /> i+greement is nmde or nppliruhlc luw rcyulr�ti interest to hv puid,l.end�r shull nut hc requircd tu pa�•Brrs�n�r�'+u�}'intcnst ur f
<br /> cumings c�n thr Flmds. Rarrc��vcr�ind Lcndcr mi�y+i�rcc in writing.howcvcr,ih:u int�rc�t shuU bc�naid un thc Funds. I.cn�lcr I .
<br /> shidl givc tc� Hoirowcr, without charg�,an annu.�l urci�unting ul'�lir Fun�lr•,shuwing cr�ditti and dchit�tc�ihu Funcl��md the � ''
<br /> pur}�osc fi�r which cach dchit t��thc Funds wax mada Thu Flinds urc plcdgcd as ndditiomil sccurity t���r all tiums�rcured hy � , •
<br />- this Sccurity Instrument. f
<br /> . :' ,
<br /> ' � ' IP thc Funds hcld hy l.cndc� cxcced thc amoun�s prrniiltcd t�� hc hcicl by applicahlr la�r. Lrndcr shall uccuunt lu .
<br /> :.
<br /> � Honmvcr fur thc 4xrr+� Fund, in uccurdmicr ���i�h tho r�quir�mcnt.of appflcahlc I.�a�, lf th��miutmt ot'thc: f�und�hcld hy. . • � :`'
<br /> .:.,,,..
<br /> - '= I.cnder iu:my time i�nrn suf'ficicnt tc�pay 1hr�.cruw it.:m. ��°h�r� iii�e, i.��nde=m;�y 5�1 iiOSi=�' a�ilTiizU%Ci Hi ttfi{�11�,::iul, l�i
<br /> . such cuxo Aurrnwer shull puy to l.ender the umount nrress�u-y t�� mnkr U�) lF1U CICIII'14I11')�. Qorro«��r �hall ���aku up thu �����_-_:^� ,�i
<br /> dcl'icicncy in m�murc�hun tw�lvc munthly p.tynt�ntti.iu l.ondcr�snly dis4ru�i�m. ��
<br /> _--- ...____....... Unon naYmrnl in full ��f nll rums scrurcd hy thi► Sccuri�y ln�tmmcnt, Lcndcr sh;�ll pr�mptly ref'und�i�Hrrra����r uny
<br /> _ . . --
<br /> Flindti licld hy Lender, IP.�mdcr pur;�gri�ph�1,Lrndcr+h�di ucyuira or ticu inc i'm�en}, i.unper. pnor tc,the acquisitian or � _ . �..- .
<br /> tiale i�l'Ihc Praperty,shull upply iiny Fundx hcld hy� Lcndcr at thr timr ��f ucNuisition ur salc ii� ii rradii�►�ainst ihc sums I .
<br /> sccurcd by�his Security In�trumcnt• �
<br /> ;1. AppUcntion of Puyment�. Unlc�+a appNrahlc law pnwidc, �uhcrwiu, .�II p;���mcnts reccivcd by Lendcr undcr
<br /> paragr;iphs I and 3 shnll hc upplird: first.t��:uty prep;�ymcn►rh�irgcti dur undcr thc N��tc:rcrund, tu anu�unts payi�hlc undcr i ,
<br /> parugrnph 2;third.t��intcre,t due: fnurlh,ta principal duc:iind last.tu;my I:nc�h:�rgcs due under lhc Vote. I
<br /> 4. Chu�ges; I.ien.r•, Hnrr��wer shall p;ry all ta�xeti, u.tie+�ment�, churges, fines and impe,siti��m mtributahlr tu Ihc I
<br /> Praperty which muy iuu�in priorlry ovcr this Seruriry Instrumenl,und Ira+rhi�ld payments or�round rent.,if am�. B��rrower �
<br /> - shi�ll p��y these obligatiuns in the manner pru�•idcd in paru�;raph�,ur il'not paid in thnl manncr,Nnn•r��er shall puy them un
<br /> �ime direrUy t�,ihe person uw�d paymrnt. Hc,rruwor�hiill pnnnplly tiirnizh tu l.endrr all nnticcs ut�amaunts tu hc paid under
<br /> ' this��aragruph. lf Bnrcower make,thcsc p:�yment� cHrertly, Horrowcr shull promptly furnish to t.endrr recript�e��idencin�
<br /> ' thc payments.
<br /> � Harrawcr shall pn�mpUy dirchnr�c imy licn �ahi�h ha�priurity uvcr this Security lmvuntr►u unlr�s Borcv����r:�a):�grcc,
<br /> in wriUng to the payment uf'thc uhligatiun+�rurcd hy thc lirn in��m.mnur iicceptahl�u�Lendcr:thl c�ntests in good fi�ith the ,
<br /> ' lien hy,or defends ugi�inst enforcemcni ot'the lien in.lu�i�l pr��rccdings which in ihc l.r�idcr's upiniem oper,Uc tu prevent the !
<br /> enfi�reement of thc lien; ur(c)securoti from th�holdcr uf the licn an a�;rcenunt ti;uirl;�etor�•to Lender sulx�rclinating thc lien '
<br /> ' � t��thiti Sccurity In�uum�nt. lf Lcndcr detcrminc,thai�iny pan ��l'thc t'ruprrty is subjcrt t��a licn «�hirh may attuin pricuiry �
<br /> � c�ver this 5ecurity Inxtrument,Lender mi�y gi�•e Bircn�wcr ai nntice idrmil�ying thc lic��. Burra��er�h�ll s�►tis(y lhc lien ur take �
<br /> onc or morc uf'thc actians sct farth ubovr within 10 dayti uP thc giving��t'nuticc.
<br /> S. Hu�urd ar Praperty lnsuruncc, 6arro�ver tihall kc�p Ihc impnn•cnwmti naw cxisting��r hrreuftcr crcctcd i�n thc �
<br />_ Piroperry insured ugiiinrt los.hy i'irc,haiardti included within thr irrm"extende�i ruvcr���e"imd�iny rnher ht+zurds,including i
<br />_, flaods ar Flnodin�, fur which Lcnder rcquirez in�urancr, l'hi+ in,ur�uir� .hall hc m�intuinrd in ihe amama and t'or thc '
<br /> Fiirm 1028 9/00 ip�i,�e:��ln/ki.er��
<br /> ;l . . _,:. - . . � . .
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