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<br /> �`�; :`` � 'I'lH)t's'1'HIiR�VI'I'll�dl IOa impnwcn�rnl��tuw ur hereadtrr rrericd un Ihr pruprrty. nnd �dl ru.cment.,upptutcniuie.�, '
<br /> ' nn�l finl�ua► nu�v ur lier4af�cr n�nut ul�ihr prupeily. All ����plaer�u�iuti und aid�lltlum tihufl ui�o he �:u�•�rcd b�• 11►i�tir�•�ni�y
<br /> . In�ln�ntrnl, r111 ul lhc tnrc�;oing iv rcfcrred tu fn�hfv 5�rurily Imirun�ciu u�Ihr"1'r��prity."
<br /> :° _ - N[)�tRi4)Wlilt l'l)VIiNAN1'ti Ih;�t Ilurru��•rr iti li��vl'ully��I��d ul ihc c�itur Iccmhy cunrr}rd un�l h�i.U�r il�;hl lu tiranl -
<br /> �----- _... -
<br /> � �►�id ruuvcy dta E�a�crly;md thnt thc 1'sc��,rty i� unrnrat►tikr�d,r!���p1 i'u►�rnrin»bian�r��ul��.�c�xd. f�iHr«a•er w.���rt�nl�and - - . _
<br /> .. _.-. -
<br /> �vlll d��Ccu�l�,��ucrnlly ihc titie In Ilir 1'm�kriy;��tain�i ali cl;�ints nn�i dcmandr.�uh��Yt to nny rncumhi:►nr��,ut'i�ti��rd.
<br /> -
<br /> _.. .,-- --_---_— '
<br /> -----
<br /> =—_= - . ; 'i'EilS S[?t't�hi`i'Y INS'fl:t�;19liP:1� l'Ititlhl{lt`ti ltitll�ttlitt l'U�t1lRltt� lite nuUunu! tisc ;ind nnn-t����tbn�� �•�,����������• �v;tli ! _ . ..
<br /> � .. limltt�d vnriutiunti hY Jurltidictiun tu r��o�Utulr n unifunn�ccurily Iii.Irum��nt r�wcrin�;rcnl prup�r►y,
<br /> 1iN11�ORM('OVFNAN'1'S. N�uru�vrr u�id Lendcr cuvrninn amd ugr��us Ii,Uuw�:
<br /> ,. „� L {h�ymsnl uY I'�Incip�il und latere.r•1;PPCpuyu�t�nt und l,ute l'hu�•�ey. Hu�rowrr�hull pnmip�ly pny wlicn�lur thc
<br /> prlucipal ut'auid intcrest�,n Ihc�Ichl cvidcncrd hy Uie N��W lind iiuy prrpuymenl a�nd IiUc rhiu•gc.dur und�r th.Nutr.
<br /> -. 2. I�li�►dq Pnr'(hxcq und I�surnncc, tiuh�cc�to upplic,ihir liiw ur tu a wriurn wnivcr hy�I..cnd��r.8urcuwrr tihall pay Iu .
<br /> l.rud�r un Ihc duy irion�hly paymcn�+urc duo ii�ider�hr Nutr,until inr Ni�1e i.�n�id in IUII,u +um 1°t�und,"1 ti�r: U�1 yc,uly �
<br /> �uxcs und as�essmemy whirh ro;iy altnin priuriry uvrr thi�Sccurity In�uum.nl i�+a lirn un thc Praper�y:lltil y��urly Irutichi►!d
<br /> paymctUy ui �!nxmd renis on the I'ruperty, il' :uty; lrl yci�rly hnriud ur pruprr�y in,urimre premium�; ldl ycarly Ilu�xl
<br /> ' inrur�uirc prumium,, ii' nny; lc) Yciirly murtg+i�:c inxuranc�� premiums, it' uny; und 111 any sumti payiibl� hy H��rruw�r tu
<br /> . l.endcr, In uccurdanc�with thc pruvisiuns�►f par.igrapt�8, in licu�ri'thc paymu�u ut'murl�;n�;� in�uriinr� prcmiuni�. 'I'hosr
<br /> itcros nru cullcd "F.scn��v Itcros," Lrndcr muy,ut:my tinu,cuUrrt und huld I��mds in an amount nut t„rxrrcd thc muximum ..
<br /> . , i�muunt a Irndcr fur ii trdcr;�lly rrl;uc�i murtga�;c loun nu�y rcquirr li,r Harrow�r.l• excruw iicruuiU undcr lli� f��tcrc�l Rccd
<br /> l:stnto SeNI�`rncnl Nruccdurc�Act��i' 1974 us im�rndcd t�ram limc tu tima I"�U.S.C. p Z1�01 ��t sc���.l„I2�SPA").unletis unutttcr i
<br /> , liiw thiu i�pplics u�iho FUnds.cts a Ica��r umuwu. If w,l.rndrr nu�y,iu uny Umc,cullcct und hold tlmd�In un�unuunt nut tu
<br /> exr�cd �hc+ Icssc� umoum. Lrndcr m.�y eslintutc thc i�muunt ��f Funds duc un tite husix ut'curr�nt dalu aind r�a�unaNlr !
<br /> rsUnti�tcy uf rxpenditures at'fwurc kiscr�nv Rcros ur othrrwixc in ucr��rdancc with uppliraMc Inw. `
<br />• Th�� FUnds shull lx hcltl in an institution whus� deposi�s urc in�urr�l by a i'edcrnl ugriu��, ins�rumrnlulity. or cnlity l ,
<br /> ' linrludinF3 Lcndcr.il'Lcndcr is,uch lin In,titutin�i)ur in uny Fcdcrid Homc Lunn t�.mk, L.rndrr shull upply Ihc Fund,tn pi►y �
<br />" ; thc Escro«� Itcros, l.cndcr may nut churNr Eiorruwcr i'or hulding und upplyin� thr f�unds, annui�lly unulyting Ihc �scruw
<br /> � ac«nuU, rn� vcril'yinb thc �xc�uw Ucros, unless Lcndcr piry, Burrowcr intcrrst „n thc 1•lmdy and iipplirahlr luw pcnnitr � ,
<br /> --- l.rndcr t��nuikc such it chur�r. Ho�vevcr. Lcndcr ntuy rr��uiro Burru�vcr tu pay i�unc-timc ch:ir�;c A�r nn indcprndrm rwnl i
<br /> ' e�tute r.�x npu�ti��g,civk�u±cd by Le�der in runneclion with thi�loun,unless applicublr lu��•pruvi�le�ulhcr�vi.r, Ilnlrss.in __
<br /> . u�recmc►u is madc ur npplicablc la�v requires intcrctit t��he puid.Lcndcr shall nu�hr rrqui�ed to pay Nurn�wcr any intcn��ur ,
<br /> varnin�:s un tNc 1•lindy. Horrawcr i�nd l.endcr mi�y agrc�in writin�,huwrvrr,lhut intcrr+t,hall Ik puid un thc hun�t,, Lcndcr �� ,
<br /> . .hull�tivc tu Hnc�nwcr, withi�ut churgc.,ui annual accvunting uP Ihc Ilmd.,tihuwin�;cr�di�x and dchiL;to thr I�un�k und thc I
<br /> ' purpasc for which c:►ch dchit to thc Fund.�vas madc. Thc Fund.;���pi�a�;�a,�.addilianul�ccuriry fur all �wm�erurrd hy� I
<br /> thiti SGCUrily Imtruntcnt. i •
<br /> , If the ��un�iz n�ia ay ��„a�r �X«�a �n, uinutnU� p�nnittcd to bc hcld by applicahlr luw, I��nd�r .hall ;tccuunt w
<br /> __� Ho�ru«•�:c for th�exreti, Funds in uccordauc�with thc roquirrmcnts ot'applicahlc luw. If thc umoum uf'�hc Fund.n c�ld by� L- --- :'
<br /> __ _ _ - �, -
<br /> ' . L.cndcr at any timc is mit sufficicnt �o pay ihc Escruw Itcm�whrn du�. Lendcr miry so nutily Aorr����:cr in�vriting. :uu. in �--- -' -
<br /> .unc �asc 13urruwcr �hull puy t�� l_cndcr thc iu�iount nccc,sary to nu►kr up ihc drficirnry. Horruwcr,hi+ll mukc up �hr ' �
<br /> deficicncy in no ntorc Ihan twclvc munthly p:�yn�cnts.:+t!_rndcr\wly disrretian. � .
<br /> ,_..._
<br /> 1 Innn navmnnt in full nt'ull uum .r.•ured hv�hi.Srrurilv In.trwnent. Lendcr�hnll promDth• rcfund to Honowc�•unY ..
<br /> .- :._ .
<br /> - - . . -- - - - ---.. . . .... -
<br /> . .._ .
<br /> r•'. r_�.. ... ... ..- ---- . . . ---
<br /> - - Fund�held by Lcndcr. If,undCr pa�a�raph �I,l.cndrr shall acquirc or�eU the }'r��perly. Lendrr,E*r.ur to the arquiei�irn��r � ,
<br /> +alc ut' thc Propurty, +hall apply any F1md� hcld h�• l.rndur u� thr timc �,1'ac��ui�itiun�,� tialr as u cr�dit ag+dn.� th� ,unn �
<br /> �ecurcd by this Sccurity ln�trumrnt. .
<br /> i. AppUcaUun uf P.��•ments. Unlc.� +q,plicahlo law pr��vidc+ uthcrwixc. ull paymcntti rccrivcd hy l.aidcr und4r
<br /> pAro�raphti I iin�l 2 tihull br applicd: fir,t,lo any prepnyment��hurges duc undcr thc Notc: +ec��nd,tu unwunls p,y;�hlc under
<br />- pivagraph.'.:third,t��intcrc�t�iuc:ti�urth,tu principal duc:an�l I.ist.w uny lutc chargcs duc undcr ihc Nutc.
<br /> 4. Cht�r}�cy; l.iens. Horri�wcr shi�U puy all taxcs, a,tir.xmeiu+, churgc�, fincs :u�d im4wsitiuns aUrihutublc w thc '
<br /> Pruperty�vhich ntny auain priuriry�,vrr thi. Security Intitrumcnt, and Ic�ischuld puymcnt,ur taruund ran1�. if;uiy. H�,rn�wcr
<br /> shuU puy ihetic uhligatiun�in thc manncr pmvidrd in puragra�ph�,ur il'nut paid in tha�m;mncr,H��rrawcr�h.ill pay thcnt un �
<br /> � timc di�4ctly to thc person i�wrd payment. Barrower tihall prumptly i'urnirh tu l,cndcr all noticcs iit'amounts to 1�:pai�l undcr
<br /> this purugraph. U'Hurc��wcr mukcti thrsc payments dirertly. B��rruwcr�h.ill promptly furnish ti�Lcndrr reccip�ti cvidcncing �
<br />_ thc payntents.
<br /> Huno�vcr�hall pmntptly di�ch.irgc un}• licn whi�h has priurity uvcr�his Scrurity In,trumrm un►rs,H��rruwcr: (u►:►µrceti j
<br /> In w�iUtlt,'!o thE paymcm of thc obligiiti�m.erurrd by�hc lirn in u m��nncr acccptahlc to L�ndcr:Ihl rontests in guod Faith thr �
<br /> liun by. ur drfendr a►giiinst rnforc�ment of thc licn in, Ir�;al proccrdin�:s��hich in thc Lrndrr'.��pininn nperate ti�prev�nt the �
<br /> enfarcetneiu af Ihe lien: nr lcl�ecure. frnm the hulder oi'the licn an agrc�ment,ati.factury tu Lcndrr yuburdina�in�thr lirn
<br /> - tu this Security Ins�niment. lf Lender detrm�inrs�hut uny par�uf thc Pruperty i,wl?i�ct ���a licn which muy aittuin �,riurity
<br /> -- cn�er this Se:curit��lm.trument.Lender may give Hor�u�ver a nuticc identii'ying�hr lie��. Hc,rrow�r,hull.atl,fy thc liun.�r t:�e
<br /> -a �mc or marc uf thr actiuns xt forUt i�buve��•ithiti Il►duyy uf the giving uf naticr.
<br /> 5. Hau�rd vr Property Insurunce. Borcu«•cr�hall kcep the impruvrnuntti nu��� cxi.►in;;rr hrreuiter rrected un thr
<br /> I'raperty insurcd against los�by i'irc.haaard.includcd wi�hin�hv tcrni"rxtrndcd�u�rra�;c"and a�z� other h�izards. inch�ding
<br /> �; tloods ar fluuding. t'c�r ��hich Lrndcr rcquir�s in�urancc. Thi, in+urancr .hall br maintaincd �n Ihr amuunt, and ti►r thc
<br /> — F'urm�ID.S 9 VU ��+uer=�q n/��r�;ru
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