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- '�±r�� , ��� ����.. <br /> , '"�+��s 3,2�-e' : �aw�y-s.4v^eR' ' yc/p�. *� . � . . .. ., ` " � ' . .:.. . . . .. . .. . . <br /> >v:..�'�n`�tr�s"��t�4'f��'1r�•.� y,..,'YK ,.`� , ...,. � �a.e •.� . ,..._ ...�� ' ' <br /> �il-'~�.� . . <br /> �•.�� � <br /> iv'i��:: - _ � - . '� ' <br /> `:y <br /> S'c".:`�' . . ., . <br /> cti!.:.'`h . _ <br /> g s,�'�: <br /> �k.�:_'.ik _ . <br /> �� 9',7 3.(�+�r �y <br /> '`� , w � .� <br /> �_� <br /> � a�p':uable law mav speci£y ti�r reinst2tement) before sale of t!�e "t'rc�rty pu;sua��t to any power of sa:e contained in this <br /> �>�:" S�•;uritv :ristrument; cr(b)entry of a j:;dgme�t enfcrcin�this Ser.�� Ir.strument. Tt�o�e conditioes are that Borrowe�: (a) <br /> �"'"�"� pa�:s i,ender ali s�ms wnict: ehen would be due un!�er t}:is Sec:irzty Ins!�-1!ar.ent and the Nr,e as if no accaleration had <br /> '='�'-= t � r � �- 1 S a;l ex nses:a�ur�ed in enforcin this Securit <br /> � ; acc�srre:3;(L�)cures any tiefau�t of any othe. coven..��or agreeraent�;te)p,y. pe g Y <br /> � ' ;nstntme�., ittc ludittg, but no: limite� :o, reasr�able actomeys'fees; and (d) takes su.^h action as F.end�r may reason�bly <br /> �'��' .*rGsire to a�sure that the lien of this Secu^�ty Inscnsment,Lender's rights in the�operty and Bortower's ohligation ro pay Yhe <br /> � sums secured by this Secur�[y lnst:.;mert shall eontinue unchanged. l'�,on reinstaternent by 50: �er, this Security <br /> ��:. <br /> *� ° ?^�t-ament a�d th�obl;gations secured'nereby shall remacn fully effecti��e as if ro acceIeracion had ocr. •d. However,this <br /> �'"� ;ight ic-einst�te shatl not apr4j-in dle cas.e of a.ceteratien under paragraph i?. ' <br /> ��..<-;. <br /> � 19. ;ia�e of tioEe; C'oange of S,aan Servicec The Note or a partial interesE in the Notz (together with this Security <br /> �:�, Jr,st;umert? r*.:ay �e sold one or more times wit�ou:prier n�c�ce to Borrower. � sale may r2�ult in z change in th° entity <br /> ���ra lkno��n as the"Loan Servicer")Ihat collecU monthly payments�ue unjer[he Note 2nd this Security lnswment. There atso <br /> �,� mav be one or more changes of the L.oan Se�•icer�nrelated to a sale of the Ne.e. If tViere is a change of the L+�an Servicer, <br /> ��� So:rower will t!e given written n.�tice of ihe change in accordunce with pasagraph 14 above and applicable law. "Il7e notice <br /> ���''" <br /> »s'� " �t:ll state the name and ad�!ress eF th��e+v'+_�an Servicer and the address io which payments should be made. The notice will <br /> � �' a?.o c^�tain any other informatior.r,:quired by ap�licable taw. <br /> `=;�i;=; 2�. IiaTard�us Substances. 3cirower shall no:cause ar permi!the presence,use,dispc+sal,storage,or release of any <br /> ` T�a��rdous Stlbctances on or in tt;e Property. Boco�ver shall not d�, n�r alEow anyone else to do, any-thing afiecting the <br /> ��rfi. <br /> P;ooeny th�t is in�ialatioa of any En�•ico�.mental 'ihe pre.ceding two se::tences shall no:apply to the�resence,use,or <br /> r -' :tera?e en the i'rr,�m�of smali quantities of Hazardous S�ustanc�s that are generalIy recognized to be agpropriate to nomnai <br /> .:;.:e;titial uses and to main,enar.ce�of the E`roperty. <br /> . Bnrro�aer shall prornptly give Lender wri?ten notice of any investigation,claim,demand,laws�it or other action by sn� <br /> " �c�vern:nental or rceulator� aecncy or private party involving the Property and any Harardous S��stance or F.nvironmeniai <br /> f�� f r <br /> �- -��c L��� of v.hich Borrower has acwal knowledge. If Eorrower lea�sis, or is notif2d by any governmental or rguleto�� <br /> c'-��= a�thnricy, that ar.y remova! or other rem�diation of any Hazardous Substancc affecting the Property is neces�u}�, 6orro�ar <br /> �'��� si�ull pramptiy take aif necessary remedial actians in accocdance with Environmental Law. <br /> , �i As used in!h:<,paragraph 20,°Hazardous Substances"are those substanc:.s defined as toxic or huardous sub�tances by <br /> x��z Envi�crmenra! Lavf and the fol!o�ving subsiances: gasoline, kerosene, other{�amr��a��e or texic �troieum produc's, toxic <br /> ��:�°r <br /> �;�a.,°_w�'� pestic;des and herbicide:. vo!atite solvents. materials contaiain� asbesros or for,nal�iehyd;:, an� radioactive materials. ��s <br /> y ^rT�3: <br /> _ �• �iscd in this paragraph 20,"Environmental La��"means Federai laws.�nd lav;s af the jurisdic�ion whe;e the Property is',acated <br /> ��",�' s�;at relnte to heafd-�,safety^:cnvironmenta:Protection. <br /> � .} <br /> "���;� '�O'�I-�tiIFORTS COVE?�ANTS. 8orrower and Lender lurther coner.a.7t ar.d agree as foliows: <br /> =�-�� ?1. ,�cceferation; Rernedies. Lender sha�! give nfliice to Borr��R•er prior to accelera!ion follow�ing Borrower's <br /> �-<=�` nreach of ar.�� cocenant nr agsee;ment in [hs�Securi:y Instrument (but nu! prior to acselePa!ion under paragraph 17 <br /> "�xr•. <br /> , ;y;� unless appticable tati��proti°�dt�s oti�cnvise). h'he notice shall sQPCifti�: (a)the defauit;(Fj!he action required t<►cure ti�e <br /> d4favit: fc) a date, not ►.E��s than 'i!1 ,iay�s irom the d�ie the nntic� 'ss given tc� Borrower,by which the default must be <br /> �"�� c►�red;and (c!)ttcac f:n`arz t�+:•ure th�e deiault on nr beiore lR:e �� �s�ec;!ied in the not'sce may result in acce9eration of <br /> ��� th�sums sec�red `+;� ,,�, Sec�n•its; Instrument and sale�f t:�� "r:i;�.LrS}. The notice shaiC furth2r inform Boreo�r�er o£ <br /> ��k, <br /> �:_<�`;�+ ihe ri�fsi ko reinstale:+f4ez s�cce(eration a�d the ri�l�t t��?�ran?t� :�art aclian to as.sert the non•existence of a detault or <br /> ,�.�.;� zrz�• cithet' (�CS�C11�C 0� �'a,�r���ser fo acceieration :ind s nc. If the d;F-iult �s 7nt cur€d on or beEore the date specilied in <br /> � �''� the notice,[.ender:a! „s optiom m�.�reot�ire imme�i¢ate,��:ayment�r, F,�I!o` a!1 sums secured t�y this Security]nstrument <br /> =''�"ra; •�:ithout furthe,- ��lerzand and ma�� invo4:e the po«�er �,r satr_ atu� � iv c�tizar remedies permitted by ap�licable laµ•. <br /> ,�^�� i.�nd<,�: sF�all ize er�;itl��ci to coilect ail e,r,�es�ses incurrrc? i� pt�rs�:r, t6�e remedies provided in ihis para�ranh ?3, <br /> � � <br /> ��� ;f inciud�n;,=,5ut!eot!ii�+:e�i fo,reasora �� at •,•r3eys'fee5 a;��i costs ot�i.t�e evidfnce. <br /> x �.� If th� p�i�tier o"sa�e i� irisoked, 'r�i+ .c sha11 recur<� a notice oY dtil''�ult in e:�ch countv dn �shich an� p��rt of Qhg <br /> �'��=�� Yro;�ert} is loc�ted and shali mail co�� es c�f scich n<�tice in the manner��•e�:r,eit,ed by appiicable law to Barrower and to <br /> vs..,�;:?;tE <br /> �,��,�t� thc oti�er perso��s t rescri�ed b� applar�(tie iau. Afier tF:z time reyuir��n '�g� a�plicable la�v,Trustee shali Qice public <br /> �-a�}� nc��ice«F sa�e ta the pers�ris and in �I;e mcensier 7rescribeet by ap�,licable ia�ti•. '{'rustee,µ�ithout demand �n Borrower, <br /> �" '�� �ha11 sell the I'ro�erty at public aact on !o,'�e highest hidder at the time and ptare and under the terms desi�nated in <br /> �s-��"� <br /> ��� ti�e notice c�f sa{e ia one r�r mnre pai•cels ar�J in any order Trustee detcrrnines. Ti•ust�e rna}�pastpone sale of all or an� <br /> '��'�` t,arcel of tt3e Prnrert}� by public anaroiim�ement at the time and p!ace af ar���,�f��iou�ly scheduled saie. i.eRder or iis <br /> ��`} � designcc�na��purchaSe iltic Yr�;{�crty at an�,s:.alc, <br /> �5 �f t'hon �eceipt o!' na3�ment of the nrire bid, ;rustet shall deli��er to itie purchae�;er 'i'ruste�e's deed c+�mecin�; fhc <br /> :��v*: ;. <br /> ��� � 1`r��3�ert!.. 'i he recitafs in i"tse'1'rustee's deed sha!! !:e;,riena iacie evider�ce of the trafh uP t14e statements made therein. <br /> �'�-':= + Tru�tee�h�a!I app4s�the pr�iceeds of the sale in?he fnllnwing ortier: fa)tn a!{costs an,�ex�eczses of exercising thr power <br /> �+ <br /> s��� <br /> �� <br /> �. .��,� <br /> h <br /> �f��'+':'2 <br /> �C`t��-� <br /> ��� <br /> e^�.7` Form 302R 9?90 !/��t,te 5��Jhlui,tecl <br /> s��� <br /> � <br /> .., , <br /> ,� ""�i�:� - <br /> h`�-... <br /> .n,{_,y�;� <br /> �� <br /> yifr <br /> ' �� � • <br /> ����. <br /> r <br /> i <br /> :'�`j " . <br /> �� <br /> x .. <br /> L�� <br /> e�+'�*� <br /> ��y <br /> r <br /> C`� - <br />� �"e��+sfi' . <br /> �:� <br />��� <br /> N <br /> F�y,s ,.�x � . � . . <br />; - <br /> y,R1 <br />�°. �:,, <br />�^r��*��.;a <br />,���g��3� <br />