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<br /> � � • . ... . . . ' . .
<br /> i�.v6:^�.4��c°..._,. . .,.. ... .
<br /> `
<br /> �,�, �,04�.w� ---- � ._
<br /> - - - -�= � --
<br /> D.t:raaod��ar Accclsratia.��:n��l. =-
<br /> � � (w)[klpaii�l.e��der ntay�C%CQrI l►i II111I1f1)I1Y fC(4t1IN1I011!IBSUSd Dy lI1C SCC�C10Y�1 Ill 1I10 Cd30 tl�(111)I11C111(ICCUt1I18,�eq�dre .,
<br />�+ ' . ImmeAlntc paymcnt In fuil aF atl y�m�9 stt�urcd by thle SrcurUy Inetrumcnt If; ,
<br /> ih duo�dnto ot Ihe�ncxi mantlily pn)mcn,'ur11y manlhly payn�e�11 rrqulred�►y tlds Scc►ull>�Inetnintcnt prlor�u or un . �; '- .
<br /> :.
<br /> . . . , (Ily C�ormwcr dcfaults by fu1Un�,Por n periad of thlny daY��«Prrl'ann a►U u�hrr abilgallane ran�aincd in ihi�5crurilY , . -�
<br /> � _ � Instrumcnt. - _ �:
<br /> �)�ata t�l:l��!C!M!tu An;�mval.l.cnctcr studl.ii pcm�ittui Dy��}�p11cAMe lativ a�ul a�ith t!K prinr Nppn+v+�l uf th:Scrrctury,rryuirc , ..^ � . '
<br /> imtncdiatc payment lti Q�ti c►f�11 thr�t�ms e»LU�2d hy�hts tecunty In►tnunu�i if. ! '
<br />_ (i)All o�pan af tho Pm}xtty is othcnviso tmmfcrtcd(othcr than by dovisa i�r dc(Q'q by tIH flm7���vc�, +�n�t �
<br /> (U)Tho Pmpcny le nnt��ci:upicd by iho puirhagcr o�gmotnc ns hl�ar hor primnry � ��dcnca,ur the putchoscr at ,
<br /> m
<br /> grantao does sn�ecupy tho Nm}x�rty hut hla ix het cradt hn.9 n�1 bccn nppn�vrd in ac�nln�:witl��i���uircmems nf the 5a:rcnuy, ,
<br /> lc)No Walvcr.Ii clrcumsta�nccc occvx►,haM1�vu�dd permit l.cndcr ta rcquiro Immedlnto payincn�In fuli,but l.cndcr docs n��� -
<br /> � rcqulre auch pnyment�, t.ca:ct;r ti°•vcs r,�as a�z+fvo I!a rlghts with respect ta su�s:{jL.Sa1A C�Cti4t.
<br /> (d)ReQuletlane o?69IUQ�S:crxt9ry,sa�ivae�y circu�utance��ebu!at�o�is i�s�:�9 R�►thc SccaMca�y�».��:'�'��t C c�_;'cr.•�il�elus, in
<br /> ' tho cas;of pnymrnt dr.i'�ults,tu acuuiralmnicclintc q�:i}ill:at in SuUc�t�ci ffti*tc��w:iPnm gaic�. i�`�i.',a�r.u��cy��r.z�r�tzceac,�t c!oes >�
<br /> nv��4�t��rizC�tc��elCt�tiun«r farccl�surr 1i nai�cr�vitic�l C�r�agut:�;:rn�vf thc Scrrcl:ir>. .
<br /> ' --: 1'�. R:1avYatrmcnt. Aotrowcr ha� :i r'c�ht to bo �cinstntc�l if l.e.;�41er ha� requlrc.i immcdi.uc i���.»>:��t i�i fuA bcra�+•; s�� .. ,
<br />' �3Pff0\YC��S fSiIIUfC IQ pAy flil t11IlO11T11 11UC►111IIC(lllC NqIC OT IMI�5CC11filY 071�iTU111C11t.'Thls right t�ppli:s c��rn aftzr forcclustnc
<br /> �,., i . }�TPCCt(Iltla9 p[C IASIIIUI�C�.�'�����CIp91itTC 1�1C SCCU�IIy Q15lf11I11C111� 8orrv�v�r shall tend2�in u lump sum nll im�uunt=,!IC�jl77il'l�10 .
<br /> d bring Hotro�ver's necount curr�tnt inchidind, to the eaten� they nre obligati�ns oi'Rorrower»nder thiti Fri•uri��'1A�su'�iment,
<br /> •:,;,t f��reclosurc cnate and rensi�ntirla nnd custam��y attorncy's fCas nnd rxrrnszs rroperly nss��ciatc�i �vith thr 9'urcclosuro
<br /> ',�`���� :'_��,y����; procecdin;t.L�ron rcinststcm medla e�Tn�ment�inl fSQc H+o vcvcr,Lcndcr�isjnut cqii�i eQ t�pern tt cinstalemACnt li':(i)Lcndcr hav � ,''•�
<br /> ;`'%',`.,� ` "•?'���r' iP Lende�had nat rcqulred Im p Y
<br /> :�>;l?';;:,, uccepted reinstetement �flcr the cammencement nf foteclosura proceedings ��ithin tnn yeiiis immedlatcly preceding the �
<br /> ���`5 commencemenl ot a ctrrreM forcclosu�e pracccding, (ii) �etastntcmen� wlli prccludr foreclosure an diffe�cnt grounds in thc
<br /> future,or pll)reinstntement will�dvetsely ePfect the ptiarity��f the Ilen creuted by this Security Instrument. ,•
<br /> 11. 8ortawer Not Itetra+edt ForbeAraace Dy I.endc� Nal a Walvw. Extension of thc timc af pnyment or modlficatlon of i.
<br /> amortizatlon oi thc eums sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt grnntcd by l,cndc�ta uny succcssor in intcrcst af parrawcr shnll nat i� , ,
<br /> � aperntc to�eleasc the liobllity oi�hc originnl Ra�rowcr at tlarrower's succcssar In intcrest. l.endcr sholl nal be rcquircd to I �
<br /> cammence procecdingc�npnlnst uny successat in interest ar refuse to extend Ume Por paymem or othenvise madify nmartiaatian
<br /> af thc sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument by rc�►son of ai�y demnnd madc by the original Sarrower or Hor�awer's � :
<br /> i;� successots In interest. Any farbearance by 4ender in exercising nny right or remedy shull not be i�waiver af ar preclude the i � ..
<br /> ` ?�''�' exercise af any right or�emcdy. � ,
<br /> �,
<br /> .,�� , � � �
<br /> �;�;��:�.� 13.Successore 4nd Arsipnq Botmd;Jolai wad Severnl l.lablllty;C:o•Sfpnere.The covenunts imd agreemeniti of this Security ,
<br /> -°�- i�,ss�ri�t shal!bind anc!ts�nef3t�he successer�c�n��+ens nt l.ender a;:.l Bnr��wor.subJcct to thc prmisians of parngrnph 9.b. � _
<br /> .;�;;�_;�� ,' Borrawer's covenants and agrecments shnll be jolnt nnd severul.Any it:�rrmvcr wha ca-signs ttdc 5ccurity insirumcnt bui cio�a �
<br /> •��t� � nat execute tha Nate:(al ic co•slgning this Security Inrtrument only to mortgape,g�ant and convey thnt Harrawer's inierest ia
<br />.;;�;r:�;.� ;
<br /> •� •:. the Properry under the tecros af this Securily Instrumcnt;(b)is not personaUy ublig�ttid to puy the sums sccurcd by this Secur ry t
<br /> �" .. �ya� 1�ncter nnd nny othcr B�rrower mny agrer to extend, modify, farbcnr ur make any
<br /> -. - - 1�strumsnt; �nd (.) x�.,,_� . s
<br /> uccnmmu�lallpns with regord to the term of thls Securily In5lrument or the Note withaut tnnt barrowers cunscni. � - ,
<br /> 13.Notlees.Any notice ta Harrawer providcd for in Ihis Sccurity Instrument shttU bo given by deflvering it or by mailing it by �
<br /> � t first class mail unless�pplicable Inw requires use of nnnther methad.The notice shall be dlrected to the Praperty Addrese ar nny '
<br /> other adclress 8orro��•er designate9 by nati�e to I•ender.Any notice to l.ende�shall he given hy first clacs mail�o I.enct�r's address
<br /> � stotcd hcrein or any nddress Lendc�dcsignatcs by naticc ta llor�awct.Any nadcc pravidcd for in thls Sccurity Instrumcnt shnll
<br /> be deemed to have heen gl�en to llorrowcr or l.cnder when givcn 19 provided in this pnragroph,
<br /> ��
<br /> �,';•�,�:•`� •
<br /> �•� �• � 14.Gaver�ing Law:SevcrabUlty.7'his SecuNty Instrumcnt shail bc gaverncd by Fedc�ul luw and the Inw af the]urisdiction in
<br /> ..,;
<br />:._:ti;����_• which the P�operty is loca�ed.In Ihe event that uny provision ar clause af this Security Instrument ar the Note canilicts�vith ap-
<br /> ,,;,�i�.y, plicable la�v, such conf��ci shall not nffect other pravisions uf�his Secu�ity lnstrument ar the Note which cnn be given effect
<br /> without the canflicting provision. To this end the provisions OP lIlIS Securitc lnstrumcnt nnd the Note ure declnred �� be
<br /> geverable.
<br /> IS.Bortowcr's Copy.Borruwcr shall bc givcn onc conformcd copy�of ihi�S:curity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 16.Assigomc�t of�en4v.Boiruwcr unconditirniully assigns and t�ansfcrs to l.rndcr nll il�e rcnty and revcnucs of thc Yroperty.
<br /> Aorro��•er authorizes I.ender ar 4ender's ngents ta rnlirct ihc rems�nd re��enues and hereby duects each ienunt of the Property
<br /> to pay the rente to Lendcr or l endc�'s aBenis. Howevc�,prior�o l.endcr's naiice io�3ocro��•cr of i�orrowcr's brc�ch af uny covc-
<br /> nam or agreement in the Secu�itY Instrament,Q��rrawer shc�ll collect nnd receive all rents nnd revenues af ih�Prnpeny as Iruslee
<br /> Por the benefit af L.endrr and 8orr�n�cr. This usslgnmcnt��f rcnts consiituteti un absolutc nssignment und nui an astiignmcnt for
<br /> addltlonnl srcurity onl)•.
<br /> If Lender gives notice of hteuch to AaTmwer:(a)nll rents reccived by Aorr���eT sha11 bc held by Aor�uwcr a�trusicc far bcnefit
<br /> oi Lender on1y,to be orplied ta lhc+umc tiecured by thc tiecuriry Insirument:Ir�L�n:.T Shull he endAed ta collc.�.ind receive all
<br /> of the rents of the Property;nnd(cl each tenani i�(thc Pmpeny shall pa�a:l r;nt�t'.u-::+:t•,!unpaid tu Lender ot Lender's uEent
<br /> on Lender's writcen demand io ihe tcnc�nt. -
<br /> Qorro���cr has not cxccutcd any priar asriynmcn�of�hc rcnts and has nw ar,���:::r,= rcrc.r,-�any act ihnt wauld prevcnt
<br /> Lender from e!cercisi�ig ils rights under this paragraph 16.
<br /> i.ender shall not be re;,oircd co cnter upnn.I:ike ronirol af�r maintain the Pro:�t'��t 4li;-.n�r:".es giviag nNi�c of hrcnch ta�
<br /> 13orroti�•er. Ho�cecet,Ler.der or n judicluUy:I�1�PITIICd�CCCIVC�rt18Y tlu���ai dfiti ii:'i::':°:E..^.�+'::i:::..'�t:Y 9�^:":,e�un o!ren;c
<br /> sfiall aot cure o�uai�•r any dcfuult or Invulidate Hny other rlght or rcmedp of l.cnc:r.i�hi:atti:c^~:nt nf'rer,t��a�.he Prorerey
<br /> shaf9 t:rminate��hrn the dcht securcd by thc Security lnstrumeni i��a:�'.in Put:•
<br /> ! — — --- -- .�
<br /> ►�¢e!,.�r
<br />