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<br /> '�°` _ � __ ---� �s.�L � o� ohl���iat= as �oraonul raarasentutiva of the Eatato of Ruth J. �-__ . ....�
<br /> �L-� u1- -
<br /> ���� �' � � _ WaUlq��iet� Deae�aRed� arantor� puxauant to authorlty �rAx�t�d har tay the I�st �Vitl � .. .�..-�:
<br />��=�r --� - e�nd Tegtament oP Ruth 3. Wehlqu�et,DncoAead� in aanaidoration af th�sum uf Farty- _ _ -
<br />- � � sov�;n Thou�and! Ao11�►ra ($47,OU0.00), raceipt of whiah ic� lioraby Raknowlad�d, :
<br /> -�� doaa horeby �rAnt� convoy t►nd confircn u�ata L�rx�y R. Sohinkol pnd Ct�rol A.
<br /> i:���; �� 9ohinkol, husband and wif�, ns joint ton�nts with x�1�ht of euxvlvo�ship snd nc�t as
<br /> � � tonants in cuunmon. GrAn.tee, the Pollpwing°�do�aribod renl �stnte:
<br /> �r - • Erist�rly 19 feet oP Lot A in Dloak y20 in Koeni�& , >�;t;,�;:.�.:�'. ,
<br /> - � Wiobo's Additian to Cirand Island, e�nd the Weat 50 . � �
<br /> . � Peo4 af I.ut 7 in Blac�k 120� Koeni� & Wiob�'A Ac�dition �;� �
<br /> 3ti�_,: �, and Rr�il�°aad Addition to the City of GrAnd Island, .,
<br /> and a pnrt of I,at 2 in County �ubdivieion af tho ,
<br /> .� ' 9E�SW� af Saation 10� Tawnehip 11, Rango 9 Wost of � ^ �'•��,:-
<br /> ' . . the 8th P.M.� Hall County� Nebranka, slsa dosoribdd � �����
<br /> � �e 1Q10 West Flrat 9treet, Cirand Island, Nabraeka� `: .� .`�
<br /> � : more partioularly desaribed ae fallaws: Commenaing st • �-���
<br /> �po fnt on t he Nor t her l y 1 1 n e o f s a l d L o t 2, 1 1 8£e e t �`����•°��
<br /> ;,,,,;, :.t.,
<br /> east�rly frpm ite northwe�t corner, running thence . :�;�:;�'»'"��;
<br /> southorly, parallol ta the weaterl� line of seid Lot 2, �'�,;', .��=
<br /> . .•*,:�
<br /> .� � �nd alea parallel to the easterly liva of said Hloek 120,
<br /> .. . �� 132 fept tn a point on tho southerly line of said Lot 8, �;.�;;;:.;;;.",
<br /> � �vhfeh �s 19 feet weetorl from ita �autheast corner� � `"'�' �'
<br /> y �. .�:;,;:�1�-� ,,
<br /> thence eaeterly 8� feet alon�the aoutharly line of ,�;;,��;��}�� �,.
<br /> Lo�s 6 and T, thence narthorly parallel to and • �. . s
<br /> '�•� sixteon feet weaterly from the ea�terly liibe aP eaid • .. ;.
<br /> '_--- _ -_____ -1 r.�r g; �s2 feet to the northerlY line af said Lt�t ?, I - _ __ __ ;=
<br /> �� thenaa westerly 64 feet to the pl�ce of be�inning, `
<br /> � bain�a reatangttlar piece of ground havin�a frontage ;� .ti;� �
<br /> -.___..-___ of 89 foet on First Str�et and 192 feet deap. '�� '
<br /> _ y __ i.. - - _.._ ., _
<br /> �� tugethnr with the followin�-desoribed persansl property: range; dishwasher; all I � �
<br /> curtains; drapes; roda; shades and blinQs; ,
<br /> �. to�ether with all tanemente, hareditaments and appurtenanaas thereunto belon�ng, �
<br /> snd all af tha eatate� ri�ht, titZe, intereat, claim ar demand whataoever of thA said �
<br /> Ruth S. Wahlqulat.
<br />� � TO HAVE AND TCD HOLA the sam�unto the said Grantee and ta their heira and
<br /> sssi�na forever. ' ' .
<br />`.��,�. ! .
<br />.`;,,;', � The txtle hereby conveyed ia subject to all easoments, restr9ationa and
<br /> . resFrvationa of record and ta appllGable zon9ng ordinances.
<br /> � �� � Grantor horeby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is t�e duly sppointed,
<br /> . . qualified and a�tin�personsl representative of the Estate of Ruth S. Wahlquist,
<br /> . ,
<br /> .
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