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� R ' . - . ._ --- , ...__:. .. .. ........ - r -=-w --� � -- - <br />-- '- . - . . •• . � .... r- �. <br /> - . = -- °°- ---• <br /> : , - � <br /> r�__....�y��� � — <br /> _ ��`—� ��a � �µ�� <br /> ` .' - - �Ff�C�Ii`I`�I{�W�YI C►II lltt!Iiii�li'�SVt'.iil�'i119 Ilt}�Y iti�(1Cfiii��CP KCCC1Ct)t1J1��IG{t�'(tjtilYY.qttt�k{��C:4 CI1tC:tla.QjZ�ufiPtlPfICP4. <br /> und fixwre9�iuw nn c�rcnRcr u�art��f'Ih�pi�upe��y. All replu�emc�uy n�id udditluny shull nlyo t►�cove��cd hy thfy Sccuilty -_ — <br /> , - '°- _ Insttumenc. Ail c1P the fa�egning i9 retemd ta in�hl�Secui ily InvNUn►��nt uv�tn�"1'i�a�k�iy." <br /> =^�. �.• ��.4 HU�!ltUWE?K('OVliNAf+�'I'ti Ihut Hurruwcr iy Ittwiblly hrised�►f�Ito rstnte hcrchy ranvcycd iutd hus tQ�o r0�ht lu�;rant <br /> .�,-M.. <br /> �+=•^�-�=��=��� and co��vey lii�F'ropetly nnd dtal ciw flra�k�rly iy unencumhe�rd,exrept ti�r encumhre►nce!+uf�cre►rd. tiurr�wcr wuerauty and ' <br /> - '�� '� will dcicnd gcac�all li�o Iiilu lu Iltu Pw tifi t���►Ins1 all cintms 7nd dcmnnds °uU ect to nn rttcumbrnriCev of rtcnt+tl. <br /> - �a4 Y f ' Y �� j y — -- _ <br /> �- �_�-� "F[_ ._�__,_�,,,�_ THIS S�;GUftITY IN�TEtUMGIV'C�ambim:y uniPurn� cuvenwns for nuUunW use nnd n�m•�!nifi�rn� covennmx with — <br /> ' ..��.--�--�.�� limited vurlatiuns by JurlsdicUon tu cc,n.rtitute n unifi�rn��ccu�ity instn�oicm rovcrin�rci�l pr��p..rty. <br /> - - <br /> ` � UNIFOR;d COVfiNAN1'S, eurra�vcr und l.cndrr cavenunt unii ngrco us fallawy: <br /> �x=Y . -� � -�- <br /> - � .��.-- i. !'uyment of Principut artd ieitc�esi;i'�epuymrht�nd GnEa Ciiat�e�� livi:�►�vet r�hatil p�at�pt{y{say w{�n due thc �:: _---- <br /> A <br /> ;`�� , � � prisufpnl nf und intcrest un�hC debt ovidrnCC�l hy the Noto and nny pmpnymcnt nnd inte rha�geq due undcr thc Nc�tv. ��__ <br /> 't=� "' _� �` , 2. hLads rar`ii�x��and Inserance, tiuhJcct to nppH�nhtc Inw or to a wrltten wuivcr by l.cndcr,Barruwcr nhidl pay to - ---- <br /> T ' Lendcr an th�dny monthly pnymentx ivQ due under thc Nnte,unUl tho N��to is pidd in full.u xum("Funds")far:(a1 ycnrly —__ <br /> � '��-�s� �� to�c�und c�s�essmenty�vhich muy i�uuin prlurUy�wc�thlx Sccurily Instrument aiy��lien un the Pn►perly;(h)ye���ly knseh��ld __ _ <br /> T�� paynKnts ar grouad rente an tho 1'mpcny. i f imy; (c) ycurly ha•r.urd ��r prupchy insurance premiums; ld) ycutly flond =--�- <br />�� � in�uruncc pmmiumy, if nny; (e)yearly murt}}ugc insurnnre premiumy. If uny; nnd (� n+�y sums pnyable by Burrawer to __ <br /> accordnnce with the pruvirinny at'piuug�c�ph N.i�liou of the Payment ai'mc�nga�ge inxurunce premiumy. 7'hese <br /> ' • . • items ure cuiled"Rscrow Itemx." Lender mc�y.nt nny�ime,culiect and h��id F1�nds in im nmount nat to exceed thv muximum <br /> � ' nmaun! i► lendcr far i� fcdcu�lly rcluted mon�u�c 1�►an miry requiru fi�r Burrawcrk c�r�z�w nccaunt undcr tho fcdcrnl Real <br /> � � .. Estutc Seutement F'r��cedures Art of iH74 ati nmended from timc to Umc, 12 U.S.C.�2bq1 c1 se�I.("RESPA").unlesw nnather — <br /> ' ' ln�v thnt uppiics to th�F1mdx rctx u lesticr umuunt. If tio,Lcndcr mi�y.ut ciny timc.c�llcct nnd hold H1�nds in un i�maus�t aat to � <br /> '� � cxcecd ihe Iesser amaunt. l.endcr may c�timutc thc i►maunt of FUndr duc nn thc bi�yiw uf'ruRCnt duta und reASOnublo <br /> � exUmatey af expeaditures af future�scrow Iten�s ur otherwise in i�ccardmtce H���h upplicuble luw. _ -_ <br /> � � Tlic Fl�nda sliull be hctd in un instituticm whosc depayity u�c insured by i� fcderid agcncy. ins�rumcntl►lity,ar entity _ _- <br /> (inrluding Lender,if l.endcr i�such un inxtltutionl�r in imy Fedcriil Homo Laun Bunk. I.enJcr shitli upply the Funds tn pny _-__ _ <br /> thc 8scraw Itomx. Lendc�muy not churgc Barta�vcr fc+r holding und upplying thc �nds, nnnuully anulyTing �ho rsrraw _-_- <br /> � itccaunt. or vediying the 6ticrow Itcros, unletis Lend�r paya Hc�ttawer interest cm thc Fl�nds ai�d appHcublo Inw permitf+ �3_ <br /> _ ' .. Lendcr ta mako such u char�c. Huwcvcr, l.endcr mny rcyuirc eorrawer to puy n ane-dmc churgc for un independcn�reul _ <br /> , estt�te�ux rop��ning service u.ed hy I.ender in cnnnection with this l��an,unlev.r•tipplicublc luw p�avides criherwise. Unless un =�- <br /> ' i�grcement is mudo ar i�ppUri�blc luw rcquircr interest to bc pnid,l.cndc�sh�dl nut bc requircd ta puy Harrawcr uny intcrcst ar ,--- <br /> � ci�ming�on thc+�ad.r•. paR��wcr i�nd l.cndcr muy a�grcc in writin�,hc�wever.thut interc.r•t shull hc pnid an the Fl�nds. Lendcr �_��'-=- <br /> ' .. ' shull givc to Borruwcr,withuut chur�c,an unnual uccaimting�f thc hl�ndti,shawing crcdit�And dGbits to thc Funds und tho �.`_'���_ - <br /> purpose fi�r which each debit tu ihc Funds w.��m�tdc. The Funds urc picdgcd nv additionul�ecuriry far ull tiumy sccured by �.� <br /> � thi4Securityl��trumcnt. _''____ _ <br /> � IP thc hLnds huld by I.ender exceed thc umaunis pemiiRed ta bc hcld by upplicuble li�w. l.ender tihall acci�unt ta e;-- <br /> Bartawer for thc cxccsti Ft�nds in i�ca�rdunrc with thc rcquirement�of lipplici►b!e Inw. If the amaunt uf the Flmds held by �•__ _ <br /> ' l.cnder ut uny time ix nat�ufficlent 1��pay the�u:row Items when due,Lender mny sa notify HnROwer in writing,und. in -- <br /> .r•uch ci�,e B��rrawer sht►Il p:�y to l.ender thc umnunt nece�tiury to muke up!ho derclency. Barrower shall mciho up the ' — <br /> ' _ dc�icicncy in nu marc tha�n twclvc monthly paymcniti,ut Lrnder�solc di�crctiun. �_`�,T�,�'d� <br /> Upon p�►yment in fuil uf:di xums.ecurcd by this SecuNty instrument,I.endcr rhuil pramptly rcfund to 8orrc�wc�uny --= <br /> " .',. <br /> , f•unds held hy l.ender. !f,under par�►g�uph �1,I.endrr shull ucquire ur ticll thc Yrope�ty,Lcoder,prior ta tho acquiziUan ar � <br /> tiale of thc Pr�perly, tih+iU c�pply imy Fundti hrid hy l.rndcr�u ihc timc��P uryuisilinn or sulc A�u credit ubuinst thc suma - <br /> --�----- ---= s�!•ure�by th{��ecurlty l���t��m��nt. �i� <br /> - �. .lppticAtian oP i'AymeMti. Untesti appiicablc liiw prc�vidr� nthcrwl.o, All payments rcceived by l.ende� under - -:�'�"� <br /> paragr:►phti I und�xha►II hc:ipplicd:fir>:t,t���my prrpuymcnt churges duc undcr thc Nutc;scrnnd,ta umnunts paynblc undcr "' �'�+� <br /> I', parugruph�;third,u�intcrctit duc;P��unh,tn principid duc;and liis�,to any lutc churges duc undcr thc Nots. <br /> ' 4. Char�evs Lleny. Bormwcr shull pay all t.�xcti, ii+sc��ment�, chiir�eti, finr. �md im�u�viti�mti iutrihutublc t� thc ° <br /> . Property whlrh may intuin pri��rhy avc�Ihi� Srrurity In+trununt,und Icu�ch��ld puymoniw��r�r��und�rnts,ii'uny. Horrowc� � = <br /> zhull pi�y lhcse nhUgiuic►n�in tha mimncr providcd in po►ra�mph 2,c�r if n��t paid in thut manncr,Hc�nawcr ahuli puy thcm un '�i� <br /> dmc dirccUy a�the per�an owed puyment. Burr�nve�shull pr�mptiy furni�h�u l.cnder ull noticcs M'amounts to be puid under " <br /> Ihis pa�ugn�ph. If H��rruwcr nuikc,thr+e paymcnt�dirertly,8urn� prumptty t'umish tu Lender reccipts cvidenci�� ' <br /> thc p;�ymentx. <br /> a��ttownr tihaU pmmpU��d�,churpr any Gcn which hu�prioriry irvcr thi,Sccurity ln.trumrnt unlcs�llon:,w��r:i+►).�Frces i . . <br /> lo writlnp to the puyment uf'thc uhli�atiim rccund by thc lien in u munncr uccrputhlc tu Lendcr;lh)cantest�in baod faith the . <br /> lien by.or defcnds uguina�enf„nemrut��f thr lien in.lcgul pr�,c�edin�,which in thr l.enderk opini�,n operuta.tu prevent the <br /> cniorcemrm��f the licn;ur tc)�ccurc�tn+m th�huldcr of'thr licn nn u�recmcnt.c�ti+f.�ctory to Lender sutx�rdinuting ihe licn <br /> to ihir�Sccudty Intitrumrnt. If l.cndcr detemiinc�thut imy part ot'ihr F'ropcny i.tiuharrt tu a Hcn whirh muy uttain priority <br /> uvrr U�is Sccurity lnyu�unnnt,i.rndrr niuy give R��rraw�r i+nuticc idrntifying the licn. I3urrower shull tiiititify the lien nr tukc <br /> anc ar mc�rc�►f ihc uctiun+set furih aMwe�vi�hin 10 d�ry+of ihr givin�uf nocicc. <br /> S. Ho�s�rd or 1'roperty InSUrAnre. H��rrawer,hull kerp the improvemrnt.n��w exi+ting on c�reufter crected un the <br /> Pn�perty lnsurccl uguin�t loti�by(ire,ht►r�r�l. includrd wlthin thc tcrm"cxtendcd covcrugc"�nd iiny athcr hnznrds,inciuding . <br /> floads or fl�odin�t, f��r which I.cndrr nquiro, intiurancr. Thiti imuranrr .hull hr muintuinecl in thc umuunt� un�l for �he <br /> F'orm U12R 9/Vp 1�aile:n/n�x��i•.�I <br /> t <br /> J — . r . <br /> i • • <br /> ' <br /> ` <br /> i � . �. <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> i <br />, „ , y • <br /> ; � . , <br /> �• . � <br /> � � . <br /> . <br /> � • _ <br />